Google Books. Some of these books are no longer under copyright. By searching for your county name, a lot of tidbits can be pulled and used.
Genealogical Research in the North Carolina State Archives
Microfilm     Original Records
North Carolina State Archives Home Page
Remember the Archives are closed on MONDAYs!
A listing of her recommendations of published aides to researching in NC. Very complete. Many can be ordered through this site. Ms. Hofmann has done some much publishing herself and is well known in NC Research.
Digital North Carolina BLOG maintained by the staff of the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center.
Michael's Tip of the Day is helpful to remind of thing you may have forgotten to look for.
Dean Steven's no longer active, but Archives remain with helpful info on Bertie County.
Johnson, Paul.
Thompson, Harry. The Lost Town of Cashy. (out of print)
Watson, Alan D. Bertie County: a Brief History (1982) Published by NC Div of Archives and History
To the Qualified voters of Bertie County! (1873) Announce an election to determine if
Bertie Co will subscribe to 100 shares of stock in the New York, Norfolk & Charleston
Railway Co. Signed by Moses Gilliam and 57 others.
Terry, Edward A. County Government and County Affairs in Bertie County. Cahpel Hill, 1929
BERTIE FOLKLORE   Harry L.Thompson"
BERTIE REVISITED More of the same Bertie stories and tales. This time more factual than fiction. Treasure tales, the Battle of Windsor. Cost: $12.00 plus 1.00 shipping.
Poquosin Excellent descriptive material of life in the NE counties of North Carolina from earliest times to post civil war. Bibliography is also excellent. Indexed.
Old Carolina Tobacco Country Cookbook From the Great Depression to World War II
African-American furniture makers, 19th century. Bertie County. (1996) Historic Hope
Foundation (Windsor, NC) and Dr. Benjamin Speller.
In Full Force and Virtue: North Carolina Emancipation
Records- 1713 to 1860 William L. Byrd III Saunders, William L. editor. Colonial Records of North Carolina 10 vols. Raleigh: State of North Carolina, 1886-1890.
1820 Federal Census of NC Potter, Dorothy Williams. (56 volumes bound in 22 books) Bk 1 contains Bertie County.
Census 1850
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population. 156pg. $22.25 (1991)published: Kensington Glen2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, ([email protected])
The 1850 federal census, Bertie County. Bradley, Stephen E. (1991) (114 6th Ave; Lawrenceville, VA 23868
History Class 1975-76, Roanoke Chowan Academy, Windsor, N.C.
(Windsor Library and NC Archives-Raleigh) (Available $6 +$2 postage) [email protected]
Census 1860
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population. 273 pg. (1996)published: Kensington Glen2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, $27([email protected])
Census 1870
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population. 353pg. $30.50 (1996)published: Kensington Glen2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, $27([email protected])
Census 1880
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, N.C. 440pg 2 vols. $34.25 (pub Kensington Glen, 2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, 1996) 2 vols.indexed. ([email protected])
See also Windsor Library Microfilm on Court Records
See also LDS and North Carolina Archives Court Microfilm
Bertie County, NC County Court Minutes  Haun, Weynette Parks.     How to Order
Dunstan, Edythe Smith. The Bertie Index for courthouse records of Bertie Co, (1720-1875)
It includes Land Grants, Land Divisions, Grantor Deeds, Marriages, and
wills for this period. Fifteen minutes in this book is the equivalent
to two days work in the courthouse. You can send the page numbers or
book numbers to the Courthouse and receive photostats of the entire
The books were distributed to most state libraries, and can be gotten on
inter-library loan. They are out of print. A massive black book, it probably has a thousand
A little research with this would answer most questions about deeds,
marriages and wills. Also gives in the deeds good information about
site location.
Births, Delayed - Index to vital statistics (1878-1950 Microfilm, Raleigh, NC Div of
Archives and Manuscripts.
Bradley, Stephen E. The deeds of Bertie Co 1757-1772; 1772-1785 (S.E. Bradley, 1992) Bradley, Stephen E. The deeds of Bertie Co 1757-1785 Abstracts of Deed Book M.(S.E. Bradley, 1993) (114 6th Ave;Lawrenceville, VA 23868
Bradley, Stephen E. The deeds of Bertie Co 1785-1794 (S.E. Bradley, 1994)
Mr.Bradley's website lists his books
Pruitt, Albert Bruce. Abstracts of land entries (1778-1794 Bertie Co.) Martin Co (1778-
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Marriages of Bertie Co. 1762-1868. (1989)
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Bertie Co Marriage Records (1759-1866) Arranged alphabetically.
Slave Bill of Sale. Joseph P. Howard, Negro man Caesar (1828)
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie Co. Wills 1761-1789. Indexed.([email protected])
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC Wills- 1797-1805 (vol 1 1761-1790; vol2 - 1781-1797)
(Kensington Glen Pub)([email protected])
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie Co. Wills (1781-1797) (1991)([email protected])
Bradley, Stephen. Early Records of NC
(Vol I - Vol VII)All
North Carolina wills and estates were sent to the Sec. Of State prior to
1756. After that date, they were kept
in the counties although some continued to be sent to Sec. of State until about 1790. (This is similar to the Grimes book)
Gammon, David Bryant Abstracts of wills Bertie Co (1774-1797) Includes index.
Gammon, David Bryant Abstracts of wills Bertie Co (1722-1797) Includes
Gammon, David Bryant Abstracts of wills Bertie Co (1797-1816) Includes indexes and slave index.
Gammon, David Bryant. Records of estates. Bertie Co. (Vol I-1728-1744, 1762-1790; Vol II-1734-1788;Vol III -1788-1800 (1986)
Grimes, J. Bryan North Carolina Wills and inventories 1663-1760 published 1910. 587 pgs. Copies of actual wills and inventories (not abstracts) from the Secretary of State's office. This differs from other Bertie County will books, because these wills were never in the County Courthouse. Prior to 1756, deeds were sent to the Sec. of State instead of the Courthouse.
Johnson. NC Inventories and Estates, 1677-1784 in Journal of North Carolina Genealogy, X (Winter, 1964)
Johnson. NC Inventories and Estates, 1712-1798 in Journal of North Carolina Genealogy, XI (Winter, 1963)
Olds, Fredrick A. An Abstract of North Carolina Wills, 1760-1800. pub. 1925. This is a supplement to J. Bryan Grimes book which only extended to 1760. Mr. Olds records chronologically by year, but only the brief names of individuals included in the will. Indexed by surname.
Bertie County - Administrator Bonds (1762-1769) N.C. Dept of Archives. 1 reel.
Bertie Co. NC Powers of attorney from Carolina Genealogist, 16pg, index,
Eastern North Carolina Families Gammon, David. Families: Arrington, Baker-Billips-Allen; Barrow; Dickson/Dixon; Edwards; Figures; Griffin; Hannon; Hawkins/Lewis; Higgs; Hill; Nicholls; Smith; Watkins; Whitmel. Hope Plantation Bookstore
Bazemore-Parker family Manuscript at Hope Plantation by Jessie Parker (Mrs Joseph W. Parker) Contains some Rhodes/Roads, Tayloe, Price info.
Cobb, Capehart , Zellner et al
NEIGHBORS AND RELATIONS 1613-1983 (by Joe H. Cobb)(purchase through the publisher MLW Publishing Co.)
Draughon, Wells Robert. Descendants of Walter and James Draughon, Sr. of Bertie and
Edgecombe Co.
John Freeman of Norfolk County, Virginia by Mosher, Merrill Hill. 1994
Heritage Books, In., 1540E Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie,
MD 20716.
Higgs, Lelia Shields. A history of the Higgs and Shields families, early settler in Provice
of Carolina, Bertie County, later Halifax Co, NC (1974)
-Hall-Stuart-Eaton-Plummer-Evans-Johnston-Hines-(William's of
Pitt)-Smith-Long-Makinne-Ames-Stith-Daniel and many others. Also much
Capehart-Baker-Ruffin genealogy is in this book
King, Henry Lee. The Henry Lee Society. "Henry Lee of Bertie Co.". (1986)
King Family. (Mrs. J.B. Parker) (1954)
Holly, Hawley, Holley Family.
