Bertie County, NCGenWeb Project Page -- Books
Last update:Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:11:35 MDT
There seem to be many ways to pronounce the name of the county. Here are just a few of those shared on our mailing list. Different sections of the county favor different pronunciations.
- It is pronounced BURR-TEE equal emphasis on both syllables.
It is NOT pronounced BEAR-TEE
and definitely not pronounced Burty (rhymes with dirty).
- Northern part of the county uses BURR-tee, as given in
Powell's Gazetteer.
- Ber as in Bert and Tie as in Tee Pee, BERTIE
- The emphasis is definitely on the last syllable. I would agree with the
spelling: burr. Phonetically, it
is closer to: bur' TEE. Where the "'" is a sudden stop or cessation in
the voiced combination.
- Words with "er," "ir," "ur" have the same pronunciation (the /ur/ sound)
in the "King's English" (otherwise known as Coastal North Carolina area
So we concluded that there are several ways to say it!
This Bertie county name is often mis-pronounced by outsiders. Locals have two ways of saying it, once again dependent on what part of the
county you may be from. They are: Ca shi' or Cash' i, never Cash' e.
Bertie County Page last updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:11:35 MDT
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