Marriage Records

Marriage Records


Ashe County, North Carolina
Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868


Source Information: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: State of North Carolina. An Index to Marriage Bonds Filed in the North Carolina State Archives. Raleigh, NC, USA: North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1977.

This database contains information extracted from 170,000 marriage bonds, covering the years 1741-1868, on file in the North Carolina State Archives in the United States. Most of the bonds contain the following information: groom's name, bride's name, date of bond, bondsmen, witnesses.


Groom & Bride - MarriageDate - County - Bondsman - Witness 

Freland Coldwell - Ashe - Stephen Blevins 

J H Garvey - Ashe - Frank Hardin 

John Grubb - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Harrson Johnson - Ashe - G. Davis G M Bingham 

James Langely - Ashe - Jesse (X) Price 

Jacob Reedy - Ashe - James Blevins 

William Weaver - Ashe - Cicero D. Mur Robert Gambill 

F M Wooddy - Ashe - Jacob (X) Black E C Bartlett 

Benjamin Houck - Elizabeth Adams 22 Apr 1852 - Ashe - H. Ray, Deputy Clerk 

Smith Ford - Esther Adams - Ashe - Thomas Hagoman G. M. Bingham 

George Howel - Jane Adams - Ashe - H S McLore 

Eliga Taylor & Lew Daumey Adams - Ashe - Jehu Goss 

Stephen J Farthing & Margret Adams - Ashe - John A. Farth G. W. Bingham 

James S Millis & Polly M Adams - Ashe - William H. Se John Ray, Clerk 

William H Sells & Sarah Adams - Ashe - Christian Earne Peter Earnest 

Elias Swift & Elizabeth Addams - Ashe - Wellbourn Swift; Barnet Yelton David Dugger

William Alexander & Patsey Addams - Ashe - Golston Davis David Dugger

Elijah Peecock & Julia Aker - Ashe - S. Penington 

William G Atkins & Lucresa L Akers - Ashe - George W. Bryan John Ray, Clerk 

James Henly & Mary Catharine Akers 09 Jul 1855 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

William Calaway & Rachel Aldridge - Ashe - Mark Holsclaw David Dugger

Emsly Isaacs & Jane Aldrige - Ashe - John (X) Henson G. M. Bingham, 

William B Reves & Elizabeth L Alexander 28 Aug 1858 - Ashe - A N McMillan 

Horton Reves & Nancy Alexander 22 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Horten L Reavs & Nancy Alexander - Ashe - Hardin Reeves 

Marion Mitchell & Susanna C Alexander 03 Jan 1853 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

James Sawyear & Jane Allin 20 Sep 1854 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

Edmond Grimes & Caroline Anderson - Ashe - Geo. H. Hamilto Jno. Ray 

Sylvester Halsey & Caroline Anderson - Ashe - John D. Barton John Ray, Clerk 

Aaron Stansbary & Celia Anderson - Ashe - John F. Grier John Ray, Clerk 

George K West & Celia Anderson 03 Jan 1858 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Henry Hall & Elizabeth Anderson - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray, Clerk 

James Bass & Fanny Anderson - Ashe - John Tomlin 

Marshel Testerman & Mahuldy I Anderson 08 Jun 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Marion Anderson & Malinda Anderson 13 Jun 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Marshal Delp & Mary A Anderson - Ashe - Hezekiah Pasely 

Marshal Delp & Mary Ann Anderson 24 May 1855? (1856) - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Loamy Powers & Nancy Anderson 20 Oct 1867 - Ashe - R T Hardin, Clerk 

Bolden D Bird & Nancy Anderson - Ashe - Andrew Jones John Ray, Clerk 

Robert Dolener & Seley Anderson 02 Jul 1867 - Ashe - John Ham, Deputy Clerk 

Carpus Gortnet & Senia Anderson 08 Oct 1872 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Samuel G Allen & Sophronia F Anderson - Ashe - John F. Grier John Ray, Clerk 

William H Jones & Candes Andres 07 Aug 1853 - Ashe - J B Montgomery John Ray, Clerk 

Absolum M Smith & Abi Andress 02 Sep 1852 - Ashe - G. Hagins G Hagins 

Enos Rector & Abye Andress 18 Feb 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

John R Cox & Mary Andress 27 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Thos C Douglass 

C H Collins & Matilda Andress 24 Dec 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Granville Billings & Margaret Andrews 16 Jun 1853 - Ashe - Morgan Bryan 

George W Madern & Elva Arendell - Ashe - James Reece No Witness 

Thomas Coley & Emaline Arney - Ashe - David Derting John Ray, Clerk 

John Dugger & Melinda Arnold - Ashe - Wm Jones; William Henry Arnold J A King 

John Dugger & Melinda Arnold 25 Jul 1854 - Ashe - J. A. King 

James R Orsban & Sarildy Asbury 20 May 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin

Richard C Swearinggain & Milea Asher - Ashe - Henery Halely - David Dugger

David Hicks & Susanna Asher - Ashe - Samuel Hicks Made his Mark David Dugger

Jacob Roten & Elizabeth Ashley 01 Aug 1852 - Ashe - A. H. Waugh 

Eli Weaver, Jr & Mary Ashley 16 Jan 1862 - Ashe - John Eldreth 

John Jones & Patey Ashley 16 Apr 1858 - Ashe - J A King 

John Jones & Patsy Ashley - Ashe - John P. Osborn 

Hiram Weaver & Zilpha Ashley - Ashe - Spencer Ashley R. Murchison 

Joseph Brown & Franky Ashly 23 Aug 1868 - Ashe - 

James Eles & Grasy Ashly - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

James Duvall & Lucinda Ashly 14 Oct 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry 

George Shepherd & Margret Astin - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum 

Miles Wright & Rhoda Atkins 22 Jun 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

James Allison & Jane Atwood - Ashe - Martin F. Hill Daniel Sturgill 

Berry Edwards & Emaline Austin 25 Sep 1853 - Ashe - Thos. C. Dougla 

John A Fender & Louisa Austin - Ashe - W. B. Carson (D 

Jehew Phipps & Lucy Austin 16 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Elisha Johnson & Luy Austin - Ashe - Edwin Austin Nathan Weaver 

Francis D Carnutt & Matilda Austin - Ashe - Lewis H. Perkin A. B. Cox 

Andrew J Warden & Nancy Austin 22 May 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Jonathan Howel & Nancy Austin 25 Nov 1857 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Sanders Tompson & Phebe Austin - Ashe - Edwin Austin Nathan Weaver 

Eli Osborn & Polly Austin 12 Nov 1854 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Amas Walk & Katharine Ayeres 24 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Anderson Mitchell & Maxwell Roser Badger 13 Mar 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry 

John L Jones & Aley Baker 01 Nov 1866 - Ashe - J. H. Carson

John L Jones & Aly Baker - Ashe - Lewis S. Jone 

Camel H Johnson & Catharine Baker - Ashe - John Dickson (S; C H Johnson 

James Baker & Catharine Baker - Ashe - James Baker A. Mitchell 

Francis Chanler & Fanny Baker - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray, Clerk 

David Eller & Katherine Baker 30 Oct 1852 - Ashe - Josh Baker 

David Ira Perry & Mary Baker - Ashe - Johnathan Perry Daniel Sturgill 

Samuel Ray & Mary Baker - Ashe - Wiley Thomas Jno. Ray 

James M Grimsley & Nancy Baker - Ashe - James Porter Daniel Sturgill 

Adam J Baker & Majah Baldwin - Ashe - Robert Parsons John Ray, Clerk 

James Wilson & Luiza G Ball 23 Mar 1858 - Ashe - S. Plummer

Mumford Patton & Elizabeth Ballard 16 Aug 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Macka McClitcher & Mary Jane Ballew - Ashe - Lee Ballew E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin Woody & Amanda Bare 02 Jan 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh, 

Macajah Collins & Barbra Bare - Ashe - Audren X Black 

John Waggoner & Charlotte Bare 09 Apr 1853 - Ashe - Nathan Weaver 

Joseph Miller & Elisabeth Bare - Ashe - Daniel Bare Made his Mark R. Murchison 

Henry Wooddy & Elizabeth Bare - Ashe - H. B. Woodde R. Murchison 

Jourden Bare & Elziny Bare 31 May 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Koons, Deputy Clerk 

Thomas Moxey & Lavicy Bare 15 Jan 1867 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum; R T Hardin 

Timothy Poe & Louisa Bare - Ashe - G. W. Woodde 

John Black & Rachel Bare - Ashe - Ambrose P., County Jno. Ray 

John Cox & Sarah Bare 31 May 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Koons, Deputy Clerk 

Noah Mash & Susana Bare - Ashe - E. F. Foster 

Riley Blevins & Agnus Barker - Ashe - James Blevins Peter Ernest 

William Miller & Beca Jane Barker 06 Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Lee W Pew & Martha Ja Barker 20 Nov 1866 - Ashe - R T Hardin, Clerk 

William Neaves & Mary Barker - Ashe - L Massey Henry Francis

Jasper McClure & Rebecca Barker 23 Mar 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Hamilton Testerman & Tamsey Barker - Ashe - Jno. Reves Jno. Tomlin 

John C Plummer & Mary Caroline Barns 10 Feb 1854 - Ashe - Wm Baker 

Curren Roberts & Frances Bartlett 03 Dec 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Adam Roberst & Winea Bartlett 12 Sep 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Adam Robeson & Winea Bartlett 21 Sep 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Daniel Holaway & Mary Baugus 26 Mar 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Rufus Purkins & Martha E Baurin 31 Jul 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill

Thos Brooks & Rachel E Beck - Ashe - Peter Earnest R. Murchison 

Shearod P James & Eliza Jane Bell - Ashe - Samuel T. Wil Thos. Wayman 

Samuel Wilkerson & Martha Bell 07 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Loransey Sexton & Easter Bennet - Ashe - Solomon Parsons 

Henry Sanders & Alley Billings 11 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Zachariah Ward & Nancy Billings - Ashe - Timothy J. Hold Solomon Parsons 

Clark Vaughn & Cassa Bird - Ashe - Granvil Griffet John Ray, Clerk 

Andrew Jones & Elizabeth Bird - Ashe - Hiram Standafor John Ray, Clerk 

Elisha Anderson & Thursey Bird - Ashe - James Linesey John Ray, Clerk 

Hugh Smallwood & Rachel Birket 07 May 1856 - Ashe - Edward (X) Blev R. Jones, Deputy Clerk

Lewis W Vanoy & Leuisa Birkett - Ashe - John H. Vannoy 

Alexander Cox & Margaret Bishop - Ashe - Benjamin Ward A. B. Cox 

Simeon Woodde & Catharine Black - Ashe - Calvin Woodde Nathan Weaver 

David Pugh & Elizabeth Black 30 Nov 1851 - Ashe - John Evans Arces. B. Cox 

George Burgess & Hannah Black - Ashe - C. Younce

James Reda & Jane Black - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Simeon Woodde & Katharine Black 28 Aug 1852 - Ashe - Nathan Weaver 

Westely Taylor & Patsey Black - Ashe - William Mash Thos Calloway 

Daniel Bare & Polly Black 07 Nov 1852 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh

William A Wooten & Sibby Black - Ashe - John Koons

Hiram Tomelson & Elisabeth Blackburn 04 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Jacob Goodman J. M. Gentry

John D Cheek & Elizabeth E Blackburn - Ashe - J. S. Howell

James F Church & Laura V Blackburn - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John Gentry & Nancy Blackburn - Ashe - Gimel N. Gentry G. M. Bingham 

Jonathan Miller & Rebecca Blackburn - Ashe - Golston Davis G. M. Bingham 

Stephen W Sage & Amanda Blackman - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

David Hudler & Jane Blackman - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Andrew Hurley & Nancy Blackman 27 Sep 1853 - Ashe - George Howell James M Gentry 

James Leonard & Catharine Blair 19 Jan 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Aaron Cormney & Eliza Blanchet 01 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill

Rufus Lauter & Mariah Blanchet 30 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Thomas F McDanniel & Cathrine Blankenbeckler 06 Feb 1854 - Ashe - Eno. W. Baldwin 

Andrew Taylor & Fanny Bledsoe - Ashe - David Hart Nathan Weaver

Thomas Greer & Mollie E Bledsoe - Ashe - G. W. Ray 

Mushal Edwards & Cloe Blevanes 02 Oct 1853 - Ashe - W. H. Stamper 

Alen Clark & Lydia Blevens - Ashe - Edward Blevins Joshua Sturgill 

Granville Hase & Sarah Blevings - Ashe - Andrew Blevins Wm. Weaver, Deputy Clerk 

Allen Jennings & Adaline Blevins 08 Oct 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Douglass Penington & Ann Blevins 22 Sep 1864 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

William T Beeman & Carline Blevins 13 Dec 1856 - Ashe - David X Pepper R. Jones, Deputy Clerk 

David S Perkins & Caroline Blevins 05 Mar 1857 - Ashe - Eli C. Stamper Robt. Gambill

William Barker & Elizabeth Blevins - Ashe - Riley Blevins Peter Earnest 

Marion Miller & Elizabeth Blevins 20 Aug 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Eldreth 

John W Evans & Emily Blevins 05 Sep 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Abel Pennington & Emily Blevins - Ashe - Harrison Blevin Joshua Sturgill 

Calvin Brinegar & Evelina Blevins - Ashe - Jackson Blevi Peter Earnest 

William E Senter & Frances E Blevins 18 Feb 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John Phipps & Francis Blevins 27 Sep 1857 - Ashe - Josiah Caudill 

Isaac M Carter & Heley Blevins - Ashe - Clarence Carter 

Isaac M Carter & Hiley Blevins - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Andrew Penington & Hiley Blevins 24 Jun 1857 - Ashe - Thos. Wayman 

Alfred Andress & Jane Blevins 04 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Ira Staper & Joisey Blevins 14 Mar 1866 - Ashe - J. H. Carson 

Ira R Stamper & Joysey Blevins - Ashe - Elihu Stamper John H. Carson 

Isaac P Stoe & Lodena Blevins 28 Sep 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John Sheets & Lucy Blevins - Ashe - Larkin Sheets Peter Earnest 

Pine D Blevins & Lydia Blevins 29 Mar 1856 - Ashe - S. Plummer

Allen Clark & Lydia Blevins 05 Apr 1862 - Ashe - Joshua Sturgill 

John A Findly & Mahala Blevins 23 Oct 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones, Deputy Clerk 

Noah Baldin & Mahaley Blevins - Ashe - Wilson Jones R. Jones 

Noah Baldin & Mahaley Blevins 15 May 1857 - Ashe - R. Jones, Deputy Clerk 

John A Finley & Mahaly Blevins - Ashe - William Hartt 

Thomas Barker & Mary Blevins 24 Jun 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry

James Blevins & Mary Blevins - Ashe - S. Penington 

F M Blevins & Mary A Blevins - Ashe - Moris Blevins 

Junis Dunn & Milla E Blevins XX May 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg, Clerk of Court 

Francis M Chambers & Nancy Blevins 21 Dec 1865 - Ashe - Solomon Blevi R. Jones 

Franklin Baker & Nancy Blevins - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Mikel Barlow & Nancy Blevins 23 Jan 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg, Clerk 

Nye Findly & Nancy Blevins - Ashe - Joseph Hart Made his Mark 

Thomas J Finley & Phealy Blevins 23 Oct 1856 - Ashe - John A. Finley 

Thomas J Laxton & Polly Blevins 14 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Wm. Francis R. Jones, Deputy Clerk 

Isaiah Speaks & Rachael Blevins 10 Feb 1859 - Ashe - Quincy F Neal 

Andrew Loveless & Rebecca Jane Blevins 13 Aug 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer, Deputy Clerk 

Major Brown & Sarah Blevins 05 Jul 1857 - Ashe - A. G. McMillan 

Elihu Tucker & Sarah An Blevins - Ashe - John Goss 

Franklin Segraves & Semantha Blevins - Ashe - E. F. Foster (D 

Edward Blevins & Susan Blevins - Ashe - J M Gentry 

Edward Blevins & Susan Blevins - Ashe - Edward Blevins J. M. Gentry 

William Roe & Rebecca Bonam 19 Mar 1863 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

George W Yost & Harriet Bourne 03 Dec 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

James Mash & Lewesy Bowen - Ashe - Jno. (X) Little Jno. Ray (TEST. 