Compiled by Norva Hawley Jernigan, P.O. Box 792, Hamlet, NC
28345. It was published by Gateway Press, Inc. from Baltimore, MD., in 1985.
Books available from Ms. Jernigan.
Lee, Victor Lavon The Lees of Bertie Co. NC (Hendershot-Davis, 1995) Indexed
MANNING AND ALLIED FAMILIES, by Elizabeth Wright, printed 1956
The best base source for the Outlaw clan is the book titled OUTLAW -
Genealogy, "Including English Records, Coat of Arms, Will of Edward
Outlaw dated 1713, Brief Biographical Sketches and an account of the
first GRADY-OUTLAW Reunion." Albert Timothy Outlaw 1930. Out of print, but available in libraries.
PEELE FAMILY. Horace Peele has published 2 Vol. (Peele Chronicles ; Peele Heritage). Chronicles is sold out but may be available in some libraries. Contact: H.B. Peele [email protected] 2014.
Phelps, Asa Gray (1892-1954) A genealogy of and by Asa Gray Phelps of Bertie Co. (1892-1954) Emphasis on descendants of John Phelps and Mary (Gill) Phelps. Indexed.
"The Consul's Journey: The Life and Times of Colonel Elisha Averitt Rhodes and his North Carolina Family. Smallwood, Marilu Burch,SOME COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY FAMILIES OF NORTH CAROLINA
Published by the Author, Copyright 1964;
Printed by Southern Press, Inc., Macon GA
Frommer, Mary Anne Sholar. Sholar Family Reunion July 3, 1994, Statesville, NC. Descendants of Marrimom Isham Sholar and Anne Ray Wooten. 1994, Genealogical Charts. Includes families of:
Pernell, Green, Wooten, Malpass
It's a Far Cry Robert Watson Winston pub 1937 381 pgs.
Askew, William Paper 1751 Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC.
Britton, William. Ledgers (1815-1872) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC.
From Britton's Store near Roxobel. Detailed account and records of customers (1815-1819) (
Capehart Family (1782-1983)#2738-z
Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC . Of "Scotch
Hall Plantation, Bertie Co. (Capehart and Martin families)
Cotten, Bruce (1873-1954) Papers. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC .
Account books of Norfleet & Murdaugh. War of 1812.
Cowand, Winifred A. Letters, 1861-1884. Devereux, Margaret Mordecai (1824-1910) Papers. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel
Hill, NC 60 items.
Plantation Sketches written by Margaret Devereux - out of print. Describes plantation life
there when she first came there as young bride. A very lovely book with moving memoirs of
"the way it was."
Copy available: including postage is $22.00. ([email protected])
Gray family
Hill, Stuart Hall (1876-1948) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC Includes
families Gooch, Hall, Hill, Long and Williams.
Hardy, A.J. and William B. King Turner's Cross Roads. Letterbook 1834-1843.
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Hoff, Joseph, Memorandum Book. 1853-1854. Hogg, Thomas Devereux (1823-1904)Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC Includes papers (1829-1910) 23 volumes.
Jacocks, William Picard (1877-1965), native of Bertie County, N.C., was a physician. The collection contains correspondence, reports, articles, and other papers of Jacocks. Included are correspondence and other materials relating to his work as a public health specialist in India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation, 1914-1942, where a lot of his work focused on hookworm infections. Also included is correspondence from the years following his retirement in Chapel Hill, N.C., in 1942, dealing with family matters, genealogy, and University of North Carolina alumni affairs; his diaries, 1939-1965; papers he wrote on public health issues; clippings; photographs and drawings; and museum items.
Jacocks, Jonathan (1769-1810) Papers.Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC.
Family letters, accounts and deeds; copies of Family Bible Records. Charles West Jacocks
(1799-1848), Jonathan Joseph Jacocks (1838-1892), Charles West Jacocks (1872-1959).
Jones, Margaret Hathaway. Papers (1694-1953) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill,
NC (Jones and Hathaway families. Jones and Reed family Bibles.
King, William B. and A.J. Hardy. Letterbook 1834-1843. Turner's Cross Roads.
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Leonard, William S. (1794-1825) Papers.Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC
(1808-1862) William S. Leonard (teacher in Hertford) and brother, Isam, sons of Jacob Leonard of S. Bridgewater,
Miller, Jonathan. Manuscript at Hope Plantation. Contact Delores Forehand ([email protected]) for information.
Moore, John W. Letters (1877-1901) Powellsville, NC
Mercantile Records Anonymous. Ledger, 1830, Windsor. Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Moore, John W. Letters 1877-1901 Powellsville, NC    Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Norfleet family.(1784-1895) Papers. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC .
Diaries and account books. (
Norman, Ellie C. Correspondence 1857-1865. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC
5 items.(from a friend at Hampden-Sydney College.
Outlaw, David (1806-1868) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC Includes
genealogical material on the Outlaw and Anderson families of NC and Tennessee.
Norfleet, FamilySouthern Historical Collection
Pettigrew Family #592 - Southern Historical Collection
Polk and Yeatman family papers- #606-Southern Historical Collection
Polk and Yeatman family of North Carolina and
Tennessee. Prominent family members include William
Polk (1758-1834), land speculator and N.C. federal
internal revenue supervisor; his son Lucius Junius
1820s, items relating to
the treatment of slaves on North Carolina plantations.
There is much family correspondence,
especially after 1861, and scattered business and
personal items of members of the related Hawkins,
Devereux, and Rayner families.
The Pugh Plantations 1860-1865: A Study of Life in Lower Louisiana
Pugh, E.W. Family - 1751,E.W.html
Pugh and Gilliam Family
Schnorrenberg Family. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC 2,680 items.
Family correspondence of Laura, John and Barbara Schnorrenberg; Theodore Schaeffer.Slave lists of Emily Ryan of Bertie County.
Skinner family. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, 800 items. Family
correspondence of Maria Lowther Skinner and husband, Joseph Blount Skinner (1781-1851);
children-Tristrim Skinner (1820-1862)and Penelope Skinner Warren (1824-1841), Tristim
Lowther Skinner married Eliza Fisk Harwood Skinner in 1849. Correspondence between Trim and Eliza during courtship (1840-49). Family correspondence (War of 1812) and
routine family life. Family members attending College of William and Mary (1813-1814).
( Smallwood, Bart F. Smallwood, Charles. Woodville, NC papers (1853-1895) Southern Historical Collection,
Chapel Hill, NC . Memoir of Woodville...local families, academy, hunting. Includes stories
of Revolutionary and colonial incidents. Physician records of treatment.
Smallwood, Charles. Woodville, NC Diary (1843-1865) Southern Historical Collection,
Chapel Hill,
Microfilm. Originals returned to private owner in 1951.
Smith, Clairborne T. Papers. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
Speight, Francis Landscape painter Francis Speight was born 11 September 1896
in Windsor, Bertie County, North Carolina, the son of Margaret
Sharrock Cobb Speight and the Reverend Thomas T. Speight, a
Baptist preacher. As a boy, he was an energetic farm worker, but
always displayed an aptitude for writing and drawing. In 1915,
Speight enrolled at Wake Forest College and began taking art
lessons at Meredith College from Ida Poteat.
Thompson, Lewis . Papers. Hope Plantation and Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC . Antebellum
account books including families of Cherry, Outlaw and H. Thompson. Account of Gray and
Pierce for wages paid in production of shingles. (,Lewis)
Thompson, Lewis .#716 Papers. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC Business papers
(1840-1871) Includes slave lists. Land grants, deeds of Thompson's Pugh, Williams, Clark
and Urquhart families. Also group of papers relating to land controlled by Tuscarora
Indians.    Abstract
Tyler, Ernest Rudolph. Papers. Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC (1880-
1959) 5,000 items. Correspondence.
