The earliest marriages (of which there are no records) followed a 1669 law which said that the bride and groom, together with 3 or 4 neighbors, should go to the Governor or any member of the Council, and say their "vows" and receive a certificate which was supposed to be registered in the Precinct Register. As far as we know, there are none existing for Bertie County (which became a Precinct of Albemarle County in 1722).
The "Act Concerning Marriages" passed by the General Aseembly of April, 1741, granted the power of performing marriage ceremonies to every clergyman of the Church of England and to all Justices of Peace as well. Permission from a local minister had to be granted to the Justice of Peace, though, before he could solemnize the marriage. Marriages by either required the publishing of banns or obtain a license.Marriage Bond contains:
No money actually changed hands at the time the bond was issued. If the groom failed to complete the marriage, the bondsman would be liable for any legal damages. More importantly it provided legal protection for the woman if the man turned out to already have a wife!
Documents created:
From the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of EnglandThe clergy then issued the certificate stating that the banns had been published, and this certificate could be taken to the Justice or the clergyman (instead of a license). The ONLY place the Banns would be recorded would be in Church Records or the Family Bible.
First the Banns of all that are to be married together must be published in the Church three several Sundays, during the time of Morning Service, or of Evening Service (if there is no Morning Service) immediately after the second Lesson: the Curate sahing after the accustomed manner,
I Publish the Banns of Marriage between _________ and __________. If any of you know cause, or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. This is the first/second or third time of asking.
Unfortunately there are rarely records of these banns.
Eventually other non-Anglican denominations were allowed to perform marriages.
Leary, Helen. North Carolina Research "Marriage, Divorce, and Vital Statistics" by Raymond A. Winslow, Jr., pg 131-144
Be sure to read this chapter for more complete understanding of marriage documents.
He summarizes the law in effect in 1839 and provides some added information:
If they chose to publish banns, no Bond was made. Not everyone who posted a BOND actually got married, but most of them did, so it is fair to assume a marriage unless you have other evidence.
NC Archives (Raleigh) has: Marriage Bonds, 1762-1858; 5 Fibredex boxes Marriage Licenses, 1870-1903; 5 Fibredex boxes Miscellaneous Marriage Records, 1749-1914; 1 Fibredex box NC County Bonds have been abstracted and are available in the statewide index on microfiche and microfilm. An information circular, "An Index to Marriage Bonds Filed in the North Carolina State Archives", is available free of charge in the Search Room and the microfiche is available forpurchase for $100.00.
298 Rhodes to Capehart
I, R.N. Crooks, Regular Minister of the Gospel hereby certify that I solemnized the rite of matrimony between Thomas J. Rhodes and Mary E. Capehart on the twenty first day of April A.D. 1870.
Signed R.N. Crooks, RMG299 Mitchell to Ruffin
I, John Mitchell, hereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between F.V. Mitchell and Susan Ruffin on the 21st day of April A.D. 1870
Signed   John Mitchell
Bertie County Courthouse, Register of Deeds Office, 252-794-5309 Marriage Register "A" - beginning 1851 B - beginning 1866 C - beginning 1867 D - 1870 - 1871 The clerk said the next books are not numbered: Marriage Register, 1872 - 1900 Marriage Register, 1901 - 1908
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Marriage Register of Bertie Co. 1869-June 1872. (1990)
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Marriage Register of Bertie Co. 1762-1868. (1989)
Lookup: Kathy Harrison
[email protected] Be specific about title of book and names of persons.
Example: Abington, Littleberry & Sarah Moore, 4 May 1790; Titus Moore, Bm(Bondsman)A few later ones mention date of marriage .examples:
Keith, William A. & Virginia S. Clary, 16 Nov. 1853; Willis Griffin, Bm Married 16 Nov 1853Waterfield, Wm. Alfred & Margaret White, 5 Sept 1863 (lic.) Married 6 Sept 1863
Then there is the index which is by surname.
Johnson,Wm Perry. "North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1778" in The North Carolianian II #8(Dec 1956) Pages 231 - 239.; III #1(Mar 1957) Pages 269 - 270; III Jun 1957) ; IV #1(Mar 1858); IV (Sept 1958); V (Sept 1959).
Johnson,Wm Perry. "North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1779-1800" in The North Carolianian VI#2 (June 1960)Pages 696 - 700; VII #1(Mar 1961)Pages 787 - 791
Johnson, Guion Griffis. "Courtship and Marriage Customs in Ante-Bellum North Carolina. North Carolina Historical Review Oct, 1932.
Bertie Archives Some individuals have posted Marriage Records for individual Surnames. If you visit Bertie County, please make a copy of all the surnames on the page and type them up for us!
McGlauhon Wm. F. and Julia Ann White married 5, Sept. 1855
Alice E. McCollum"   [email protected]
Indian Woods, NC April 7, '91
This is to certify that we the parants of Lizzie Peele have no objections to her marrying of James T. Shaw. G.T. Peel
State of NC, Bertie Co
This is to certify that Allen Church and Ellen Turner presened themselves before the undersign with lawful credentials ishshued [issued] by Wm. P. Gurly, Cleark of the county Court of Berite NC at which time the rights of matrimoney was solemised between them both by H.J. White ordained minister of the gospel.
Monday, July the 16th, 1855.
You are hereby authroized to soleminze rites of matrimony between Thomas N. Briggs and Martha V. Hancock and return a certificate of the same within three months to the County Cler. Witness William P. Gurly, Clerk of Bertie County Court of Pleas and Quarters...this the 2nd day of October A.D. 1856. Wm. P. Gurley, Clerk
Roxobel, NC Dec 16, 1891
To the register of deeds of Bertie Co.
