Notable Women Ancestors - African American Women
Africa MapAfrican American Women

Abijah Collins was designated as a mulatto and "free person of color" on US census records. However, she was actually a descendant of the Tuscarora Indians. She literally purchased her husband, a slave named Solomon, despite the law that prohibited marriage between a free person of color and a slave.

(HEARD), Mammy Kate
A slave belonging to Stephen Heard, a future governor of Georgia, Kate rescued her master and his horse from a Tory prison camp, an act which earned her freedom. [See also "Heroines".]

Other Related Sites:

AfriGeneas Mailing list focused on genealogy research and general resources on African ancestry.

The African - Native Genealogy Homepage Devoted to the Estelusti, Okahoma's Black Indians.

Christine's Genealogy Website In addition to her own genealogy, Christine has information from the Freedman's Bureau, emigrants to Liberia, biographies, wills, African American genealogy links and more.

Lest We Forget A top site covering genealogy, slavery, the Buffalo Soldiers, museums, newspapers and much more.

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