Tyler, John. Bertie County's Colonial and Sate Governors Roxobel; privately printed 1950
Valentine, William D. Diary (1837-1855) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC .
Fellow attorneys and judges, Activities of Baptist and Methodist churches. Brief biography of Mr. Valentine
Webb, Lorenzo B 1832-1861 9 vols.
Wheeler, Samuel Jordan Diaries (1825-1876)Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill,
13 vol. (1.0 linear ft) Diary of Thomas O'Dwyer, an Irish Immigrant and S.J. Wheeler.
Williams, Edmund Jones (1861-1926) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC . CSA
Winston, Francis Donnel (1857-1941) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC .
Families of Winston and Kenny families.
Winston, P.H. (Patrick Henry) (1820-1886) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC .
Families of Winston and Williams. Minutes of Bertie Lyceum and Windsor Debating Club (1850-
(,Patrick_Henry) Winston, Robert W. (1860-1944) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC . Family
correspondence.(1793-1944) Winston family.
As of July 1, 1995, the fee for out-of-state requests is $8.00 for each
inquiry about one record or one person's record. The Search and Handling
Fee is to accompany an inquiry and may cover the cost of copying some
records. Mailed payments should be made by personal check or money order
rather than cash. Please make all checks payable to the North Carolina
Department of Cultural Resources. If copies of the requested record cannot
be covered by the $8.00 fee, a statement of copying costs will be included
in our response. North Carolina residents do not pay the Search and
Handling Fee and responses to inquiries from North Carolina residents will
include a statement of copying costs, if applicable. Researchers are
requested NOT to add any estimated costs of copying to their $8.00 fee.
ESTIMATED PAYMENTS MUST BE RETURNED, thus delaying a reply to the
researcher's inquiry.
Thomas, Gerald W. Bertie in Blue (1998)
Cashie Baptist Church (Windsor, NC) (1791-1924) 3 vol. manuscript/archives. microfilm.
Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
Episcopal Church in Bertie Co. (1701-1990) from its Anglican roots to the twentieth Century.
Published by St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. (1991) $35 (Available in Hope Plantation
Bookstore) 256 pgs. Photos. St. Thomas at Merry Hill 1722-prior to 1840)
SANDY RUN BAPTIST CHURCH: A History in Recognition of its Bicentennial
(1750-1950) by John E. Tyler. (Available from Hope Plantation. $3.10 + postage)
[email protected]
The Baptist Church at Cashie (1770-1970) by Raymond Hargus Taylor. Contains history as well as membership lists which contain early Negro members as well.
White Oak Church (Merry Hill, NC) Accounts 1839-1840. Southern Historical Collection,
Chapel Hill, NC Accounts of Charles W. Jacock, steward with the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Murfreesboro Circuit.
Baptist Church Newspapers
Connaritsa Baptist Church Wake Forest Collection.
Colerain Baptist Church - Duke University Special Collections
(contains membership list including slaves)
Holly Grove Baptist Church (Minutes 1822-1910)microfilm
Duke University Special Collections
Holly Grove Baptist Church Duke Univ. Collection
Ross Baptist Church (Minutes 1806-1872) 2 vols. microfilm
Duke University Special Collections
Burkitt, Lemuel and Jesse Read
Duke and NC UMC Conference Archives
When you look at the original documents, you will realize how wonderful
the Hinshaw abstracts are. To find a particular item in the MM minutes,
you need all of the location information provided in Hinshaw, then you can
search sequentially (either by page number or by date) through the
microfilm to find the original entry.
There are some original manuscripts of Hinshaw's abstracts from the Quaker
records, bound by monthly meeting. These are the original typed copies
and usually use words instead of so many abbreviations.
Vols and you will want the one on the Carolinas.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Alumni Directory 1795-1953. Chapel Hill: Alumni Office, 1954
Branson, Levi, comp. North Carolina Business Directory 8 editions. Raleigh: Branson and Farrar, 1866-1896
Microfilm: (Jan 1873 - 1876)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel Hill
ORIENT Weekly News. (Windsor, NC) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC Issue of 9, 16,
and 23, May and 15 Aug 1930, newspaper produced by James Lewis Bond and brother, Charles,
two college students at Windsor.
(1884 - 1926 merged with Aulander Advance)
(1922- 1926 merged with Windsor Ledger)
(1929 renamed by Ahoskie publishers Parker)
Microfilm: (1929- )
American Microfilm Co, Kansas City, MO 64108
MicroPhoto Div. Belle and Howell P.O. Box 774 Wooster OH 44691
Their son, Tristrim (known as Trim) was sent to private school at age 7 (1827) in New Haven, Connecticut along with his sister, Penelope. Their correspondence with their family is preserved in the Skinner papers. When Trim came home after taking his degree at William and Mary, and was sent to establish a new plantation in the Perquiman forests. He later had a "stave" business. (grain and fish were shipped in barrels made of staves) They were Episcopalian and Trim later attended Diocesan conventions which are mentioned in his letters. The 1861-1862 correspondence deal with Trim as he organized the Albermarle Guards and the War. The telegram of 26 June 1862 announced his untimely death...leaving a wife and two children. He is buried in St. Paul's churchyard, Edenton, with a large monument.
William D. Valentine
William D. Valentine was born Dec 1806 at Oak Lawn a plantation near Bethel and Winton, in Hertford County. He was sickly in childhood which resulted in his being lame. After studying law and not finding a position, he moved to Windsor in 1837 to teach school. This didn't work out and he rode between the County Courts looking for business in Bertie, Northampton, Gates, and Chowan.
His large diary give us much insight into people he met and the environment. In the spring of 1839, at Mt. Pleasant fishery, he describes the annual herring and shad run and the society party which marked the occasion. We can see how involved everyone in the area became with the river and fishing.
We gain insights into the longleaf pine and the resulting devastation as men "boxed" (making cuts and attaching collecting boxes) them for the turpentine. He urged a rotation of the boxing in alternate years to allow the pines time to recover as well as limiting the number of boxes per tree. Mr. Valentine became an advocate of the pine trees, although without much success.
Colerain (Bertie County) and Edenton (Chowan County) were both centers for this industry.
Bart F. SmallwoodHistory
Dictionary of North Carolina Biographies by William S. Powell. Index on-line .
Race and Memory in a Carolina Pocosin . Fascinating stories of Bertie County, North Carolina, family -- pocosin dwellers -- Native Americans, European colonists, and African slaves.
Story of the original county seat of Bertie, 1744-1769. Outlaw's Chapel was
nearby, and included courthouse, prison, whipping post, and stocks.
Water powered saw mill and water powered grist mill.
Well documented. Contains court minutes; complete deeds up to present time for this "Cashie Courthouse Land"; numerous family names; list of settlers of 1719 between Salmon Creek and Cashie River.
Paging 73 leaves in various foliations : ill. ; 28 cm.
Notes "Paper presented to the Bertie County Historical Association, October
18, 1967."
Shipping + post.= $8.00. [email protected]
Harry Thompson
PO Box 296
Plymouth, NC 27962
Available These are the old stories of the past.. "The Castellaw Haint." "The
White Deer." "The Old Wild West Days in Windsor."
$12.00 plus 2.00 postage. Just make out a check for $14.00 to Harry L. Thompson c/o Port-O-Plymouth Museum, P.O.Box 296, Plymouth NC 27962 and it will be on
the return mail - autographed.
Send check to Harry Thompson, 611 Greens Crossroad, Windsor, NC 27983
Jack Temple Kirby. A study of rural landscape and society.
The University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill.
By Dorothy Jenkins Combs of Rochester, MN. the foreword and
illustrations are by David Henderson of Charlotte
Memories of the "good
old days" of the late 40's and early 50's.