Dear Sir:
This is to certify that I, Primus Pelham do hereby consent that my daughter, Dilly Pelham shall marry William Clark as witness my hand.
Primus Pelham (x his mark) Witness: Thos S. Norfleet Mr. Cherry, You can issue this license everything is all right. Thos S. Norfleet
State of North Carolina. Bertie County
To any regular licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel, or to any acting justice of peace in and for the county of Bertie.
You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between Lawrence Rook and Emma Wiggins and return a certificate of the same within three monhts to the Clerk of this County Court. Witness: William P. Gurly, Clerk of Bertie Co. Court of Pleas and Quarters sessions, this the 24th day of December AD 1856.
Hexlana, N.C. May 29, 1888
This is to certify that I, Jacob Eadwards [sic] and Laura Eadwards, my wife, do give our consent to the union of Laurence Hoggard and Lual Eadwards our daughter. In witness whereof we set our hands and seal.
Jacob Eadwards X - seal
Laura Eadwards X - seal
Mr. Sol Cherry
Pleas to let George H. Cobb and Minnie J. White have lisens [sic] to get married.
Nov 30, 1891
Martha A. White
Minnie White was daughter of Baptist minister at Greens Cross, Joseph W. White.
The father of George H. Cobb was George William
Cobb, known as Squire Billie. He was a Justice of the Peace in Bertie. His
wife was Celia Henry. Researcher: [email protected]
To the register of deeds for Bertie County.
This is to certify that I am willing for you to issue license for Harry Hyman to marry my daughter, Hattie Sanderlin. This 11th Oct 1890.
Change of handwriting
Pleas, I am wiling for you to ishue {sic} the licens{sic}
Sing [sic] by Henry Sanderlin and wife
State of North Carolina. Bertie County.
This is to certify that I did solemnize the rites of matrimony between Joseph H. Nicholls and Celia Howard on the 23rd day of May A.D. 1855 and the persons present was Warren Peele and Reddick Howard given under my hand and seal.
Wm. D. Mitchell. J.P.
(printed form)
Jan 18 (not clear), 1876
E.A. Hozier, having applied to me for a license for marriage of Elija A. Hozier of Norfolk Co, VA, aged 25 years, white, the son of David Hozier and Nancy E. Hozier; the father now dead, the mother dead, resident of unknown.
And Nannie S. Dickerson of Bertie, aged 18 years, white, daughter of Wm. T. Dickerson and Martha J. Dickerson, father living, mother dead, resident of Bertie.
B.F. King, Register of Deeds
March the 3 1891
This is to sdify that the dorter[sic] (daughter) of Jackson Mitchell is eighteen 18 years _____ Jackson Mitchell and Clein Mitchell she is dead and is will for to get marry.
You are therefore authorized to solemine the ties of matrimony between Samuel Cox and Mary Rawles and return a certificate of the same within three months to the County Court Clerk. Witness William P. Gurley. 10th day of August A.D. 1868
I, Jeremiah Bunch, a minister of the gospel do hereby certify that I solemnized the ties of matrimony between Samuel Cox and Mary M. Rawls on the 20th day of August 1868.
Jeremiah Bunch
Office of Register of Deeds. Jan 11th 1876
James A. Rice having applied to me for a license for the marriage of George Burden of Mitchell's Township aged 29 years, white, the son of Elisha Jernegan and mary J. Burden, the father now dead, the mother living, residents of Mitchells Township and Martha E. Harriss, of Mitchell's Township aged 17 years, white, daughter of John Harriss and Ludy Harriss the father living, the mother living, resident of Mitchell's Township. And the written consent of John and Ludy Harriss, the father and mother of the said Martha E. Harriss to the proposed marriage having been filed with me. B.F. King, Register of Deeds
James A. Rice, being duly sworn says: That the parties applyhing for license, are of lawful age and that so far as he is informed and believes there is no lawful cause or impediment, forbidding said marriage. James A. Rice (his mark) Witness: C.F. Lyon
Bertie County
I, Abram Jenkins, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimoney George Burdern and Martha E. Harriss the parties licened above on the 13 day of January 1876 at John Harrisses in Mitchells Tonwship. A.Jenkins J.P.
Witnesses: Jesse R. Mathews of Mitchell B.B. Lewissten of Mitchell (this name is difficult to read) Joseph Dunning of Mitchell
Bertie County. March 4, 1874
Lafeyette Bunch, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of James Thomas of Windsor Tonwship aged (blank) white, son of Muke Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas, the father now dead, the mother dead, a resident of (blank) and William Ann Davis of Windsor Township, age (blank) white, daughter of (blank). B.F. King, Register of Deeds
I, Henry C. Fager, a Justice of the peace, united in matrimony James Thomas and William Ann Davis, the parties licensed above on the fifth day of Oct 1874 at my office in Windsor. Henry C. Fager (J.P.)
Witness: Richard Speller (his mark) of Windsor Township Rhodlin Speller (his mark) of Windsor Township Jas H. Heckstall of Windsor Township
You are hereby authorized and licensed to celebrate and solemnize the rites of matrimoney between F.V. Mitchell, son of Wright Mitchell and (blank) and Miss Susan E. Ruffin, daughter of Stark Ruffin and Sarah E. Ruffin. 18th April in ninety fourth year of American Independence, A.D. 1870. E. S. Simmons, Register.
I, John Mitchell, hereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimoney between F.V. Mitchell and Miss Susan E. Ruffin on the 21st day of April A.D. 1870. John Mitchell.
