The Alamance County Genealogical Society

Club logoThe Alamance County Genealogical Society meets the second Monday of each month except June, July and August, at 7:00 p.m., at the Western Steak House, 142 N. Graham-Hopedale Road Burlington, NC 27215, 336-227-1448

The membership year for the society is September to August and membership dues are ($15.00 per person or family). To receive the January journal on time dues should be paid before the end of December.  Journals are published in January, May and September.

Information on this site is yours to use in your research in any way, but please respect the time it takes for us to gather and post this information and don't copy and place on other websites.

Announcements -

This book is now available again.
The Malachi Isley Story: With Emphasis on the Malachi > Philip > Martin > Daniel > Jacob L > John Moody Line.

Officers for 2019-2020
President Matt Beckwith
First Vice-President Donna Bonds
Second Vice-President (Some one want to volunteer)
Treasurer Judy Braxton
Recording Secretary Nancy Johnson
Corresponding Secretary  
Editors of Journal Harry and Sandra Shoffner
Webmaster Mary W. Ellis
Librarian Lisa. B. Kobrin
Name Tags Joyce Hayes
Food Coordinator Judy Braxton

Other Learning opportunities:
May Memorial Library Genealogy Club will meet in the Local History room at 2:30 pm on Wednesday September 11. 

Programs for the Year
Monday Speakers: Programs
Sept. 09, 2019 Richard Ellington "What is Your Plan? You've Collected it, Now What Do You Do With It,  __Sharing, Saving and Preserving Your Research"
Oct. 014, 2019 Tom Magnuson "Moving into the Carolina Backcountry: Colonial Area Transportation in the Carolinas and Virginia 1585-1785."
Nov. 11, 2019 Nim Batchelor "Discovering and Exploring My N.C. Ancestors"
Dec. 09, 2019   Holiday Sale and Auction
Jan. 13, 2020 Gene Boyce, Retired Attorney "The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: The Magna Carta's Influence on Americas Past, Present, and Future"
Feb. 10 2020 Larry Cates DNA relationships with the Clapp families
Mar. 09, 2020 Laura Roselle Family Stories That Build Strong Young People
Apr. 13, 2020 TBD  
May 11, 2020 TBD  

Get these PDF files furnished by previous speakers 

The 1850 and 1870 Census

Go Here for this Information

The donation of the 1850 and 1870 Alamance County, North Carolina, Census images for permanent, free display in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of NOLA DUFFY and the permission of S-K Publications