Thomas Peirce & Mahala Bowen - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray, Clerk 

Jesse Burr & Jane Bower - Ashe - S. Bowen 

Benjamin H Hines & Rachel Bower 01 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Moses Stikeleather & Caty Bowers - Ashe - R. Murchison; Moses Stikeleather 

Henry S Shotley & Matilda Bowers - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William Sullivan & Susanah Bowers - Ashe - R. Murchison Jno. Tomlin 

Jonathan Hartzog & Thursa Bowers - Ashe - Simeon Burket R. Murchison 

William Carson & Mary E Boyer - Ashe - A. J. Grubb (SE; Wm Carson Thos Wayman

Wm Carson & Mary E Boyer 29 Jan 1865 - Ashe - James Wagg, Clerk 

Hugh Hash & Mary Bozwell 08 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Edw. W. Baldwin 

Elisha Smith & Nancy Bradley - Ashe - Mark Holsclaw G. M. Bingham 

Anderson Hall & Elizabeth Jane Bray 07 Jan 1858 - Ashe - John W. Burke Robt. Gambill

Wiley G Collins & Sarah Brewer 29 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Calvin Ready & Mary Briant 21 Jun 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Jacob Ham & Eliza Brinegar - Ashe - William Barker Peter Earnest 

Isaac Ham & Mary Brinegar - Ashe - Calvin Brinegar Peter Ernest 

Joab Sullen & Belinda Brininger - Ashe - David Dickson 

Jehu King & Margaret Brooks - Ashe - Simeon Bumpass J. Tomlin 

Jesse H Clark & Margaret Brooks - Ashe - Samuel Bowers Peter Earnest 

Peter Eller & Nancy Brooks - Ashe - Samuel Bowers Jno. Ray, Clerk 

Michael D Black & Aley Brown - Ashe - J. M. Gentry

John Ashley & Cathrin Brown 16 Jun 1867 - Ashe - J. P. Ashley 

Elijah Owens & Elizabeth Brown 30 Oct 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill

Elisha Green & Elizabeth Brown - Ashe - Thomas Norris G. M. Bingham 

Jesse Dillard & Ellen Brown - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Joshua S Stansbary & Mary Brown 06 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Hiram T Stamper & Milly Brown - Ashe - Adam Waggoner Nathan Weaver 

Johnathan Orsborn & Nancy Brown 02 May 1861 - Ashe - John Eldreth 

Clemens Osborn & Nancy Caroline Brown 18 Mar 1855 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk

Harry Crows & Rebecca Brown 02 Apr 1855 - Ashe - W H Thompson 

James A Fowler & Roda I Brown 22 Aug 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Joshua Cox & Rode Brown - Ashe - Aaron Senter 

Alfred Thompson & Sarah Brown 30 Oct 1839 - Ashe - Wm. Weaver (Deputy Clerk 

James Horton & Susanah Brown - Ashe - Jno. Hardin (Se; James Horton Jno. Ray Clerk 

Enoch Lewis & Susey Brown 22 Mar 1868 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

John F Hartzog & Ludeney Bruer - Ashe - Geo. W. Ray 

Giles Douglass & Phebe Bryan - Ashe - T C Douglas, Deputy Clerk 

Lawson Woodring & Polly Bryant - Ashe - Ephrigm Miller David H. Noble 

Theophilus Woody & Frances Bryon - Ashe - James Woodde A. Parkes 

John J Adkins & Susanna B Buckley 14 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill

David Blevins & Betsey Buckner - Ashe - James Blevins George Bower 

William Kelborn & Caroline Bumgardner - Ashe - Robert Roland; William Manes G. M. Bingham 

William E Dotson & Elizabeth Bumgardner - Ashe - Allen Dotson Made his Mark 

Daniel A Long & Evaline Burgess - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

James C Osborn & Susan Burke 16 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Eldreth 

Helton Ray & Elizabeth Burket 18 Feb 1855 - Ashe - J. M. Gentrey 

Jacob B Houk & Catharine Burkett 22 Feb 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Jacob B Houck & Catherine Burkett - Ashe - Peter Graybeal R. T. Harden 

James H Weaver & Jennie Burkett - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Silvester Gambill & Nancy J Burton - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Zebudee Phips & Nelly Busaac 03 Oct 1852 - Ashe - John Ray (Clerk) 

Drewry Halsey & Nancy Busic - Ashe - William Halse Daniel Sturgill 

Joseph Phipps & Susan Busick 19 Nov 1854 - Ashe - Robt Gambill

James W Reedy & Elizabeth Cain 10 Jul 1853 - Ashe - Josh Baker 

John Dolinger & Elizabeth Caldwell - Ashe - Samuel Bowers 

Robert Mulkey & Susanah Caldwell 09 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

Josiah Roten & Sarah Calhoon 16 Mar 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Harden 

Wm Callans & Margret Callans - Ashe - Elisha Callans 

J F Callaway & Mary Jane Callaway 26 Sep 1857 - Ashe - Shad Calley 

William Plummer & Syntha Callay 18 Jul 1855 - Ashe - R Gambill Clerk 

Burton Johnson & Temperance Calloway - Ashe - Emsley Isaacs G. M. Bingham 

Jacob Nuty & Mary Calup - Ashe - Augustus Asbury R. Jones 

James Turner & Jane Campbell 28 Dec 1856 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry

Wm F Perkins & Jennie Campbell - Ashe - C. Younce 

Cary Ashley & Martha Campbell - Ashe - J. P. Ashley 

Jacob H Norris & Sally E Campbell - Ashe - Cleavlin Eggers G. M. Bingham 

William Hail & Jane Canada - Ashe - Fountain Hail John Ray 

William Ashly & Lucindy C Cane 05 Feb 1854 - Ashe - 

Cleland Bane & Mary Canter 06 Nov 1856 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Andrew Sage & Matilda Carnut - Ashe - Levi Carnut John Ray Clerk 

Dennis Wright & Rosamand Carnut - Ashe - John W. Warrick John Ray Clerk 

Haywood Edwards & Lucinda Carr 20 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Thos. C. Dougla 

Vincent Edwards & Martha Carson 19 Feb 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Wesley W Naylor & Rose Ann Carson - Ashe - William B Car M Carson 

James Baker & Catherine Carter - Ashe - A. W. Wagg (Deputy Clerk 

Bartlett Blevins & Evalin Carter - Ashe - William Barker E C Bartlett 

Walter Linch & Mandy Carter 25 Dec 1855 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Thomas Erwin & Sinai Caudill 08 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Maridith D Hill & Lydia Caudle 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - John A Jones 

Wells Miller & Martha Cazort - Ashe - H. B. Miller (D 

M D Lafayett & Jones Margaret C Ceiverse - Ashe - Joseph P. Jones John Ray (Clerk) 

Obediah Holiman & Mary Chambers 28 Jan 1858 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Levi B Sturgill & Narsisia Elisabet Chandler 05 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Joshua Sturgill 

L B Sturgill & Narsisia Elizabet Chandler - Ashe - James R. X Ri Josh Sturgill 

Samuel Foster & Martha Chapel 08 Jun 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Abner Williams & Mary Chapel 22 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Spencer Isom 

Isom Waggoner & Jane Cheek 15 Sep 1853 - Ashe - Henderson Che R. Gambill (Clerk 

Thomas Higgins & Sally Cheek - Ashe - Martin C. Simco G. Hagins 

Freeland Hawkins & Elizabeth Childers 23 Dec 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett R. T. Hardin 

Senter Edwards & Jane Choate - Ashe - A. B. Cox (Deputy Clerk) 

Franklin Wright & Charity Church 08 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Andrew Grabeal J. A. King 

A J McGruie & Emaline Church 16 Oct 1856 - Ashe - M. Bledsoe (Deputy Clerk) 

C C Phillips & H L Church 25 Aug 1866 - Ashe - M Bledsoe, Deputy Clerk 

William Owens & Jane Church 10 Mar 1854 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Asa Brown & Katharine Church 10 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Lewis Church Robt Gambill, C; Lewis Church 

Samuel Reece & Lusidia Church - Ashe - Jourden Church David Dugger 

Joseph Beamon & Melviney Church 12 Mar 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

John Wadel & Rebecka Church 13 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Wm. R. Church (; John Wadel R. Johns, (Deputy Clerk) 

Lilburn Fulton & Melvina Cile - Ashe - Flecher Write John Ray (Clerk) 

William Cooper & Nancy Clampit - Ashe - Caleb R. Phil; William Cooper J. Tomlin 

Mongumry Barker & Lydia Clark 08 Aug 1857 - Ashe - S. Plummer 

Harrison Calloway & Jane Clarke - Ashe - Galston Davis 

William H Osborn & Polly A Clear 27 Dec 1863 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk) 

Samuel Patton & Barbara Cline - Ashe - Aaron Townsend G M Bingham 

William Poe & Mary J Coldison - Ashe - Jacob Black E C Bartlett 

William Osborn & Elizabeth Cole - Ashe - Solomon Parsons Solomon Parsons 

James Harvey & Ashley Nancy Lurana Cole - Ashe - Wm. Maxwell 

Isaac J Parkes & Zilpha Cole 07 Jan 1858 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Andrew McKnight & Dorcas Collins 30 Jan 1852 ? - Ashe - G. Hagins 

Thomas B Hampton & Jeston Collins 29 May 1853 - Ashe - G. Hagins 

John R Isom & Sarah Collins 04 Oct 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Abram Hawkes & Susan Collins 30 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

William Hampton & Tamsey Collins 25 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Allen D Barnes & Minervey Colson - Ashe - M. S. Dixon Jno. Ray 

Thornton Penington & Elizabeth Combes - Ashe - Jackson Testerm R Jones 

Thornton Penington & Elizabeth Combs 19 Apr 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Washington Parks & Catharine Comer - Ashe - Pilgrim Parks John Ray (Clerk) 

Milinter Roberts & Fama Comer - Ashe - Zachariah Parks John Ray (Clerk) 

Sampson Parkes & Sarah Comer 01 Mar 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Auley Mury & Marthy J Comes 05 Aug 1858 - Ashe - R Jones, Deputy Clerk 

Franklin Delinger & Alizabeth Cook 26 May 1854 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

John Taylor & Eadieth Cook 18 Nov 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Harison Taylor & Emiline Cook 16 Jun 1861 - Ashe - John Eldreth 

Milas Martin & Mary Cook 22 Jun 1872 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Aaron Phipps & Charloote Cooper - Ashe - Harvey Hash Aras. B. Cox 

Calvin Roark & Mariah Cooper - Ashe - N. W. Roark 

John Hagy & Nelly Cooper - Ashe - George Parkes John Ray (Clerk) 

Calvin Eller & Zettie Cooper - Ashe - N. W. Roark 

Aris Cox & Amanda S Corantt - Ashe - J. L. Johnson 

George Atwood & Matilda Cordle - Ashe - W. H. Thompson 

Adam Waggoner & Nancy Cordle 08 Mar 1855 - Ashe - W. H. Thompson 

Absolem Manos & Susan Cormerly - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Joshua Ward & Mary E Cornett - Ashe - Joseph L. Johns 

Isaac M Austin & Thursey Cornut 18 May 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

John Gilmore & Susannah Corvin - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

George Philips & Rachel Louisa Councill - Ashe - Jorden Council G. M. Bingham 

Robert Horton & Lydia A A Cousins - Ashe - Joshua C. Mitch G. M. Bingham 

Lockard Cooper & Mary Cowen 07 Feb 1853 - Ashe - A. B. Cox (Deputy Clerk 

Alen Wolfe & Cathrine Cox - Ashe - Jno. S. Taffa Jno. Ray 

Noah Gallian & Elizabeth Cox - Ashe - Andrew Rector G. Hagins 

Hilyard Horn & Elizabeth M Cox 09 Feb 1854 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

William Bryant & Emaline Cox 16 May 1857 - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Hardin Cox & Emeline Cox 25 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Jesse Parsons & Jane Cox - Ashe - Calvin Perkey John Ray (Clerk) 

James W Long & Margaret Cox 02 Jan 1859 - Ashe - Jno Rives 

Washington Woodde & Margarett Cox - Ashe - Nelson Woodde Nathan Weaver 

Jesse Rieves & Mary Cox 01 Jan 1856 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

James M Woody & Nancy Cox 18 May 1861 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Enoch C Reaves & Peggyan Cox - Ashe - Isom Osborn 

Andrew Patrick & Polly Cox - Ashe - Wilson Cox R. Murchison 

Canaday B Richardson & Sarah Cox 15 Oct 1853 - Ashe - A N McMillan 

George W Carnutt & Susanar or Susan Cox 29 Feb 1865 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

William C Hodges & Eliany J Crawford 08 Jul 1855 - Ashe - Spencer Isom 

James F Toliver & Sarah Crawse 10 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Matthew Norman & Martha Creed 12 Aug 1855 - Ashe - Spencer Isom 

Jesse Kerly & Thersa M Creed 11 Nov 1865 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

W H Cullups & Mary E Crocket 06 Oct 1858 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

John Taylor & Jane Crowder 29 Jul 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Isom Richardson & Jane Crows 16 Aug 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Wesley Gilham & Sarah Crows 07 Jan 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Thomas J Douglass & Sarah L Crows 05 Apr 1855 - Ashe - T C Douglas, Deputy Clerk 

Richard Edwards & Susanah Crows 31 Jan 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

William Marsh & Ellen J Crutchfield 07 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Jacob Nutty & Mary Cullup 08 Jan 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Elias B Robertson & Peggy Curnutt 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Reuben Mast & Jane Curtis - Ashe - David Curtis G. M. Bingham 

John Gragg & Malinda Curtis - Ashe - David Curtis 

Lorenzo D Whittington & Nancy Curtis - Ashe - John J. Whitt G. M. Bingham 

Harvey Pennel & Rachel Louiza Curtis - Ashe - David Curtis G. M. Bingham 

John D Wall & Ruth E Dakin 13 Jun 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Alen Retherford & Pega Daniels - Ashe - Joseph Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Sollomon Sheets & Elizabeth Darnel - Ashe - Jno Koons, Deputy Clerk 

Darlen McDaniel & Anna Datson - Ashe - George Wilson; Enoch B Musgrove; John Asher David Dugger 

Enoch Osborn & Hannah Daugherty - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Franklin Holler & Rebecca Daumer - Ashe - James Ward, Jr. G. M. Bingham 

Owen Dangerfield & Matilda Davidson 07 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

James T Coomes & Amanda Davis 22 Oct 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

John R Strange & Amanda Davis 09 Sep 1863 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Wilborn Peek & Cansada Davis 01 Nov 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Hardin B Williams & Eave Davis 16 May 1858 - Ashe - R Jones, Deputy Clerk 

Hardin B Williams & Eave Davis - Ashe - Thilbert A. F R. Jones 

William M Crawford & Edith Davis 08 Jul 1855 - Ashe - Spencer Isom 

William C Loyd & Francis Ann Davis - Ashe - Joseph G. Jones John Ray (Clerk) 

Amasiah Davis & Jane Davis 27 Feb 1859 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Joel Kerbey & Jane Davis 20 May 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Richard M Davis & Lucy A Davis 24 Dec 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Wm R Porter & Malinda Davis - Ashe - Allen Porter Daniel Sturgill 

Lewis S Jones & Mary Davis 16 Aug 1857 ? - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Isaac Ward & Mary Caroline Davis 17 Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin, 

W Troy Peek & Matilda Davis 23 Dec 1858 - Ashe - John F Greer 

Jahugh Barton & Ruth Davis - Ashe - Fleming S. Thom John Ray, (Clerk 

Plesant G Perky & Sarah Davis - Ashe - Terrell Cox John Ray (Clerk) 

William Moswell & Malvina Day 21 Sep 1855 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

James Arnold & Mary Day 03 Feb 1856 - Ashe - Joseph Ashley J. A. King 

William Landers & Louisa J Dean 16 Dec 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Granville Ayers & Susan Dean 08 Nov 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Thompson Poston & Emela J Deboard - Ashe - Stephen T. Ta Thos. Wayman 

John Sturgill & Mary Deboard 19 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

William Hudler & Nancy Deboard - Ashe - Isaiah Long (Se Daniel Sturgill 

Hilton Griffiths & Sary Deboard - Ashe - John Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Thompson Posten & Emela J Deborad 02 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Thomas Wayman 

John Sturgill & Jane Debord - Ashe - Daniel Sturgill John Ray Clerk 

Eli C Yates & Rosa Debord - Ashe - A Weaver, D Reg 

Thomas Phipps & Sarah Ann Debord 04 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Joseph Mursor & Emaline Deen 15 Apr 1868 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Gilbert Blevins & Rebecca Jane Delinger 10 Aug 1855 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Martial Gilley & Lucy Denney 09 Oct 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Alfred J Barker & Cyntha Denny - Ashe - James Denny E. C. Bartlett 

John Weaver & Lucinda Denny 21 Apr 1861 - Ashe - S. P. Wagg 

Uriah Denny & Mary Denny 23 May 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Calvin Denny & Matilda Denny 18 Aug 1861 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Hiram Edwards & Mary Ann Dickens 15 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Spencer Isom 

Leopold Fredde King & Martha R Dickey 26 Jan 1859 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Daniel Richardson & Adeline Dickson - Ashe - John Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Calvin Eller & Caroline Dickson - Ashe - John Turner R. Murchison 

Jefferson Adkins & Emily Dickson 11 Nov 1854 - Ashe - John J. Sapp 

Adkins Jefferson & Emily Dickson 11 Nov 1854 - Ashe - John J. Sapp 

Nathen Richardson &Jane Dickson 04 Apr 1854 - Ashe - John Weaver 

John A Goodman & Martha Dickson 20 Jan 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Iredell McMillan & Mary Ann Dickson - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John Evans & Nancy Dickson 01 Mar 1855 - Ashe - A. B. Cox (Deputy Clerk 

Aswell P Eller & Nancy Dickson 22 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Jacob Latham Robt. Gambill 

Willborn Ray & Nancy Dickson - Ashe - Hamilton Ray Jno. Ray Clerk 

Alford Gilla & Sarah Dickson 02 Jan 1854 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Zechriah Baker, Jr & Zilpha Dickson - Ashe - James Baker, (Jr A. Parkes 

William Bab & Fanny Dilliard - Ashe - David Isaacs David Dugger 

Elijah Bowlin & Rachel Dilliard - Ashe - William Dilliar 

Thomas Moxley & Rachel Dilliard 15 Jun 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Joel Malary & Martha Dishan 31 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

M D Stamper & Cathrine Dixon - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

George W Ray & Maryan Dixon 24 May 1855 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Samuel Bowers & Louisa Dolinger - Ashe - George Blevins Peter Ernest 

Noah Osborn & Nancy Dolinger 31 Mar 1861 - Ashe - S. P. Wagg (Deputy Clerk 

Andrew Powers & Rachel Dolinger - Ashe - Leander Mabe Made his Mark R. Murchison 

James Kilbourn & Elizabeth Donthan - Ashe - Jesse Isaacs; Joseph Easter David Dugger 

Edenton Mitchell & Nancy Dornbust - Ashe - Jonathan M. Smi 

Joseph Pearce & Eady Dotson - Ashe - Elijah Dotson G. M. Bingham 

Abraham Willson & Rachel Dotson - Ashe - Joseph Pearce G. M. Bingham 

Granvil Blevins & Mary Doughton - Ashe - Silvester Blevi Nathan Weaver 

Ansel Perkins & Maryann Draughn 19 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Joseph B Parsons & Polly Draughn 29 Jul 1856 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Franklin Baker & Rodah Draughn 05 Jun 1858 - Ashe - James X Arnold H. B. Williams 

William E Burke & Nancy Drawn 16 May 1853 - Ashe - John Ballow Daniel Sturgill 

Eli J Mast & Celia Dugger - Ashe - Leason Mast Made his Mark G. M. Bingham 

Jehiel Smith & Elizabeth Dugger - Ashe - Henry Dugger David Dugger 

John Hardin & Margaret Dukes - Ashe - John J. Sapp 

John Parkes & Martha Dun 22 Aug 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

John Lyall & Rachael Duncan - Ashe - John Cox. 

