Ashe County Loose Estates Index

Ashe County North Carolina Loose Estates Index

Index to files for Ashe County that are in the
FamilySearch database at


Published by NCGenWebProject -


Created August 2013. Index listing by Taneya Koonce
and hosted by the NCGenWeb Project


The list below contains a list of names with records
in the collection of the North Carolina Estate Files
hosted online at FamilySearch. The index was created
via a collaborative partnership between the
North Carolina Genealogical Society and FamilySearch.
You can access the entire database of digitized NC estate
files at


Absher, Fannie (1931)
Absher, John W (1918)
Absher, W M (1904)
Adams, Creed (1862)
Alexander (1869)
Alexander, Jesse (1852)
Alexander, Joseph W
Alexander, Joseph W (1841)
Alexander, Joseph W (1851)
Allen, J W (1903)
Allen, James (1901)
Allen, James (1906)
Allen, James W (1900)
Allen, Jesse (1872)
Allen, Stephen (1845)
Anderson, James (1883)
Anderson, Jesse (1868)
Anderson, Jesse (1872)
Arnold, A V (1904)
Arnold, Martha (1905)
Arnold, Nancy (1871)
Arnold, Sarah (1905)
Arnold, Susan (1873)
Ashley, J A (1858)
Ashley, Martin (1882)
Ashley, N J (1908)
Ashley, William (1882)
Ashley, William (1903)
Austin, Andrew (1891)
Austin, Edwin (1868)
Badger, E H (1869)
Baker, Ann (1848)
Baker, Benjamin F (1887)
Baker, Elihu (1914)
Baker, Fannie (1911)
Baker, Harrison (1912)
Baker, Hiram (1844)
Baker, J Frank (1907)
Baker, James (1843)
Baker, James (1868)
Baker, Jesse F (1907)
Baker, John (1855)
Baker, John (1862)
Baker, Troy (1906)
Baker, William (1871)
Baker, William (1911)
Baldwin, J R (1909)
Baldwin, Jacob (1856)
Baldwin, Marion (1899)
Baldwin, William M (1898)
Balin, Judea (1850)
Ballard, N B (1898)
Ballew, F C, Mrs. (1908)
Balloe, Tennisa (1872)
Ballon, N B (1900)
Ballon, Nancy (1918)
Ballon, Sarah (1903)
Ballou, N B (1904)
Ballow, Merideth (1847)
Ballow, Merideth (1899)
Banker, William (1893)
Banner, Ephraim (1903)
Banner, Henry & Anthony (1902)
Bare (1906) Bare, A (1900)
Bare, Annie (1910)
Bare, B B Bare, B B (1910)
Bare, Elias (1909)
Bare, Harrison & Phoraba (1907)
Bare, Hugh (1866)
Bare, Hugh (1871)
Bare, Hugh (1889)
Bare, Jacob & Lucinda (1901)
Bare, Jacob (1865)
Bare, Phariba (1899)
Bare, Reed (1901)
Bare, Rudy (1909)
Bare, Wilbur (1867)
Barker, Ambrose (1907)
Barker, C F (1907)
Barker, E R (1911)
Barker, Edward (1869)
Barker, Eli (1903)
Barker, Ellen (1902)
Barker, Franklin (1908)
Barker, Franklin (1909)
Barker, James (1862)
Barker, John (1878)
Barker, Levi (1903)
Barker, Martha (1906)
Barker, Nelson (1906)
Barker, Thomas C (1893)
Barker, William (1894)
Barr, E M (1912)
Bartlett, E C (1897)
Bass, Ann (1851)
Beck, Amos (1844)
Bellasce, Susan (1887)
Benham, C C (1889)
Benham, C C (1896)
Benker, Edward (1870)
Benkett, David (1866)
Bennett, J J (1906)
Bensipa, Jesse (1840)
Billings, John (1861)
Bird, Major L (1885)
Black, Jacob (1840)
Black, Jesse (1864)
Black, Levi (1903)
Blackborn, Edmond (1836)
Blackburn, Charley (1912)
Blackburn, Enoch (1864)
