NSGS - NE Ancestree, Vol 9, no 1
NSGS Ancestree
Nebraska State Genealogical Society Journals

Volume Nine, no. 1
Summer 1986

Nebraska Ancestree Volume Nine, no 1, page 17 Summer 1986


Empty Houses on the Prairies

by Oma Lou Myers

Empty houses on the prairies,
Which were one time called a home;
And became so all too sudden
As their youth began to roam...
     Into cities large and noisy,
     Into states that took them in,
     Where they made new friends and neighbors,
     'Though they longed for "kith and kin."
Mom and Dad kept tilling "their" land,
Wiping back the lonely tears,
'Til the day when they were finished,
And their lives were crowned with years!
     Now, these children cross the prairies,
     Racing by from East to West,
     Pained a bit by empty houses,
     Knowing now, how they'd been blest...
As they'd grown up during childhood,
In those homes of "yester-years",
And recall with happy memory,
"Peace and "love" that knew no fears.

Miss Oma Lou Myers is a retired minister in the Christian Church {Disciples of Christ}. Born and raised near Broken Bow, Nebraska and now resides in Lincoln, Nebraska.

"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." -- Calvin Coolidge

Transcribed by Kathie Harrison on October 29, 2000 by permission of the Nebraska State Genealogical Society.



Nebraska Ancestree Volume Nine, no 1, page 28-30 Summer 1986


Adams 17, 22           Bugbee 21                     Douglas 22  
Adamy 12               Buntgen 11                    Dowling 21  
Aleven 11              Burkett Homersham 21          Dozzard 11  
Allen 11, 12           Bushee 17                     Drawbaugh 11  
Allwart 19             Butler 17                     Dry 21  
Alt 11                 Calkin 17                     Duhrkop 21  
Amos 17                Callaghan 11                  Dunn 21  
Anderson 21, 22        Callender 21                  Eastwood 21  
Anderson 21            Campbell 21, 22               Eastwood 19  
Arpke 21               Campbell Zurick 21            Eckerson 17  
Astor 22               Card 17                       Edgington 21  
Atchison 25            Carey Cornelius 21            Edgington Bennett 21  
Athen 17               Carpenter 11, 12              Edgington LePoidevin 21  
Ault 6B                Carr 17, 22                   Eick Deuel 21  
Austin 22              Carter 25                     Ellis 21, 22  
Babb 11                Cavett 21                     Ellison 17  
Baker 22               Cavett Hirsch 21              Emery Clark 11  
Baldwin 17             Cavett Hurst 21               Emmert 19  
Ballard 20             Cecrie 8                      Erickson 19  
Bardwell 22            Chase 22                      Ertel 11  
Barker 22              Cherry Brockley 21            Eschilman 11  
Bates 22               Chilcott 22                   Ewing 21  
Baughman 117           Christensen 10                Fairbanks 21  
Beall 19, 20           Clark 21, 25                  Fanders 21  
Bean 22                Clewett 17                    Farmer 17  
Beany 25               Close 22                      Ferguson 11  
Beard 17               Cole Stull 21                 Fickes 17  
Beck 22                Conger 22                     Fifield 22  
Beckwith 21            Conkling 22                   Fish 21  
Bedell 21              Cooley 17, 22                 Flora 25  
Beierle 11             Cooper 7                      Fluharty 11  
Bell 21                Cornelius 22                  Fohl 11  
Bell Dunn 21           Crawshaw 19                   Folkers 21  
Bell Gemeny 21         Crocker 21                    Folsom 22  
Bell Hall 21           Cromer 17                     Foree 21  
Bell Tincher 21        Crownover 17                  Forsythe 21  
Bell Waggoner 21       Cully Remley 21               Foster 17  
Bendefeldt 11          Cunningham 17                 Fouts 21  
Benjamin 21            Cyphers 11                    Fouts Diffey 21  
Berkland 17            Dale Hale 21                  Fowler 22  
Berkley 25             Darr Eick 21                  Fozzard 11  
Berry 22               Dasher 19, 20                 Fralick 17  
Biggs 17               Davey 10                      Frazee 19  
Bishop Arnott 21       Davis 17, 22                  Freeman Bueoy 21  
Bittner 11             Davis Bloom 21                Freeman Campbell 21  
Bixby Smith 21         Davis Nelson 21               Freeman Stapaules 21  
Blackstone 22          Deason 17                     Freeytag Carper 21  
Blauser Shimmon 21     Deavers 11                    Frisbie 21  
Blauser Tapley 21      Dechert 11                    Frisbie Hale 21  
Boner 19               Delahamet 11                  Fritz 17  
Bowers 17, 21          Derickss 11                   From 11, 12  
Bowman 6B              Dickinson 22                  Fry 21  
Boyd 7                 Diehl 21                      Gale 11  
Boyers 11              Diller 21                     Gallaghan 11  
Braden 17              Diller Blauser 21             Garhan 11  
Bredwell 11            Diller Bradley 21             Gates 22  
Breed 22               Diller Clark 21               Geer 12  
Briggs 17              Diller Lowell 21              Geer Weaver 21  
Bright 17              Dillon 17                     Gibson 22  
Brodhead 17            Doane 17                      Gilkerson 22  
Brookings 22           Domer 19                      Gilmore 25  
Brooks 22              Dore 10                       Goodwill 22  
Buchrer 11             Dott 22                       Green 21  

