This information was retrieved from the USGS Geographic Name Server. Use the GNIS Query Form link below to get to that site for other queries.

| GNIS Query Form | Mapping Information |
Feature Name Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Amistad 355508N 1030912W Amistad
Apache (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Gladstone
Atencio 364617N 1030731W Atencio
Beenham 361252N 1033802W Beenham
Capulin 364428N 1035935W Capulin
Centerville 354751N 1030522W Amistad SE
Centerville Corner 354748N 1030735W Centerville Corner
Clayton 362706N 1031101W Clayton
Corrumpa (historical) 364656N 1033026W Fiddler Springs
Cuates (historical) 364709N 1031924W Cuates School
Des Moines 364540N 1035001W Des Moines
Emery Gap (historical) 365946N 1035159W Emery Peak
Folsom 365042N 1035502W Folsom
Garcia (historical) 360939N 1033054W Garcia Creek
Gem Community (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bible Top Butte
Gladstone 361817N 1035821W Gladstone
Grande 364014N 1034626W Little Grande
Grenville 363534N 1033657W Grenville
Guy 364852N 1032555W Guy
Hayden 355806N 1031616W Hayden
Madison (historical) 365251N 1035223W Emery Peak
McNees Crossing 364130N 1030344W Moses
Miera 360528N 1033306W Minnie Butte
Moses 364244N 1030335W Moses
Mount Dora 363110N 1032919W Mount Dora
Old Moses 364102N 1030438W Moses
Otto (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Royce
Pennington 361819N 1033758W Pennington
Royce 362913N 1031846W Royce
Sedan 360840N 1030748W Sedan
Seneca 363742N 1030734W Seneca
Sofia 362706N 1034943W Sofia
Tate (historical) 361815N 1032400W Tate School
Thomas 361444N 1031731W Clapham
Willow (historical) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Royce
Willow Springs (historical) 364914N 1033457W Fiddler Springs


Kellie Crnkovich
Copyright � 2006,
LAST UPDATE: Monday, 09-Mar-98 21:05:22 PST