About the North Dakota GenWeb Project Michelle Savre, State Coordinator
Cavalier County History
Cavalier County was established by the 1879 territorial legislature and organized 8 July 1884. It is generally accepted that it was named after Charles Turner Cavileer (1818-1902), a customs collector at Pembina who was one of the state's earliest settlers and a well known politician.
Cavalier County was originally a part of Pembina County, and it's borders were changed several times before the present boudaries were established. The population of the county was sparce prior to 1879, but settlement grew rapidly with the construction of what was known as the "Manitoba Line" of the Great Northern Railway during the 1880's. New towns were plotted from Union in the southeast corner of the county to Hannah in the northwest as the railway construction moved to it's most westward point.
County Seat: Langdon, 1884-present.
Area 1488 square miles.
2010 population -- 3993.
County & Regional Information Sources and Databases
Cavalier County Archives
Cavalier County ND Township Map
Cavalier County Historical Society
Cavalier County High Schools
- Do you have graduation or other historical information on other Cavalier County High Schools?
Please Submit
Cavalier County Cemeteries
- Have you ever walked one of these cemeteries?
Family Biographical Index, Cavalier County History Books
Lookups in these books are available, See Lookup Volunteers Section.
- "A Century of Area History", Milton, ND, 1882-1982
- "The Spirit Lives On", Osnabrock ND, 1887-1987
- "Langdon, ND", 1888-1988
- "Fjalla Lutheran Church", Milton, ND, 1886-1967
- "History of Olga, ND and Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church", 1882-1982
- "Hannah, ND", 1896-1996
- "History of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and Surrounding Area", 1888-1988
- "United by Rail", Munich, ND
of Court
of Deeds
North Dakota Newspapers - Cavalier County
Internet Public Library -- North Dakota Newspapers
County Historical Society (Other listings as well)
1912 Plat Map Index -- Cavalier County ND
The Political Graveyard: Cavalier County ND
State Resource & Database Sites
Rootsweb's Cavalier Co. ND Resource Page
Cavalier County Calendar
(Reunions, Family Gatherings, etc.)
Mailing List Join the mailing list, or do a search.
It also has WorldConnect Family Trees, SSDI, State Web Sites, Projects, Transcriptions, Primary Records, General Links, Classifieds, and a Guestbook.
Adjacent Counties
Lookup Volunteers
If you own resources (surnames/lookup sources) and would be willing to help others via email or US mail, please contact Roger Olson
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