G.L. Smallwood having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Wm. J. Graves of Windsor Township aged 21 years, white, the son of Randolph Graves and Caroline Graves, the father now dead, the motehr living, resident of Onslow Co, NC. and Miss Della Barber of Onslow Co, NC aged 18 years, white, daughter of Thos R. Barber and Alvary Barber, the father living, the mother living, resident of Onslwo Co, NC.
Wm J. Graves being duly sworen says that the parties applying for license are of lawful age. Witness: L. Taylor, I believe this girl to be eighteen.
Edward Wootten, a Presbyter of the P.E. Church united in matrimoney Wm J. Graves and Ella Barber the parties licensed above on teh 26th day of January 1876, at Woodville, Bertie Co. Edward Wooteen, minister and rector of St. Thomas and Grace Church, Bertie County
Witnesses:J.A. Wister of Woodville G.L. Smallwood of Windsor James Johnson of (unable to read)
Nov 8, 1873
James M. Powell, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Robert E. Hancock of Hertford Co aged 22 years, white, the sone of Everett Hancock and Mary P. Hancock, father dead, mother living, resident of Roxobel Township and
Miss Florance Clark of Woodville Township, aged 20, white, daughter of John Clark (dead)and Bettie Clark, living in Woodville Township.
I, E.A. Gibbs, a Methodist Minister of the Gospel united in matrimony, Robert E. Hancock and Florence V. Clark on 13th Nov 1873 at James M. Powell's residence in Woodville.
M.W.. Whitehead of Woodville Township W.J. Watson of Roxbol Township B.F. Parker of Woodville Township
May 6, 1876
Rev. Edward Wootten having applied to me for license for the Marriage of J.T. Stephenson of Roxobel Tonwship aged 24 years, white, the sone of Calvin J. Stephenson and Eliza Stephenson, father living, mother dead, resident of Southampton Co, VA and Miss Sallie E. Hoggard of Roxobel Township aged 22 years, white, daughter of J.H. Hoggard and Sallie Hoggard, father dead, mother living, resident of Windsor Township.
I, Jeremiah Bunch, a Baptist Minister united in matrimony J.T. Stephenson and Sallie E. Hoggard on 10th day of May 1876 at Mr. John Browns' in Roxobel.
P.C. Jenkins - Roxobel Township J.O. Baker - Roxobel Township Joseph H. Browne - Roxobel Township
January 22, 1876
Wm. Pritchard having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Thos P. Early of Snakebite Township, aged 26 years, white, the son of James N. Early and Margaret Early, father living, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township and Miss Victoria Copeland of Snakebite Township aged 19 eyars, white, daughter of Wm. J. Copeland and Eliza Copeland, father living, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township. B.F. King
I, B.F. Barber, a Baptist preacher united in matrimony, Thos P. Early and victoria Copeland on 23rd ?(smudged) day of Jan 1876 at the residence of Mrs. Copeland in Snakebite.
William Morris of Snakebite Township A. Jenkins of Mitchell Township Abram Burden of Mitchell Township
May 23, 1876
William Morris having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Charlie B. Newsome of Hertford Co, NC aged 49 years, white , the son of Lemuel Newsome and Leviney Newsome, father living, mother dead, resident of Hertford Co, and Miss Mary L. Pritchard of Snakebite Township aged 40 years, white, daughter of Alse Pritchard and Amelia Pritchard, father dead, mother dead. (residence not given) B.F. King
I, Jeremiah Bunch, Baptist Minister united in marriage Charles B. Newsome and Miss Mary L. Pritchard on 25th May 1876 at Thomas H. Pritchard's in Snakebite Township.
W. Pritchard of Snakebite G.W. Pritchard of Snakebite W. Lasiter of Hertford Co, St. Johns T.
June 15th 1867
You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between Elleck Bond and Winny Bond. Witness William P. Gurley, Clerk
I, Abram Mebane, a Minister of the gospel do hereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between Elleck Bond and Winny bond on the 15th June 1867.
Nov 12, 1867
You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between Calvin Peele and Mary N. Harrell. Witness, William P. Gurley, Clerk
I, B.B. Williams, a minister of the gospel do heereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between Calvin Peele and Mary N. Harrell on the 14th day of November 1867. B. B. Williams, M.G.
Oct 17, 1867
You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between James O. Hodder and Elenora Bayley. Witness: William P. Gurley
I, Calvin Hoggard, a Justice of Peace do hereby certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between James O Hodder and Elenora Bayley on the 20th day of October 1867.
To any regular licensed and ordained minister of the gospel or to any acting justioce of peace for the county of Bertie. You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between John Powell and Sarina Mitchell and return a certificate of same to me. Willam P. Gurly 13th day of September 1855.
Sol Cherry, Register of Deeds. Windsor 14 Nov 1891.
You are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license for the marriage of my daughter Cora Lee Speller, age 15 to Suart Bond. Respectfully, Ellen Speller (her mark)
Sol Cherry, Register of Deeds. Windsor 5th Oct 1891.
You are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license for the marriage of my daughter Mary Flood to John B. Askew. Said Mary is only sixteen years of age. We hereby give our written consent to the same. Ceila D. Flood (her mark)
Witness: Starkey Brown. May Flood is 18 years old.
Sol Cherry, Register of Deeds. Windsor 12 Oct 1891.