42 page booklet. You can order one for $20.00. Contact Dorothy
Jenkins Combs
att: Telephone 507-288-5114.
Address: 1103 Seventh Street.
Rochester, MN 55902.
Distributed by A TASTE OF CAROLINA
At Cotton Patch Landing
PO Box100
Blounts Creek NC 27817
Copyright 1985 Arlene Crisp AasebyAfrican Americans
NC Div of Archives and History"> A History of African Americans in North Carolina
By Jeffrey J. Crow, Paul D. Escott and Flora J. Hatley
Paperbound, 266 pp. (2002) illus. index.
ISBN 0-86526-301-9 $15.00t. Revised addition brings the story to 2001.
Five years in the making. These records contain a wealth of information
wherein Masters expostulate to the court the reasons for wishing to free
their slaves. The petitions reveal relationships between diverse
and races, and many of them depict those relationships on an intimate
level. Long obscure, these records have mostly remained out of reach of
the general public. The purpose o this book is to make them available
laymen and scholars alike.
The sad plight of the slaves is brought to life by these recorded pleas
for liberation. Many petitions pertain to enslaved Indians, particularly
Indian women and children. East Indians and West Indians are also
represented in these transcriptions. Indian slavery was one of the most
pressing grievances of Native Americans located in the State of North
These records are full transcripts -- not abstracts. They contain the
full text of each of the emancipation records. These transcriptions from
the North Carolina State Archives are grouped by county: Bertie,
Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Craven, Cumberland, Duplin, Edgecombe,
Gates, Granville, Guilford, Halifax, Lincoln, New Hanover, Orange,
Pasquotank, Perquimans, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Wake,
Wayne and Wilkes. Supplemental sections containing acts of emancipation
the General Assembly, emancipation laws, Quaker documents, and a full
plus subject index are included. 1999, 358 pp., 8.5x11, paper, $54.00
Colonial Records of NC
$4.00 Shipping & Handling
Order from: Heritage Books, Inc.
1540-E Pointer Ridge Place
Bowie, MD 20716
Records of the Executive Council in 1733 in the
Vol-VII, pp. 298-303 (second series) gives three petitions from the gentlemen of
Edgecombe, Bertie, and Craven precincts wanting to keep the seat of state
government nearest their interests. There is an extensive list of men in
each petition.
1790 Census - Bertie Co, Edenton District. (1960) B.G. Sanderlin, pub.
Almasy, Sandra L. Lists Head of families only
Harry Thompson
PO Box 296
Plymouth, NC 27962
Mortality Census, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880
Vol 1: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank, Pequimans 220 pg $25.00. 1994 (pub Kensington Glen, 2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405) ([email protected])TAX DIGESTS
NC Taxpayers 1701-1786 by Clarence E.Ratcliff
[email protected]COURT RECORDS
See also Hathaway Court Minutes
Court Minutes 1724-1868. Microfilm. Raleigh. Dept of Archives and History
Vol.1   1724-1739
Vol. 2   1740-1743, 1758-1762
Vol. 3   1762-1771
Vol. 4   1772-1780
Vol. 5   1781-1787
Vol. 6   1788-1792
Ms. Haun has meticulously transcribed these old handwritten records. But don't expect to scan her work. To comprehend the record you need to read each word. All the minutes are very abbreviated. There is a date index in the front of each volume as dates are not easily recognized in the text itself.
(Deeds, land divisions, grants, abstracts of wills and marriage bonds)
This is an abstract book on the Bertie Court Records, 1722-1885.
Hathaway, J.R.B. North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Review 3 volumes Abstracts from original records - deeds, marriage records, court records. J.R.B. Hathaway lived in Edenton and he copied these in the early
1900's from the courthouse there as well as courthouses in other nearby
counties. It was published as a quarterly and was not indexed, but a companion volume by Ray Worth is a great asset. A complete index is available in some library editions. Bertie County material contained throughout all 3 volumes. Extremely valuable to researchers when "original" courthouse records cannot be found. Hathaway worked with records that no longer exist - ie three sheepskin bound books in Bertie Courthouse that existed at "Cashy" 1744 - 1769. They are no longer in existance in Bertie.
Reprinted by The Clearfield
Company 1,760 pages, paper, ISBN 0-8063-0441-3,
Clearfield item #2600. price $125.00. Clearfield's publications: or 1-410-625-9004
Bell, Mary Best Colonial Bertie Co, NC Abstracts of deed book A (1720-1726;
Deed Book B & C (1725-1730) Deed Book D & E (1730-1739) (1964)(Southern Historical
Press, 1995)Marriages
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Marriage Register of Bertie Co. 1869-June 1872. (1990)
Available The Family Research Society of Northeastern North Carolina [MISSING LINK. Send me the URL if you know it]   $12.00
Lookup: Kathy Harrison
[email protected]   and Robbie [email protected]
See also Hathaway
Mr. Grimes selected wills and inventories which provide the best understanding of the life in NC during this time period. Index is by category,i.e. plantations, slaves bequeathes, testators, and surnames alphabetical under these categories.
Mr. Grimes was the Secretary of State.
1781 Ruffin, William. William
1794 Rawls, Phillip. Henry and Philip
1797 Smithwick, John. Martha (wife), William, Luke, JoelFAMILIES
Paul Johnson writes a Back in Time Blog which covers the South and many mentions of Bertie County. Paul always likes to hear from you!
P.O. Box 41021
Nashville TN 37204-1021
Also can be ordered from: Ms. Louise Wilson Cobb, 2757 Rosedale Place, Nashville, TN
37211-2080. Her telephone number is (615) 251-3266.
It was $30.00
Others families: Hardy, White, Cake, and
Fleetwood---plus many, many more. There is a very good
section on Bertie County. Any serious Bertie County genealogist should have this
The book in the Lawrence Memorial Library in Windsor (Bertie Co)NC and also in Darlington
County Historical Commission, 201 Hewitt St.,
Darlington, SC 29532, Ph: (843)398-4710, Historian, Mr. Horace Fraser
Rudisill. Almost 200 pages of History and genealogy
relates the story of the family of Thomas Rhodes and Elizabeth Standley of Bertie County including allied families of Capehart, Tayloe, Legett, Carter, Webb, Bond, Rascoe and others. 130 pages, 650 documentary reference notes, 30 illustrations, indexed. Contact Gerald Galvin Larson, 3725 Murworth, Houston, Texas 77025 or at [email protected].
Visit for Table of Contents, database and family surnames. Also purchasing information.
As the title suggests it is a history of the many children of John Wiggins &
his wife Catherine Baker of the well known Bertie/Gates Buckland Bakers.
These children are followed through at least 4 generations with the many
connected names through marriage. It also traces migration from this section
of NC westward. I have personally been able to fill in several blanks in my
Contains 771 pgs, hard back, easily
followed format. It can be ordered from AGNESS WIGGINS GUNTER 6833 Wade
Drive, Apex, NC 27502.
Robert Winston, from an "old Bertie-Windsor" family, describes some
of his early life at the close of the Civil War which gives you a feel for
the times through the eyes of a young boy.
He then traces his student days at Chapel Hill and shares many stories of
his early days as a lawyer (most of these were not in Bertie County, however).
It's most significant value would be for the Winston family of course, but
it also is an interesting period piece.
There are pictures of scenes at Chapel Hill and of the Winston family, and a
few other men significant in N.C. history at that time.
I noted that the nearest railroad to Windsor was 60 miles away; and that
Raleigh was a "night and two days away".MANUSCRIPTS
Ordering Manuscripts:
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Southern Historical Collection
North Carolina Archives
Armistead, Stark (1716-1832) Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill, NC. Letters
regarding purchase of slaves and property.
Estate inventory enumerating all the worldly good of a Bertie County man.
