Colchester County Surname Registry

Colchester County Surname Registry

The Colchester County Surname Registry is provided as a service to those researching their Colchester County, Nova Scotia, ancestors. Submit your surnames (just the ones that lived in Colchester Co.) with your name and email address and I will update the surnames page within a week or so. Please help me get them uploaded faster by following these instructions:

Send email to: The WEBMASTER

Subject line: Colchester Surname Registry
Example Body of Message:

Please add these Colchester surnames to the registry:
Your Name
[email protected]

Extra credit if you put the names in alphabetical order.

NOTE: Due to the large amount of unsolicited e-mail or "junk e-mail" commonly referred to as Spam, it has been necessary to introduce security measures designed to protect the users of this website who wish to publish their email address.  In order to hide the e-mail addresses from e-mail harvesting programs all the email addresses have been protected using an encryption method. This method requires that Javascript be enabled on your web browser in order to view the contact information. To learn more about the fight against Spam and how it affects you please consult the Coalition Against Unsolicited Email.

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