You are hereby authorized to issue a marriage license for the marriage of my d
ward, Ella Minton, age 17 years to Charles W. Bazemore. I hereby give my written consent to the same. Benj F. Parker (his mark) Guardian
To any regular licensed and ordained minister of the gospel or to any acting justioce of peace for the county of Bertie. You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between Wm A. Ferguson and Margaret Ann See and return a certificate of same to me. 15th Day of Decemter A.D. 1856 Wm P. Gurley, Clerk
You are hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony between James Herrington and Sarah M. Outlaw and return a certificate of same to William P. Gurley. 29th day of June A.D. 1868
I, John H. Mitchell, a Justice fo Peace do hereby certify, that I solemnized the rites of matrimoney between James Herrington and Sarah M. Outlaw on second day of July, 1868.
Aug 25, 1876
N.H. Bunch having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Worley Bazemore of Snakebite Township, aged 21 years white, sone of Kenneth Bazemore and Mary Bazemore, the father living, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township and Martha Jenkins of Snakebite Tonwship 20 years, white, daughter of Doctor Jenkins and Rebecca Jenkins, father dead, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township.
I, T.H. Bazemore, a Justice of the Peace, united in matrimony Worley Bazemreo adn Martha Jenkins on the 30th day of August 1876, at Hoggard School House No 4 in Snakebite Township.
Witness: Wm H. Drew - Snakebite T.
Henry W. Bazemore - "
Charles G. Collins - "
Rites of Matrimony between A.J. Pritchard, son of Hudson Pritchared and Winnefred Pritchard and Sallie Ann Bazemore, daughter of James Bazemore and Milley Ann Bazemore. 7th day of April 1870. E.S. Summons, Register
I, a minister of the gospel, do hereby certify that I soleminzed the rites of matrimony between A.J. Pritchard and Sallie Ann Bazemore on 10th day of April 1870. Jeremiah Bunch.
April 29, 1879
Jack Mitchell having applied to me for a license for the marriage of John G. Powell og Gates County, aged 26 years, white, the sone of Solomon Powell and (blank). Father dead, mother dead, and Miss Arria Hancock of Mitchell's Township age 24, white, daughter of Everett Hancock and Mary Hancock, father dead, mother living, resident of Mitchell's Township.
I, R.J. Rooke, a Baptist Minister united in matrimony Jno G. Powell and Aria Hancock, 7th May 1879 at the residence of Mary Hancock in Roxobel Tonwship.
Andrew F. Hancock of Bertie Co. W.A. Cherry " J.B. Sadler "
November 12, 1877
A.J. Rountree, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Chas. W. Worrell of Hertford County aged 22, white, the son of D.A. Worrell and H.S. Worrell, father dead, mother living, resident of Hertford County, and Miss Illa C. Rountree of Roxobel aged 17 years, white, daughter of A.J. Rountree and Mary Ann Rountree, father living, mother living, resident of Roxobel.
A.J. Rountree being duly sworn says that the parties applying for license are of lawful age.
I, T.J. Rooke, Baptist Minister united in matrimoney Chas W. Worrell and Lilla C. Rountree 20th day of Nov 1877 at the residence of A.J. Rountree in Roxobel.
W.C. Livermon - Bertie A.L. Livermon - Bertie John C. Tynes - Bertie
Joseph Samuel Smithwick & Mary Beulah Williams, San Souci Estimated date 1880's(submitted by Erin Smithwick-Jordan [email protected]
Dec 17, 1890
J.H. Simons having applied to me for a license for the marriage of James S. Sutton of Edeton, Chowan Co, NC, aged 25, white, son of (unknown) and (unknown) the father now dead, mother living, resident of Edenton, N.C. and Minnie F. Peele of Coleraine, NC aged 18 years, white, daughter of Joseph S. Peele and Henrietta Peele, father living, mother living, resident of Coleraine, N.C. Sol Cherry, Clerk
I, John W. White, Justice of Peace, united in matrimony James S. Sutton and Minnie F. Peele on the 18th day of Dec 1890, at the residence of Jos S. Peele in Coleraine.
J.H. Simons of Coleraine W.L. Peele of " ?Pattie E. Peel of "
11th Feb 1895
Wm. Dawson, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of James P. Pearce of Snakebite Township aged 27 white, son of Isaac Pearce and Mary J. Pearce, father dead, mother living, resident of Bertie County, NC> and Norman Pritchard of Windsor, NC aged 27, white, daughter of W.H. Pritchard, and Mary J. Pritchard, father living, mother dead, resident of Bertie County.
I, Bythiel Leggett, a minister of Baptist Church united in matrimony James P. Pierce and Norman Pritchard 17th day of Feb 1895 at residence of Wm Dawson in Indian Woods.
G.D. Leggett of Windsor G.E. Hobbs of Windsor T.R. White of Windsor
Dec 19th 1890
A.E. Lasiter, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of J.B. Powell of Queen Ann County, VA, aged 30 years, white, sone of C.D. Powell and Martha J. Powell, father living, mother living, resident of ?Persas Ann Co, VA and Irene J. Harris, of Mitchell's Tonwship, Bertie Co, aged 19 years, white, daughter of John Harris and Loutie Harris, father living, mother living, resident of Mitchell Township, Bertie County.
I, T.T. Speight, a Baptist Minister united in matrimoney J.B. Powell and Jirene J. Harris, on 21sth day of Dec 1890 at the bride's fathers in Mitchell Township.