Page 29

Green Raymond 21       Kelly 22                      Meyers 12  
Green Walker 21        Kendall Osborn 21             Michael 22  
Greenleaf 22           Kerrey 7                      Mickey 17  
Greider Freitag 21     Killen 17                     Miller 12, 17, 19, 21, 23  
Gretzinger Nider 21    Kinney 17                     Miller Fish 21  
Griffen 22             Kosch 11                      Miller McKinley 21  
Grone Ulm 21           Lamb Blauser 21               Minick 12  
Grubb 17               Lamb Blauser 21               Mitten 22  
Habicht Blauser 21     Lamb Green 21                 Moorish 17  
Hadley Mason 21        LaMunyon 11, 12               Morehouse 22  
Hadley Shepherd 21     Lange 22                      Morey 25  
Hale 21                Langford 22                   Morgan 12  
Hale 21                Larsen 17                     Morrow 22  
Hale Greenwood 21      Larson 17                     Mulgrue 12  
Hall 22                Latta 22                      Mullen 12  
Haney 11               Laughlin 22                   Murphy 17  
Haney 11               Lawrence 17                   Murrau Southwick 21  
Hanneman 19            Lawthers 11                   Musser 12  
Hansen 17, 21          Leaming 17                    Myers 21  
Hanson 10              Leimser 12                    Myers Cummins 21  
Harney 22              Linch 1_9                     Neely 25  
Harrington 22          Lindberg 17                   Neff 10  
Harris 11              Line 21                       Nelson 10, 17, 19, 22  
Harrison 23            Line Beckwith 21              Nesbit 22  
Hasselbaich 11         Line Frownfelter 21           Newcomer 17  
Hayhurst 11            Line Steffen 21               Newell 17  
Hays 21                Logan 17, 21                  Newton 22  
Hays Kent 21           London 21                     Norton 17  
Haywood 22             London Gerard 21              Novotny 21  
Hedrick 21             Loock 21                      Novotny Gerwick 21  
Helwig 12              Lowe Adcock 21                Novotny Van Leningham 21  
Henfling 12            Lowe Clark 17                 Oberst 6B  
Henfling 11            Ludington 19                  Ocker 19  
Hennen 22              Lukens 22                     Oldiphant 19  
Hilbert 11             Lundack 19                    Olinger 22  
Hilder 21              Lydick 22                     Oliphant 20  
Hilder Davis 21        Madden Diller 21              Ord 19  
Hilder Weigel 21       Mahlin 12                     Osborn Colman 21  
Hill 11                Mann Hudson 21                Ott 22  
Hineline 6B            Mann Nickeon 21               Outher 12  
Hite 17                Mann Wierman 21               Palish 23  
Holcomb 11             Marti 12                      Parmelee 22  
Homersham 21           Martin 12                     Parsley 12  
Hood 21                Maser 22                      Patton 17  
Hopewell 22            Mason 22                      Patton Drake 21  
Hopewell 22            Mathison 22                   Patton Pierson 21  
Houston 22             McCoskey 22                   Pearce 21  
Hutchinson Wible 21    McCreary 17                   Pearson (Person) 17  
Hutchinson Lammel 21   McCreight 21                  Peck 12  
Hutchinson 21          McCreight Long 21             Perine 12  
Innis Flowers 21       McDaniel 22                   Peterson 22  
Jacobs 11              McDonald 19, 20               Phillip 11  
Janike 11, 12          McElwee Finelli 21            Phillips 17  
Jantze 19              McFadden 17                   Pickard Cruise 21  
Jauch 11               McGowan 12                    Pierce  
Jeep 22                McGuire 22                    Pierce 17, 22  
Johnson 22             McHenry 12                    Pitser 17  
Johnson Moore 21       McKeekin 12                   Pitts 21  
Jones 11, 22           McKitrick 21                  Pitzer 12  
Jones Cairns 21        McLatchy 17                   Place 21  
Kallenbach 11          McMullin 22                   Poeffel 12  
Kelgore 11             Medinger 12                   Polock 25  
Keller 21              Mercer 25                     Pospisil 21  