Blackburn, G W (1911)
Blackburn, H B (1896)
Blackburn, H B (1901)
Blackburn, John (1873)
Blackburn, Levi (1872)
Blackburn, Mattie E (1911)
Blackburn, Solomon (1866)
Blackburn, William (1907)
Blackman, William (1859)
Bledsoe, James E (1903)
Bledsoe, Jesse (1896)
Blevin, Eli (1903)
Blevin, Wells (1902)
Blevin, William (1887)
Blevins, Carlton (1863)
Blevins, Daniel (1884)
Blevins, David & George (1858)
Blevins, David (1862)
Blevins, David (1870)
Blevins, David (1910)
Blevins, Eli (1867)
Blevins, Eliza (1909)
Blevins, G W (1911)
Blevins, George (1864)
Blevins, George W (1912)
Blevins, H C (1911)
Blevins, J H (1911)
Blevins, Jackson (1903)
Blevins, Jackson (1904)
Blevins, Jacob (1904)
Blevins, James (1869)
Blevins, Lee M (1904)
Blevins, Nathan (1834)
Blevins, R D (1906)
Blevins, Riley (1864)
Blevins, Riley (1891)
Blevins, Riley (1899)
Blevins, Solomon (1906)
Blevins, W (1841)
Blevins, W H (1906)
Blines, John T (1872)
Bogg, Emalin (1912)
Boggs, P F (1912)
Boggs, Peter (1912)
Bogle, I M (1870)
Boollette, E C (1899)
Bore, Eli (1875)
Borket, Christian (1871)
Bower, Absalom (1857)
Bower, Eli (1904)
Bower, George (1857)
Bower, George (1862)
Bower, George (1872)
Bower, George W (1903)
Bower, George, Sr. (1846)
Bower, John (1870)
Bower, Peter (1830)
Bower, Sally (1874)
Bower, Sam (1918)
Bowers, John (1844)
Bowers, Samuel (1899)
Bowers, Thomas (1917)
Bowie, Ada (1906)
Bowie, C F (1900)
Bowie, Francis C (1890)
Bowie, Joe (1882)
Bowldin, Jacob (1858)
Boyden, N A (1907)
Brackin, A (1882)
Bradley, Daniel (1839)
Bradley, Daniel (1845)
Brooks, Andrew (1872)
Brooks, David (1874)
Brooks, Elizabeth (1907)
Brooks, G S (1897)
Brooks, J W (1896)
Brooks, John (1870)
Brooks, Leora & Louisa (1909)
Brooks, Mary (1868)
Brooks, Sentligor (1896)
Brooks, Sherman (1898)
Brown, Benjamin
Brown, Benjamin (1839)
Brown, Benjamin (1875)
Brown, Charity (1903)
Brown, E A (1869)
Brown, Elizabeth (1866)
Brown, Francis (1828)
Brown, Jackson (1883)
Brown, Jesse (1831)
Brown, Jesse (1841)
Brown, Katie (1902)
Brown, Lewis (1865)
Brown, Rebecca (1904)
Brown, Samuel (1881)
Brown, Thomas (1848)
Brown, William (1884)
Brown, William (1900)
Bryan, G H (1859)
Bryan, Gideon (1883)
Bualtney, Poly (1897)
Bumgard, Larkin (1837)
Bumpass, Salrina (1863)
Burgess, Andy (1910)
Burgess, Brinkley (1878)
Burgess, Carlton (1878)
Burket, C (1854)
Burket, Daniel (1841)
Burket, David (1864)
Burket, Jacob (1863)
Burkett, Catherine (1888)
Burkett, Christian (1855)
Burkett, Christian (1860)
Burkett, D (1870)
Burkett, David (1874)
Burkett, John (1863)
Burnie, C F (1900)
Calaway, J L (1872)
Calhoun, B H (1907)
Callaway, Cary S (1840)
Callaway, Elijah (1847)
Callaway, I (1844)
Callaway, Isham G (1865)
Callaway, J T (1875)
Callaway, James (1880)
Callaway, T S (1891)
Callaway, Thomas (1835)
Callaway, Thomas (1850)
Callaway, Thomas S (1891)
Calloway, Mary Ann (1860)
Calvert, Neal (1858)
Campbell, Melvin (1881)
Campbell, W A (1903)
Carson, Andrew & Bettie (1903)
Carson, John (1853)
Carson, John H (1903)
Carson, John, Jr.
