Mainland South Heritage Society

A Canadian Registered Charity No. 876763103RR0001

News and Upcoming Events

Please note that our address has changed:


211-339 Herring Cove Road

Halifax, NS

B3R 1V5


For the most up to date information check out our Facebook page.



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2013 Heritage Tea and Display, 19th Annual


Plans are well underway for our 19th annual Heritage Tea and Display. This is open to the public. Refreshments are served; admission is free; donations are gratefully accepted.


The Heritage Tea is scheduled for Saturday, February 16th from 1 to 4 pm at the Captain William Spry Community Centre, 16 Sussex Street in Spryfield.


Allan Marryatt, our archivist, has put together quite a selection of photographs, documents and letters from our files that provide a history of some of "Spryfield's Early Settlers", the Sutherlands, Yeadons and related families.


We are pleased to announce that a new digital archives website will be launched at our Heritage Tea and Display.

In partnership with Mainland South Heritage Society, Halifax Public Libraries will provide a sneak peek into the first phase of their Library and Community Archives. The digital archives feature a community archive of historic photographs and the library’s own collection of local historic postcards.


Explore the community’s rich history through the historic photographs of the people, places and events of Mainland South. Keep your eye on this archive as more photographs, postcards and communities are added.


To view the archives visit:




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© 2016 Mainland South Heritage Society