Piper Cemetery Holderness, NH


Satellite view

Leave Holderness on Route 3 and turn right on Coxboro road.

Piper Cemetery is off Coxboro road, back in the woods about 20 yds down a lane.

This aerial view shows Piper Cemetery location.

 Get permission at the home shown in front of the cemetery before entering this private property.


View from Coxboro road looking down the lane that leads to Piper Cemetery. Please respect the private property sign shown here.


Entrance to Piper Cemetery from the lane.




Wide view of some of the stones in Piper Cemetery


Stones along the back wall of Piper Cemetery


These cemetery plot maps are courtesy of Harry and Laura Heath and are on file in the Holderness Town Hall


This cemetery headstone inscription list is provided courtesy of Harry and Laura Heath

and is on file at the Holderness Town Hall.


Archelaus Innis Betsy Innis

Archelaus Innis and his wife Betsy


Asa Innis Sally Innis

Asa Innis and his wife Sally Stevens


Margaret Innis Lydia Innis

Margaret Innis and Lydia Innis


Hannah Innis Daniel Innis

Hannah Innis and Daniel Innis

Benjamin Cotton Abigail Cotton Lavina Cotton


Benjamin Cotton, Abigail Cotton and Lavina Cotton