Two Hundred Men Now At Work At Pennfield Airbase

Two Hundred Men Now at Work at Pennfield Airbase
Dexter Construction Co. of St. John Have Contract. East and West Runway Must Be Completed Nov.30. To Be Training Base

Transcribed by G. Christian Larsen

    Bearing out optimistic reports made recently by B.M. Hill, M.P., for Charlotte, that the Pennfield airbase site would soon be accepted for development as part of the Commonwealth air training scheme, the local member was able to announce on Saturday that the contract had been signed. Mr. Hill left at once for Ottawa where he is securing further particulars, expecting to return this week.

    The amount to be spent at once is approximately $250,000 and the C.H. Dexter Construction Co., of St. John has the contract. It is a rush job, with one of the conditions being that both runways must be graded and the east and west runway completed with tar surface by November 30.

    The initial development will use an area over a mile square, commencing at a point 4100 feet on the St. George side of the railway crossing and running about 1600 back from the main highway. Mr. Hill stated it would be used as an air training field and extensive buildings would be erected for administration purposes and housing of airforce instructors, ground crew and students on a very large scale.

    Owing to the fact that this entire area is composed of gravel running many feet in depth, all on a fairly level grade, a rush job is possible and the contractors are adding daily to their crews.

    While in Ottawa, Mr. Hill is also urging the Government to give every consideration to the development of Letang and St. Croix waters as the site for a proposed international harbor. He took with him maps and much data concerning these harbors hoping to be given an opportunity to present his case before the proper authorities.

SOURCE: The Saint Croix Courier (St. Stephen, NB) - Thursday, August 29, 1940.

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