A.E. Lassiter Tolison Early Charlie Jenkins+
May 11, 1898
Jan 7, 1895
March 25, 1889 Dec 31, 1890
April 15th 1898
14th Sept 1896 March 23, 1889 January 12, 1898 Jan. 6th, 1891
August 17, 1801 Febry 10th 1898
Feb 28, 1882 Feb 26, 1897 Jan 17, 1891 Dec 4, 1899 Dec 19, 1896
Dec 18, 1877 March 19, 1901
July 25, 1898
March 11, 1901
1st February 1895
20th July, 1891 15th January , 1895 Dec 30, 1878
Oct. 17, 1885
Sept 19, 1898 December 19, 1878
November 13th, 1891
January 25, 1895 November 23, 1895 February 18, 1901 October 19th, 1891 January 25, 1901
David Cowand having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Van P. Hawkins of Bertie, 30 years, whit, son of Wm. Hawkins and Malinda Hawkins, father nliving, mother dead, resident of Windsor and Nancy Outlaw of Bertie aged 24 years, white, daughter of Wm Outlaw and Mary Outlaw, father living, mother living resident of Windsor.
J.R. Gilbert
W.C. Hughes
John W. Evans
Oct 3, 1890
A.L. Burden having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Hosea L. Early of Mitchell's aged 26, white, sone of James M. and Fannie E. Early, father living, mother living, resident of Mitchell's and Coral E. Minston of Mitchell's age 18, white, daughter of Jas A. and Marth J. Minton, father living, mother, living, resident of Mitchells.
W.H. Hali
John P. Slade
Jas P. Glnn
Jos J. Brown having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Mathias Bunyore Jones of Kelford, aged 39, white, son of unknown, father dead, mother deat and Hatie Ethel Newsome of Roxobel Townshop, aged 19, white, daughter of H. T. Newsome and (unreadable), father living, mother deat, resident of Bertie Co.
I, W.J. Watson, a Justice of the Peace united in matrimony Mathais Bunyeor Jones and Hatie Ethel Newsome on the 8th day of Jan 1895, the brides fathers in Roxobel.
A.O. Rountree - Roxobel
Cora P. Worrell (might be Harrell) - Kelford
B.S. Hedgpeth County of Northampton
R.B. Wiliford having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Robert H. Williford of Merry Hill, aged 40 years, white, son of J.W. Williford and Patty R. Williford, father living, mother, deatd resident of Merry Hill and
Henrietta A. Pearce of Merry Hill, aged 35, white daughter of (blank), father dead, mother, dead.
I, B.W. Hathaway, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony Robt H. Williford and Henrietta A. Piearce on 27th day of March 1889, at the residence of T.C. Bowen in Merry Hill.
John Rhea having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Joseph Stallings, of Indian woods, age 24, white, son of Noah Stallings, and Mary E. Stallings, father living, mother living, resident of Indian Woods and Pattie Hoard of Indian Woods, aged 20, white, daughter of Wiley Hoard and Mary E. Hoard, father living, mother living, resident of Indian Woods.
I, D.C. Outlaw, Justice of the Peace, united in matrimony Joseph Stallings and Pattie Hord on the 31st of Dec 1890 at residence of brides father in Indian Woods.
W.G. Gurkin
Winston Mizell
A.C. Collins
E.S. Dail having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Jas A. Valentine of Hertford, aged 26 white the son of George Valentine and M.E. Valentine, father dead, mother living, resident of Harrellsville and Lizzie Mathews of Bertie, aged 22, white daughter of Jas E. Mathews and Fannie Mathews, father living, mother living, resident of Powellsville, NC.
I, L.M. Curtis, a Missionary Baptist united in matrimony Jas A. Valentine and Lizze Mathews on the 20th day of April 1898 at Mr. J.E. Mathew's, the bride's father in Mitchells.
R.O. Odem of Norfolk, VA
Percy Rayner of Powellsville
A. Bass of Powellsville
J.R. Howard having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Frank L. Howard of Bertie, aged 30, white, son of James r. Howard and Eliza Howard, father dead, mother living, resident of Bertie County, and Mollie E. Green of Bertie, aged 22, white, daughter of W.G. Green and Lucetia F. Green, father living, mother living in Bertie County.
I, John P. Slade, a Justice of the Peace, united in matrimony Frank L. Howard and Mollie E. Green on the 16th day of Sept 1896 at W.G. Green's at Mitchell's Township.
J.K. Howard - Bertie
W.D. Mitchell - Bertie
J.L. (unreadable)
T.W. Barnes having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Wm. B. Odom, of Mitchells, aged 24, white, son of Ben and Tempey Odom, father dead, mother living resident Mitchell's township and Celia A. Nowell of Snakebite aged 30 years, white, daughter of Wm J. and Nancy A. (this name looks like Askew?), father dead, mother living resident of Hertford County.
I, J.M. Early, a Justice of the Peace united in matrimoney, Wm B. Odom and Celia A. Nowell, 24th day of March 1889 at Celia A. Nowell's house in Snakebite.
Chat M. Early of Mitchells
Lewis ?Dnaiden of Lewiston
Moses Howard of Mitchells
R.F. Minton having applied to me for a license for the marriage of J.S. Peele of Bertie aged 22, white, the son of R.J. Peele and Sarah F. Peele, father living, mother living, resident of Kelford, NC and nettie E. Burkett of Bertie, aged 21, white daughter of W.H. Burkett and Bettie Burkett, father living, mother, living resident of Delford.
I, W.C. Livermon, a Justice of Peace united in matrimony J.S. Peele and Nettie E. Burkett, on 26th of January 1898 at the residence of W.H. Burkett of Roxobel Township.
John E. Tyler - Roxobel
Thos R. Hedgpath - Roxobel
W.C. Barnes - Roxobel
W.E. Copeland having applied to me for a license for the marriage of D.C. Earley of Woodville, aged 22, white, the son of James Early and Margarett Early, father dead, mother living, resident of Woodville Township and Maggie Bazemore, Woodville, aged 18, white, daughter of Kenneth Bazemore and Mary Bazemore, father living, mother living, resident of Woodville.