J L Harris & Margret Dungan 28 Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Franklin Gortney & Elizabeth Dunkin 28 Apr 1855 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Calton Blevins & Nancy Dunkin 13 May 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

John W Eldreth & Arteley Dunn - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

Enoch Ham & Delfina J Dunn 12 Oct 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Levi Eldreth & Nancy Dunn 12 Oct 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Daniel Dixson & Sarfiney Dunn - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

William H Badger & Alpha Duvall 05 Feb 1837 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Silvester Miller & Margret Duvall 01 Nov 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Johnson B Aker & Martha Duvall - Ashe - E C Bartlett 

William E Plummer & Nancy Jane Duvall 06 Feb 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Prot 

Steven Anderson & Rebecca Duvall 12 Nov 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

James Porter & Sarah Duvall 14 Sep 1854 - Ashe - S Plummer Deputy Clerk 

William H Badger & Alpha Duvaul - Ashe - James P. Ashley J. A. King 

Eligah Laurence & Maria Elviria Dyer - Ashe - Hardin Laurence Peter Earnest 

Blake M Ballow & Patsey Earnest - Ashe - Calvin Jones 

John Shepherd & Nancy Easrdge - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

John Wesley King & Lucy Eastridge 12 Feb 1857 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Reives Crows & Caroline Edwards 27 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Thos C. Douglas 

Allen Hash & Elizabeth Edwards - Ashe - William Hash John Ray Clerk 

John Joines & Emaline Edwards 20 Apr 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Daniel Blivens & Emeline Edwards 03 Jun 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Solomqn Cox & Frances Edwards - Ashe - Clark Brown Goldman Higgins 

Williams Kennedy & Imanda Edwards 22 Nov 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

John Toliver & Matilda Edwards 03 Apr 1856 - Ashe - R. C. Douglas 

Sowel Isom & Rosamond Edwards 21 Oct 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Levi Willey & Selia J Edwards 23 Dec 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Richard Isaacs, Jr & Clarissa Louisa Eggers - Ashe - Cleavlen Eggers G. W. Bingham 

Berzilla McBride & Elisabeth Eggers - Ashe - Cleavlen Eggers Geo. Bingham 

James Isaacs & Nancy M Eggers - Ashe - John Isaacs G. M. Bingham 

John Isaacs & Sally Eggers - Ashe - Gilbert Noris G. M. Bingham 

Zachariah Eller & Catharine Eldreth - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Stephen Ferry & Nancy Eldreth 24 May 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Nathan F Poe & Racheal Eldreth 11 Aug 1865 - Ashe - Junius Dun Made his Mark E. C. Bartlett 

John Rock & Mary Eldrith - Ashe - John Eldreth Peter Earnest 

Harrison Price & Nancy Eldrith - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Ezekiel Ham & Sarah Eldrith - Ashe - John Goss 

Thomas H Ham & Elizabeth Eliot - Ashe - John Ham 

Samuel Rannels & Rebecca Eliot 11 Oct 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C R T Hardin 

Mathias Richardson & Mary Ann Eliott 27 May 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

John Baker & Delila Eller 31 Oct 1854 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Pryor Monro Church & Mary Eller - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin 

Reuben Poe & Nancy Eller - Ashe - N. W. Roark 

Mark Caudle & Rebecca Eller - Ashe - E. F. Foster 

Henry H Mickles & Sarah Eller 12 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

William Eller & Susanah Eller - Ashe - Hamilton Ray Hamilton Ray 

Joseph Stikelether & Tamsey Eller 08 Jun 1856 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry 

Riley Pool & Jane Elliott 18 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

James Roten & Nancy Elliott 15 Mar 1857 - Ashe - John Weaver 

C M Carter & Isabella Ellis - Ashe - M. B. X Callowa 

Stephen Perry & Nacy Elreth - Ashe - John Eldreth R. Gambill 

Asa Triplett & Belinda Elrod - Ashe - William Elrod G M Bingham, Te 

Solomon Blackburn & Mary Elrod - Ashe - H. Ray (Deputy Clerk, T; Hiram Elrod 

Noah Peeke & Celia Engram 28 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Wm Baker 

Colon Williams & Martha Erwin 25 Sep 1858 - Ashe - John A Jones 

Wiley A Harmon & Elinor Eslip - Ashe - David L. Harmon G. M. Bingham 

George Wilson & Elizabeth Esteep - Ashe - John Esteep Made his Mark David Dugger 

Daniel Swinny & Nancy Estep - Ashe - Berry Lidwell G. M. Bingham 

John Wilson & Polly Estep - Ashe - Enoch B. Musgra David Dugger 

William Norman & Rody Estep - Ashe - George Willson 

Shadrich Estep & Rutha Estep - Ashe - J Joel Mast; George Wilson David Dugger 

Levi Gwin & Sally Estep - Ashe - Wm. Grayson, Jr G. M. Bingham 

Alfred Beadwell & Elizaann Evans 15 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

John H Sexton & Manda Evans 07 Dec 1856 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Isaac Griffith & Matilda Evans - Ashe - James Evans Made his Mark A. Mitchell 

Jasper Anders & Sally Evans 25 Apr 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Hiram Hill & Synthy Evans - Ashe - William Hill Made his Mark Nathan Weaver 

John Adams & Margaret Evins 03 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Bennet Smith & Rachel Fairchild - Ashe - Zekiel Smith G. M. Bingham 

John C Ingram & Charity A Farmer - Ashe - Isaac Privette 

John Ingraham & Charty A Farmer 16 Mar 1862 - Ashe - No Bondsman James Wagg (Clerk 

Wilson Farmer & Elizabeth Farmer 28 Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Jesse Osborn & Lucinda Farmer - Ashe - William Weave Nathan Weaver 

William Grabeal & Maryan Farmer 05 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

William Graybel & Maryan Farmer - Ashe - Franklin A. Far J. A. King 

Jackson Lewis & Nancy Catharine Farmer 12 Nov 1854 - Ashe - Calvin Farmer J. A. King 

Alexander Head & Sary J Farmer 13 Feb 1858 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

John Cohoon & Elisabeth Farmmer - Ashe - B. F. Jakson 

William Y Farthing & Ann W Farthing - Ashe - Dudley Farthing Jno. Ray (Clerk) 

Hiram McBride & Mary H Farthing - Ashe - Dudley Farthi Jno. Ray 

Paul Farthing & Rachel W Farthing - Ashe - William Y. Fart Jno. Ray 

Harvey L Johnson & Caroline Faw 07 Jan 1857 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry 

James M Gentry & Mary Faw 20 Nov 1849 - Ashe - John Ray (Clerk 

Jas M Gentrey & Mary Faw - Ashe - Nathan H. Wau Hamilton Ray 

Josiah J Farmer & Matilda J Felps 21 Mar 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Joshua S Choat & Margaret Fender 19 Sep 1854 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Allen J Edwards & Margaret Fender 14 Jan 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Jonathan F Blevins & Marthy T or J Findly - Ashe - Morris Blevins 

Henry Lefler & Nancy Finley 16 Jun 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Alfred B Fisher & Caroline H Fisher 30 Aug 1856 - Ashe - 

Wm P Young & Elizabeth C Fisher 13 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Prot 

Gideon P Forkner & Martha Fisher 18 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Harvy Overbay & Mary Jane Fisher - Ashe - John Sawyers John Ray (Clerk) 

Alfred Adams & Elizabeth Flannery - Ashe - Bennet Smith Geo. Bingham 

Andrew Johnson & Susanah Fletcher - Ashe - Thomas Swift Made his Mark G. M. Bingham 

Adam Aydlott & Elisa Jane Flin 17 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Edw. W. Baldwin 

Abner Eggers & Charlotte Ford - Ashe - Solomon X Isaac 

Anthony C Daugherty & Deborah Ford - Ashe - William R. Prop G. M. Bingham 

Robert Roland & Elizabeth Ford - Ashe - Holden Davis David Dugger

Golder Harman & Rebeca Ford - Ashe - Joel Mast David Dugger 

Empsey Gragg & Sereny Ford - Ashe - Harrison Aldrid 

Welsey Grimes Rebecca Forgason - Ashe - Caswell (X) Ray H. Ray (Deputy Clerk) 

Elisha Bedsaul Mary Fortner 23 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Benjamin Tester Polly Fortner - Ashe - William Lynn David Dugger (D 

Andrew J Turner Mary Fowler 11 Dec 1855 - Ashe - A. N. McMillan 

R F Halsy Elisebeth Frances - Ashe - G. W. Ray (Reg 

Leander Massey Beddy Francis - Ashe - Valentine (X) W E. C. Bartlett 

Jackson Stewart Hyla Francis - Ashe - Henry Francis H. Ray (Deputy Clerk) ( 

Joseph Stuard Sarah Francis - Ashe - Nowell Stuard - Jno. Tomlin 

Shubal Brooks Matilda Frazier 06 May 1855 - Ashe - John Weaver 

William Weaver Eunice B Free 14 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Andrew Davidson Mary Freeman 10 May 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

John C Rouse Margret Fry - Ashe - Silbon H. Blevi R. Jones 

John C Rous Margret An Fry 22 Apr 1855 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Thomas Duncan Elizabeth Furches 14 Apr 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Andrew Ballow Martha Gabe 28 Feb 1868 - Ashe - Jno. H. Carson 

Phillip Sharar Easter E Gallehan 03 Nov 1854 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Phillip L Shuler Easter E Gallehan 03 Nov 1857 - Ashe - John F Greer 

Joseph Monkers Nancy Gallion - Ashe - Noah Gallion Made his Mark G. Higgins 

Henry Waggoner Frances Gambill - Ashe - Henry A. Davis 

William D Jones Jane A Gambill - Ashe - William Gambill R. Gambill 

William D Jones Jane A Gambill 02 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Tarlton Woodey Mary M Garber - Ashe - Levi E. Lane 

Robert Rowe Sariah E Garess - Ashe - Thomas Barlow R. Jones 

William Howell Jane E Garvey - Ashe - John S. Howell 

William Moreau Rebecca Garvey - Ashe - J. A. Fitzsimmo 

Jordan Grogan Charlotte Gentrey 23 Aug 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

F W Scott Nancy Gentrey 18 Nov 1858 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Joseph Duvall Amanda Gentry 09 Jan 1867 - Ashe - J. P. Ashley (D 

Gordan Grogan Charlotte Gentry - Ashe - M. Bledsoe R. T. Hardin (C 

Washington Gentry Franky Gentry 26 Dec 1852 - Ashe - Jno. Ray (Clerk) 

Ambrose Barker Mary Gentry XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - David Smith R. Gambill (Clerk 

Larkin Ashly - Ashe - David Ashly Jacob Roton 

Joseph Dunkin - Ashe - John Ross John Ray (Clerk) 

David Eastridge - Ashe - David Graybeal 

Thomas Pope - Ashe - William Roark 

Jesse Price - Ashe - James Langely 

Hesekiah McGrady Rebeca Goens - Ashe - S. P. Wagg (Deputy Clerk 

Hesekiah McGrady Rebeca Goens - Ashe - Alexander C. 

James P Cates Martha L Goins - Ashe - Hesekiah McGrad Joshua Stergill 

Joseph Murcer Belinda Gore 08 Jan 1854 - Ashe - Wm Baker 

William Penington Cenith Mary Gortney 30 Aug 1866 - Ashe - Wm Baker 

Elias P Gilpin Elizabeth Gortny 16 May 1871 - Ashe - S. Penington (D 

Isaac M Brown Elvira Goss 18 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Jos. A. King, ( 

Ambrose Perkins Lorinda Goss 20 Jan 1858 - Ashe - J. A. King 

John W Tucker Martha Goss 30 May 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

David Gowings Elizabeth Gowings 06 May 1858 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

William Blevens Nancy Grabeal - Ashe - Alfred Graybeal J. A. King 

Larkin Williams Susan Grabeal XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Riley Alfred Sabra Gray - Ashe - Jesse Luallen Jno Ray 

William Goss Amanda Graybeal - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

Sanders Roton Catharine Graybeal 17 Oct 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

David Latham Elizabeth Graybeal 09 Oct 1856 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Isom Goss Elizabeth E Graybeal 16 Nov 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

David Sluder Joicy Graybeal 14 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Granvill Osborn Marian Graybeal 09 Jun 1867 - Ashe - S. Pennington ( 

Aswell Jones Martha A Graybeal - Ashe - J. S. Johnson 

Hiram Weaver Marthy Jane Graybeal 12 Mar 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

David Osborn Mary Jane Graybeal 18 Nov 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

John C Greer Sarah Graybeal 30 Sep 1861 - Ashe - R T Hardin, Clerk 

Henry Houck Susanah Graybeal - Ashe - Jno. Ray; Farras Callaway Thos. Callaway 

David Senter Joysey Grayble - Ashe - W. M. Roark 

Robert Rowe Sariah E Greas 15 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Isaac M Reece Cintha Greaves - Ashe - Asa Reece G. M. Bingham ( 

Thomas Swift Lucinda Green - Ashe - Golston Davis 

Calvert McCandlass Mary Green - Ashe - Isaac M. Green G. M. Bingham 

Nathaniel C Shull Mira Green - Ashe - Abram Johnson G. M. Bingham 

Allen Adams Peggy Green - Ashe - Squire Adams David Dugger (D 

Lewis Trivitt Phebe Green 16 Jan 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh, (D 

Squire Adams Polly Green - Ashe - David Isaacs Made his Mark David Dugger (D 

Joseph Brown Sally Green - Ashe - Robert Shearer 

Frankling Norris Sarah Green - Ashe - John Green G. M. Bingham 

Samuel Pennel Susan Green - Ashe - Harvy C Pennel 

Isaac Wilson Caroline Greer - Ashe - Abner Smith G. M. Bingham 

William Bouyer Catharine Greer 09 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Elijah Younce Charlotte Greer - Ashe - James Hathorn A. Parkes (Deputy Clerk 

C W Orsbin Elisabeth Greer - Ashe - Gorg Orsborn 

James Greer Fanny Greer - Ashe - Callaway Elrod H. Ray 

Alex Roton Franky Greer 18 Dec 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Nathan Trivet Hannah Greer 02 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Hamilton Greer Jane or Nancy Greer 10 May 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

John Trivitt Lucy Greer - Ashe - James Harvey Jno. Ray 

Henry M Roberson Nancy Greer 05 Oct 1854 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Solomon McGuire Nancy Greer - Ashe - George McGuire N. H. Waugh 

Jacob Houk Tempy Greer - Ashe - William Brown Jno. Ray (Test 

Jonathan Gren Eliza Gren 20 Mar 1856 - Ashe - M. Bledso (Clerk 

Calvin Main Polly Grier - Ashe - G. M. Bingham; John O Potter 

David Hagee Rebecca Griffin 29 May 1855 - Ashe - 

David Haga Rebecca Griffin 30 Dec 1854 - Ashe - S. Plumer 

Alson Waddelle Carolina Griffiths 21 Nov 1852 - Ashe - Daniel Sturgill 

Alson Waddell Caroline Griffiths - Ashe - John C. Griff Daniel Sturgill 

James Porter Salene Grimeley - Ashe - James Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

John Anderson Jane Grimes 22 Mar 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Allen Porter Evelina Grimsley - Ashe - James Porter Daniel Sturgill 

John E Dickenson Mary Groace 18 Feb 1855 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk; Robt Gambill 

Granvil Cline Rachel Grobb - Ashe - Henry J. Parson John Ray Clerk 

Andrew J Greer Sadilia Grobb 20 Dec 1865 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Clerk 

David King Eveans Nancy Grub 10 Nov 1855 - Ashe - Jno A. Jones 

Vanburin B Right Ludema Jane Gullion 07 Jan 1855 - Ashe - S Plumer, Deputy Clerk 

Andrew Mathis Lucinda Gwyn - Ashe - David X Shoak G. M. Bingham ( 

George Payne Elizabeth Gye 11 May 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Thomas H Anderson Celia Hagah - Ashe - Harvey T. Ander John Ray Clerk 

William Grubbs Elizabeth Hagay 19 Feb 1854 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

James Slate Caldona Hagston 12 Nov 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Jackson B Parkes Sarah Hagy - Ashe - James Livesay John Ray Clerk 

Gabrel S Smoot Rena Hail - Ashe - John McPhipps John Ray Clerk 

William Curry Eleanor Halaway - Ashe - John C. Paseley John Ray Clerk 

Leftwich Hale Elvira Hale 03 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

G W McGuire Elvira Hale 13 Aug 1853 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

Mineter Isom Nancy Hale 27 Mar 1856 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas (D 

Henry Anders July Ann Hall 12 Nov 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

George Mitchell Elizabeth Hallar - Ashe - Jacob Townsend G. M. Bingham 

John Busic Adey Ann Halsey 25 Oct 1857 - Ashe - L. H. Halsey H. B. Williams 

William C Parsons Cindarill Halsey - Ashe - Thomas Ross 

Garfield Hackler Dilpha S Halsey 26 May 1855 - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Ezikeal Halsey Fidilla Halsey 19 Sep 1856 - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Fielding Brewer Jane Halsey 17 Feb 1859 - Ashe - John F Greer 

Lewis Hash Polly Halsey - Ashe - Solomon Parsons Solomon Parsons 

Lazeress Hash Polly Halsey - Ashe - John Maxwell John Ray (Clerk 

John F Pool Rosey Halsey - Ashe - Levi B. Senter John Ray (Clerk 

John McMillan Salley Halsey 28 Feb 1852 - Ashe - Eno. W. Baldwin 

Henry J Parsons Seeny Halsey - Ashe - William A. GI John Ray Clerk 

William Ham Angeline Ham 06 Feb 1862 - Ashe - John Eldreth (D 

Solomon Perry Bitha Ham 23 Dec 1863 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Solomon Roark Catharine Ham 21 May 1857 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Wm Price Cinda Ham - Ashe - R. Murchison Jno. Tomlin 

