Southampton Cemetery, Cumberland County

Southampton Cemetery, Cumberland County

Cemetery Location North 5052470 East 0403570 UTM NAD 27
Directionsaprox 3 1/4 km. north of Route 2 & Route 302 junction at Southampton
Known FamiliesAdams, Atkinson, Bigelow, Bird, Blenkhorn, Bradshaw, Brown, Cameron, Campbell, Chipman, Crowe, Eaton, Etter, Finley, Fullerton, Furlong, Gallager, Goodwin, Gouchie, Hannah, Harrison, Hatherly, Higgins, Hoeg, Johnson, Keever, Kelly, Lawrence, Lepper, Lewis, Lowe, Lumley, MacDonald, MacKinnon, McAloney, McLellan, Megeney, Mitchell, Morris, Nelson, Ness, Patton, Pettigrew, Pipes, Pugsley, Read, Reynolds, Ripley, Robinson, Rogers, Rutherford, Schurman, Siddall, Sinclair, Skelhorne, Smith, Tait, Tucker, Veno, Winters
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