I, Thos W. Thompson, Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony D.C. Early and Maggie Bazemore on 21st day of January 1891, at the home of Kenneth Bazemore in Woodville.
Charlie V. Barnes of Bertie
T.H. Pritchard of Bertie
W.J. Early of Bertie
D.G. Ward having applied to me for a license for the marriage of C.W Joyner of Lewiston, aged 34, white, the son of J.B. Joyner and Harriet Joyner, father living, mother dead, resident of Lewiston and Lizzie T. Bazemore of Lewiston, aged 23, white, daughter of T.H. Bazemore and Emilisa Bazemore, father dead, mother dead.
I, William F. Jones, Minister of the Gospel M.E. Church South united in matrimony, C.W. Joyner and Lizzie T. Bazemore on 18th of Aug 1901 at the residence of Mr. J.G. Williams in Woodville Township.
W.F. Mitchell of Bertie Co
J.G. Williams of Bertie Co.
Cleaveland Williams of Bertie Co
J.S. Jenkins having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Jas B. Burden of Bertie, aged 41, white, son of Jackson Burden and unknown, father dead, mother dead, resident of unknown and Jennie Newsome, of Bertie, 31 white, daughter of John Rice and Sarah Rice, father living, mother living, resident of Aulander.
I, L.M. Curtis, a Missionary Baptist united in matrimony Jas B. Burden and Jennie Newsome, on the 15th day of Febraury in the yaer 1898 at Baptist Church, Aulander in Mitchell's Township
Witnesses: J.C. Williams - Aulander
C.W. Mitchell - Aulander
W.A. Brantly - Aulander
Joseph Minton having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Asa G. Minton of Roxobel, 23 years, white, the son of Freeman and Eliza Minton, father living, mother living, resident of Roxobel and Mary L. Hale of Snakebite or Mitchell's aged 25 years, white, daughter of Jos Hale and applicant don't know, father living, mother dead, resident of Snakebite or Mitcheells.
I, B.F. Bas??, Baptist Minister, united in matrimoney Asa G. Minton and Mary L Hale on 2n of March 1882 at Jos Hales's in Mitchell's.
B.B. Lassiter - Mitchells
Jas P. Slade - Snakebite
H.W. Parkins - Roxobel
J.W. Todd having applied to me for a license for the marriage of J.W. Todd of Bertie aged 23 years, white, the son of J.W. Todd and WSS Todd, father dead, mother dead, resident (blank) and Ann R. Powell of Bertie Co, aged 20 years, white, daughter of G.L. Powell and Kennie Powell, father living, mother living, resident of near Windsor.
I, J.J. White, J.P. united in matrimony, J.W. Todd and Ann R. Powell on 27th day of February 1897 at William White in Windsor.
Sander White - Bertie
Rhoen White - Bertie
William G. White - Bertie
Jno W. Wood having applied to me for a license for the marriage of John W. Wood of Lewiston aged 27, white, son of W.R. Wood and H.D. Wood, father living, mother living, resident of Raleigh, NC and Mary C. Cox, Roxobel, 23 years, white, daughter of R. H. Cox and Mary C. Cox, father dead, mother living, resident of Roxobel.
I. J.W. Powell, Baptist Minister, united in matrimony John W. Wood and Marrie C. Cox on 21st day of Jan 1891 at the residence of M.L. Wood in Roxobel.
A.T. Easton of Bertie
P.G. Jenkins of Bertie
E.B. Moore of Bertie
M.T. Evans having applied to me for a license for the marriage of John H. Outland of White's Township, aged 22, white, son of W.H. Outland and Puss Outland, father living, mother dead, resident of Rich Square, NC and Francis E. Perry of White's Township, aged 19, white, daughter of William Perry and Mary Perry, father dead, mother living, resident of White's Township.
I, James T. Rayner, Justice of Peace, united in Matrimony John. W. Outland and Francis E. Perry on 5th day of December 1890 (*note difference in year) at H.H. Gill, ---? Marry Hill Township.
Willard G. Newborn - White's Township
Sim? T. Perry
Ben J. Evans
Cader Harrison having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Levi Harrison of Bertie Co, aged 21, white, son of Cader Harrison and (blank), father living, mother dead, resident of Bertie Co. Windsor Township and Willie E. Dundalow of Bertie, aged 20, white, daughter of Josiah Dunndalo and Nancy J. Dundalo, father living, mother living, resident of Windsor Township, Bertie Co.
I, W.D. White, a Justice of the Peace unided in matrimony Levi Harrison and Wille E. Dunlow on 20th dayof Dec. 1896 at Josiah Dunlow's in Windsor.
W.F. White - Windsor Township
Worley Cowand - Windsor Township
Henry Cowand - Windsor Township
Chas Grant having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Cahs. S. Grant of Woodville aged 24, white, son of James Grant and Matilda Grant, father dead, mother deat, and Laura F. Hoggard of Windsor aged 20, white, daughter of Hill Hoggard and Millie Hoggard, father dead, mother living, resident of Windsor Township.
I, Jeremiah Bunch, a Baptist minister, united in matrimony, Charles S. Grant and Laura F. Hoggard, on 20th Dec 1877 at Mrs. Willie Hoggard's in Windsor.
Robt J. Dunning, Mitchell's Township
? M. Bunch of Snakebite (ink blur)
George H. Hoggard of Windsor
J.P. Matthews having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Ebbie N. Holiday of Martin Co aged 22, white, sone of Geor W. Holliday and Sinthia Holliday, father living, mother living, Martin County and Alexena Leggett of Windosr "T:, aged 17, white, daugher of B. Leggett and Bettie Leggett, father living, mother living, resident of Windsor Tonwship.
