Bomber Crashes On Road

Motor truck buried under wreckage, man jumps clear in time.

Transcribed by G. Christian Larsen

DIGBY, Jan. 19:- A big twin-engine bomber crashed shortly after 1 P.M. today at Sea Brook on the Digby road, some two miles from Digby. The two occupants of the plane were taken to Digby General Hospital suffering from serious injuries. Charles Robbins, Rosaway, who was struck by a flying portion of the plane, was also badly hurt and rushed to the hospital.

One of the injured airman was taken to the hospital by W.F. Webber, who was driving toward Digby, and whose car just missed being hit. Sydney Westcott took the other airman and Robbins to the hospital.

The big plane landed squarely across the Digby Neck Road, blocking the road completely. Drivers of both cars which took the injured airman to Digby had to turn their vehicles about and come to town by the round about Digby Neck-Cross Road route.

A two ton truck owned by Wilfred Sidney, owner of the Digby Neck Telephone Line, struck by the crashing plane, and its frame crashed like an eggshell, lies under the wreckage of the big bomber. As the time of the crash, Sidney and Charles Robbins, with Allison Merritt, Carman Gidney were loading weir brush for Robbins weir at Seawall. Merritt was on the truck. The men saw the plane as it passed over the fields of Joseph Hines and realized it was about to crash.

They called to Merritt to jump and run. Merritt did, and missed death by a matter of a split second. Robbins was struck by a piece of the wing as the plane crashed.

It is understood the aviators became lost, and their plane ran out of gas.

SOURCE: Halifax Herald (Halifax, NS) - Thursday, January 20, 1944.

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