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West Long Branch, Monmouth Co., NJ

How can YOU help Greenlawn Cemetery?

Greenlawn Cemetery is partially maintained by a small amount of interest from an equally small trust fund.   The interest from this trust fund is not even enough to keep the grass mown on a yearly basis.   The rest of maintenance expenses comes from yearly donations by generous people who have relatives buried here.   The trustees cannot afford to hire tree trimmers or rent the equipment needed to upright stones that have been knocked down by falling trees or vandals.

       I.    If you are able-bodied and willing:

           A.   Let us know (see "CONTACT US" below) if you'd like to help out in Greenlawn.   We can always use some extra hands to help haul brush, pull ivy, clean headstones, etc.    We will e-mail you when we're getting a working party together.

           B.   Or just show up on any Saturday or Sunday and jump in to help.  Bring your own work gloves.

           C.   Also need volunteers to help record the location of each stone.    Probably a spring time endeavor.

           D.   Volunteer to host a fund raising event for Greenlawn Cemetery, such as a car wash, bake sale, or penny drive.

       II.    If you have connections with the people or equipment that we need:

           A.   Any tree trimmers in your family?

           B.    Do you own a backhoe or a wood chipper or a small dump truck?

           C.    Are you a welder and/or like to paint?    We need help fixing the iron fence around the Slocum plot.   Then it needs to be re-painted with good paint.

           D.    Does anyone in your family own a fencing company?   We need to re-establish the back fence.

           E.    Does anyone in your family own a nursery?   We could help them reduce their end-of-season stock of trees, bulbs, perennials, or grass seed.

           F.    We need someone to contribute a couple of nice heavy duty all-weather trash cans.

       III.   Or would you just like to make a donation?

             For a donation of $25 or more, we will send you a free Greenlawn T-Shirt

           A.   Donation amounts up to $500 can be written off on your taxes without any receipt.

               1.   It costs $50 to dump one truckload of debris.

               2.   Paint for the Slocum plot fence will be about $75.

               3.   It costs $100 to buy materials to reset about a dozen gravestones.

               4.   It costs $250 to rent a wood chipper or a backhoe for the weekend.

               5.   It costs about $400 to have one tree trimmed.

           B.   Also, think about providing an amount for the Greenlawn Cemetery Trust Fund in your will.

P.O. BOX 365
W. LONG BRANCH, NJ 07764-0365