I, B. Leggett, Minister - Baptist, united in matrimony Ebbie N. Holliday and Alexana Leggettt on 19th Marc at minister's residence in Windsor Township.
N.T. Leggett - Windsor Township
W.J. Holliday "
J.J. Gouday (?? too faint to read) "
Stephen Bazemore having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Stephen Bazemore of Bertie, aged 27, white, son of Kenney Bazemore and Mary Bazemore, father living, mother living, resident of Lewiston, and Lucy Burkett of Bertie, aged 25, white, daughter of Joe Burkett and unknown, father living, mother dead, resident of Lewiston.
I, S.B. Barnes, Minister of the Baptist Church, united in matrimony Stephen Bazemore and Lucy Burkett on the 27th July 1898 at Joe Burkett's house in Roxobel Township.
E.R. Cherry - Lewiston
John Hoggard - Lewiston
John P. Slade - Aulander
C.A. Cooke having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Claude V. Hollowell of Aulander, aged 32, white, sone of J.B. Hollowell and Amelia Hollowel, father living, mother living, resident of Chowan Co, and Bessie I. Barber, Snakebite Township, aged 23, white, daughter of B.T. Barber and P.R. Barber, father dead, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township.
I. T.T. Speight, Baptist Minister united in matrimony on 13th March 1901, at the Bride's mothers' in Snakebite Township.
J.R. Cherry
(two more too light to read)
Dec 16, 1878
Arthur C. Bryant of Roxobel aged 21, white, son of Samuel Bryant and Martha
Bryant, father living, mother dead, resident of Bertie County and Mary L.
Barnes of Roxobel aged 20, white, daughter of R.H. Barnes and Georgeanna Barnes, the father living, mother living, resident of Bertie County.
I, T.J. Rooke, Baptist Minister united in matrimony Arthur Bryant and Mary
L. Barnes on Dec 16th 1878 at the residence of the bride's father in Roxobel
[Notes: Samuel Bryant and Martha Bryant (deceased) recorded the marriage licenses for his son Arthur C (Cotton) Bryant age 21 to Mary L. (Leah) Barnes the daughter of R.(Richard) H.(Higgs) Barnes and George (Georgiana (Cox) Barnes in Bertie Co NC. Georgiana Cox was the daughter of William J Cox and his 1st wife Elizabeth Floyd. William J was the son of Ezekial Smith Cox and Mary Peelle. Mary was daughter of Josiah and Milly Higgs Peelle. [email protected]].
James. R. Doughtie (Edie Faris [email protected])
Wm M. Tyler
W.W. Tynes
I, J.E. Perry, having applied to be for license for the marriage of William N.
Daniel of Colerain Township aged 28, white, son of Eli Daniel and Fannie
Daniel, father dead, mother living, resident of White's Township, and Bessie
C. Sessoms, of Colerain, aged 18, white, daughter of W.J. Sessoms and Venia
Sessoms, father living, mother living, resident of Bertie Co.
I, C.J. Morris, a Justice of the Peace united in matrimony William N.
Daniel and Bessie C. Sessoms on 5th Feb 1895 at my house in Colerain Township.
Charley D. Daniel - Colerain
Jos E. Perry - Colerain
John P. Outlaw - Colerain
Charles Joyner having applied for license for the marriage of Andrew J.
Joyner, of Lewiston, aged 34, white, son of Jos B. Joyner and Harriet Joyner,
father living, mother living, resident of Woodville Township and Lizzzie M.
Bunch of Lewiston, age 19, white, daughter of J.H. Bunch and Barby Bunch,
father living and mother living, resident of near Lewiston, NC
I, Z.T. Harrison, Methodist Minister, united in matrimony Andrew J. Joyner
and Lizzie M. Bunch, on the 23rd day of July 1891 at Woodville in Woodville
W.S. Cox of Bertie
W.M. Peele of Bertie
Thos W. Thompson of Bertie
I, J.M. Cook, having applied for license for marriage of John Barden of
Newsome, VA age 29, white, son of (unknown), father dead, mother living,
resident of VA. and Sallie Hall of Roxobel Township, aged 19, white, daughter
of Sam Hall and Annie Hall, father dead, and mother living, resident of
Roxobel Township.
I, W.J. Watson, a Justice of the Peace united in matrimony John Barden and
Sallie Hall on the 18th day of June, 1895 at the residence of J.M. Cook in
N.B. Tyler of Northampton County
Rufus A. Rayford, Roxobel
B.F. Barber, having applied to me for license for Eadward Newsome of
Hertford Co aged 23, white, son of Wm H. Newsome and Rebecca Newsome, father
dead, mother dead and Mary E. Bunch of SnakeBite aged 20, white, daughter of
N.J. Bunch and Jane Bunch, father dead, mother living resident of Snake Bite
I, Jeremiah Bunch, a Baptist minister, united in matrimony Edward Newsome
and Mary E. Bunchon 31st day of December 1878 at Mr. Jacob J. Butler's in
Snakebite Township.
T.H. Bazemore of Windsor
R.M. Bridger of Snake Bite
B. F. King of Snake Bite
Dec 30, 1878
B.F. Barber having applied for license for the marriage of Edward Newsome of Hertford Co, aged 23, white, son of Wm. H. Newsome and Rebecca Newsom, father dead, mother, dead, and Mary E. Bunch of Snakebite, aged 10, white, daughter of N.J. Bunch and Jane Bunch, father dead, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township
Jeremiah Bunch, Baptist minister, united in matrimoney Edwad Newsome and Mary E. Bunch, on 31st day of December 1878 at Mr. Jacob J. Butler's in Snakebite Township.