Carson, Mathew (1903)
Carson, Samuel P (1843)
Carson, Smith (1856)
Carter, Ellis (1880)
Carter, Nancy (1902)
Carter, Rachel (1884)
Castle, Nancy (1903)
Cearley, J A (1902)
Chambers, George (1890)
Chambers, Marion (1884)
Chambers, Mary (1886)
Chappel, W J (1885)
Choate, Charity (1850)
Choate, Mary (1855)
Choate, Richard (1852)
Chorate, J H (1903)
Church, Abraham (1838)
Church, Comodore (1910)
Church, J H (1897)
Church, J H (1909)
Clark, John (1905)
Clayton, James E (1902)
Clearly (1906)
Coldiron, A P (1909)
Collart, Neil (1871)
Colvard, Malinda (1904)
Colvard, Neal (1871)
Colvard, Neal R (1858)
Cook, Arthur (1909)
Cook, David (1850)
Cook, David (1871)
Cook, Nelia (1909)
Cook, Paton (1888)
Cooper, Samuel (1863)
Cooper, Samuel (1872)
Cornett, D C (1912)
Cornett, G W (1903)
Council, Jourdan (1839)
Cowles, A D (1903)
Cowles, C J (1873)
Cox, A R (1935)
Cox, Cora L (1902)
Cox, Eben C (1912)
Cox, Hardin (1871)
Cox, John (1819)
Cox, Joshua (1853)
Cox, Joshua (1898)
Cox, Joshua (1911)
Cox, N W (1918)
Cox, Samuel (1869)
Cox, W D (1911)
Cox, W F (1905)
Cox, William (1877)
Cox, William (1884)
Crows, Adam (1843)
Crows, Jacob A (1859)
Crows, John (1858)
Crumpler, T N (1874)
Crumpler, T N (1884)
Crumpler, T N, Major (1862)
Crysel, Columbus (1885)
Crysel, Verin (1900)
Dancy, Noah (1910)
Dancy, Sarah & Noah (1908)
Davidson, R (1885)
Davidson, Radford (1866)
Davis, A C, Mrs. (1908)
Davis, Benjamin (1861)
Davis, Elisha (1911)
Davis, J F (1903)
Davis, Jordan (1855)
Day, Isaac (1850)
Debord, Benjamin (1897)
Debord, D C (1902)
Denny, C H (1904)
Denny, Elbert (1897)
Denny, Eli (1858)
Denny, Eli (1884)
Denny, Sarah Ann (1902)
Denny, Solomon (1897)
Dickson, Alexander (1875)
Dickson, Andrew (1863)
Dickson, Andrew (1908)
Dickson, Daniel (1857)
Dickson, David (1890)
Dickson, Ellen (1900)
Dickson, J M (1918)
Dickson, James (1860)
Dickson, John (1886)
Dickson, Mehala (1829)
Dickson, Solomon (1851)
Dickson, Thomas (1828)
Dixon (1872)
Dixon, B F (1900)
Dixon, David (1891)
Dixon, James (1860)
Dixon, James, Jr.
