Bertie County, NCGenWeb Project Page -- ROADS Last update:Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:11:32 MDT


Court Minutes (Pleas and Quarters) by Wynette Haun Vol I Friday Nov 13, 1724

Petition of William ERRINGTON for road from Boykins to Turkery Creek at Mr. Sherwood's Landing and from said Landing into the Road above Arthur William's Mill.

Edward Outlaw appointed Surveyor of Road from Deep Creek to Meherrin Creek. Old Road to be cleared to Mt. Galland. Also to maintain the road between Rutlands Plantation and Elisha Benton's to Richard Barefields and that all the inhabitants including those on upper side of Deep Creek to Mr. Cotten's do work . [This may be in Hertford County]

Jury of 12 appointed for Ahotsky Road: John Beverly, John Holmes, Thomas Bonner, Thomas Johnson, William Moore, William Currlee, William Whitfield, Jonathan Clift, John Jones, Sr, Joseph Jones, Edward Howard, John Raspberry and Charles Jones.

Ahotsky [Ahoskey] Road from Timber branch to John Cotten, Jr. to meet with the road from said Cottens to the road where William Bryant is Overseer . Cotten to be Overseer. Lay out road from Sandy Run over Ahotsky Swamp where the old bridge is over the Swamp below the upper Marsh into Katawitsky Road [Catawhiskie] and that said Cotten be appointed overseer.

New Road from Dr. Bryan's Bridge in Stoney Run to the Court House [1741 when Northampton was carved out of Bertie Co.and Hertford Co. was formed in 1754 the courthouse of 1724 was outside the boundaries of Bertie] and that James Howard be overseer. Inhabitants from James Wilkinson to Edward Howard and also James Howard and John Holme districts. Peter West Constable [Above may be Hertford County]

Chinkapin Creek [Mosely's map NE Bertie flows into Hertford Co to Wiccacon River] Barbeque Swamp to Wiccacon River. Jury of 12: John Cherryholme, Dennis Macclenden, John Mitchell, William Bush, John Williams, Thoams Macclenden, James Page, John Early, John Holley, William Scott, John Early, Jr, Edward Bryant, William Barnes, Jacob Lewis and James Peek.
This petition was rejected.

Samuel Ratcliff appointed overseer from Middle Swamp of Salmon Creek to the Widow Keeter's Landing on Cashoke Creek [flows into Cashie River]

Feb 8, 1742 Peter West, Jr. = Constable Daniel Hough Jno Byrd (Black Walnut Road) = Overseer Roger Snell Jno Byrd = overseer John Bowin = overseer Thomas Lee (main road Mr. Wynn's Ferry to Wiccacon Creek to Wiccacon Bridge [S Hertford Hoggard Swamp flows into Chowan River] Road from Rogues Bridge to Robt Smith's Landing Michael Ward = overseer Joseph Barradail
Bertie County Page last updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:11:32 MDT

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