Calhoun County MSGenweb





The United States Census Bureau
(Officially Bureau of the Census as defined in Title 13 U.S.C. § 11)

Indians Marked "White" on a U.S. Federal Census

The United States Census Bureau (officially Bureau of the Census as defined in Title 13 U.S.C. § 11)
A Brief overview of race and ethnicity in the U.S. Census history 1790-2010 also 1940-2000 [Population].
Topic: General: "Indians Recorded on Federal Census as "white"

How American Indians are identified, or not, on a U.S. Federal census. although there are many rules over the years regarding Indians taxed and those not taxed, Indians recorded on Federal Census as "white"

                                                                                    In 1870, the rule for census enumerators was:

By the phrase 'Indians not taxed' is meant Indians living on reservations under the care of Government agents, or roaming individually, or in bands, over unsettled tracts of country."

"Indians not in tribal relations, whether full-bloods or half-breeds, who are found mingled with the white population, residing in white families, engaged as servants or laborers, or living in huts or wigwams on the outskirts of towns or settlements are to be regarded as a part of the ordinary population of the country for the constitutional purpose of the apportionment of Representatives among the States, and are to be embraced in the enumeration."





But, As an American Indian researcher, one of the most important instructions provided by the government for the 1870 census: "Where persons reported as 'Half-breeds' are found residing with whites, adopting their habits of life and methods of industry, such persons are to be treated as belonging to the white population. Where, on the other hand, they are found in communities composed wholly, or mainly of Indians, the opposite construction is taken."

Respectfully: Leo Pergson Choctaw Nation Carroll County Mississippi.


Thanks to Chief Pergson for providing this helpful insight.


Rose Diamond

Nov. 14, 2011


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