Dixon, Mollie (1899)
Dixon, Moses (1857)
Dixon, Solomon (1851)
Dixon, Winfred (1905)
Dolinger, Celia (1918)
Dolinger, Charles (1906)
Dolinger, Robert (1912)
Dolinger, William (1905)
Dollinger, Robert (1897)
Doughton, Boyd (1897)
Doughton, George (1837)
Drough, Elias (1858)
Drugger, E L (1874)
Duke, Daniel (1885)
Duncan, T M (1905)
Duncan, T M (1907)
Dunman, L A (1918)
Dunn, Hershal (1877)
Dunn, Hershall (1864)
Dunn, Hinkel (1867)
Dunn, Jurious (1880)
Duvall, Jarnett (1862)
Duvall, Jarred B (1881)
Earnest, John W (1840)
Easterly, Taylor (1864)
Eastridge, Andrew (1905)
Eastridge, F M (1889)
Eastridge, N S (1918)
Eastridge, T M (1889)
Eastridge, T M (1894)
Eastridge, W S (1917)
Edminsten, William (1908)
Edmisten, W M (1910)
Edmondson, James (1909)
Edwards, David (1829)
Edwards, Jane (1851)
Edwards, S O & Magg (1872)
Edwards, Young (1843)
Edwards, Young, Jr. (1841)
Eggers, Landrene (1838)
Eldirite, Alex (1906)
Eldridge, John (1876)
Eldrith, David (1863)
Eldritt, John (1897)
Ellen, David (1901)
Ellen, Henry (1899)
Ellen, Henry (1903)
Ellen, J L (1911)
Ellen, Jacob (1856)
Ellen, Jacob (1899)
Ellen, Laura (1909)
Ellen, Peter (1903)
Eller, David (1897)
Eller, George (1863)
Eller, Henry & Callie (1897)
Eller, Linville (1890)
Eller, Peter (1897)
Elliott, Stephen (1860)
Elliott, Stephen (1908)
Elliott, Wilburn (1898)
Ellis, J H (1912)
Ellis, Lucy (1911)
Ellis, Phoebe (1897)
Ellis, Reeves (1907)
Elrod, Alexander (1895)
Ernest, John W (1840)
Evans, Barnabus (1855)
Evans, Benjamin (1854)
Evans, Nancy (1895)
Evans, William (1856)
Farmer, Adaline (1883)
Farmer, Benjamin (1866)
Farmer, Calvin (1870)
Farmer, H A (1903)
Farmer, Thomas (1877)
Farmer, William (1900)
Farmer, William (1912)
Farthing, William W (1844)
Faw, B C (1898)
Faw, E C (1900)
Faw, Eli (1880)
Faw, Eli C (1871)
Faw, Jacob (1859)
Faw, Jacob (1912)
Faw, John (1867)
Faw, Jonathan (1843)
Faw, Lela (1911)
Faw, Martin (1864)
Faw, Mary (1854)
Faw, Mary (1868)
Faw, Rebecca (1910)
Faw, T N (1906)
Faw, Thomas A (1902)
Faw, Thomas H (1907)
Faw, Thomas N (1910)
Fender, C J (1903)
Fender, Richard (1903)
Fletcher, Z T (1911)
Floyd, Hickman (1833)
Ford (1827)
Ford, John (1829)
Ford, William (1835)
Foster, J E (1907)
Fouts, Squire (1887)
Francis, Freelin (1908)
Francis, Henry (1885)
Francis, Henry (1905)
Francis, Mahala (1900)
Francis, Robert (1908)
Francis, W F (1907)
Franklin, William (1871)
Freeman, Elizabeth (1869)
Furman, William (1829)
Furthmire, Sarah Ann (1900)

Gambell, William (1819)
Gambil, Ben (1897)
Gambill, Cicero (1898)
Gambill, Cynthia (1864)
Gambill, Fannie (1910)
Gambill, Grazilda (1909)
Gambill, James (1896)
Gambill, Jesse A (1891)
Gambill, Robert H (1910)
Gambill, Wiley (1910)
Gass, Andrew
