River Philip Baptist Cemetery, Cumberland County

River Philip Baptist Cemetery, Cumberland County

Cemetery Location North 0000000 East 000000 UTM NAD 27, NTS MAP 11 E/12


Known Families

Adshade, Atkinson, Barrow, Baxter, Bent, Berry, Black, Blair, Bond, Boss, Canning, Cater, Colburn, Colburne, Copp, Cove, Crafts, Dakens, Dakins, Darragh, Davidson, Demings, Dickie, Donkin, Duffy, Duncan, Dykens, Evans, Field, Horton, Hewson, Hollett, Keiver, King, Kirk, Knol, Lowther, Lloyd, Matheson, Mayne, McCallim, McCunn, McLeod, McLellan, McArthur, Metcalf, Morton, Oudit, Oulton, Oxley, Perrin, Phalen, Phillips, Ralston, Ripley, Rushton, Sarson, Sayre, Schurman, Scott, Skidmore, Smith, Soppa, Spencer, Sweet, Teed

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