Hope Plantation is located in southern Bertie County on the edge of Roquist Pocosin, five miles west of Windsor, adjacent to NC Highway 308.
Hope Plantation Today
Today Historic Hope Foundation, Inc, a non-profit organization owns and operates both Hope Plantation and the King-Bazemore House which was built in 1763 and moved to this site.
The Bertie County Afghan
Navy or Cranberry 100% cotton - $40.00 + postage - Limited numbers!
Pictures on the afghan are:
Call: 252 794-3140 or fax: 252 794-5583 E-mail [email protected] Visit their Web Page
- Courthouse
- Hope Mansion
- St. Frances Methodist Church
- The Church of the Holy Innocents
- Freeman Hotel
- Colerain Fishery
- Scotch Hall
- Sandy Run Baptist Church
- Indian Woods Baptist Church
- King-Bazemore House
- Sans Souci Ferry
History of Hope PlantationPublications/Gifts Available at Hope Plantation
Membership Application and Contributions Form
For additional information, please write:
Curator of Collections (Position Open)LuAnn W. Joyner - Administrator
Tim Hall - Coordinator of Education and Program
Historic Hope Foundation, Inc.
132 Hope House Road
Windsor, NC 27983
Phone: 252-794-3140 E-mail [email protected]
Fax: 252-794-5583
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