Gaultney, Carpus (1896)
Gaultney, Polly & James (1890)
Gaultney, William (1896)
Gentrey, James (1875)
Gentry, Bessie (1911)
Gentry, J M (1860)
Gentry, L C (1900)
Gentry, Susan (1912)
Gentry, W S (1895)
Genty, Susan (1918)
Gilley, John (1880)
Glofand, M C (1875)
Goens, John (1866)
Goings, Henry
Goodman, Harvey (1863)
Goodman, J W (1906)
Goodman, Jacob (1903)
Goodman, James (1875)
Goodman, John
Goodman, John (1866)
Goodman, Richard (1868)
Goodman, Will (1904)
Goss, Andrew (1857)
Goss, Andrew (1873)
Goss, Avd (1853)
Goss, Columbus (1872)
Goss, Emitt (1873)
Goss, I S (1908)
Goss, Marion (1904)
Goss, N F (1918)
Goss, Rachel (1871)
Goss, Winfield (1918)
Gowin, John (1865)
Graham, Sarah (1918)
Graybeal, C E (1893)
Graybeal, C E (1911)
Graybeal, Calvin (1902)
Graybeal, Celia (1858)
Graybeal, David (1873)
Graybeal, David (1880)
Graybeal, David (1883)
Graybeal, David (1894)
Graybeal, Eli (1888)
Graybeal, Eli (1896)
Graybeal, Epe (1900)
Graybeal, J C (1900)
Graybeal, John
Graybeal, John (1882)
Graybeal, John (1894)
Graybeal, Joseph (1890)
Graybeal, Joseph (1901)
Graybeal, Joseph (1910)
Graybeal, Margaret (1918)
Graybeal, Mary (1876)
Graybeal, Peter (1869)
Graybeal, Rulin (1869)
Graybeal, William (1912)
Grayson, J H (1906)
Grayson, J W M (1896)
Green, P J
Greer, Andrew (1870)
Greer, Andrew (1882)
Greer, Andy (1900)
Greer, Aquilla (1858)
Greer, C A (1886)
Greer, C A (1895)
Greer, C A (1901)
Greer, David
Greer, David (1882)
Greer, David (1892)
Greer, David (1901)
Greer, Dora (1911)
Greer, E D (1884)
Greer, Elijah (1870)
Greer, Elizabeth (1911)
Greer, H (1871)
Greer, Hamilton (1864)
Greer, Hamilton (1888)
Greer, J F (1907)
Greer, James (1844)
Greer, John C (1882)
Greer, John F (1872)
Greer, John F (1874)
Greer, John F (1896)
Greer, John F (1897)
Greer, Joissa (1874)
Greer, Joissa (1881)
Greer, Jolen F (1897)
Greer, Joseph (1842)
Greer, Joseph (1909)
Greer, Louisa (1901)
Greer, Martha C (1905)
Greer, P J (1898)
Greer, Paul (1911)
Greer, Pearl (1900)
Greer, W A (1901)
Griffith, David N (1897)
Griffith, John (1896)
Griffith, W G (1910)
Griffiths, James (1831)
Grime, Ferguson (1896)
Grimes, Elijah (1870)
Grimes, Joisa (1874)
Grimes, Lewis (1858)
Grogan (1885)
Grubb, George W (1900)
Grubb, John F (1903)
Gualtney, Carpa S (1895)
Gualtney, William (1900)
Hackett, Joseph (1874)
Hagaman, Rilda (1909)
Hall, John (1844)
Hall, M E (1899)
Halsey, Josiah (1869)
Halsey, William
Halsey, William B (1849)
Halsy, William (1854)
Ham, E L (1910)
Ham, Eli (1900)
Ham, Isaac (1908)
Ham, John (1911)
Ham, Joshua (1862)
Ham, Mazy (1907)
Ham, Oliver (1937)
Ham, Solomon (1882)
Ham, Thomas (1865)
Ham, Thomas (1893)
Hamilton, G H (1891)
Hamilton, G H (1911)
Hamilton, George H (1880)