William Perry Edy Ham - Ashe - Wm Perry; John Eldreth Jno Ray, Clerk (T 

Richard Perry Emaline Ham XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - Josh Baker (Deputy Clerk 

Wagoner Landers Mary Ham 29 Oct 1855 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Charles Roark Mary Ham 28 Dec 1854 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Gideon Weaver Phebe Ham 25 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

A J Davis Rachel Ham - Ashe - Jehu Goss (D. R 

Levi C Gentry Mary Hamilton 19 Mar 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Geo W Childers Mary Hamm - Ashe - John Ham R. Murchison 

William Dyer Hiley Hampton - Ashe - Levi Heath David Dugger (D 

John Collins Phillis Hampton 04 Mar 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

Solomon Jennings Susana Hampton 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Wesley Dilliard Charity Hanck - Ashe - Henry Dillard 

John Powel Elizabeth A Hardin - Ashe - James W. Coun G. M. Bingham 

William P Suderth Jane E Hardin 08 Apr 1852 - Ashe - John Ray Clerk 

David Burket Katharine Hardin 16 Jan 1855 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Henry Bare Amanda Harless 07 Nov 1852 - Ashe - N H Waugh 

Eli Pressnell Louisa Harmon - Ashe - Isaac Moody 

Washington Eggers Lucinda Harmon - Ashe - Richard Isaacs G. M. Bingham 

Samuel Riddle Eliza Harper 14 Apr 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Jesse Mash Elizabeth Harper - Ashe - Jackson Brown J. M. Gentry 

Jacob Faw Martha Harper - Ashe - John Severt, (J R. Gambill 

James H Thompson Susan Harras - Ashe - Robert B. Allen John Ray Clerk 

Abraham Peacok Catharine Hart 01 Sep 1853 - Ashe - S. Plumer (Deputy Clerk 

Uriah Peek Nealy Hart - Ashe - Elisha Hart John Ray Clerk 

Wm Childers Carline Hartsog 12 Jan 1871 - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin ( 

James J Howell Nancy Hartzog 04 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Edwad Mc(Corm J. M. Gentry (D 

William Halsey Ademia Hash 06 May 1858 - Ashe - John F. Greer ( 

Levi Long Ann Hash - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

William Young Catharine Hash - Ashe - Jacob A. Hash John Ray Clerk 

W P Ross Elizabeth Hash - Ashe - Robert Phipps John Ray Clerk 

Samuel Davis Elizabeth Hash - Ashe - Elijah Baker John Ray Clerk 

Lorenzo G Thomas Elizabeth Jane Hash 26 Oct 1854 - Ashe - James Sturgill 

Franklin Barton Jane Hash - Ashe - Wm. J. Pasly John Ray Clerk 

Troy Halsey Jane Hash - Ashe - Hugh Hash John Ray Clerk 

Hezekiah Pasley Jane Hash - Ashe - Ira Halsy John Ray Clerk 

Churchwell H Anderson Jesten Hash - Ashe - Lewis Hash Solomon Parsons 

Elbert Ball Lidy Hash 06 Apr 1862 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Hugh Testerman Margaret Hash - Ashe - Calvin Testerma 

Wesley Anderson Margaret Hash - Ashe - James Anderson Solomon Parsons 

Joshua Ward Nelly Hash - Ashe - Jesse Cox John Ray (Clerk 

John Winget Peggy Hash - Ashe - Josiah Peak John Ray Clerk 

Andrew Baker Polly Hash - Ashe - Elijah Baker John Ray Clerk 

Johnathan Perry Rabeckah Hash - Ashe - John A. Parks John Ray Clerk 

Cox Jesse Rosey Hash - Ashe - Lewis Hash John Ray Clerk 

John Hash Sarah Hash - Ashe - Benjamin Laur John Ray Clerk 

Morris Halsey Sophina Hash - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Joshua Stamper Susannah Hash - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Alfred Hatley Susanna Hatley - Ashe - William X Hat James Horton 

William Teague Livena Hatten - Ashe - Jacob Goodman R. Murchison 

William Hatten Rachel Hatten - Ashe - Wm. Wilcox Jno. Tomlin 

William Wilcox Nina Hatton - Ashe - Jonson H. Per 

Joel Kegley Delila Haunshell - Ashe - Francis McLaute Solomon Parsons 

David Sexton Ruthy Hawkins 11 Jul 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

David Price Nancy Hawks - Ashe - Samuel Lundy, J M. Carson 

C A Burkett Margaret Hawthorn - Ashe - E. F. Lester, ( 

Martin Hardin Polly Hawthron 25 Oct 1866 - Ashe - Frank Hardin R. T. Hardin (C 

William L Taylor Octava Hayworth - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Dolphin Alston Davis America C Heath - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William Stedham Elisabeth Heath - Ashe - Tobias Taylor Daniel Sturgill 

William Stedham Elizabeth Heath 24 May 1853 - Ashe - Daniel Sturgill 

Johnathan F Taylor Amasa Heathorn 02 May 1854 - Ashe - J. J. Sapp (Deputy Clerk 

Johnathan F Taylor Amasa Heathorn - Ashe - Peter McNiel John J. Sapp (D 

Wiatt M Harris Matilda Henderson 17 Feb 1867 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

Thomas Mash Mary Hendrix 25 Oct 1865 - Ashe - J. Calvin Mc E. C. Bartlett 

Walter Brown Elizabeth Hensley - Ashe - James S. Reeves Nathan Weaver ( 

William Magrady Margaret Hensley - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray Clerk 

Wilson Jones Selanena Herrington 04 Feb 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Ga??bill ( 

Wilson Jones Selenena Herrinton - Ashe - Drewry Power Wm. Sexton (Justice of the Peace 

William Sheppard Emaline Hicks 05 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Thos C. Dougla 

Joseph Hampton Francis Higgins 14 Feb 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Joshua Cox Jane Higgins - Ashe - Thomas Higgins G. Higgins 

Jacob Wolfford Nancy Hilbourn - Ashe - Pascals Talley John Ray Clerk 

Nathan Atwood Carthany Hill - Ashe - Jordan H. Cox 

Alen Tolover Nancy Hill 06 Oct 1853? - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Braxton Johnson Jennetta Hilyard - Ashe - George D. Green G. M. Bingham 

Riley Tribet Louisa Hilyard - Ashe - Willborn Tribet G M Bingham, TE 

Marion Church Mary Hilyard - Ashe - William Prophet 

Noel Johnson Celia Hix - Ashe - Amos Ward G M Bingham 

Calvin Ward Clarice Hix - Ashe - Isaac Moody G. M. Bingham 

David Hix Elisabeth Hix - Ashe - Ransom Teaster G. M. Bingham 

Ransom Teaster Fanny Hix - Ashe - Hiram Hix G. M. Bingham 

Robert Teaster Margret Hix - Ashe - Hiram Hix G. M. Bingham ( 

Miles Pressnell Terilda Hix - Ashe - Ransom Teaste G. M. Bingham 

Solomon Reedy Sarah Hoddridge 08 Nov 1851 - Ashe - H. Ray Deputy Clerk 

Henry M Rigsbee Ann N Hodgens - Ashe - R. Murchison 

Goldmon Higgins Amanda Jane Hodges 18 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Joseph Hays Eliza Hodges - Ashe - Ransom Hayes 

Jeremiah Ray Nancy Hodges 13 Mar 1853 - Ashe - John Ray Clerk 

John Trivitt Patsey Hodges 23 Oct 1858 - Ashe - Thomas Blackbur Coonrod Elrod 

Edmond Blackburn Syntha Hodges - Ashe - George W. McN G. M. Bingham 

Samuel Willey Matilda Holbrook 05 Sep 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

William Brinegar Mary C Holloway XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - Jno. Koons Deputy Clerk 

Robert Tauyler Sady Holoway 28 Nov 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

William Dugger Elizabeth Holsclaw - Ashe - James Morgan David Dugger (D 

Elijah Isaacs Sarah Holsclaw - Ashe - William W. Wh Jno. Tomlin 

Joseph S Norris Sarah Hopkins 21 Oct 1852 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Zadoch Osborn Katharine Hoppers - Ashe - Eli Osborn Nathan Weaver ( 

Wesley Dilard Charity Houck 24 Aug 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Wm K Greer Elizabeth Houck - Ashe - J. C. Ray (D.R. 

John Gentry Jane Houck - Ashe - Jerry Ray (D. R 

Wilborn Lyalls Milley Houck 02 Nov 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Welborn Lyall Mily Houck - Ashe - Andrew X Brac 

Samuel Willcocks Barbery Houk - Ashe - R. Murchison 

William A Campbell Caroline Houk - Ashe - David Howell John J. Sapp (D 

Buris Hail Clarrisy Houk - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Hiram W Standaford Elizabeth Howel - Ashe - Joseph Hash John Ray Clerk 

Charles Taylor Mahala Howel - Ashe - Josh Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Henderson Crows Maryann Howel 06 Mar 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

George Eller Belinda Howell - Ashe - Hiram Elrod R. Murchison 

James McGuire Elizabeth Howell 25 Sep 1866 - Ashe - W. Bledsoe 

Henry McClure Leah Howell 17 Aug 1855 - Ashe - Jno. J. Sapp (D 

Calvin M Graybeal Lucy Howell - Ashe - D. H. Graybeal E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin M Graybeal Lucy Howell 31 Aug 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Jackson Comes Martha Howell 23 Jun 1855 - Ashe - J. M. Gentery 

Andrew Gentry Martha Howell 04 Mar 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Andrew Gentry Martha Howell - Ashe - Wm. H. Gentry 

James Hartzog Mary Howell - Ashe - Richd Gentrey Jno. Ray 

Edward C McCormick Mary Howell - Ashe - George Howell 

John Roton Miley Howell 10 Oct 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Jonathan Faw, Jr Peggy Howell - Ashe - Wm. X Willin 

Jacob Graybeal Sarah Howell - Ashe - David Graybeal Jno. Tomlin (D. 

Solomon Chambers Tarasea Howell - Ashe - James Denny 

Wilson Cox Eliza Hubard - Ashe - John Grimsley Jno. Tomlin 

John Duncan Elizabeth Hubbard - Ashe - E F Foster 

John H Hampton Katharine Huddle 18 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Samuel F Grubb Margaret Huddle - Ashe - John R. Grubb G. Higgins 

Jesse F Yates Sarah Ann Hudgins 12 Jan 1866 - Ashe - E C Bartlett, D 

Stephen Harte Selih Hufman 04 Apr 1867 - Ashe - John Ham Deputy Clerk 

William R Lewis Sariah A Hufmon - Ashe - Granville Osbor Joshua Sturgill 

William Powers Rutha Ann Hughs - Ashe - Geo W Ray, Reg. 

Jonathan H Clark Martha Hunley - Ashe - Sant Leger Broo A. Parkes 

Gasper Hurley Catherine Hurley - Ashe - David Dixon Jno. Ray 

John Pennington Manda Hurley 16 Feb 1859 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Joseph Sullin Marthy Hurley 18 Feb 1872 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Franklin Sheets Mary Hurley - Ashe - Larkin Sheets Peter Earnest 

William Roberts Orlean Hurley 03 Jul 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

William Posner Nancy E Huse - Ashe - S. Bowers 

William Pafford Mary Ann Hutton - Ashe - Nathaniel Jon John Ray Clerk 

Benjamin Greer Eliza Inggiam - Ashe - Franklin Morris James Horton (T 

Robert Hodges Margaret Ingraham - Ashe - Thomas Hodges G. M. Bingham 

Eli A Blevins Nancy Ingram 04 Feb 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Nathaniel H Wills Maryan Irick - Ashe - Thomas Ross Jno. Ray Clerk 

Armsted Loveless Elizabeth Irvin - Ashe - Wilborn Phipps A. B. Cox 

Isaac Ridge Elenar Isaacs 07 Jan 1855 - Ashe - Holden Davis David Dugger 

Milton Davis Margaret Isaacs - Ashe - Hiram McBride G. M. Bingham 

Brazilla Eggers Sarah Isaacs - Ashe - Landrine Eggers G. M. Bingham 

John V S or L Reece Syntha Isaacs - Ashe - Boyd Wilson G. M. Bingham 

Lorenzo D Hale Mary Isom 22 Dec 1851 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

William C Spurlin Nancy Isom 06 Jul 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Sidney Hale Sarah Isom 27 Jan 1859 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Robert Blevens Mary Jacks 11 May 1856 - Ashe - J. J. Sapp (Deputy Clerk 

Hardin Hill Jane James - Ashe - Martin F. Hil Daniel Sturgill 

William Roton Sary Janks - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

George Price Eliza Jenkins 11 Oct 1858 - Ashe - J M Gentry, Deputy Clerk 

James J Carr Martha Jennings 13 Oct 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Richard Cheek Marthy Jennings 29 Jan 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Wilborn Carr Mary Jennings 18 Oct 1857 - Ashe - T C Douglass 

Ephraim Hampton Sarah Jennings 23 Jul 1854 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

James Ruphus Wood Sarah Jentry 08 Mar 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin, ( 

Jesse B Reves Alvey Johnson - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

E C R McEwen Amanda E Johnson - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Stringer Jefferson Cathrine Johnson 24 Oct 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Henry Eastridge Elizabeth Johnson 14 May 1855 - Ashe - John Eldreth (D 

James Ornel Frances Johnson - Ashe - Jacob Roton (TE 

Hardin Sullivan Franky Johnson - Ashe - Edwin Austin M. Carson (Deputy Clerk 

Hardin Swilivan Franky Johnson - Ashe - Edwin Austin M. Carson (Deputy Clerk 

Samuel Landreth Jane Johnson 23 Sep 1855 - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Samuel Landrith Jane Johnson - Ashe - Carter Wade H. B. Williams 

Calvin Baker Katharine Johnson - Ashe - Peter Earnest Hamilton Ray 

Harrison G Powers Mary A Johnson - Ashe - John Goss 

Eli Weeden Sage Nancy Johnson - Ashe - N. W. Roark (D. 

Jesse Gilley Polly Johnson - Ashe - Charles X Gil 

John T Garvey Rachel A Johnson 11 Jan 1872 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Reuben Dotson Sally Johnson - Ashe - Abraham X Wils 

Hiram Carnut Sarah Johnson - Ashe - Jesse Price Made his Mark Thos. Calloway 

Jefferson Stringer Cathrine Johnston - Ashe - Elisha Penningt; Jefferson Stringer 

David C Farmer Mary Johnston 28 Feb 1858 - Ashe - H. B. Williams 

Oliver Robertson Angaline J Jones 19 Jul 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

James W Shepherd Elizabeth Jones - Ashe - James Weaver Nathan Weaver ( 

Jacob Eller Ellen Jones 24 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Gelrge X Elle J. M. Gentry 

F S Hampton Jane Jones 28 Nov 1866 - Ashe - R T Hardin 

James Hart Jane Jones - Ashe - Joseph Dunkin John Ray Clerk 

William Anderson Laurie Jones 24 Dec 1866 - Ashe - J. H. Carson 

William Anderson Laurie Jones - Ashe - Agustus Teague Jno. H. Carson 

Charles W Burke Malvina Jones 12 Mar 1857 - Ashe - Madison Hart Thos. Wayman (D 

S H Waddill Martha Jones 06 Feb 1868 - Ashe - J. W. Ketchum ( 

Hugh Cox Mary Jones - Ashe - Wm. X Cox G. Hagins (Test 

Calvin Graybeal Mary Jones - Ashe - B. H. Johnson 

R W Wright Mary Jones 16 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Calvin Graybeal Mary Jones 28 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton (D. 

Joseph Sturgill Matilday Jones - Ashe - John X Willia M. Carson (Deputy Clerk 

Adam Rosenburn Nancy Jones 29 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

John Osborn Polly Jones 10 Apr 1853 - Ashe - J. Baker Deputy Clerk 

A Turner, Jr Rachel Jones - Ashe - Noah Testerma Jno. Tomlin 

J H Doughten Rebeca Jones 11 Mar 1855 - Ashe - Jno A. Jones 

William H Dollar Rhoda Jones - Ashe - Wm. Latham 

George Miller Ruth Jones - Ashe - Wm. B. Carson M. Carson 

David Hudler Sarah Jones 30 Jan 1862 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Enoch Davis Sarah Jones 14 Jun 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Alexander Wyott Sela Jones 13 Mar 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh (D. 

Joseph Cox Sinah Jones - Ashe - Abner Williams G Higgins 

Joseph P Jones Elizabeth Jullion - Ashe - James Halsey John Ray Clerk 

Franklin Grubb Margaret Kegley 05 Apr 1853 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

Irwin Cook Ellen Kelly - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Loranzo D Davis Frances Kerby 20 Nov 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Henry Blessing Elisa Jane Kesling - Ashe - John C. Repass John Ray Clerk 

Reuben Leonard Harriet Keterine - Ashe - Linville Higgin G. Higgins 

William S Smith Mary Ketran - Ashe - James Brown John Ray Clerk 

Leanderson Cline Susan Ketron - Ashe - Hezekiah Perkin John Ray Clerk 

Henry A Wood Sarah Jane Key 17 Feb 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

William Overbay Margaret Kidd - Ashe - John Cox John Ray Clerk 

John Baldwin Franky Kilbey 31 Oct 1857 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Hugh Eggers Alva Kilby - Ashe - James Swifte, J G. M. Bingham 

Daniel Edwards Frances Killian - Ashe - Linville Higgin G. Higgins 

Calvin Sheets Elizabeth Kimbell XX Oct 1851 - Ashe - J. Perkins 

William B Farthing Ann Kindall - Ashe - Paul Farthing G. W. Bingham 

Joseph Bumgardner Margaret King - Ashe - John Vaught John Ray Clerk 

Benjamin H Neal Martha C King 07 Feb 1860 - Ashe - S. P. Wagg (Deputy Clerk 

James E Neece Mary A King 09 Aug 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

John C McEwen Sallie J King - Ashe - J. W. Todd (Deputy Clerk 

Luke Eller Sarah King - Ashe - Aaron Latham 

Austin Flanagan Caroline Kinser - Ashe - Flemming S Doug; Joseph Pinnenton 

Austin W Hillinberg Elizabeth Jane Kiser 29 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Levi Wineburger Luzena Knight 13 Feb 1859 - Ashe - E Roark 

Hugh Bar Molle Koon - Ashe - John Bagler Geo. Bower 

Morgan Long Catherine Koons - Ashe - G. W. Ray (REG. 