Correspondence, volumes, financial items, and other materials, mostly 1811-1899, of the Capehart family of "Scotch Hall Plantation," Bertie
County, N.C., plus some material of the related Martin family of
Philadelphia. William Rhodes CAPEHART of Bertie County N.C. (b. ca. 1838) was the son of George Washington Capehart (1810-1885) and grandson of Cullen and Amelia Capehart of Bertie County. G.W. Capehart married in 1833 Susan Bryan MARTIN (b. 1815 Bertie County), daughter of Peter Boyd Martin and Jannette Smith Bryan Martin.
Correspondents include Susan Bryan Martin and her father, Peter Boyd Martin
(1777-1838), who settled in Alexandria, La. Letters discuss personal and
family matters, including fears and hardships endured by members of the
family and their friends in Virginia or in areas of North Carolina
occupied by Union forces during the Civil War. Of particular interest
are the letters of William Rhodes Capehart, son of George W. and Susan
(Martin) Capehart,went to school in Edenton, N.C. describing his life as a surgeon and soldier in the
Confederate Army. William Rhodes Capehart , and later became a doctor. He served in the Confederate army, 10th North Carolina Regiment, 1863-64. One of the letters in the collection is an 1867 thank you note to Dr. W. R. Capehart from Robert E. Lee in Lexington VA.
Also included are volumes containing slave records,
1840-1864; miscellaneous accounts; genealogical information; and a
recipe book containing a list of the names of former slaves who remained
at Scotch Hall after the war.
Personal letters of the family of Starkey Cowand, consisting chiefly of letters from Joseph J. Cowand to his
cousin, Winifred A., daughter of Starkey Cowand. Includes Civil War letters from J.J. Cowand.
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Papers, 1722-1879 (bulk 1846-1879).
650 items (1.5 linear feet).
Primarily business and personal correspondence, bills, and accounts,
1846-1879, of George Gray, merchant of Windsor, Bertie County, N.C., mainly
concerning shingle shipments, his cotton plantation near Marianna, Fla.,
Albemarle Sound fisheries (chiefly 1870s), and the education of his
children at the Bingham School, Wesleyan Female College, and elsewhere.
Correspondents include William Rhodes Capehart, Joseph B. Roulhac, William
B. Boykin, Henry A. Gilliam, and John Roulhac. Also included are legal
papers and business letters, 1722-1846, of John Gray, William Gray, Stevens
Gray, George Gray, and William Lee Gray, lawyers and merchants in eastern
North Carolina. Volumes include personal and merchants' accounts,
1816-1819, 1837-1847, and 1854-1857, and also notes and accounts by John
McKenzie for a trip from North Carolina to Boston, 1765-1766. McKenzie was
the son of Janet (Gray) McKenzie.
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
Scattered papers of Gavin Hogg (1788-1835) lawyer of Windsor and Roleigh, and his son, T.D. Hogg, physician and businessman of Raleigh. Of interest to Bertie County, accounts/letters of Joseph Blount of Windsoer, and his son, Joseph Blount Jr.
Jacocks, Thomas. William Picard Jacocks published, 1957, Descendants of Thomas Jacocks, a history and geneology of the Jacocks Family. Southern Historical Collection, UNC, Chapel Hill.
Duke University - Special Collections On-Line Catalog
1784-1896 42 items including 8 vols.
Account books, diaries and other records of a Bertie Co plantation family. Six of the volumes are diaries or account books of Stephen Andres Norfleet (1822-1910), propietor of several plantations. Irrgular accounts (1844-1895) are of slaves, debts, receipts, and expenditures. In his diaries 1856-1860 and 1870-71, S.A. Norfleet recorded daily agricultural activities and the health of his slaves. He also kept notes of navigation on the Roanoak River.
Represented are four generations of the Pettigrew
family of Washington and Tyrell counties, N.C. Prominent
family members included James Pettigrew (d. 1784), who
emigrated from Scotland, eveutally settling in Charelston,
S.C., where the family name was changed to Pettigrew;
James's son Charles (1744-1807)[Bertie County clergyman. Married Mary Lockhart 1794 of Bertie County],Anglican minister , and
Charles's son, Ebenezer (1783-1848), state legislator, who
established plantations in eastern North Carolina; and
Ebenezer's children, including Charles Lockhart (1816-
1873), planter; William S. (1818-1900), politician and
Episcopal minister; and James Johnston (1828-1863), lawyer
and Confederate Army officer.
Commonplace books concern women's
activities and current events. William's Episcopal Church
materials relate to his service at various North Carolina
churches and include journals of parochial visits;
registers of salary, offerings, baptisms, burials, etc.;
records of sermons delivered; and records of church-
related expenses. Genealogical materials include
information on the related Blount and Shepard families.
Miscellaneous items include a phrenological study of
Ebenezer, ca. 1830s-1840s.
Dissertation by Dr. Lathrop (?1950) - the original at
University of Texas-Austin.
#1751.Family materials, 1870-1884.1 item.
Volume compiled around 1884 by E. W. Pugh of Windsor, N.C., "to record the
descendants of all the different families whose blood runs in my veins."
Included are family letters relating to genealogy. There are also charts,
trees, and histories of the Williams, Pugh, Collins, Slade, Whitmell,
Alston, and Dawson families. Also included are some materials relating to
the Tunstall, Clark, and Hunter families.
Pugh and Gilliam family.
Papers, 1757-1879.
530 items.
Bills, receipts, accounts, legal papers and correspondence, and a small
amount of personal and political correspondence of various persons in the
Albemarle Sound region of North Carolina. Many items are papers of two
lawyers in the 1840s, Henry A. Gilliam (1819-1891) of Windsor, N.C., and
Augustus Moore (1803-1851) of Edenton, N.C. These items relate to bill
collecting, shipping, and family matters. Early papers are those of Joseph
S. Pugh, and, in the 1820s and 1830s, there are letters of Benajah Nichols
about Methodist activities.
In 1836 Joseph Blount Gregoire ROULHAC (1795-1856) married Catherine RUFFIN, daughter of Ann KIRKLAND and Thomas RUFFIN, planter and businessman who once served as Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. While most of the Ruffin family's residency was in Rockingham and Alamance counties, the married Roulhacs lived in Windsor, Bertie County, until about 1845 when they removed to Raleigh. Bertie County records include Ruffin and Roulhac marriages. Frances Lee Roulhac (1799-1880), is buried at Rose Field Cemetery in Windsor.
Additional Family information,Bart_F.html
Genealogical correspondence and data compiled by Dr. Claiborne T. Smith,
Jr., of Rocky Mount, N.C., relating to the Smith, Norfleet, Baker, Evans,
and allied families in Perquimans, Gates, Chowan, Bertie, Northampton,
Halifax, Edgecombe, and Pitt counties, N.C., and Brunswick, Sussex, Surry,
Southampton, Isle of Wight, and Nansemond counties, Va.
Daybooks and ledgers of a genearl merchandise business in Bertie County. Also one volume containing a civil court docket 1834-1862.
Ordering from Southern Historical Collection
[email protected]
It is possible to request a section of a manuscript through email.
Include 1)the precise name of the manuscript and Number 2) specific portion of collection you want a copy of 3)your e-mail address.
You will be sent a
quote for cost of the copying.
Shayera TangriNC Archives--How To Request a Search
Since 1978 the North Carolina State Archives has required the payment of a
Search and Handling Fee before replying to inquiries received from
researchers living in states other than North Carolina. This fee is
non-refundable and the limits of the fee are established by state statute.
Mail inquiries may be sent to:
North Carolina State Archives
Archives and Records Section
4614 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 23699-4614
Requests from North Carolina residents may also be sent by Fax: (919)
733-1354 or e-mail: [email protected]. You MUST include your snail mailing address so they can see your state of residence!
Responses will be by U.
S. Mail. The Archives currently cannot respond to out-of-state requests
received by fax or e-mail.
Thomas, Gerald W. Divided Allegiances: Bertie Co. during the Civil War (1996)
Available: NC Archives and Hope Plantation
Port - O - Plymouth Museum
P.O. Box 296
Plymouth, NC 27962
$13.00 (includes shipping) Checks accepted.
