Sanchez Cemetery
San Miguel County
New Mexico Genealogist 36:4, December 1997; p 162
Jean Whiting
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Sanchez Cemetery is located on New Mexico State Road 419 between Trementina and Mosquero near Lagatija Creek. It is approximately 16 miles from the junction of NM SR 104 and 419. It was copied by Jean Whiting on 21 October 1989. (Sec. 8/ T16N-R24E, Sabinoso Quadrangle Map)

Nolan, Lola 24 Dec 1878 5 Apr 1910 [dates in Spanish] En memoria de
Sanchez, Antonio 13 June 1836 25 Nov 1914 AS, 6-foot gray marble monument, also A.S. footstone
~~~ ~ ~ Mayo _D 1877

Probably three more illegible markers