Nelson County NDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history
of the county. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of
ancestors and relatives of Nelson county.
Please consider contributing your pieces of Nelson county family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Our combined efforts can keep this a great site for all who visit!
County Coordinator:
Norma Hass
[email protected]
Co-Coordinator: YOU? Nelson County NDGenWeb
needs a local co-coordinator.
Are you familiar with the area? Do you have a family tree connection to the
county? Are you experienced at researching in Nelson County? If your answer
to any one of these questions is "YES" please consider volunteering to be a
co-coordinator. For more information about the position, please review
Helps and Resources
for CCs and contact the State Coordinator.
State Coordinator: Michelle Savre
Assistant State Coordinator: Mike Peterson
Nelson County was created 02 Mar 1883. It was named in honor of Nelson E. Nelson, a North Dakota legislator.
The name Nelson County was given by the Honorable Judson LaMorre, after his father-in-law, Honorable N. E. Nelson, customs agent at Pembina for many y ears and also a member of the ND Legislature. He entered the first homestead of record in North Dakota. Territorial Governor Ordway appointed David S. Dodds, Francis I. Kane and George Martin as County Commissioners."
Nelson County History, 1985
The County seat is Lakota.
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Templates in Time
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