Ross Baptist Church-The First Seventy Five Years
1804-1879 The People and the Community
Printed 2000. $15.00 shipping included.
Ordering information:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Address: O. M. Highsmith
1406 Wakelon Rd.
Colerain, NC 27924
Phone: 252-794-9767
The Book on St. Thomas contains the origins of the birth of the Anglican
Church in North Carolina, and more detailed - the birth of four churches
in modern Bertie. Authors - Henry Cullen Dunstan and Harry L. Thompson, History
Assembled by the St. Thomas Church
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Roxobel by John E. Tyler (1881-present)
Family names of communicants; graves in churchyard
Outlaws Chapel 1700's
Pugh's Chapel 1700's
There is a complete list of Baptisms(1840-1990) and church memberships(1840-1990); burials (1853-1990)Baptist
Sandy Run Baptist Church Record Book (1773-1804) Historical Commission of the Southern
Baptist Convention (also 1 microfilm reel)
The Biblical Recorder, a publication of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina has been published since 1833. Wake Forest Library has on microfilm copies of most issues.
The Archives of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina,
201 Saint Alban's Drive,
PO Box 17025,
Raleigh 27619.
Michelle A. Francis, Archivist.
Tele: (919) 787-6313.
Southern Baptist Historical Collection,
Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University,
Winston Salem, NC. - Mr. Woodard in charge.
They have a great deal of index material on-line, including The Biblical Recorder indexed by surname with a brief description of the mention, i.e. marriage, death, letter, etc.
They have almost all of the old Baptist records that exist.
Wake Forest
RECORDS, 1791-1925. 3 vols., 12 items.
Minutes of church conferences from Apr. 2, 1791 to Jan. 15, 1924, including
membership rolls, biographical sketches, ordinations, treasurer's RECORDS,
obituaries, and Sunday School materials. Loose items include a photocopy of
the church deed (1776); church letters; correspondence, 1883; financial
papers, and membership RECORDS, 1874, 1884.
5 inch Hollinger Box.
Note: Filmed copies of these records are on CRMF 0649.
CRMS 005.
Old Chowan Baptist Association with the
origins of the old Kehewkee Association which was the first Assoc. of
Baptists in NC has also been published.
The Kehukee Baptist Association, with only 10 churches when founded in 1765,
grew to a membership of 5000 Baptists and 90 churches by the end of the
eighteenth century. Lemuel Burkitt himself took the lead in setting
standards for membership within the churches that were part of this
important instrument of Baptist growth in the South. This first hand
account of the rise of this "association," defined in the preface as "a
combination of churches uniting together in one body,"' deals with the
formation and growth of the Kehukee Association, and its relationships with
other associations, as well as histories of the churches involved and how
they joined the association.
LC 79-52591 Philadelphia, 1850
ISBN: 0405124589 $31.95
Ayer Company Publishers
Phone: (888)-267-7323 FAX: (603)-922-3348
Methodist SiteNorth Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church
1307 Glenwood Avenue
(mailing address is P.O. Box 10955
Raleigh, NC 27605. Phone numbers are 800-849-4433 and (919) 832- 9560
Special Collections:
Search the Catalogs:
Found a lot of hits when I searched, but none relevant to my search (so
Quaker Collection
Hege Library
Guilford College
5700 W. Friendly Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27410
336-316-2450 (Call first as hours vary)
The Friends Historical Collections has a large number of compiled
histories from many sources, many manuscripts. Microfilm of the NC records used by Hinshaw for Volume I, and perhaps some of the other state's MM minutes. (All the extant Quaker church records, even some back to 1666.) There are archives there that
contain some of the original documents. The library staff and volunteers will do
research, for a small donation to the collection.
The Chronicle of the Bertie County Historical Association (1953- ) Bertie County Historical Association.TUSCARORA INDIAN
Book of Onkwehonweh-The first people-Tuscarora, by Marilyn Mejorado-Livingston. (A timeline chronology of the Tuscarora)
Part 1 includes Raleigh's colonist names list, land leases, Tuscarora
villages in NC/VA, and historical data for 507 years, maps, there's also a
lot of names of settlers, where they began etc.and migrational routes out
of Bertie and surrounding Counties. This part answers a lot of the questions
posted on genealogy, or at least sheds some light on them.
Part 2 is the Tuscarora, Woccon, Pamlico, and Nottoway languages.
Part 3 is where the Tuscarora are today, as well as BIA listings names of
Tuscarora and others who were removed from Bertie to Quaker communities up
And Surname lists for the Southern Band Tuscarora, the Tuscarora in
Lewiston NY, Meherrin, Occaneechi band of the Saponi, Nottoway etc.
The price is $35.00 plus $6.00 shipping and handling.
If anyone wants to order one they can send a check or money order
For $35.00 plus shipping and handling to:
Southern Band Tuscarora Indian Tribe
121 Granville St.
Windsor, NC 27983
Marilyn Mejorado-Livingston
P.O. Bx 14
Winton NC 27986
Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.
"Albion's Seed" by David Hackett Fischer.
Contrasts the 17th and 18th century cultures of Massachusetts, Virginia, the Delaware River valley, and the areas in England where the immigrants were from.
Includes same naming choices and traditions. In Puritan Massachusetts, given names were mostly Biblical (John, Joseph, Samuel, etc). In colonial Virginia, given names were more often names of English rulers (William, George, Robert, etc.). In PA and DE, they were more mixed. Another pattern is in how the names were passed down - in MA, the first-born was typically named after the parents, and the second-born after grandparents. In VA, this was reversed, with the grandparents' names used first and then the parents' names. The author provides a few family trees as examples.
Naming of the new counties and towns much like those in the areas in England where they were from - the Puritans mainly from eastern England, the Virginians mainly from southern and western England, and the Quakers in PA and DE mainly from northern England.
Other interesting items were in how the speech and cooking customs of the immigrants are very much like they are in the corresponding areas in England - thus southern cooking and the southern drawl partially have their origins in England - not just American creations! Recommended by Ray Garganus
Outside County publications:
State Gazette of North-Carolina (1788)ABSTRACTS
Compiled by Raymond Parker
1792-1795, Volume II� 2nd Edition
$22.00 Available
Compiled� by Raymond
Parker Fouts;
;$22.00 Available
Raleigh Star
County publications:
(Earliest paper. Mentioned by Raleigh Register in 1823)
No record of microfilmed copy)
(John Campbell started the paper to support the reelection of Andrew
Jackson, but opposed federal encroachment upon state sovereignty.)
Microfilm: (May 1832-1833)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel Hill
(Democratic Party mouthpiece begun in 1894)
NC Dept of Archives; Greenville, E. Carolina; Univ of NC, Chapel Hill They published quite a lot of deaths, marriages, etc. for
our Coastal Carolina area - New Bern, Tarborough, Greene County,
Washington, Wake County, Wayne County, Sunbury, even Nansemond County, VA.
Thanks to Wayne Dunn for all his work.
Guilford County, NC Digital Library
part of the US GenWeb North Carolina Archives project
North Carolina Genealogical Journal , as part of the Mid
Continent Genealogy Circulating Circulation. The Journals (and Many many
others) are kept in Aberdeen SD. Your public library can get them from
interlibrary loan. Information about this collection and Mid Continent in
Missouri (where the books are kept) are in the afrigeneas archives.
Do a search for the specific information. There are several posts about
this library collection. Mid Continent is also online.
Thousands of genealogy books! The North Carolina Genealogy Journal, is one
of the BEST ! They look for information that is not already in another
printed form.
Other States involving Bertie County
North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee 1778-1791. Leister E. Presley.
When North Carolina gave up her claim to
Tennessee the Secretary of State of the United States requested a list of the
lands that had been granted in that territory so the
right of ownership could be protected.