Sanders Evins Francis Krouse 18 Oct 1851 - Ashe - J. H. Carson (D 

Calaway Joins Susanah Krouse 08 Jan 1852 - Ashe - John Ray Clerk 

Ralp Bevins Mary J Krows - Ashe - Joshua Caudill 

Hardin Treadway Sarah Lake 22 Nov 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Edward R Barker Carolina Lambert - Ashe - J. Hudler, (Deputy Clerk 

John Massey Sarah Lambert 19 Aug 1858 - Ashe - J M Gentry 

Jeremiah Blackman Mandy Landers 14 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Thomas Barker R Jones 

Enoch Steelman Rachel Landreth 26 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Riley Anderson Rachel M Landreth - Ashe - Jehu Goss, (Deputy Clerk 

John F Gore Lucy Lane 13 Apr 1862 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Calvin Stidham Susannah Lane - Ashe - John Wiles Nathan Weaver ( 

Martin Gray Nancy Langeley - Ashe - Benj. (X) Gray 

Martin Hensley Nancy Larrence - Ashe - Joshua Weaver John Ray Clerk 

J A Heck E J Latham - Ashe - N. W. Roark (D. 

James McCoy Nancy Latham - Ashe - John Pennington 

James Owens Ann Leath 26 Aug 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

James Hubbard Nancy A Lefler - Ashe - S. Pennington 

Columbus Patton Celia Leonard 19 Jan 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

John Austin Evelina Leonard 20 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

George W Bartley Manerva Leonard 23 Mar 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

William Osborn Cirena Lewis - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Johnson Sluder Elizabeth Lewis - Ashe - Joseph Johnson 

Larkin Penington Lydia Lewis - Ashe - Larkin Peningto J A King 

James Allen Margaret Lewis - Ashe - William Roark 

Isaac Poe Mary Lewis 11 Mar 1855 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Isah Jones Maryan Jane Lewis 22 Apr 1855 - Ashe - Samuel Jones J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Calvin Roark Melinda Lewis - Ashe - Absalom Roark J. A. King (Tes 

Calvin Roark Melinda Lewis 01 Nov 1854 - Ashe - J. A. King Deputy Clerk 

John Latham Nancy Lewis - Ashe - David (X) Roton J. A. King (Tes 

Jesse Bare Nancy Lewis - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William Elliott Nancy Lewis - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Isaac Lewis Polly Lewis - Ashe - Andrew Treadawy 

Elicum Ayres Sarah Lewis - Ashe - Jackson Higgins G. Hagins 

Samuel Penington Sarah Ann Lewis 26 Jan 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin C 

Martin Wolf Malinda Lintacum - Ashe - William Fudge John Ray Clerk 

Ambrose P Coldiron Sarah Litle - Ashe - Michael Mille Nathan Weaver 

Jacob Bare Lucinda Little 24 Aug 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Andrew Penington Mary Little 05 Nov 1857 - Ashe - E. Roark Deputy Clerk 

Caltin Burgess Margarit Loflin 17 Oct 1856 - Ashe - Wm. F. Head R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Stephen L Fowler Syntha Loggans - Ashe - Martin Brown 

William Mash Franky Logins - Ashe - Acklen Ketchum J. B. Miller 

Jacob Miller Elizabeth Loman - Ashe - Henry Dillard 

Preston Vannoy Elizabeth Long - Ashe - Samuel Peasly John Ray Clerk 

Jonathan Gentry Emily Long 17 Apr 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Henry Bare Margaret Long - Ashe - 

John R Thomas Nancy Elizabeth Long - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Benjamin DeBoard Pheba Long - Ashe - Jacob Deboard Daniel Sturgill 

Alxander Cox Tabitha Long 02 Jan 1859 - Ashe - John Parson (DE 

Isaac Green Martha Lorance 18 Feb 1866 - Ashe - J. S. Howell (D 

Marshall M Howell Mary E Lorance 22 Feb 1866 - Ashe - J. S. Howell (D 

Emanuel Long Tempy Lorrence - Ashe - Thomas A. Landr John Ray Clerk 

Steven Comer Sary Ann Loveless 23 Dec 1852 - Ashe - S. Plummer 

Samuel Pilkington Leethe Lunceford - Ashe - James Noris G. M. Bingham 

J A Roan Elizabeth Lundy - Ashe - Josiah Lundy G. Higgins 

Davis Norman Frances Lundy 02 May 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Daniel P Kegley Scinia Lundy 18 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

James W Clarke Susan Lusk - Ashe - Harrison Callow G. M. Bingham 

Jacob Bare, Jr Dicey Lyal - Ashe - James Grimsley A. Parkes 

George Miller Rachael Lyalls 10 Jun 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh (D. 

Anderson Brackens Ann Lyle - Ashe - James Lyall R. Murchison 

John Bare Nancy Caroline Lyle 25 Jan 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry C 

Anderson Brackins Anna Lyles 26 Feb 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John Bare Elisabeth A Lyles - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Jacob Taylor Jane Lyons 18 Apr 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Jacob Taylor Jane Lyons - Ashe - Abraham Miller Robt. Gambill 

Isaac Adams Patsy Macall 13 Nov 1856 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Alexander C Burk Parsade H Macgrady - Ashe - Hesekiah Macgra 

Franklin Hall Polly Macgrady 18 Dec 1851 - Ashe - John Davis H. B. Williams 

Hiram Osborn Rebecca Maddrin 25 Sep 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

James Reece Nancy Madern - Ashe - Isaac M. Reece G. M. Bingham 

Elbert Bishop Martha Madron 14 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Sion Wall Elizabeth Magrady 26 Apr 1856 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

John Treadaway Kesiah Magrady - Ashe - Henry Poe 

John Williams Lity Magrady - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray, (Clerk 

Drury Richardson Nancy Magrady - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Charles Vanover Elender Main - Ashe - William Lewis J. A. King 

Kenelos Piliaps Letty Maine - Ashe - Tome Pope 

Zachariah Murray Hetty Maines 05 Feb 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

James Testerman Milla Majah 12 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Robert X Deli R. Jones Test 

Elen DeFriece Eliza Malary 28 Mar 1854 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Rily Obriant Isabella Mance 24 Apr 1853 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Albert Gooch Polly Manly 15 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

James Mulky Hetty Marlin - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Obadiah Dancy Elisabeth Martin - Ashe - Noah Dancey 

Hugh Burgess Eve Mash 23 Oct 1851 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh D. 

William E Colvard Martha Mash - Ashe - Jesse X Mash; James Gentrey 

William E Colvard Martha Mash 29 Sep 1853 - Ashe - James M. Gentry 

Enoch Severt Mary Mash - Ashe - George W. Walte 

Enoch Severt Mary Mash 15 Sep 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Thomas Burgess Nancy Mash 11 Oct 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Joseph Jenkins Elizebeth Maxwell - Ashe - Jonathan Faw J. Tomlin 

Robert Tomas Elizebeth Maxwell - Ashe - Jas. L. Johnson 

Reuben Graybeal Jain Maxwell 19 Feb 1858 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Allen Perkins Rebecka Maxwell - Ashe - Stephen Thomas Geo. Bowen 

David Sexton Celia May 03 Aug 1854 - Ashe - Wm. Francis R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Dr D Floyd Petigo Sarah A E May 29 Dec 1865 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Deputy Clerk 

Jackson Sells Jane Mayable - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Calvin Hartly Susanah Mayse - Ashe - James Spears 

Ezra L More Sofina McBrid 07 Jun 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Landrine Eggers Elenoar McBride - Ashe - Hiram Reece David Dugger (D 

Thomas Dougherty Hannah McBride - Ashe - A. C. Dougherty G. M. Bingham 

Noah Phipps Nancy McBride 20 Mar 1854 - Ashe - R. Gambill (Clerk 

William Hawkins Polly Jane McBride - Ashe - Peter Hackler 

Hiram Reece Patsey McCall - Ashe - William Grayson David Dugger (D 

Calvin Grabill Sarah Susan McCarrell 06 Jan 1856 - Ashe - S. Plunber (Deputy Clerk 

Samuel M Carnut Catharine Jane McCarter 18 Apr 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Hervy Gragg Mellinda McClaird - Ashe - Nelson Gragg Made his Mark G. M. Bingham 

Lewis Segroves Jane McClure - Ashe - James Denny E. C. Bartlett 

John A Peak Sarilda F McGrada 12 Apr - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

John Owens Darkis McGrady - Ashe - Robert H. Woods Geo. Bower 

Amos W Mink Maryann McGrady 07 May 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

William Trivet Amanda McGuire - Ashe - Harvy McGuire Jno Ray, Test 

James J Goodman Manda C McGuire - Ashe - John (X) Faw S James Wagg (Cle 

James Cooper Nancy McGuire - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Eli Ross Elizabeth McMeans - Ashe - Sylvester Halse John Ray Clerk 

Obediah Cavender Cinthy McMellon - Ashe - George D. Men John Ray Clerk 

Benjamin Faw Rebecca McNeal 16 Feb 1859 - Ashe - Jno Rives (Deputy Clerk 

John T Morgan Matilda McNight 04 Jul 1858 - Ashe - T C Douglas, Deputy Clerk 

Hiram Baker Martitia McQueen 25 Jun 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

R C Ray Calla McQuen 25 Jun 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Geo R C Floyd Ellen Meade 07 Oct 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Hugh B Tilson Margaret Meak - Ashe - Enoch Stafford John Ray Clerk 

Eli A Farmer Cena Melton 04 Apr 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Nathan Phillips Elizabeth Mikeal 14 Jul 1855 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Hamilton Phillips Mary Mikeal 14 Apr 1853 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Danil Johnson Lucindey Mikel - Ashe - Samul Bowers John Tomlin (D. 

George W Miller Mariea Mikel 27 Oct 1865 - Ashe - J. S. Howell (D 

George F Blackburn Rhoda A Mikel - Ashe - John S. Howell 

John Reves Alva Miller - Ashe - Jehu Goss (D. R 

Alford McNeal Caroline Miller - Ashe - Henry X R. Mc E. C. Bartlett 

Alfred McNeal Caroline Miller 27 Aug 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

James Osborn Clemenzy Miller 24 Dec 1865 - Ashe - S. M. Carson (D 

Bower Wallen Clerisa Miller - Ashe - Jacob Blevins J. M. Gentry 

William Poe Easter Miller - Ashe - Jacob Black E C Bartlett 

Joseph Elledge Elizabeth Miller 10 Jan 1867 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

Coplin Goss Elizabeth Miller - Ashe - Jno. X Miller Jno. Tomlin 

Jeremiah Elison Elizabeth Miller - Ashe - Jonathan Norris James Horton 

William Miller Esther Miller - Ashe - Wilson Woodde H. Ray 

Jordan Sheets Esther Miller - Ashe - John Little Made his Mark R. Gambill 

Noah Black Lidia Miller - Ashe - Absolom X Black Jno Ray Test 

Daniel Black Louisa Miller 31 Dec 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Levi Cox Margaret Miller XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - Jno. Reves (Deputy Clerk 

John A Ham Marget Miller 28 Apr 1867 - Ashe - John Ham Deputy Clerk 

Solomon Miller Margret Miller - Ashe - Jehu Goss 

Wm M Davis Mary A Miller 14 Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

John Davis Sally Miller - Ashe - William X Weave 

Benjamin Moody Matilda Millis - Ashe - William Moody; Bediad Beard 

Marshel Mayab Elizabeth Mink - Ashe - Wesley Thompson 

Stephen Blevins Jane Mink 29 Aug 1855 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Timothy Retherford Rebeckah Mitchel - Ashe - James (X) Hash Daniel Sturgill 

Bennet Smith Elizabeth Moody - Ashe - Squire Adams David Dugger (D 

Enos Isaacs Jain Moody - Ashe - Solomon Isaacs David Dugger (D 

John S Camron Milly Moor - Ashe - Joseph H. Stall John Ray (Clerk) 

John Grubb Martha Morphew - Ashe - Henry W. Hard G. M. Bingham ( 

James Woods Nancy J Morris 01 Nov 1851 - Ashe - H. Ray, (Deputy Clerk) 

Abner Jones Lucinda Moseley 12 Jul 1855 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Isaac Bedwell Lucy Moseley 22 Oct 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Thomas Burgess Nancy Mosh - Ashe - John H. Waggo 

John Willy Elizabeth Moxley 24 Dec 1854 - Ashe - B. H. Thompson; Robt Gambill 

Silvester Blevins Mary Moxley - Ashe - Andrew Blevins Wm. Weaver (Deputy Clerk 

John C Griffiths Mary Mulkay - Ashe - John Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Levy Elliott Caroline P Mullis 23 Apr 1865 - Ashe - S. Bowers Deputy Clerk 

William Medley Margaret Mullis - Ashe - James Mullis (X E. C. Bartlett 

John T Dutton Nancy E Murcer 04 Apr 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

David Wampler Terracy Murcer 28 Sep 1853 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

E F Foster Ellen C Murchison 26 Mar 1857 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Loransey Ward Nancy Murry - Ashe - Hiram Standafor John Ray (Clerk 

Phillip Younce Marget Musgrave - Ashe - Hyram Jones 

David Musser Mary Musser - Ashe - Robert B. Cates John Ray (Clerk) 

Edward Swinney Sarah Myers - Ashe - John G. Spencer J. M. Gentry 

John Richardson Elizabeth Nance 28 Nov 1856 - Ashe - John Weaver 

John Treadway Elizabeth Nayab - Ashe - F. H. Powers 

St Ledger Brooks Elizabeth Neeves 02 Mar 1854 - Ashe - J M Gentry, Deputy Clerk 

David E James Eliza A Nelson 19 Nov 1853 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

William Sexton Martha Jane Nelson 21 Jul 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Richard Crigger Susan Catharine Newcomer - Ashe - Granvill Cline John Ray (Clerk) 

Solomon F Crabtree Martha Nichels - Ashe - Garrot Duvall Thos. Wayman (J 

Solomon F Crabtree Martha Nichols 05 Sep 1861 - Ashe - Thos. Wayman, J 

Jesse L Nickalls Susan Nickalls - Ashe - N G Lane Robt Gambill, C 

Jesse L Nickalls Susan Nickalls 21 Feb 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Moses Stikeleather Elizabeth - Ashe - Geo. Philips Geo. Bower 

Jehu P Coleson Pernina A Norman 06 Nov 1856 - Ashe - S. Isom, (Justice of the Peace) 

John Green Eliza Norris - Ashe - Bartlet Brown G. M. Bingham 

Nathan W Stansbary Olie Nowel 22 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Jackson Whelor Sary Ann Oaks 09 Jan 1855 - Ashe - S. Plummer, (D. 

Silas Severt Caroline Oliver 19 Feb 1854 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Silas Severt Caroline Oliver - Ashe - George Patrick J. M. Gentrey 

Eli McNeal Charlotte Oliver 16 Feb 1859 - Ashe - J M Gentry 

Calloway Cox Nancy J Orsbon 18 Apr 1858 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

W K Calhoon Anna Orsborn - Ashe - J. W. Calhoon 

Emanuel Sheets Charity Orsborn - Ashe - David Sheets 

Isicire or Hezekia Price Martha Orsborn 02 Sep 1866 - Ashe - ?. Jacob Roton 

Riley Ward Rebeccah Orsborn 23 Jan 1853 - Ashe - John Hash Daniel Sturgill 

David Brinager Sarah Orsborn 18 Feb 1857 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Hiram T Stamper Mima Osbon - Ashe - Jonathan Stampe R. T. Hardin 

George Brown Ana Osborn - Ashe - David Younce, ( 

Calvin Lewis Anna Osborn 03 Sep 1857 - Ashe - Jos. A. King 

William B Bracket Caroline Osborn - Ashe - Jos. L. Johnson 

Emanuel Sheets Charity Osborn 28 Oct 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Daniel Penington Elizabeth Osborn 17 Dec 1854 - Ashe - John Weaver, Deputy Clerk 

Calvin Vanover Isebal Osborn - Ashe - Jos. L. Johnson 

Isom Thompson Jane Osborn - Ashe - Harvy Plummer; Isom Thompson Aras. B. Cox (T 

Thomas W A Pless Jane Osborn - Ashe - Joseph L. Johns 

Jesse Mahala Jinna Osborn 14 Feb 1858 - Ashe - E. Roark (Deputy Clerk) 

T F Young Laure E Osborn - Ashe - S. Penington (D 

Jesse M Osborn Lucindy Osborn 08 Aug 1857 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Jesse M Osborn Lucindy Osborn - Ashe - James Osborn R. Jones 

Larkin Latham Marticia Osborn 30 Jul 1854 - Ashe - Jos. A. King (D 

Alfred Sheets Mary Osborn 17 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Jno Koons 

Jonathan Stamper Matilda Osborn - Ashe - Henry Perry Made his Mark Nathan Weaver 

William H Goodmon Melvina Osborn 28 Jan 1857 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Alexander Osborn Polly Osborn 25 Oct 1855 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

James Cole Rebecca Osborn 08 Apr 1855 - Ashe - J. A. King, (D. 