T.H. Bazemore of Windsor
R.M. Bridger of Snake Bite
F.B. King, Jr. of Snake Bite
A.W. Early having applied to me for a license for the marriage of James B. Newton of Roxobel, 29, white, son of Isaaac M. Newton, and Treasy A. Newton, father living, mother, dead, resident of Sampson Co, and Maggie E. Watson of Roxobel, 25, white, daughter of John Watson and Mary A. Watson, father dead, mother living, resident of Roxobel.
I, C.W. Scarborough, Missionary Baptist Minister, united in matrimony James B. Newton and Maggie E. Watson, on the 25th day of Oct, 1895 at the home os Mrs. Mary A. Watson.
J.T. Watson of Roxobel
Geo W. Liverman of Roxobel
M.E. Rice of Aulander, NC
W.M. Mitchell, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Geo. R. Lassiter of Bertie Co, aged 23, white, son of J.F. Lassiter and Lorena Lassiter, father living, mother living resident of (blank) and Rosa Overton, of Bertie, aged 18, white, daughter of unknown and Jane Holloman, father (blank), mother, living, resident of Bertie. Co.
And the written consent of Jane Holloman, the mother of the said Rosa Holloman *note difference in names)...
I, W.M. Mitchell, a Justice of the Peace, united in matrimony Geor R. Lassiter and Rosa Overton on the 19th day of Sept 1898 at W.O. Askew's in Mitchell's Township.
W.J. Mitchell, Bertie
Galtar W. Mitchell , Bertie
W.O. Askew, Bertie
A.J. Rascoe - Windsor
W. J. Simms - Windsor
H.W. Lyon - Windsor
George M. Mathews, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of George M Mathews of Colerain Township, aged 45, white, son of John Mathews and Eliza Mathews, father dead, mother dead, resident of (blank) and Fannie Barnes of Colerain Township, aged 48, white, daughter of unknown, and unknown, father dead, mother dead.
C.N. Donaldson, a minister, united in matrimony, Geo. M. Mathews and Fannie Barnes on the 15th day of Nevember, 1891, at Bertie Co, Colerain.
C.J. Morris of Colerain
A.C. White of Colerain
Jas R. H. Spruill of Colerain
J.L. Harrington having applied for a license for the marriage of Peter C. Dickinson of Aulander, NC, aged 23, white, son of H.C. Dickinson and Martha Dickinson, fther living, mother dead, resident of Edgecombe County and Emma C. Harrington of Aulander, NC aged 18, white, daughter of W.R. Harrington and Celia F. Harrington, father living, mother dead, resident of Bertie.
I, L.M. Curtis, a minister of the Missionary Baptist, united in matrimony, Peter C. Dixon and Emma C. Harrington on the 27th day of January 1895 at Baptist Church, Aulander in Mitchell's Township.
E.C. Harrell at Mitchell's
Rhodwin (sp?) Dewey at Mitchell's
A. Lassiter of Mitchell's Township
R.J. Bazemore having applied for license for the marriage of Dr. Wayland Mitchell of Lewiston, aged 27, white, son of J.W. Mitchell and Laura E. Mitchell, father living, mother living, resident of Powellsville and Julia Hinton Nowell of Rosemead, aged 24, white, daughter of A. Nowell and Jennie Nowell, father living, mother living, resident of Rosemead.
I, John Mitchell, a Baptist Minister, united in matrimony Dr. Wayland Mitchell and Julia Hinton Nowell, on the 23rd day of November 1895 at the residence of A. Nowell, Esq in Coleraine.
Geo Baker - Lewiston
J.E. Williams - Lewiston
W.E. Baker of (blank)
C.W. Atkinson, having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Wm H. Sanderlin of Windsor, age 30, white, son of Muro Sanderlin and Elizabeth Sanderlin, father dead, mother dead, and Minnie Verginskie of Pennsylvanie, aged 18, white, daughter of Fredrick Verzinskie and Lena Verzinskie, father living, moterh livng, resident of Negley, Pennsylvania.
C.W. Atkinson says parties applying for lices are of lawful age.
I, Wm L. Davis, Justice of Peace, united in matrimony, Wm H. Sanderlin and Minnie Verzinskie on the 18th of Feb 1901 at 6:30pm, Breets Hotel, Windsor.
C.W. Atkinson
J.R. Koch
C.A. Cargk (sp?)
J.T. Thomas
Drew Peele, having applied to me for a license fo the marriage of Drew Peele, of Snakebite Township, aged 69 years, white, son of William Peele and Sarah Peele, father, dead,mother dead and Rowena Barber of Snakebite Township, aged 29, white, daughter of Frank Barber and Penelope Barber, father dead, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township.
I, J.R. Cherry, a Justice of the Peace united in matrimony, Drew Peele and Roenor (spelling different from above) Barber on the 21st day of October 1892 at Mrs. penelope Barber's in Snakebite.
D.M. Cooper
Isambry Cooper
J.T. Williams having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Henry Bunch, of Snakebite Township aged 23, white, son of Lafayette Bunch and Kate Bunch, father living, mother living, resident of Snakebite Township and Lettie Williams of Windsor "T", aged 19, white, daughter of Doc Williams and Martha Williams, father living, mother living resident of Windsor Township.
I. T.T. Speight, a Baptist Minister, united in matrimony Henry Bunch and Lettie Williams on the 30th day of Jan 1900 *note difference in top* at the home of Doc Wiliams in Windsor Township
P.J. Gillam
Irwin Gillam
H.W. Bazemore
Bertie County Page last updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:10:54 MDT