NC Archives Digitalization Newspapers NEWSPAPERS
Newspapers for North Carolina Listing by State Library.
Digital North Carolina Newspapers More to be added for 2011-2012
Outside County publications:State Gazette of North-Carolina (1788)
Raleigh Star
County publications: Early History told by Judge WinstonWindsor JOURNAL
(Earliest paper. Mentioned by Raleigh Register in 1823)
No record of microfilmed copy)WINDSOR HERALD and BERTIE COUNTY REGISTER
(John Campbell started the paper to support the reelection of Andrew
Jackson, but opposed federal encroachment upon state sovereignty.)
Microfilm: (May 1832-1833)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel HillALBEMARLE TIMES
Microfilm: (Jan 1873 - 1876)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel HillORIENT
(Democratic Party mouthpiece begun in 1894)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel HillWINDSOR LEDGER
(1884 - 1926 merged with Aulander Advance)AULANDER ADVANCE
(1922- 1926 merged with Windsor Ledger)BERTIE LEDGER-ADVANCE
(1929 renamed by hoskie publishers Parker)BERTIE LEDGER ADVANCE
Microfilm: (1929- )
American Microfilm Co, Kansas City, MO 64108
MicroPhoto Div. Belle and Howell P.O. Box 774 Wooster OH 44691
East Carolina University in Greenville, NC has the following newspaper from Bertie County in the NC Collections. WINDSOR (Bertie County) Albemarle Times, weekly, [1874-1876]. The library has the following issues: 1874: July 24 through August 14; August 28 through October 16, October 30; November 20; December 4, 11. 1875: January 8, 15, 29; February 26; March 5; December 17. 1876: May 19; June 2, 16; September 29; December 8. WnrMisc-1, partial reel. Orient, weekly, [1896, 1897]. The library has the following issues: 1896: September 19. 1897: March 20. WnrMisc-1, partial reel. Windsor Herald and Bertie County Register, weekly, [1833]. The library has the following issues: 1833: October 4; November 1, 22; December 6. WnrMisc-1, partial reel. Windsor Ledger, weekly, 1887-1908, 1912-1915, [1916-1920]. The following issues are missing: 1887: December 28. 1888 - 1891: No issues missing. 1892: December 21, 28. 1893: September 13. 1894: No issues missing. 1895: August 22. 1896: April 2; July 9. 1897: August 19, 26; October 7, 21, 28. 1898: January 13, 27; February 10, 24; March 24; June 30; October 13, 20; November 3; December 1. 1899: March 2, 30; July 13, 20, 27; December 7. 1900: February 1; September 20. 1901: October 3; November 28. 1902: All missing. 1903: January 24; April 2; July 9; August 6; October 22; November 12, 19. 1904: February 18; September 15; October 27; November 17, 24; December 15. 1905: January 5, 12; August 3; October 5; November 2. 1906: No issues missing. 1907: December 12. 1908: March 5; May 21; June 11, 25; July 2; September 24. 1909: All issues missing: 1910: All except February 17; June 23; October 27. 1911: All missing. 1912: October 3; November 28. 1913: March 6; May 24; July 24. 1914: January 8; October 29. 1915: March 25; April 1. 1916: All missing except March 16; June 1. 1917: All missing. 1918: All missing except March 21. 1919: All missing. 1920: All missing except January 22. WnrWL-1 through 15, 15 reels.
This article appeared in the Golden Anniversary Edition of the Bertie Ledger 1887 - 1937. Volume L September 1937. JUDGE WINSTON RECALLS PAPERS OF BYGONE DAYS HERE "Albemarle Times" preceded " Ledger" Other papers of earlier times flourished here. ( By Judge Francis D. Winston) My recollection of newspapers in Windsor shall, of course, be confined mainly to those I was most closely associated with. It is of interest to state that I have heard Mr. L.S. Webb and Mr. Johnathon Taylor speak of the Windsor Herald and the Bertie County Expositor, published in Windsor more than a century ago. My connection with "Albemarle Times. weekly, commenced with it's establishment January 1875. I had been a student in Cornell University at Ithaca , New York, in the fall of 1873 and spring of 1874.There I took a course in Journalism, and learned to set type, work the hand press and do the work of a printer. In the Fall of 1874 the Enfeild Times was forced to sell out it's entire outfit. My brother Patrick Henry Winston Jr., and his close friend, Moses Gillam, formed a partnership, bought out the Enfield newspaper outfit and hauled it to Windsor in two horse wagons and set up a newspaper publication called the "Albemarle Times", in the upper floor of the old wood building standing now where the Rascoe Building now stands. Joseph W. McGwiggan, who was formerly of the Enfield times,came to Windsor and he and Mr. James Adkins, a printer from Murfreesboro, set up the outfit. I was employed as pressman and job worker and also typist. Willie Madre was also employed as office boy and " Printers Devil". The Albemarle Times took root at once and was a powerful influence in Democratic Politics and for schools. Mr. William Etheridge of Colerain undertook to conduct the paper after Messrs. Winston and Gillam disposed of it, Mr. Winston giving his profession his entire time and Mr. Gillam giving his entire time to his mercantile business. The Windsor Ledger was later established with the old plant of the Albemarle Times by Mr. Ben Henry Swain, a practical printer and was conducted in the old "Billy Pruden Shop" now occupied by a colored man as a pressing and cleaning club. The Windsor Ledger assumed it's real force when Mr. Stephen W. Kenney acquired the property. It again became to be a substantial force. Mr. Kenney had served his apprenticeship under Mr. Swain. When a student he also worked on the Chapel Hill Ledger, conducted there by Mr. Joseph A. Harris, a practical printer of Raleigh in the old Josia Turner's "Daily Sentinel" days. Mr. Kenney successfully conducted the paper here until the public called him to the register of deeds office. Within the past few years the days of the old county paper have passed. Machinery have taken the place of fingers in the type setting and press work. We see this in our own splendid paper. It is one of several published by a plant in Ahoskie. The old fashioned print shop has passed. I have always taken interest in our local paper, as a student at the university, I assisted Mr. Harris in getting out his paper., setting type and working his press. I was also active in re-establishing the old University magazine, being one of the editors and manager. Submitted to the Bertie Rootsweb Project by David Hoggard Return to the Bertie County Tales and Tidbits Page
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