James Cole Rebecca Osborn - Ashe - Alexander Suthe J. A. King 

Wm W Night Rebecca Osborn 24 Jul 1854 - Ashe - J. A. King 

Newton Andrews Sarah Osborn 20 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

David Sheets Martha J Osborne - Ashe - J. B. Miller E. C. Bartlett 

David Sheets Martha J Osborne 05 Oct 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

John Roop Sarah Osburn 30 Aug 1857 - Ashe - Josiah Caudill 

John D Yeates Lucinda Owens - Ashe - J J Jinnings E C Bartlett 

John D Yates Lucinda Owens 28 Nov 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William Obriant Mary Jane Pafford - Ashe - Wilborn Richar John Ray (Clerk) 

Thomas A Johnston Sarah N Paine 19 Feb 1859 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Merideth Brooks Mehaly Pane - Ashe - Wiley Sheats 

Andrew Graybeal Catherine Parker 05 Jun 1862 - Ashe - Wm Maxwell 

Ebeanezar Cox Nancy Emeline Parker 16 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Jos. A. King (D. 

Cutlif Harman Polly Parker - Ashe - Holden David; B Baird; John Baker; Duke Ward David Dugger (D 

James Latham Varches Mariah Parker 01 Mar 1857 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Stephen West Kesiah Parkes - Ashe - Georg W. Parkes John Ray (Clerk) 

Freland Anderson Polly Parkes - Ashe - Thomas H Anders Ray. John Clerk 

George Kilbourn Mary Parkey - Ashe - Cutliff Harmon David Dugger (D 

Hiram Ray, Jr Catharine Parks - Ashe - Wm. Ray, (Jr.) Geo. H. Hamilto 

A J Moxley Mary Matilda Parks 22 Sep 1858 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Cutliff Harman Mary Parky - Ashe - Abner Smith; Eli Harman; Holland Curtis David Dugger 

Calvin Perky Anna Parsons - Ashe - William Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Douglass Blevins Calay Parsons 28 Mar 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Harden, ( 

Andrew B Smith Elizabeth J Parsons 02 Aug 1866 - Ashe - R. F. Hardin (C 

Jacob Rudy Franky Parsons 30 Jan 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Riley Blevens Lucy Ann Parsons 25 Dec 1862 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Josiah Halsey Mary Parsons - Ashe - Lewis L. Hash; McCoy Anderson Solomon Parsons 

Josiah Halsey Mary Parsons - Ashe - Henry J. Parsons Solomon Parsons 

David Barton Mary Jane Parsons 14 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Edw. W. Baldwin 

Enoch Phipps Rebecca Parsons 03 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Thomas Laxton Jane Pasely - Ashe - James Mullins John Ray (Clerk) 

James Burgess Martha An Patrick - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Hamilton Lyalls Mathena Patrick XX XXX XXXX - Ashe - N. H. Waugh (D. 

Harvy Sheets Polly Patrick 20 Jun 1858 - Ashe - Jno. A. Jones ( 

Martin Swindle Elizabeth Patton 28 Jun 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Daniel Blevins Laura Y Peacock 18 Oct 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Miles B Calloway Sarah E Peacock 23 May 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

James Sheets Nancy Peak - Ashe - William Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Francis Marion Jackson Rosey Isabelle Peak - Ashe - A. Weaver (D. R 

Allen Dotson Delilah Pearce - Ashe - Joseph Pearce G. M. Bingham 

John Denkin Ellen Pearce - Ashe - William McCrac G. M. Bingham 

Joseph Howington Nancy Pearce - Ashe - William Isaacs G. M. Bingham 

William McCraken Polly Pearce - Ashe - Elijah Dotson G. M. Bingham 

John A Porter Mary E Pearman 06 Oct 1855 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

David Roark Elizabeth Peasley - Ashe - Noah C. Baldw John Ray (Clerk) 

Martin Waggoner Marthe Peden - Ashe - Sizema Anderson M. Carson 

John A Dempsey Sarah Peek 28 Aug 1858 - Ashe - T. Wayman (Deputy Clerk 

John A Dempsey Sarah Peek - Ashe - Floid Anderson T. Wayman (Deputy Clerk 

Isaac Walton Lydia Pendergrass 04 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Edward Barker Mary Pendergrass 12 Sep 1853 - Ashe - S. Plummer, (D. 

Albert Blevins Caroline Penington 23 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Calvin Blevins Easter Penington XX Feb 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Riley Thompson Elisabeth Penington - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin ( 

Monroe Dollar Elizabeth Penington 18 Jan 1857 - Ashe - John Weaver 

W M Shaw Mary Penington 08 Dec 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Hamilton Bare Polley Penington - Ashe - G. W. Little E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin W Luallen Eliza Pennington - Ashe - John Pennington 

James Love Emeline Pennington - Ashe - Jonathan M. Smi G. M. Bingham 

Joseph Spencer Lucy Pennington - Ashe - Solomon Spencer John Ray (Clerk) 

James Lunceford Margret Pennington - Ashe - Jonathan M. Smi 

John Weiss Mariah Pennington - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Marshal Gilley Martha Pennington 21 Mar 1872 - Ashe - Joe Johnson (D. 

Calvin Davis Tilde Pennington 06 Jul 1861 - Ashe - John Eldreth (D 

Larken Sheets Lydia Peppers - Ashe - John Sheets Made his Mark Peter Earnest 

William H Mink Amanda Perkins 17 May 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Eli Stamper Amjaline Perkins - Ashe - James Stamper John Ray (Clerk) 

Robert H Woods Cemantha Perkins - Ashe - Hiram Elrod John Ray (Clerk) 

Ira Perkins Joan Perkins 27 Apr 1856 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Lawson Goodin Larinda Perkins 02 Jan 1866 - Ashe - Lum Gass Jacob Roton; Richard Hardin 

Emory T Perkins Lucinda Perkins 22 Apr 1862 - Ashe - Jno. F. Greer ( 

Stephen Pugh Mahala Perkins - Ashe - John S. Pugh John Ray (Clerk) 

Jacob A Hash Mariam Perkins - Ashe - Jno. H. Perkins John Ray (Clerk) 

David Phipps Martha Perkins 02 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

John M Carson Mary M Perkins 26 Dec 1864 - Ashe - J. E. Foster James Wagg (Clerk 

Linvill Perkins Rody Perkins - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

William Hodgeon Sally Perkins - Ashe - George Bower Jno. Ray 

William G Smith Sally Perkins - Ashe - Henry Hodgson Jno. Ray 

Mastin Hail Susan Perkins - Ashe - Stephen Thomas Geo. Bowan 

Andrew Gentry Susanah Perkins 30 Sep 1855 - Ashe - M. Bledsoe (Deputy Clerk 

John Comer Susanna Perkins - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Joseph G Jones Susanna Perkins - Ashe - Wm. Hall John Ray (Clerk) 

Thomas Eldreth Catharine Perry - Ashe - William Perry Jno. Ray 

Thomas Ham Catharine Perry 17 Nov 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Eldreth 

William Ashley Cristeener Perry - Ashe - Joshua Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

John Eldreth Emilla Perry - Ashe - John Weaver Jno. Ray 

Zachariar Eldreth Jane Perry 05 Dec 1863 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Alford Childers Millee Ann Perry 26 Apr 1855 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Alford Pike Sarah Perry - Ashe - Jas. W. Shepher Nathan Weaver ( 

Franklin Atwood Aily Pew - Ashe - John Atwood 

David Farmer Rody Ann Phelps - Ashe - Isaac T. Barton Solomon Parsons 

John Sutton Sophiah Philipe - Ashe - Ambrose Cri John Ray (Clerk) 

Ephraim Crigger Barbary Philippe - Ashe - Rufus M. Blacka John Ray (Clerk) 

William Philips Elizabeth Philips 31 Dec 1865 - Ashe - J. S. Howell (D 

Wesley Philips Mary Ann Philips - Ashe - Joseph Whipple Hamilton Ray 

Jesse M Miller Amanda Phillips - Ashe - J. S. Howell (D 

Alpheus J Miller Ann Phillips 04 Sep 1856 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Adam Mikeal Caroline Phillips 18 Dec 1851 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Joel E Farchild Francis Phillips 01 Sep 1856 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Peter McNiel Mary Ann B Phillips 04 Feb 1855 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Pittenhous Baird Rachel L Phillips - Ashe - Abner Smith G. M. Bingham ( 

Jesse F Vannoy Rebecca J Phillips 05 Oct 1856 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

William R Hopkins Rosan Phillips 11 Jan 1852 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Joseph Perkins Tilda Phillips 20 Feb 1868 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

William Baker Celia Phipps - Ashe - John Jones (Sea; Wm Baker Thos. Wayman 

William Baker Celia Phipps 26 Aug 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Lewis Bryant Drucy Phipps - Ashe - Lewis Hail John Ray (Clerk) 

George W Redy Eda Mandy Phipps 01 Sep 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin CL 

Johnathan F Pugh Jane Phipps - Ashe - W. T. Ross R. Murchison 

Benjamin Long Jemimah Phipps 22 Jul 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Eli J Phipps Jestin Phipps 09 Dec 1866 - Ashe - Thomas Phipps Jno H. Carson 

Wm Jones Nancy Phipps 22 May 1867 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Wesley Swindle Polly Phipps 14 Jul 1851 - Ashe - A. B. Cox (Deputy Clerk 

A J Caudle Ranzymon Phipps 06 Jan 1856 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Jacob Ready Thursey Ann Phipps 22 Feb 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Wm H Henly Nancy Phips - Ashe - Stephen Landret Daniel Sturgill 

Isaiah Long Katharine Plumer 08 Jun 1854 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Isaia Longe Katharine Plumer - Ashe - James A. Mays J. M. Gentry 

Jacob Blevins Mary Plumer - Ashe - Joel Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Jesse Eller Sarah Ann Plumer 18 Oct 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Christoper Reedy Malindia Plummer 31 Mar 1853 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Hiram Baker Martha Plummer - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William West Martha Ann Plummer 19 Oct 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer, (D. 

Benj F Phipps Rebecca Plummer - Ashe - Jesse R. Plum 

Calvin Taylor Rebecca Plummer 30 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Charles Waddle Saly Plummer 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer 

Jacob Roland Charity Poe 20 Jan 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

William Cox Mary Poe 10 Dec 1868 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

Levi Delph Elizabeth Pool - Ashe - Waid Hockler John Ray (Clerk) 

John Hodge Polly Ann Pool 28 Feb 1856 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

Nathan Lewis Almeda Pope 25 Mar 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Waugh (D 

Lewis Greer Mary E Pope 29 May 1856 - Ashe - Jno. Gentry (D. 

Joab Teague Sarah Pope - Ashe - Isaac Teague; Elijah Pope Thos. Callawy 

Jackson Porter Lucinda C Porter 28 Jan 1858 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Churchwell Jones Margaret Porter 31 May 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

William Edwards Martha Porter 29 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Riley Harte Emarey Powers 16 Aug 1855 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

David Eller Jane Powers 19 Sep 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Robert Dolinger Lear Powers 02 Jun 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

William Rooper Mary Powers - Ashe - H. B. Miller (D 

John Roberts Mary Elizabeth Powers - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

John May Nancy Powers 14 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Reuben Sexton Robt Gambill ( 

George W Sexton Tamsey Powers 07 Aug 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Joel Hix Sarah Pressly - Ashe - Ransom Teaster G. M. Bingham 

Andrew Hix Nancy Pressnel - Ashe - Noal Johnson G. M. Bingham 

William Hix Clarice Pressnell - Ashe - Isaac Moody G. M. Bingham 

Calvin Ward Mary Ann Pressnell - Ashe - James Presnell; William R Ward 

Mathis Osborn Catharine Price 23 Dec 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

John Wiles Celia Price 02 Aug 1854 - Ashe - W. H. Thompson 

Laudin Snider Delily Price - Ashe - Aeras Orsbon Jacob Roton (TE 

Harrison Osborn Dialpha Price 19 Dec 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Linville Price Elizabeth Price 06 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

David Roark Emaline Price 08 May 1858 - Ashe - E. Roark (Deputy Clerk) 

Calvin Blevins Mary Price 08 Dec 1853 - Ashe - R. Jones, (Deputy Clerk 

James M Davis Mary Price - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

Calven Blevins Mary Price - Ashe - Wm. Blevins Made his Mark R. Jones (Deputy) 

Samuel Watson Uzene S Price - Ashe - Jared M. Price James Horton (T 

Jacob Roope Marion Pritchet 26 Mar 1854 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

Lewis Williams Matilda Privet - Ashe - Hardin B. Willi John Ray, (Clerk 

Hiram Hall Matilda Privett 06 May 1855 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

Calaway Penington Nancy Privett 28 Dec 1856 - Ashe - R Jones, Deputy Clerk 

Calaway Penington Nancy Privett - Ashe - Andrew Peningto R. Jones 

Hardin B Wiliams Rebeckey Jane Privett - Ashe - Stephen Blevins R. Jones 

Hardin B Williams Rebecky Jane Privitt 18 May 1855 - Ashe - R Jones, Deputy Clerk 

William B Greear Leanzy Pugh - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

John Anders Lindy Pugh 31 May 1857 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Elias Draughn Rhoda Pugh - Ashe - Rodrick Murchis Jno. Ray 

Levi Ham Sarah Quillin - Ashe - J. Perkins 

Granvill Reedy Johannah Quillins 19 Nov 1854 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Henry Perry Mary Rail - Ashe - Ebenezer Perry Nathan Weaver ( 

William Walis Susana Raus 17 Sep 1857 - Ashe - Abednego Daval R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

William Ray Catharine Ray - Ashe - E. F. Foster, D 

H H Ray Cynthia Ray - Ashe - Jerry C. Ray (D 

A B McMillan Eliner Ray - Ashe - Wm J Parly Daniel Sturgill 

James A Scott Elizabeth Ray 11 Apr 1857 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Joseph N Long Emeline Ray - Ashe - William Willin H. Ray 

F M Capehart Eveline Ray 18 Dec 1853 - Ashe - John J. Sapp J. M. Gentry (D 

Joseph Hardin Jane Ray 26 Sep 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Joseph Hardin Jane Ray - Ashe - John Hardin J. M. Gentry 

George Walters Jane Ray - Ashe - Jesse B. Cald H. Ray 

Thomas C Ray Leuisey Ray 31 Aug 1854 - Ashe - Jno. Ray Deputy Clerk 

George Ray Louisa Ray 03 Mar 1867 - Ashe - Henry Hardin R. T. Hardin (C 

Hiram Ray Mand or Amanda Ray - Ashe - A. Bledsoe 

Thomas Greer Mary Ray - Ashe - Franklin - James Horton 

Jas W Hardin Mary Ann Ray 19 Dec 1854 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

William H Johnson Nancy E Ray 23 Jan 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

C E Sehorn Nancy E Ray - Ashe - N. Bledsoe (Deputy Clerk 

William Readaford Elizabeth Readaford - Ashe - Andrew Readafer John Ray Clerk 

Jefferson Readaford Polly Readaford - Ashe - Andrew Readafor John Ray Clerk 

William L Johnson Malinda Ready - Ashe - Joseph Spencer John Ray Clerk 

Franklin Weiss Sarah Ready - Ashe - John Davis John Ray (Clerk 

Tobias Stamper Rabecah Reatherford - Ashe - Richard Stamper John Ray Clerk 

Andrew N McMillan Charity Reaves - Ashe - John M Carson 

John Gentrey Mary Reaves - Ashe - Geo. W. Ray (Re 

Robert Allison Mary Redey - Ashe - James Reedy Daniel Sturgill 

John Richardson Elizabeth Redy - Ashe - Jonathan Pugh John Ray Clerk 

Isaac Hagaman Anne Reece - Ashe - Jacob Green (or David Dugger (D 

Elias Isaacs Eliza Reece - Ashe - Elijah Dotson G. M. Bingham 

Casuel T Madron Joannah Reece - Ashe - James Reece G. M. Bingham 

Ephraim Goss Lydia Reece - Ashe - Alfred Adams Made his Mark G. M. Bingham 

James Hinson Rebecca Reece - Ashe - Alban M. Isaacs 

John Jones Sally Reece - Ashe - Hugh Reece G. M. Bingham 

William Ball Eveline Reedy 16 Oct 1853 - Ashe - S. Plummer, (D S Plummer 

Spencer Quillan Louisa Reedy 11 Feb 1858 - Ashe - Ely Reedy Wm. Baker (Test 

David Elbert Reedy Malvina Reedy - Ashe - Isaac (X) Walto Thomas Wayman 

Harvey Plummer Manurvy Reedy 15 Jan 1857 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Jackson Sheets Mary Reedy 18 Sep 1857 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Christopher Thompson Ruth Reedy 25 Feb 1858 - Ashe - Wm. Baker, (Pro 

Andrew J Vannoy Mary Reeves - Ashe - R. Murchison H. Ray 

Thomas E Retheford Malviny Retheford 29 Sep 1852 - Ashe - Daniel Sturgill 

John Sawyers Caroline Retherford - Ashe - Alen Retherford Daniel Sturgill 

Granvill Moxly Jane Retherford - Ashe - Jackson Rutherf Daniel Sturgill 

Thomas E Retherford Malviney Retherford - Ashe - James J. Ruther Daniel Sturgill 

D T Davis Mahala Reves 09 Mar 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Alexander McMillan Nancy Reves - Ashe - Wm. B. Carson M. Carson 

Jesse McMillan Rebecca Reves 26 Sep 1852 - Ashe - John Ray Clerk 

Isaac Roark Mary Rhoton 21 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Jos. A. King (D 

William Wilson Cindrella Rice - Ashe - Joel Eggers G. M. Bingham ( 

W P Paris Caroline Richardson 16 Dec 1866 - Ashe - Lowrie (X) Till John H. Carson 

Andrew J Reed Caroline Richardson 10 Sep 1867 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum; R T Hardin 

John Clary Elender Jane Richardson - Ashe - R. Gambill, (CL 

Henry Johnson Elizabeth Richardson - Ashe - Drury Richard John Ray Clerk 

Elijah Chanler Jane Richardson - Ashe - Hardin B. Willi John Ray, (Clerk 

Edwin Austin Louisa Richardson 25 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Robert R Parsons Malinda Richardson 14 Dec 1853 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

