North Dakota
Rootsweb Steele Co.
North Dakota
County List
Welcome to the Steele County, North Dakota Gen Web site.
Steele County was created from portions of Griggs and Traill counties by the 1883 territorial legislature.
It was named for Edward H. Steele of Minneapolis, Minnesota (1846-1899).
Edward Steele was secretary-treasurer of the Red River Land Company, which was largely responsible for the county's establishment.
Previous county seats were Hope from 1883
to1885 and Sherbrooke from 1885 to1919. Since 1919 the county seat has
been Finley. Steele County comprises 712 square miles and has a
population of 1,975 as of the 2010 federal census.
My name is Kathleen Castillo and I am the coordinator of the
Steele County Gen Web site.
click here to email me any additions or corrections to
this site. Since I do not live in Steele County, I cannot help with
research since I do not have any more
information other than what is already on this site.
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