
Record Type Description
Bibles Volunteer submitted bible records
Biographies Volunteer submitted biographies and links to offsite biographies located at the USGenWeb Archives
Cemeteries Volunteer submitted cemetery lists and some offsite cemetery lists
Census Records Offsite links to census records and tools
Church Records/Information Volunteer submitted church records and offsite link with Church information
Deeds and Other Land Records Volunteer submitted land records and offsite links to deed and other land records
Diaries Offsite links to diaries
Families Volunteer submitted family information
Letters Volunteer submitted letters and some offsite links too
Marriages Volunteer submitted marriage records and offsite marriage records located at Itawamba Historical Society Archives and Rootsweb
Military Records Volunteer submitted military records and offsite military records
Obituaries Volunteer submitted obituaries and offsite obituaries too
Organization Volunteer submitted organization lists
Queries This Link will carry you to the GenForum queries for Lee County. You will have to create a User Account in order to participate.
Tax Lists Offsite link to the 1836 Tax List at Itawamba Historical Society Archives
Vital Records - Birth, Marriage, Death Offsite link to the United States Vital Records Information website