Robert Hall Margaret Richardson - Ashe - Drury Richardso John Ray Clerk 

Wilie Tolever Mary Richardson 16 Oct 1853 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

Jesse B Plummer Mary Ann Richardson 23 Jan 1855 - Ashe - Wm Baker Clerk Pr 

W H Reed Matilda Richardson - Ashe - A. D. Reed 

Jackson Andress Nancy Richardson 07 Dec 1856 - Ashe - Robt Gambill, C 

William A Richardson Nancy Richardson - Ashe - Daniel Richards M. Carson 

Crocket Williams Nancy Richardson 16 Dec 1855 - Ashe - John A. Jones 

Jefferson Waddle Rube Richardson - Ashe - Solomon Parsons Solomon Parsons 

William B Hash Sally Richardson - Ashe - John A. Parks John Ray Clerk 

Calvin Shumaker Sarah Richardson 16 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Jno. Reves (Deputy Clerk 

Zachariah Ward Sarah Richardson 09 Oct 1853 - Ashe - James Sturgill 

Samuel Gallion Cintha Richarson 18 Jul 1856 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

John Ham Catharine Roark 28 Jan 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

H A Stone Elisabeth Roark - Ashe - N. W. Roark (D 

William Key Mary Roark 31 Dec 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Henery H Reynols Nancey Roark - Ashe - N. W. Roark (D 

Jacob Lewis Delila Robason - Ashe - Andrew Tredaway Jno. Ray Clerk 

Enoch Ashly Martha Robberson 12 Mar 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Rotan 

Calvin Dunn Ceany Roberts 11 Feb 1857 - Ashe - Jackson X Churc R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Calvin Higgins Charlotte Roberts 14 Sep 1854 - Ashe - Spencer Isom (J 

Fielding B Parkes Pegga Jane Roberts 16 Aug 1857 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

Jonathan Sage Roseamond Roberts - Ashe - Jno A. Parks John Ray Clerk 

Levi Collins Ferreaby Robeson - Ashe - Elisha Collins 

Joshua McGuire Prudy Robeson 12 Nov 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

W H Perkins Nannie Rollins - Ashe - Tobias Smithel 

N H Waugh F C Rominger 25 Jan 1866 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Benjamin Farmer Mary Rominger 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Benjamin Farmer Mary Rominger - Ashe - Wm. W. Farmer J. A. King 

Joel Eastridge Sarah Rominger 05 Apr 1857 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

David Wilson Victory Rominger - Ashe - J. H. Harden, ( 

David Sullivan Mary Rooss - Ashe - Geo. W. Ray (Re 

Daniel Wagoner Marthy Ross - Ashe - Jas. M. Callawa Nathan Weaver ( 

Allen Carter Mary Ross - Ashe - Adolphus Rouss; Allen Carter Jno. Tomlin (Te 

John Ross Ross - Ashe - Washington T. R John Ray Clerk 

Leander Vanzant Martha Roten 24 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

John W Calhoon Mary A Roten 26 Dec 1875 - Ashe - N. W. Roark (Re 

Henry Miller, Sr Mary Roton - Ashe - Valentine Mille Aza. Parkes (D. 

Wm R Finle Darcus J Rouse - Ashe - Wm. R. Lewis Joshua Sturgill 

Phillip Lewis Margaret Rouse 11 Mar 1852 - Ashe - William Eller Wm Sexton 

Miles Quesenberry Elizabeth Row - Ashe - William Parsons John Ray Clerk 

N H Waugh C F Rowinger - Ashe - J. M. Gentry R. T. Harden 

Nathan Phillips Mary E Rowse - Ashe - Amos Mikeal 

James Peppers Elisabeth Rudy - Ashe - William Blevins H. Ray 

Thomas A Arnold Mary Elizabeth Runels 19 Nov 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Rotan 

Lewis Haga Delilah Sage - Ashe - Jonathan Sage John Ray Clerk 

Shelly Elliott Sarah Sammons - Ashe - Edmond McConnel H. Ray 

George Wingate Sammons Nancy Jane Samons - Ashe - Jehu Goss (D. R 

Stephen Ellit Elizabeth Sapp - Ashe - James Mullis Jno. Ray 

William Taylor Mary Sapp 04 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

William Riddle Mary Sauers - Ashe - John (X) Pender R. Jones 

Thomas S Elmore Emaline Sauls - Ashe - Augustis Whitel John Ray Clerk 

William Walters Elizabeth Sawyer 17 Sep 1851 - Ashe - John Ray, (Cler 

William H Matna Jane Scott - Ashe - Wicks Hail John Ray Clerk 

William Whittaker Mary Scott 22 Apr 1855 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Jonethen Chesser Leaney Seaford - Ashe - Henry Mash Made his Mark Thos. Callow ( 

Clark S Whitman Mary Jane Seagle 09 Dec 1857 - Ashe - T. Wayman (Deputy Clerk 

Burgess Woods Machen Seagravs - Ashe - Curtis Seagravs Geo. Bowen 

John Holder Rabeckah Secrease - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray Clerk 

Levi Blackburn Elizabeth Seehorn 06 Aug 1857 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Lewis Townsend Sally Sefford - Ashe - James Townsend G. M. Bingham 

John Calvin Pasley Caroline Senter - Ashe - Jno. A. Parks John Ray Clerk 

James Dickson Causba Senter - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

William Young Eveline M Senter 12 Dec 1857 - Ashe - No Bondsman John F. Greer 

George W Hopkins Elizabeth Ellen Setser 26 Apr 1857 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

George W Norris Mary Setser 15 Dec 1853 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Eli Bare Barbary Sever - Ashe - Lowry Grimsley Jno. Ray 

Willburn Bare Caroline Sever - Ashe - Henry Woodde Nathan Weaver(D 

James Ray Barbara Severt 23 Apr 1857 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

William Welch Vilett Sexten - Ashe - William Blevins 

John Sexton Charlotte Sexton 16 Dec 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Martin Sexton Jane Sexton 06 Feb 1854 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

John Tucker Lissey Sexton 06 Jul 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones, (Deputy Clerk 

Louis Farmer Rody Sexton - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin ( 

William Welch Vileth Sexton 10 Feb 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones, (Deputy Clerk 

Alexander Peirce Nancy Shaver - Ashe - Isaac W Parsons John Ray, Clerk 

Elija Greear Mary Shaw 08 Feb 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Joseph Carico Sarah Shaw 19 Oct 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

John Griffitts Bela Sheats - Ashe - Washington Quil Solomon Parsons 

Andrew Loman Elizabeth Sheets - Ashe - C. Younce (Reg 

Alfred Blevans Marjory Sheets 22 Dec 1857 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Richard Allman Mary Sheets 21 Nov 1854 - Ashe - R. Jones Deputy Clerk 

Jesse Patrick Matilda Sheets - Ashe - George Patrick Jno. Ray Clerk 

Washington Osborn Mima Sheets - Ashe - Jasper Osborn Nathan Weaver ( 

Farron Bare Rebecca Sheets - Ashe - Jacob Made his Mark Bla E. C. Bartlett 

Farrow Bare Rebecca Sheets 31 Dec 1865 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Thomas Person Rebecca F Sheets - Ashe - E C Bartlett, D 

Richard Reves Riley Sheets - Ashe - Talton Woodde Nathan Weaver ( 

Alford Bare Saberry Sheets - Ashe - Stephen Miller Nathan Weave, ( 

Alexander Mullin Sarah Sheets 09 Sep 1855 - Ashe - S Plummer, Deputy Clerk 

Gidon South Sealey Sheets 22 Feb 1868 - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

David Orsborn Susan Sheets 25 Oct 1855 - Ashe - John (X) Pety George Ketchum 

Aaron Wyatt Susan Sheets - Ashe - John Wyatt 

David Orsborn Susan Sheets - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

Hiram Owens Ellen Shepherd 10 Mar 1854 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

David Sapp, Jr Isabella Shepherd - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Jonathan Stamper Jane Shepherd - Ashe - Hiram T. Stampe G. W. Ketchum ( 

John J Owens Phebe Shepherd - Ashe - Jno. Reves (Deputy Clerk 

Robert Seats Phebe Shepherd 23 Oct 1851 - Ashe - C. R. Phillips 

Richard F Snow Sally Shepherd 19 Jun 1853 - Ashe - G. Hagins 

Calvin Osborne Martha Shules - Ashe - Jasper Osborn Nathan Weaver ( 

William F Cannon Elizabeth Shull - Ashe - Moses Brooks 

James Ward Sarah Shull - Ashe - Phillip Shull David Dugger (D 

Benjamin Councill Temperance Shull - Ashe - John Horton James Horton (T 

Welborn Tribit Elizabeth Shupe - Ashe - Calvin Hartly G. M. Bingham 

James McBride Mary Ann Shupe - Ashe - Eli J. Mast 

Gibert Hodges Sally Shurrer - Ashe - John Whitting (T David Dugger (D 

Henry Davis Beuly Jane Simcock - Ashe - John X Higgins G. Higgins 

John Higgins, Jr Elizabeth Simcock - Ashe - Bryant Higgins G. Higgins 

Rufus Cox Mary Ann Simcock 02 May 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins ( 

Andrew Hampton More Zilpha Simcock - Ashe - Litrill H. Hamp G. Higgins 

James Pool Lucinda F Simcox 31 Aug 1855 - Ashe - Spencer Isom (J 

John Ayers Mary Simmons 27 Jan 1857 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

Calvin Blevins Mary Simmons 30 Aug 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker, (Clerk 

William Edwards, Jr Nancy Simmons - Ashe - Kerby Higgins G. Hagins 

Wilborn Stamper Kathany Sizemore - Ashe - Wesley Parrish Nathan Weaver ( 

Stephen Hoppers Malvina Sizemore - Ashe - Alvitt Blevins Mathan Weaver ( 

Lenard Hutten Elizabeth Slimp - Ashe - William Hutte John Ray Clerk 

David F Cole Elizabeth Sluder 17 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Joseph Cole Malinda Sluder 14 Feb 1858 - Ashe - E. Ruark 

William P Barker Cyntha C Smith 22 Nov 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

James W Brannock Elisabeth Smith 14 Sep 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

J B Wilcoxson Elizabeth Smith 02 Oct 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas 

Charles Franklin Greer Elizabeth Smith 05 Sep 1872 - Ashe - A. Weaver (D. R 

Jacob Reese Elizabeth Smith - Ashe - James Swift David Dugger (D 

William L Haris Frances Smith 21 Dec 1854 - Ashe - T. C., Douglass 

Daniel Reece Lucretia Smith - Ashe - Hiram Wilson David Dugger (D 

Stephen A Jones Martha C Smith - Ashe - B. F. Baker Jno. H. Carson 

Linsey Plummer N Belinda Smith - Ashe - Christian Eanes Peter Earnest 

George Pope Patsey Smith - Ashe - Troy Sheets E. C. Bartlett 

George Hayes Polly Smith - Ashe - Hiram McBride G. M. Bingham 

Jesse Isaacs Polly Smith - Ashe - Richard Isaacs David Dugger (D 

Evan M Carrell Rebecca Smith 04 Sep 1854 - Ashe - R. Jacks Deputy Clerk 

W A Williams Rebecca J Smith 11 Dec 1872 - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin 

Erwin Green Sarah Smith - Ashe - Galston Davis 

Marshall Neace Susan Smith 21 Jan 1852 - Ashe - H. Ray Deputy Clerk 

Jacob Moody Susannah Smith - Ashe - Jacob Reese David Dugger (D 

E C Dartlet Caroline Smittall - Ashe - W. Parks Jno. Tomlin 

George W Bryant Elizabeth Jane Snavely - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray Clerk 

Emanuel Murray Margaret Snavely 28 May 1854 - Ashe - John C. Plumer 

Alexander Wilson Nancy Snyder - Ashe - Joseph Thomas G. M. Bingham 

Emory L Rominger Jane Southerland 24 Sep 1854 - Ashe - Calvin Farmer J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

Alexander Snider Margret Southerland - Ashe - Reuben S. Sut G. M. Bingham 

Henderson Davis Caroline Spencer - Ashe - Uriah Peak Thos. Wayman (J 

James H Arnold Charlotte Spencer 17 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

L D Stringer Demy Spencer - Ashe - J. R. Baldwin ( 

Calvin Sexton Elizabeth Spencer 21 Jul 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Senter Fender Amelia Sperlin 12 Mar 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Lewis Henley Susanna Spraker 29 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

William Snider Mary T Sprinkle - Ashe - Wm. Killinger John Ray (Clerk) 

Henry Bare Caroline Stamper - Ashe - Wiley X Bare E. C. Bartlett 

Henry Bare Caroline Stamper 23 Feb 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Abram Hash Catharine Stamper - Ashe - Joseph Stamper John Ray (Clerk) 

Jesse U D Caudill Charlotte Stamper 24 Oct 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Eli Bryant Emily Stamper - Ashe - Jacob Hackler (;Eli Bryant John Ray, (Clerk 

Jonathan Osborn Mary Stamper - Ashe - Nelson C. Woo Nathan Weaver ( 

Calvin Wyatt Pheby Stamper 06 Dec 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Wesley W Brown Sarah Stamper - Ashe - Jas. W. Shepher Nathan Weaver 

Merit Anders Tansy Stamper 06 Aug 1857 - Ashe - Robt Gambill, C 

Eli Davis Reney Standford - Ashe - William Halse Daniel Sturgill 

Hugh Phipps Eda Standsberry - Ashe - W. C. Parks John Ray (Clerk) 

James Harvey McGuire Margaret Stansbery - Ashe - George McGuire R. Murchison 

Thomas Young Polly Stansburry - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray, (CLER 

William Anderson Nancy Stansbury - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray (Clerk) 

William Tilley Hanner Stedham - Ashe - George Grimsley; William Tilley Daniel Sturgill 

Nathaniel Stamper Nancy Stidham - Ashe - John Williams Daniel Sturgill 

John R Taylor Netar Stidham 26 May 1853 - Ashe - Tobias (X) Tayl Daniel Sturgill 

George Grimesly Sary Stidham - Ashe - James Porter Daniel Sturgill 

William Eller Elizabeth Stike 21 Aug 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Samuel C Waugh Martha C Stipe 18 Sep 1853 - Ashe - Cyrus Wilcox Robert Gambill 

John Hudler Tamsey Stitt 18 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Wm. Baker 

Isom Cox Luisey Strange - Ashe - Jno. Halssey John Ray (Clerk) 

Willian J Pasley Merille Strange - Ashe - Ira Halsey (Sea Daniel Sturgill 

Joseph F Houk Martha Strunk - Ashe - Edwin C. Bart Jno. Ray 

Freeman Blevins America Stuart - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin Barker Mary Stuart 12 Jan 1860 - Ashe - James Wagg (Clerk 

Alvin Richardson Elizabeth Sturgill 08 Apr 1855 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

John Grubb Mary Sturgill 07 Jan 1855 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

Joel Hufmon Mary Sturgill - Ashe - Ahart Phipps Daniel Sturgill 

Joel Hufman Mary Sturgill 03 Jul 1853 - Ashe - Daniel Sturgill 

Richard Richardson Nelly Sturgill 05 May 1850 - Ashe - Eli Chandler Made his Mark M. Carson (Deputy Clerk 

L Hambelton Halsey Rebecah Sturgill - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

William Hurley Martha Sullens - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin Jenkins Nancy Sutherland - Ashe - Josh Baker (Deputy Clerk 

Albuen M Isaacs Elizabeth Swift - Ashe - James Swift G. M. Bingham 

Beryman Fletcher Hiley Swift - Ashe - Golston Davis David Dugger (D 

Calven Moody Massy Swift - Ashe - Golston Davis 

David Lewis Rhoda Swift - Ashe - Golston Davis 

William R Profit Sarah Swift - Ashe - John (X) Henson G. M. Bingham ( 

Isaac Moore Jane Swinny 04 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Isaac Wisely Sarah Catharine Tarter 03 Jun 1858 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Jacob L Hail Lucinda Tate - Ashe - Joshua Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

John Bell Ann Tatum 02 Jul 1867 - Ashe - N. Bledsoe 

William H Trebit Emelina Tatum 03 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Joseph Tatum 

Isaac Blackburn Martha Tatum - Ashe - Golston Davis 

Andrew J Lorance Sarah Tatum - Ashe - Samuel (X) Lora G. M. Bingham ( 

Henry A Davis Caroline Taylor 06 Apr 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Eli Swilevin Elizabeth Taylor 20 Mar 1854 - Ashe - Jno. Reves (Deputy Clerk 

Charles Vanover Elizabeth Taylor - Ashe - Isaac Jones A. Parkes 

Harvy Stedham Emelina Taylor - Ashe - Elijah Phips M. Carson 

Harvy Sadem Emelina Taylor - Ashe - Elijah Phips M. Carson 

Joseph B Richardson Jane Taylor 16 Jul 1853 - Ashe - Levi Cox Nathan Weaver ( 

Jesse Goens Lily Taylor 16 May 1852 - Ashe - Jacob Baldwin ( 

Burton Hawkins Martha Ann Taylor 29 May 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

John Viers, Jr Nancy Taylor 11 Sep 1853 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Mark Smith Phebe Taylor - Ashe - Levi Ham Made his Mark Peter Ernest 

William Roberds Pheribe Taylor - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Thomas Taylor Rebecca Taylor - Ashe - Benjamin (X)Lan; John Taylor R. Gentrey (Tes 

Alexander Greer Rebecca Taylor - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

Thomas Ricks Sally Taylor Ashe?? Merritt Manning Benj H Blount 

Wilborn Farmer Susan Taylor - Ashe - S. Penington (D 

Calvin Austin Tincy Taylor 25 Jun 1854 - Ashe - Jno. A. Jones ( 

Duke Ward Lucy Teaster - Ashe - Calliff Harmon David Dugger (D 

Stephen Perkins Martha Jane Testement - Ashe - Alfred G. Teste John Ray (Clerk) 