Hamilton, Haga (1900)
Hamilton, Robert (1846)
Hamilton, W H (1908)
Hampton, F S (1904)
Hanks, Edward (1898)
Hanks, Laura (1911)
Hanks, Oliver (1907)
Hardin, Amos (1828)
Hardin, C H (1908)
Hardin, G H (1906)
Hardin, Henry (1857)
Hardin, Henry (1869)
Hardin, John (1900)
Hardin, Joseph (1886)
Hardin, Katie (1910)
Hardin, Martin (1905)
Hardin, Mollie C (1909)
Hardin, R T (1905)
Hardin, W H (1887)
Hardin, William (1830)
Hardin, William (1870)
Hardin, William P (1863)
Harmon, Andrew (1817)
Harmon, Andrew (1822)
Harmon, Andrew (1831)
Harmon, Cutteff (1838)
Harmon, Godfrey (1838)
Harris, Hugh (1885)
Harris, J T (1905)
Harris, James I (1904)
Hart, Elijah (1894)
Hart, Elisha (1865)
Hart, James (1906)
Hart, James F (1898)
Hart, Nancy (1868)
Hart, O P (1899)
Hartzog (1870)
Hartzog, Daniel (1908)
Hartzog, Elizabeth (1863)
Hartzog, Jacob (1849)
Hartzog, John (1863)
Hartzog, Martha (1860)
Hartzog, Martha (1861)
Hartzog, Mary (1909)
Hartzog, Phillip (1888)
Hartzog, Richard (1902)
Hartzog, Sallie (1910)
Hash, James (1883)
Hash, Lessie (1902)
Hash, Marjary
Hask, Marshall (1867)
Hast, James (1882)
Hawthorn, John (1858)
Hawthorn, John (1866)
Hawthorne, Andrew, Sr. (1878)
Hawthorne, Jennie (1912)
Hays, R D (1901)
Henis, Sally (1869)
Henly, Thomas (1885)
Hewitt, Amos (1880)
Hewitt, Robert (1846)
Hill, David (1856)
Hill, James A (1864)
Hill, Marion (1879)
Hill, William (1835)
Hodges, Martha (1918)
Hodgson, John T (1904)
Hodgson, William D (1904)
Holbrook, David (1856)
Holbrook, Washington (1854)
Holman, James (1909)
Holman, Joseph (1907)
Holtsclaw, John (1846)
Hopas, Mary (1841)
Hoppas, Daniel (1841)
Hopper, Daniel (1911)
Hopper, Jacob (1836)
Hopper, John (1857)
Horton, James (1844)
Houck Houck, David (1863)
Houck, Henry (1866)
Houck, John (1886)
Houck, John F (1908)
Houk, David (1833)
Houk, David, Sr. (1848)
Houk, Henry Howard, Polly (1860)
Howell, A P (1912)
Howell, Amos (1865)
Howell, Amos (1885)
Howell, David (1887)
Howell, David (1895)
Howell, David (1903)
Howell, George (1887)
Howell, Henry (1849)
Howell, Henry (1855)
Howell, J J (1918)
Howell, James (1845)
Howell, William (1840)
Howell, William (1909)
Howell, William, Sr. (1905)
Howk, Banbry (1855)
Huddler, Elizabeth (1897)
Hughes, Thomas (1880)
Hunt (1870)
Hunt, Elisha (1873)
Hunt, Jones (1908)
Hurdley, John (1911)
Hurley, James F (1864)
Hurley, Thomas (1881)
Hurly, Leander (1898)
Hutchinson, W W (1864)
Huthinson, W W (1870)
Idol, Jesse & Fanny (1896)
Isaacs, James (1849)
Jacks, W H H (1865)
Jenkins, Calvin (1863)
Jenkins, Calvin (1880)
Jenkins, Elizabeth (1876)
Jennings, William (1859)
Jerrel, Mary M (1941)
Johnson (1898)
Johnson, Alexander (1900)
Johnson, Francis (1846)
Johnson, Francis (1859)
Johnson, James (1855)
