Hillcrest Cemetery by James Young Vardaman MS General page MSGenweb

Hillcrest Cemetery

Vardaman, MS

This is a very large file. I have taken the liberty of breaking it down into smaller segments so that loading time will not be so long. Mr. Young's orginal submissions includes:

(1)    an introduction along with a map that has been changed to typed text    - Introduction

(2)    An alphabetical listing of grave sites    - A thru DE thru IJ thru MN thru RS thru Z

(3)    The seqential listing of the grave sites    - {invaluable if you are physically looking for the grave site}
                Quadrant 1
                Quadrant 2
                Quadrant 3
                Quadrant 4

(4)    Current photo of the Hillcrest Cemetery. - Photo

Each seqment above can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted words.

The Calhoun County MSGenweb site is vastly enhanced by this information and if you find information here that assists you in your search, please let Mr. Young know { e-mail } that you appreciate his hard work.

The information contained herein is the personal property of Mr. James Young and has been donated to the MSGenweb - Calhoun site. Copyright: January 2005, for personal use only, all rights reserved. 

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