Vital Records
Vital Statistics: Birth/death records were not kept in North Carolina
before October, 1913. For all birth certificates, and for death
certificates after 1945, write
Vital Records Section
P. O. Box 29537
Raleigh, NC 27626-0537
Be sure to give the full name of the individual, county of birth/death,
year of birth/death, and enclose $10.00 for each copy. For birth
certificates, full names of parents, including mother's maiden name, must
be given. For death certificates from 1913 through 1955, write the North
Carolina State Archives, enclosing an $8.00 search and handling fee.
How to Order Bertie Co. Court Minutes
Vol.1   1724-1739   $20.00
Vol. 2   1740-1743, 1758-1762  $20.00
Vol. 3   1762-1771   $20.00
Vol. 4   1772-1780   $20.00
Vol. 5   1781-1787   $22.50
Vol. 6   1788-1792   $22.50
North Carolina residents and Libraries add 6% Sales Tax.
Add Postage $2.00 1st book; .50 each additional book
North Carolina: Research at Home
Attn: Weynette Parks Haun, Publish
243 Argonne Dr
Durham NC 27704-1423
Thompson, Lewis
Abstract: Lewis Thompson, owner of plantations near
Woodville (also called Hotel), Bertie County, N.C.,
and at Bayou Boeuf, near Alexandria, Rapides Parish,
La. Thompson was also a political leader in North
Carolina, serving in the House of Commons and State
Senate, 1831-1852, and as a member of the General
Convention of 1865. He was a UNC trustee from 1848
until his death.
Business papers, ca. 1840-1871, of Lewis Thompson,
consisting chiefly of correspondence, accounts,
bills, receipts, slave lists, sharecropping contracts,
and other documents relating to the production of
cotton and wheat in Bertie County, N.C.; to sugar in
Rapides Parish, La.; and to the sale of crops through
factors in New York, Norfolk, New Orleans, and
Baltimore. There is also a considerable amount of
correspondence relating to Lewis Thompson's role as
executor of many estates, particularly that of his
father-in-law, William M. Clark, and to Thompson's
investments with brokers in New York. Papers before
1840 consist chiefly of land grants, deeds, and estate
papers of Thompson's Pugh, Williams, Clark, Thompson,
and Urquhart relations. There is also a group of
papers relating to land controlled by the Tuscarora
Indians. Few papers relate to Thompson's political
career or to his involvement with UNC. Papers after
Thompson's death in 1867 relate chiefly to the
activities his son, Thomas W. Thompson, who took
over his father's North Carolina business affairs.
The plantations in Louisiana had been run by Thomas's
brother William for many years before their father's
Online Catalog Terms:
Bayou Boeuf (La.)--Social life and customs--19th century.
Bertie County (N.C.)--Social life and customs--19th century.
Clark, William M., d. 1837.
Clark family.
Commission merchants--Louisiana.
Commission merchants--North Carolina.
Cotton growing--North Carolina.
Estates (Law)--Louisiana--History--19th century.
Family--Louisiana--Social life and customs--19th century.
Family--North Carolina--Social life and customs--19th century.
Hotel (N.C.)--Social life and customs--19th century.
Plantations--Louisiana--Rapides Parish.
Plantations--North Carolina--Bertie County.
Pugh family.
Rapides Parish (La.)--Social life and customs--19th century.
Sharecropping--North Carolina.
Slavery--North Carolina.
Sugar growing--Louisiana.
Thompson, Lewis, 1808-1867.
Thompson, Thomas W.
Thompson, William C.
Thompson family.
Tuscarora Indians--Land transfers.
Urquhart family.
Williams family.
Woodville (N.C.)--Social life and customs--19th century.
Size: About 4,650 items (3.5 linear feet).
Provenance: Received from Richard A. Urquhart of Lewiston,
N.C., before 1940, Molly Urquhart of Raleigh, N.C.
in October 1994 (Acc. 94149), and Margaret U.
Griffin in February 1995 (Acc. 95036).
Access: No restrictions.
Copyright: Retained by the authors of items in these papers, or
their descendants, as stipulated by United States
copyright law.
Tristrim Lowther Skinner
The Joseph B. Skinner family were plantation owners and owned a larger fishery on the Chowan. Relatives, Charles W. and Charles Jr. also owned two fisheries. The Skinners conducted business in Norfolk, Philadephia, and New York. They cultivated cotton but grains were their main crops.
Bart Fearing Smallwood was an African-American community
organizer in the Windsor and Indian Woods communities of Bertie
County, N.C., in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. He was responsible
for establishing the Blue Jay Recreation Center, the Blue Jay Baseball
team, and the Blue Jay Volunteer Fire Department to serve the
recreational and fire protection needs of his isolated rural
neighborhood. Smallwood was also active in a number of other
organizations, including advisory boards for the Bertie County
schools and for his employer, Lea Lumber and Plywood Company,
and he served on the Bertie County Involvement Council.
Bart F. Smallwood was married to Lois Marie Smallwood, and had
three children, Anthony, Tanya, and Arwin Smallwood. He died in
December 1985.
Historical Publications Section
Division of Archives and History
NC Department of Cultural Resources
109 E. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-2816
Phone: 919-733-7442
Book plus NC Sales Tax & Shipping
Southern Historical Press
375 West Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601,
phone: 864-233-2346
VISA/MC Orders only:
1-800-233-0152 (no web site)
The IGI, International Genealogical Index, is composed primarily of civil and church records that were microfilmed by the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints). These records contain birth, death, and marriage records. There will not be records of entire families. Volunteers read and transcribe microfilms when the Church is allowed to film the records of governments and churches. As they are checked and made available, they are added to the IGI.
The Ancestral FIle is a collection of genealogies submitted by people who do genealogy. Anybody can submit theirs and everybody is encouraged to do so. The Pedigree Resource is similar to the Ancestral File. This information is generaly submitted through the Internet.
The IGI, the Ancestral File, and the Pedigree Resource File (along with the Social Security Death Index and tons of other data) is made available at the site There is no fee nor subscription required to use the site. It is an incredible resource! (I found over 4400 nmaes in 13 generations by just searching for my mother's mother!) Anybody can "upload" their genealogy and have it made availabl to everybody - again,
Thank you - Earl Capps
The IGI or International Genealogical Index is composed of two types of
submissions. The most beneficial submissions are the "extraction"
submissions. These were created by volunteers who used original records,
i.e. parish registers, county marriage records, etc. to "extract" the
information. The process for the extractions was the same as for the 1880
U.S. census index that was just released. The first volunteer would extract
the information and a second would verify that the extraction was correct.
Because the source was original, primary records there is a greater
likelihood of correctness although there is still the problem of interpreting
handwriting. The way to determine if the IGI record is an extraction is that
the Batch number *usually* begins with a "C" for Christening record or "M"
for Marriage record. On today's computer printouts from the IGI the original
film number of the parish register or county marriage records will be
included. A person can then rent the microfilm of the parish register or
county records as the case may be from their local Family History Center for
a nominal fee (look in the phone book under Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.)
The second type of entry to the IGI is "member submitted". These are
submissions by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to
the database. The submissions have a varying degree of accuracy. At
different time periods, differing degrees of documentation or lack of it was
(or is now) required. Sometimes the submissions were for close family
members - like parents, siblings, etc, so there is sometimes a higher level
of accuracy. These records are only as good as the amount of time the person
submitting the information put into documenting their records. The Church
does not verify any data. These records (like all information found on the
internet or in printed books) should be used as clues to further research.
The Ancestral File was also mentioned. The Ancestral File was created
from *anyone* who wanted to submit their family pedigrees and family group
records to the database. Again, this file should be used as clues as no
verification is done by anyone. This goes for all the other databases out
there that followed Ancestral File, like World Family Tree,
databases, etc. No database requires that *only* well documented data is
Rebecca Christensen
Original RECORDS
Established in 1722 from Chowan Precinct as a precinct of Albemarle County.
Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1750-1889; 5 volumes, 4 Fibredex boxes,
1 manuscript box.
Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1739-1880; 1 volume, 2 Fibredex boxes.
Constables� Bonds, 1812-1869; 3 volumes.
Officials� Bonds, 1755-1889; 2 Fibredex boxes.
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
Minutes, 1724-1868; 21 volumes, 1 pamphlet.
Appearance Dockets, 1838-1861, 1866-1868; 2 volumes.
Costs Docket, 1760-1763; 1 pamphlet.
Execution Dockets, 1748-1868; 16 volumes.
Crown Dockets, 1748-1775; 2 volumes.
State Dockets, 1778-1868; 5 volumes.
Trial, Appearance and Reference Dockets, 1725-1797; 11 volumes.
Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1798-1868; 8 volumes.
Trial Dockets (Rough), 1761-1862; 1 Fibredex box.
Clerk�s Account Book, 1755-1761; 1 volume.
Clerk�s Receipt Book, 1824-1828; 1 volume.
Superior Court
Minutes, 1807-1915; 11 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
Equity Execution Docket, 1824-1835; 1 volume.
Equity Trial Dockets, 1808, 1818, 1820-1833; 2 volumes.
Execution Dockets, 1808-1868; 3 volumes, 1 manuscript box.
State Dockets, 1817-1868; 2 volumes.
Criminal Issues Dockets, 1871-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1807-1871; 5 volumes.
Civil Issues Dockets, 1870-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
Miscellaneous Dockets, 1814-1875; 1 manuscript box.
Civil Action Papers, 1737-1905; 28 Fibredex boxes.
Criminal Action Papers, 1734-1868; 6 Fibredex boxes.
Inferior Court
Minutes, 1877-1887; 1 volume.
Record of Elections, 1878-1926; 2 volumes.
Election Returns, 1769, 1790-1914; 4 Fibredex boxes.
Record of Estates, 1728-1868; 27 volumes.
Record of Accounts, 1868-1915; 7 volumes.
Administrators� Bonds, 1762-1769, 1848-1909; 6 volumes.
Estates Records, 1730-1920; 114 Fibredex boxes.
Guardians� Records, 1730-1920; 16 Fibredex boxes.
Guardians� Accounts, 1817-1868; 5 volumes.
Guardians� Bonds, 1848-1894; 2 volumes.
Record of Settlements, 1869-1916; 2 volumes.
Record of Deeds, 1765-1772; 1 volume.
Deeds, 1723-1890; 12 Fibredex boxes.
Mortgage Deeds and Deeds of Trust, 1723-1890; 2 Fibredex boxes.
Land Records, 1736-1861; 2 Fibredex boxes.
Miscellaneous Land Records, 1720-1861; 1 Fibredex box.
Marriage Bonds, 1762-1868; 5 Fibredex boxes.
Marriage Licenses, 1870-1903; 5 Fibredex boxes.
Miscellaneous Marriage Records, 1749-1914; 1 Fibredex box.
Disinterment/ Reinterment Permits, 1980-1986; 1 manuscript box.
Court Martial Minutes, 1842; 1 manuscript box.
Pension Board Minutes, 1903-1965; 1 volume.
Alien Registration, 1940, 1954; 1 volume.
Cotton Reports, 1889-1890; 2 manuscript boxes.
County Accounts, 1741-1903; 2 Fibredex boxes.
Personal Accounts, 1718-1860; 2 Fibredex boxes.
Stock Marks, 1722-1741; 1 pamphlet.
Merchants� Accounts, 1800-1900; 1 Fibredex box.
Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1838-1851; 1 volume.
Miscellaneous Records, 1723-1914; 5 Fibredex boxes.
Promissory Notes, 1746-1800; 1 Fibredex box.
Slave Records, 1744-1865; 3 Fibredex boxes.
Road, Bridge and Ferry Records, 1734-1903; 2 Fibredex boxes.
Minutes and Accounts, Board of Superintendents of Common Schools, and
County Board of Education, 1847-1878; 1 volume.
School Records, 1850-1878, 1895; 3 manuscript boxes.
Lists of Taxables, 1755-1860; 13 Fibredex boxes.
Merchants� Purchase Returns, 1880-1887, 1898; 1 Fibredex box.
Miscellaneous Tax Records, 1843-1903; 1 manuscript box.
Wills, 1749-1897; 18 Fibredex boxes.
Apprentice Bonds, 1811-1889; 2 reels.
Bastardy Bonds, 1875-1877; 1 reel.
Record of Corporations, 1907-1957; 1 reel.
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
Minutes, 1724-1743, 1758-1868; 7 reels.
Superior Court
Minutes, 1807-1955; 11 reels.
Cross Index to Judgments, 1868-1940; 4 reels.
Index to Civil Judgments, Plaintiff, 1941-1968; 1 reel.
Index to Civil Judgments, Defendant, 1941-1968; 1 reel.
Inferior Court
Minutes, 1877-1887; 1 reel.
Record of Elections, 1878-1968; 2 reels.
Record of Estates, 1728-1871; 11 reels.
Record of Accounts, 1868-1954; 7 reels.
Cross Index to Accounts, 1868-1942; 1 reel.
Administrators� Bonds, 1762-1769, 1848-1903; 5 reels.
Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1909-1948; 6 reels.
Appointment of Executors, 1868-1917; 1 reel.
Record of Executors, 1940-1968; 1 reel.
Guardians� Accounts, 1817-1868; 1 reel.
Guardians� Bonds, 1848-1931; 2 reels.
Record of Guardians, 1935-1968; 1 reel.
Clerk�s Receiver Accounts, 1906-1921; 1 reel.
Amounts Paid to Indigent Children, 1929-1942; 1 reel.
Inheritance Tax Records, 1923-1959; 1 reel.
Record of Settlements, 1866-1968; 4 reels.
Cross Index to Guardians and Administrators, 1858-1907; 1 reel.
Index to Executors and Administrators, 1905-1968; 1 reel.
Cross Index to Guardians, 1905-1960; 1 reel.
Record of Real Estate Conveyances, 1721-1948; 147 reels.
Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantor, 1722-1959; 4 reels.
Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantee, 1722-1959; 4 reels.
Land Entries, 1778-1794; 1 reel.
Record of Processions, 1851-1869; 1 reel.
Map Books, 1915-1957, 1973-1985; 3 reels. Index to Map Books, 1771-1976; 1 reel.
Record of Resale of Land, 1925-1968; 4 reels.
Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868; 4 reels.
Marriage Certificates, 1851-1868; 1 reel.
Marriage Registers, 1851-1945; 2 reels.
Cross Index to Marriage Registers, 1872-1900; 1 reel.
Maiden Names of Divorced Women, 1938-1968; 1 reel.
Record of Cohabitation, 1866; 1 reel.
Index to Births and Deaths, 1914-1921; 1 reel.
Index to Births, 1916-1975; 2 reels.
Index to Deaths, 1917-1975; 1 reel.
Index to Delayed Births, various years; 1 reel.
Court Martial Minutes, 1842; 1 reel.
Confederate Veterans Association Roster, 1919-1935; 1 reel.
Pension Board Minutes, 1903-1960; 1 reel.
Record of Armed Forces Discharges, 1917-1978; 7 reels.
Index to Armed Forces Discharges, no date; 1 reel.
Alien Registration, 1940, 1954; 1 reel.
Record of Lunacy, 1899-1968; 1 reel.
Orders and Decrees, 1868-1959; 17 reels.
Special Proceedings, 1868-1955; 2 reels.
Index to Special Proceedings and Civil Actions, 1923-1968; 2 reels.
Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1838-1847; 1 reel.
Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1868-1947; 5 reels.
Minutes, Board of Superintendents of Common Schools, 1847-1878; 1 reel.
Tax Lists, 1755-1860, 1877, 1906, 1908-1909; 7 reels.
Record of Wills, 1761-1968; 7 reels.
Index to Wills, 1761-1970; 1 reel.