Johnson, James (1885)
Johnson, James (1899)
Johnson, John C (1896)
Johnson, Levi (1872)
Johnson, Levi (1880)
Johnson, Sophina (1907)
Johnson, W A (1907)
Johnson, William B (1856)
Johnston, James (1848)
Johnston, Rachel (1869)
Jonacri, Samuel C (1862)
Jones, A C (1903)
Jones, A W (1898)
Jones, Abraham (1910)
Jones, D A (1906)
Jones, D C (1867)
Jones, D L (1866)
Jones, Daniel (1859)
Jones, Dora (1912)
Jones, Elizabeth (1868)
Jones, Emma (1901)
Jones, Felding (1895)
Jones, I F (1866)
Jones, Isaiah (1906)
Jones, J F (1870)
Jones, J H (1904)
Jones, J R (1911)
Jones, J W (1906)
Jones, Jesse F (1866)
Jones, John (1850)
Jones, John (1864)
Jones, John (1905)
Jones, John L (1837)
Jones, John W (1886)
Jones, Johnathan (1871)
Jones, Jonathan (1864)
Jones, L S (1904)
Jones, Minnick (1871)
Jones, Paul (1918)
Jones, Phelix (1867)
Jones, Reason (1898)
Jones, Rebecca (1896)
Jones, Rezin
Jones, Robert (1909)
Jones, S C (1904)
Jones, S J (1911)
Jones, Samuel (1904)
Jones, T D (1918)
Jones, T J (1889)
Jones, Thomas J (1893)
Jones, Wilson (1898)
Jonnipce, George (1863)
Keley, Mary (1895)
Kelley, John T (1905)
Kennedy, Ruffin (1877)
Kennedy, Ruffin (1899)
Kerby, Jesse (1853)
Ketchum, A K (1900)
Ketchum, George W (1897)
Kilby, Humphrey (1918)
King (1882)
King, Jacob (1882)
King, Joseph A (1885)
Koonce (1905)
Koonce, George (1870)
Koonce, George (1905)
Koonce, Jacob (1885)
Koonce, John (1871)
Koons, George (1856)
Koontz, Jennie (1906)
Krows, John (1858)
Laid, James S (1857)
Lander, Wayne (1872)
Landreth, Stephen (1853)
Landrith, Wagoner (1872)
Landrith, Wayne (1878)
Lany, A M (1887)
Latham, John (1839)
Latham, Robert (1900)
Latham, Roy (1895)
Latham, T E (1887)
Latham, William (1883)
Lawrence, Marha (1886)
Lawrence, Martha (1886)
Lawrence, Melvina (1903)
Lawrence, Thomas (1832)
Lever, Fredarick (1837)
Lewellen, Jesse (1858)
Lewis, A H (1910)
Lewis, Cora (1907)
Lewis, E R (1909)
Lewis, E R (1918)
Lewis, Gideon (1845)
Lewis, Gideon (1886)
Lewis, Jackson (1892)
Lewis, James (1860)
Lewis, Jesse (1860)
Lewis, Joseph (1864)
Lewis, Lillie N (1900)
Lewis, Nancy (1896)
Lewis, William (1882)
Little, Charles (1912)
Little, G W (1890)
Little, George (1909)
Little, Isaac (1897)
Little, Wiley (1909)
Logan, J F (1911)
Long, A M (1888)
Long, Eli C (1863)
Long, Frank (1835)
Long, Isaiah (1901)
Long, J M (1910)
Long, N M (1887)
Long, Noah (1895)
Long, Samuel (1845)
Long, W Floyd (1896)
Lorance, Hardin (1875)
Lourance, Martha (1896)
Lovelace, A P (1906)
Lovelace, James (1855)
Lovelass, James (1853)
Lowman, Adam (1881)
Lowman, Andrew (1881)
Lowman, Andrew (1901)
Lumsford, Shubil (1911)
Luther, W N (1912)
Lyall, James (1845)
Lyall, Wilborn (1906)


This page was last updated October 28, 2015.