Enter a Query in the Hunterdon County New Jersey Query Index and Surname Registry

Enter a Query or Surname
in the Hunterdon County New Jersey
Query Index and Surname Registry

Who is researching your family names in Hunterdon County?

To post a query or enter a surname, please use the following guidelines.

  1. Your query or surname must have a Hunterdon County connection with the current county borders. Please include this connection in your request. If your query is not related to Hunterdon County, it will not be posted.

  2. If you don't know in which county your query belongs, you can post it on the unknown county queries page.

  3. Put "HUNTERDON COUNTY QUERY/SURNAME" in the subject line of your Email. This will allow me to pick out your query from the rest of my mail.

  4. Put all surnames in CAPS in order of importance in the first line of the message.

  5. If you are submitted a query, enter your query information as you want it to appear. Put all surnames in CAPS. Provide some additional information that will help others determine if your ancestor matches their ancestor. A query looking for information on John Doe of Hunterdon County is difficult to research. If you have birth or death dates, please include them.

    If you are submitting surnames to enter into the registry, you don't need to add any other information other than the first line with the surnames.

  6. At the end of the message, put your name and Email address. Please make sure you include your complete Email address in the message, as your address does not always come through on the message headers.

  7. The counties of New Jersey evolved over time. At one time, Hunterdon County was part of Burlington County. Also, Morris, Warren, and Sussex Counties were all previously part of Hunterdon County. You may find that your ancestors crossed counties lines at different times. Try looking at the queries on those counties' USGenWeb pages. You might someone there looking for the same family as yours.

  8. Send your message to: [email protected]

    I will send you a message confirming that your query or surname has been posted when I update the web pages.

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This page maintained by Al Sinclair
[email protected]
This page last modified on May 28, 2002

 © 1998-2002 Al Sinclair