Stone County Obituary-Hollars

Denver Hollars
Submitted by Joy Sue Simkins

Stone County Missouri, lost one of it's senior citizens on September 08, 1997, Denver Hollars passed away at the age of 92, he was born November 23, 1904 in Marble, Arkansas, Madison County. He lived most of his life in Stone County Missouri, about half way between Blue Eye,Mo.,Ar., and Lampe, Missouri. Denver graduated from the School of The Ozarks in 1927, he taught school and grew tobacco.

Denver loved the history of the Ozarks and did several interviews for Bob Gilmore about the history of the Ozarks, tobacco growing and etc. I haven't had time to gather up the books that some of his information is in, one is the History of Stone County Mo. I believe the computer and the internet came a little late for Denver to have the use of it for history and that we all lost a lot of information. We will all miss Denver and his antics.


© 1996, 1997 Susan Potts & Jo Dunne