
Canaan’s Discontinued Roads


Warrant Article

Town Action

Town Meeting
March 13, 1962
8. Pursuant to a petition of ten or more legal voters: To see if the town will vote to discontinue all highways that have been previously discontinued but made subject to gates and bars prior to 1960.

Article 8. A motion was made by Harold Shuttlesworth to reject this article. Seconded. Mr Shuttleworth spoke on the subject and then a motion was made and seconded to allow Mr. Gross, a non-resident property owner to speak on the subject. This vote was by a show of hands - Yes 91, No 13.

A motion was then made and seconded to accept the article. So voted.

The following are sections of road that were affected by the 1962 Town vote.

Town Meeting
Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to close, subject to gates and bars, the Collins road, so-called, leading from the four corners North of Carl Wolfson’s to the four corners North of Herman Jewell’s.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to close, subject to gates and bars, the lower road, so called, leading from the foot of Clark Pond to the Gore.

Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to abolish the rail-road crossing on the road to Wendelstadt’s shop, so called, as a public crossing.

Town Meeting
Article 18. To see what action the Town will take about closing the following roads or portions thereof:
From B. & M. gravel pit on trunk line, leading toward Cobble hill.
The extension leading to Jerusalem Spring
Road in west part of town leading from the Knight place to Horton place, so called.
On road leading from Goose pond dam to West Farms, beginning at the James Whitney farm and following to Ralph Blain’s back farm.
Collins road, from Mascoma river road to Rurnpike.

Town Meeting
Article 6. To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to petition the Superior Court to discontinue road leading from West Farms road to Enfield town line near Lapan’s.
Article 7. To see if the town will vote to discontinue road from Goose Pond road to Goose Pond brook.
Town Meeting
Article 8. Pursuant to a petition of ten or more voters: To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to petition the Superior Court to discontiue two portions of the road leading from the Chapel at West Canaan to the Enfield line, viz from just west of Chapel to the point just beyond first bridge and point opposit underpass at Black Water Bridge to Enfield town line.
Town Meeting
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue that part of the Brook road from the Horton place to the West Farms road.

So voted, subject to gates and bars
Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the road leading from Hazelton’s Flat to the Jerusalem Spring House.

So voted, subject to gates and bars
Town Meeting
Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the road starting at a point on Route 4, near the residence of Frank Abbott, thence to Cobble Hill Cemetery. This Road is known as the County or Rufus Richardson Road.
Also a road starting at a point on the Switch Road near the Henry Gagnon Cottage; thence to the old Bull place. This road is known as the Bull Road; or take any action thereto.
The article was rejected
Town Meeting
Article 6. It was voted not to reconstruct the Bell Bridge and to discontinue the road, subject to gates and bars
Town Meeting
Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue and make subject to gates and bars a section of road running past the Kimball place, so called, this section to begin at the Kimball place and continue to the Canaan-Hanover line, or take any action thereto. The article was adopted
Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue and make subject to gates and bars a section of road starting at the corner near the home of Ralph Perkins, continuing to the Helen Letson Place, so-called, or take any action thereto.

The article was adopted
Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue and make subject to gates and bars a section of road on the Dodge road between Peter Campbell and Paul Thibadeau places, so-called, or take any action thereto. The article was adopted
Article 9. The article was adopted
Town Meeting
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue that section of Town road between the Leo Kilton place and the Wendlestat place and make subject to gates and bars or take any action thereto. So voted
Article 7. To see if the Town will discontinue and make subject to gates and bars that section of road running from the Wells Place, so called, to the road leading to Roy Clark Hill, so-called or take any action thereto.

So voted
Article 8. To see if the Town will discontinue and make subject to gates and bars the road and bridge between the Switch Road and the Sawtell Place so-called.

So voted
Town Meeting
Article 10. The article was adopted
Town Meeting
Article 8. The article was accepted
Town Meeting
Article 5. The article was accepted

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