Hiram Hix Jinne Tester - Ashe - Samuel Hicks Made his Mark David Dugger (D 

William Hicks Mary Tester - Ashe - David Hicks Made his Mark David Dugger (D 

Harmon Hicks Nelly Tester - Ashe - Samuel Hicks Made his Mark David Dugger (D 

Henery Hately Rachel Tester - Ashe - Richard C. Swea David Dugger (D 

John Childers Caroline Testerman 20 Sep 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

William Stike Mary Testerman 12 Nov 1856 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Jeremiah Howell Nancy Testerman - Ashe - James Denny R. T. Hardin 

F Marian Sturgill Orfey Testerman 03 Jan 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Henry Halsey Jane Thomas 03 Jan 1858 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

William J Ball Lucinda Thomas 26 Apr 1862 - Ashe - John F. Greer 

John Vaughn Sarah Ann Thomas 26 Jan 1859 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Leary Blevins Adey Thompson 24 Nov 1855 - Ashe - James Blevins Robt Gambill 

Calvin C Farmer Bethany Thompson - Ashe - Morris Blevin 

Samuel Swift Martha E Thompson - Ashe - Alban M. (X) Is G. M. Bingham ( 

Alfred Price Matilda Thompson 14 Jun 1839 - Ashe - M Carson, Deputy Clerk 

N Stamper Elizabeth Tilley 25 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

James Tilley Lethey Tilley 25 Dec 1858 - Ashe - Lazarus X Tille Josh Sturgill 

Calvin Taylor Sesga Tilley - Ashe - Tobias (X) Tayl Daniel Sturgill 

Thomas J Holson Flory G Tincher 03 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Samuel Edwards Selia Todd 22 Dec 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

Alvin B Parsons Pheby Tolever 02 Apr 1854 - Ashe - Ewd. W. Baldwin 

Stephen Ward Aney Toliver 14 Sep 1851 - Ashe - John Ray, (Clerk 

John Combs Bithy Toliver 24 Nov 1855 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Jesse Toliver Louisa Toliver 01 Jun 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Francis Ashley Lucinda Toliver - Ashe - James Sturgill Daniel Sturgill 

Aaron Johnston Jane Tomlin - Ashe - James M. Nye Thomas Callaway 

Wesly Parish Bethany Tompson - Ashe - John A. Jones ( 

John Price Evaline Tompson 18 Oct 1851 - Ashe - Alford Price Nathan Weaver 

Malvry Miers Lucy Tompson - Ashe - James C. Wilmer John Ray (Clerk) 

John P Waters Elizabeth Treadway 18 Jan 1868 - Ashe - John Ham, (Deputy Clerk 

James Gilley Maryann Treadway 01 Mar 1857 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

John A Foster Rachel Trimble - Ashe - Abner Williams Goldman Hagins 

Cleavin Carrel Charlotty Triplet - Ashe - Dennis Carrel - James Horton 

Daniel Estept Sally Triplet - Ashe - Martin Kilbourn; Daniel Triplet David Dugger (D 

Thomas Moody Mary Ellen Trivett - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Harison Sluter Carline Tucker 12 Feb 1866 - Ashe - Johnson Roark Jacob Roton 

Jesse Barton Elizabeth Tucker 02 Dec 1854 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Jesse Burton Elizabeth Tucker - Ashe - Benjamin Phip R. Gambill 

William Francis Elizabeth E Tucker - Ashe - Henry Francis (; William Francis Hamilton Ray (D 

Hilton H Campbell E J Turner 29 Oct 1857 - Ashe - Robt Gambill ( 

J W B Sharp Mazy Turner - Ashe - Jehu Goss 

J Wesley Hughes Rebecca Turner - Ashe - E. F. Foster (D 

George Campbell Susan Turner 11 Nov 1855 - Ashe - John J. Sapp, ( 

Isaac P Stow Susanah Turner - Ashe - Standeford Tu M. Carson 

John A Cassell Francis A Umbarger - Ashe - Levi Umburger John Ray (Clerk) 

Daniel Lewis Elizabeth Vanderpool - Ashe - John Ford David Dugger (D 

Alexander Baird Nancy Vanderpool - Ashe - Bedent Baird David Dugger (D 

Richard Lewis Phebe Vanderpool - Ashe - Abraham Vande David Dugger (D 

James M Eller Louisa Vannoy 03 Feb 1867 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Abslum Roark Delhia or Delpia Vanove 25 Jun 1853 - Ashe - Josh Baker (Deputy Clerk 

Richard Vanover Susan Vanover 27 Aug 1853 - Ashe - Jehu Goss (Deputy Clerk 

Benjamin F Robinson Sarahan Vanszant 30 Jun 1861 - Ashe - Jacob Roton (D. 

Stephen E Vaught Marian Vaught 31 Aug 1857 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

William Ashly Martha Vazant 20 Jul 1868 - Ashe - Jacob Rotan 

Abner Eggers Lucinda J Venable - Ashe - Cleavlen Eggers G. M. Bingham 

Henry Neeves Jane Waddell 14 Oct 1855 - Ashe - John J Sapp, Deputy Clerk 

Thomas Michel Elizabeth or Nancy Wadell 17 Mar 1857 - Ashe - Sampson Privett R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Jacob Calloway Martha Wagg 25 Oct 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Missouri B Stringer Sally Wagginer - Ashe - Henry D. Wagg J. B. Miller 

Wiley Bare Anna Waggoner 01 Apr 1853 - Ashe - John H. Waggone Nathan Weaver 

Jacob Hoppers Charlotte Waggoner 16 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Robt Gambill ( 

Rudolph Bare Fanney Waggoner 25 Feb 1866 - Ashe - Ho Bondsman E. C. Bartlett 

Thomas Burgess Martha Waggoner 20 Feb 1856 - Ashe - Jno Koons, (Deputy Clerk 

Levi Sexton Martha Waggoner 10 Oct 1852 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

Washington K Holderbrook Matilda Waggoner 06 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Thos C. Dougla; Robt Gambill 

John Bare Louisa Wagoner - Ashe - E. A. Bartlett 

Saunders H Jones Nancy C Walker - Ashe - No Bondsman Geo. W. Ray (Re 

George Foster Polly Walker - Ashe - Golston Davis G. M. Bingham 

James Swift, Jr Elizabeth Ann Wallace - Ashe - Morgan Swift G. M. Bingham 

Jonas R Treadway Emaline Wallace - Ashe - Geo W Ray, REG 

N B Ballow Martha Wallis 08 May 1866 - Ashe - E. X. Bartlett 

John Poe, Jr Elizabeth Walters - Ashe - Wm). C. Parkes Jno. Tomlin 

George H Phillips Martha Walters 13 Mar 1856 - Ashe - C R Phillips 

James H Vannoy Rebecca Walters - Ashe - W. O. Vannoy 

James H Vanoy Rebecca Walters XX Nov 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

William Miller Susanah Walters - Ashe - Jno. Koons, Justice of the Peace 

John H Hampton Jane Wampler 02 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Herold Pugh Hannah Ward - Ashe - Joshua Ward John Ray (Clerk) 

George W Edwards Mahala Ward - Ashe - Thomas Hagins G. Higgins 

David Ward Manerva Ward - Ashe - Solomon Parsons 

Joshua B Cox Margaret Ward 15 Jan 1854 - Ashe - Edw. W. Baldwin 

Harison Blevins Nancy Ward 15 Aug 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

John Walker Rebecca Ward - Ashe - Harold D. Joh G. M. Bingham 

Zebedee Hash Rosy Ward - Ashe - Solomon Parsons 

Harvy Hash Ruthe Ward - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Talton Adams Selah Ward - Ashe - Squire Adams David Dugger (D 

James Dutton Susannah Ward 22 Sep 1854 - Ashe - Jas. Sturgill 

Joseph W Todd Sallie J Waugh - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

W M Wright Elizabeth Wayman 23 Feb 1868 - Ashe - James P. Ashley 

Floyd Anderson Margaret Waymon 03 Apr 1853 - Ashe - J Perkins 

Jared Duvall Polly Waymon 03 Jul 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Ambros Little Datia Weatherspoon - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Andy Bolen Catharine Weaver - Ashe - James P Ashley 

George Burkett Catharine Weaver - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Lewis Johnson Elizabeth Weaver 28 Jul 1867 - Ashe - J. P. Ashley (D 

David Francis Elizabeth Weaver 18 Feb 1864 - Ashe - John F. Greer ( 

James H Phipps Evaline Weaver - Ashe - Isaac Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Johnathen M Miller Jane Weaver - Ashe - James P. Ashley 

Cornelius H Denny Margaret Weaver 08 May 1858 - Ashe - John Weaver 

Joshua Stirgell Marildy Weaver 30 Nov 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Silvester Darnel Martha Weaver - Ashe - Geo. W. Ray (Re 

William J Kilby Mary M Weaver - Ashe - R. Jones 

Thornton Kilby Phebe M Weaver 29 Nov 1851 - Ashe - J. Perkins 

F L Osborn Melvina Weis 24 Oct 1858 - Ashe - J. M. Gentry (D 

Robert Davis Darthula Weiss 07 Sep 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

A C McCarter Hulda J Weiss - Ashe - S. Penington (D 

John Davis Mary Weiss - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

William Loveless Rachel Weiss - Ashe - William Grubb John Ray (Clerk) 

Joseph Idol Unice E Weiss - Ashe - S. Pennington ( 

Calvin Thompson Elizabeth Welch 29 Jul 1867 ? - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Harrison Pendergrass Mandy Welch 29 May 1867 - Ashe - R T Hardin, Clerk 

Eli Hash Mary Welch 16 Aug 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Joshua Ham Rosey Welch 03 Jan 1867 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin (C 

Daniel Evans Usley Welch 13 Oct 1857 ? - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Eli Wyatt Mary Wells - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray, (Clerk 

Elbert Pugh Serilda J Wells 30 Sep 1855 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Clerk 

Jackson Anderson Matilda Welshe - Ashe - David R. Pugh John Ray (Clerk) 

Henry Grogan Martha Werly 26 Nov 1858 - Ashe - M. Bledsoe (Deputy Clerk 

William A Duvall Martha Jane West 06 Feb 1866 - Ashe - Wm. Baker (Clerk of Court 

William Spencer Aly Wever 04 Jun 1857 - Ashe - S. Plummer (Deputy Clerk 

Nicholas Vaughn Emily Wheeler 09 Feb 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Abraham Shupe Sarah Whisman - Ashe - Abraham Whisman John Ray (Clerk) 

Thomas L Morgan Nancy F White 28 Dec 1856 - Ashe - T. C. Douglas ( 

David Reves Frances Whittaker 08 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

David Reves Frances Whitteker - Ashe - Thos. J. Carson Robt. Gambill 

Malden C Harman Melisia Whittington - Ashe - L. D. Whittingt James Horton 

Wright Winget & Martha Wiatt - Ashe - William C. Pa John Ray (Clerk) 

Joseph Sexton & Morning Wiatt 11 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

Joseph Sexton & Morning Wiatt 11 Jan 1858 - Ashe - Wm. Francis Wm. Sexton (Justice of the Peace 

Wilson Farmer & Susan Wiatt - Ashe - Thomas Ross John Ray (Clerk) 

Morgan Patrick & Ary Wilcox - Ashe - Jesse B Reves R Murchison, TE 

James Richardson & Deborah Wilcox 18 Jan 1855 - Ashe - John Weaver 

David Evans & Elizabeth Wiles 12 Oct 1856 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill ( 

David Talor & Jane Wiles 09 Jul 1854 - Ashe - A N McMillan 

Elisha Bedsaul, Jr & Prissiller Wilkinson 19 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Jesse Houk & Sidney Willcoxson - Ashe - William Houk Made his Mark 

James George & Emerilla Williams - Ashe - Linvill William Daniel Sturgill 

John S Osborn & Hanah Williams 06 Sep 1855 - Ashe - Enoch Osborn J. A. King 

Jacob Lewis & Harreto Williams 15 Sep 1866 - Ashe - Jacob Rohton 

Samuel Robinson Margarett E Williams 01 Jul 1857 - Ashe - John Faris Thos. Wayman (D 

John Blankenbeckler Mary Williams - Ashe - Granville H. Wi John Ray, (Clerk 

David Eastridge Nancy Williams 30 Aug 1856 - Ashe - Joseph A. King 

Allen Blevins Rachel Williams 04 Nov 1864 - Ashe - James Wagg, (CL 

Samuel D Caldwell Susan Williams - Ashe - Js. Caldwell Daniel Sturgill 

Jackson DeVenporte Betey Wilson - Ashe - Joseph E. Wilso G. M. Bingham 

Joseph Green Elizabeth Wilson - Ashe - Allen Adams Made his Mark G. M. Bingham 

George W Osborn Frankey C Wilson 06 Jan 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Cleavlin Eggers Hannah Wilson - Ashe - Joel Eggers G. M. Bingham ( 

George D Green Hannah Wilson - Ashe - Andrew J. McBri G. M. Bingham 

William Estep Juanar Wilson - Ashe - George Wilson David Dugger (D 

Hiram Ward Lydia Wilson 28 May 1854 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Joseph Thomas Margret Wilson - Ashe - Alexander Wilso G. M. Bingham 

Andrew J Davis & Martha Ann Wilson 25 Apr 1858 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Alfred Lunceford & Mary Wilson - Ashe - Allen Dotson G M Bingham 

Jordan Dotson & Mary Wilson - Ashe - Enoch B. Musgra David Dugger 

Richard F Osborn & Nancy E Wilson 06 Jan 1867 - Ashe - Jacob Roton 

Granville H Davis & Rachel Wilson 19 Nov 1853 - Ashe - Hiram Higgins 

Ebenezer Clawson & Sarah Wilson - Ashe - John J. Whittin David Dugger 

Joel Eggers & Sarah Wilson - Ashe - Zekiel Smith David Dugger 

Moses Lane & Elizabeth Winget - Ashe - William Hash John Ray (Clerk) 

William Hash & Polly Winget - Ashe - Solomon Parsons John Ray (Clerk) 

Elijah Wingler & Elisabeth Wingler 01 Mar 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Shadreck H Greer & Leusey Winkler - Ashe - John Trivitt; Jordan Greer 

William F Arney & Matilda Winn 17 Aug 1855 - Ashe - Robt Gambill 

Loranzo D Hicks & Lucinda Wiseley - Ashe - John R. Grubb John Ray (Clerk) 

Sanders May & Julany Wishoh 25 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Calvin Blevins & Elizabeth Wolf 30 Apr 1853 - Ashe - C. H. Doughten 

Martin Crows & Nancy Wolfe 21 Dec 1854 - Ashe - W. H. Thompson 

Floyd Ward & Eliza Wood 05 Dec 1867 - Ashe - John Ham, (Deputy Clerk 

Thomas M Wood & Elizabeth A Wood 17 Oct 1856 - Ashe - Robert Gambill 

Wyatt Rose & Hesperam Wood 18 Feb 1855 - Ashe - J M Gentry 

Calaway Dunn & Martha Wood 29 Nov 1857 - Ashe - R. Jones (Deputy Clerk) 

Jonathan Bare & Elisabeth Woodde - Ashe - John Koons R. Muchison 

William Poe & Patsey Woodde - Ashe - Jackson Woodde Nathan Weaver 

Meshach Swedy & Lidy Woode 07 May 1855 - Ashe - Shad Calley 

J F Ray & Catherine Woodey - Ashe - David H. Gray E. C. Bartlett 

Calvin Long & Margaret Woodie - Ashe - G. W. Ketchum ( 

Currin Collins & Caroline Woodruff 15 Feb 1854 - Ashe - T. C. Douglass 

Henry Farington & Franky Woody - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Aaron Bolen & Jane Woody 03 Apr 1853 - Ashe - N. H. Wough 

John Reedy & Rebecca Workman - Ashe - Christopher Wor A. Parkes 

N J Lillard & Elma Caroline Worth - Ashe - G. P. Straley 

N J Lillard & Elma Caroline Worth 23 Oct 1865 - Ashe - R. T. Hardin 

Mathias Wagoner & Marticie C Worth 01 Jun 1859 - Ashe - J. A. King (Deputy Clerk 

William H H Cowles & Rosamond C Worth 01 Jun 1870 - Ashe - C. Younce (REG. 

Joseph Stuart & Amanda Wright 18 Oct 1866 - Ashe - E. C. Bartlett 

Henry Fowler & Lucinda Wright 12 Jul 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Henry Fowler & Lucinda Wright - Ashe - Geo. H. Hamilto 

James Bare & Ansley Wyatt - Ashe - Jno. Koons, (D. 

George Grimesley & Evaline Wyatt 25 Mar 1858 - Ashe - Linvill William H. B. Williams 

John Garvey & Hannah Wyatt - Ashe - Thos. Callaway H. Ray 

Wiley Severt & Mary Wyatt - Ashe - John Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Wesley Sheats & Mary Wyatt - Ashe - S. P. Wagg (Deputy Clerk 

Eli Maxwell & Mary Adaline Wyatt - Ashe - Solomon Wyatt John Ray (Clerk) 

Henry Friesland & Melinda Wyatt - Ashe - Manhall N. Ca H. Ray 

Alfred Miller & Milly Wyatt 01 Apr 1857 - Ashe - Jno. Koons (Deputy Clerk 

Jesse Pore & Nancy Wyatt - Ashe - William Cole Solomon Parsons 

Bryant Rose & Rosy Wyatt - Ashe - Zebidee Phipps A. B. Cox 

Henry Hudgins & Sarah Wyatt - Ashe - Lofley Wyatt Made his Mark H. Ray 

George W Freman & Elizabeth M Wynn 16 Aug 1858 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

Wellborn Swift & Sarah Yelton - Ashe - Berryman Fletch David Dugger 

Josiah Ayers & Ann Younce 15 Oct 1854 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

George W Lorance & Hannah Younce 15 Jan 1857 - Ashe - Robt. Gambill 

John H Perkins & Lucy Young - Ashe - John Calvin Bak John Ray (Clerk) 

Masten Pugh & Marenda Young 13 Mar 1856 - Ashe - John F. Greer


This page was last updated August 1, 2007.