Page 30

Powell Reed 21         Skoda 12                      Weaber Diller 21  
Powers 11              Slentz 11                     Weber 12  
Pratt 22               Smith 6B, 11, 12, 19, 22, 25  Weinhart 18  
Price 21               Snyder 21, 22                 Welch 18  
Price Seymour 21       Snyder Sandman 21             Wells 11  
Prouty 17              Sparks 17, 21                 Westcott 19  
Radgley 17             Sparks Atkinson 21            Wheeler 22  
Rager (unreadable)     Sparks DIller 21              White 22  
Raymond 21             Sparks Miller 12              Whiting 18  
Reese 19               Sparks Myers 16               Widdowson 12  
Reichenbach 12         Specht Saar 21                Wilkinson 18  
Reinert 22             Speicher 12                   Willems 21  
Reinhart 21            Spielman 22                   Willems Miller 21  
Remley 21              Sprague 17                    Willert 22  
Reyman 22              Springer 19                   Williams 12  
Rhoades 17             Starr 21                      Wilson 12, 22  
Richardson Frisbie 21  Steffen 21                    Winterfield 12  
Richardson Frisbie 21  Steiner Brandt 21             Witty Colman 21  
Robertson 17           Stevenson 12                  Wixer 22  
Robinson 17, 22        Stilwell 19                   Wohlfarth Ellis 21  
Rock 22                Stineman 12                   Wolters Miles 21  
Rogers 11, 12          Stork 22                      Wont 12  
Rork 22                Story 22                      Woodard 22  
Saathoff 19            Stotts 21                     Woodruff 22  
Salholm 17             Stotts Hopkins 21             Woods 21  
Sandig 22              Strong 17                     Woolridge 18  
Sandman 21             Styer 12                      Worik 18  
Sandman Campbell 21    Sweenie 12                    Wright 7  
Sanford 17             Talbot 12                     Wright Koenig 21  
Sanley 12              Tanner 17                     Wrigley Dale 21  
Sanmann 21             Taylor 21, 22                 Yanike 11  
Schaefer 22            Telyea 22                     Yoakam 18  
Schaf 12               Templeton 22                  Zollars 11  
Schelby 12             Thomas 22                     Zook Thompson 17, 21  
Schindler 19           Thomason 22                   Additional Names  
Schnuelle 21           Thompson 21                   Bond 25  
Seaming 17             Thompson Andelt 21            Russel 25  
Sears 22               Tinstman Hedrick 21           Deland 25  
Sears Keeler 21        Tintsman Herwig 21            Cowin 25  
Seiford 12             Townley 12                    Layman 25  
Seldon 12              Tracy 18                       
Selkman 19             Trauger 18                     
Shafer 22              Tucker 21, 22                  
Shartel 22             Tucker Harding 21              
Shaw 22                Tuttle 22                      
Shea 21                Valder 22                      
Sheldon 11, 12         Van Matre 12                   
Shelley 17             Van Nostrand 22                
Shellhammer 17         Vandiver 18                    
Shenefelt 12           Vansel 19                      
Shepherd 21, 23        Varney 19                      
Sherard 17             Vass 12                        
Sherer                 Veiths 21                      
Shields 12             Volman 21                      
Shultz 17              Wade 12                        
Shunk 12               Wagonner Davis 21              
Shutt 12               Walbridge 22                   
Siebolts Lueker 21     Walker 18                      
Siedel 12              Wallace 12, 22                 
Sinkey 19              Ward 22                        
Sipp 12                Warman Stahl 21                
Sisson 22              Warner 12                      
Skinner 22             Watson Logan 21                

Transcribed by Kathie Harrison - 24 January 2001 by permission of the Nebraska State Genealogical Society

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Dennis Norvell, Kathie Harrison, Connie Snyder, T&C Miller