St. Clair Probate

St. Clair Probate

1960 - 1969

St. Clair County Courier
19 May 1960

Notice of Letters of Administration Granted.
Estate of Leonard E. Bartz, Decedent.
No. 212
To all persons interested in the estate of Leonard E. Bartz, Decedent.
On the 25th day of April, 1960, Anna Mae Bartz was appointed the administratrix of the estate of Leonard E. Bartz decedent, by the probate court of St. Clair County, Missouri. The business address of the administratrix is RFD 1, Rockville, Missouri and her attorney is Morran D. Harris whose address is Osceola, Missouri.
All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within nine months from the date of this notice or be forever barred.
Date of first publication is April 28, 1960.
LaVerne Sink,
Clerk of the Probate Court, St. Clair County, Missouri
To be Published in St. Clair County Courier, April 28, May 5, 12, 19.

Notice of Appointment of Guardian
16 February 1966
No. 681
State of Missouri, St. Clair County, ss.
In the Probate Court of St. Clair County, Missouri

Estate of Mary Stella Glendening, Incompetent.

To all persons interested in the estate of Mary Stella Glendening, Incompetent:
On the 15th day of February 1966, R. Vernon Smith was appointed guardian of the (person and estate) of Mary Stella Glendening, a person adjudicated incompetent under the laws of Missouri, by the Probate Court of St. Clair County, Missouri. The business address of the guardian is Osceola, Missouri whose telephone Number is 646-1512, and his attorney is R. Vernon Smith, whose telephone Number is 646-1512.
All creditors of said incompetent are notified to file their claims in the Probate Court within nine months from the date of first publication of this notice or be forever barred.
Date of first publication February 17, 1966.
John Mills, Clerk of Probate.
To be published in the St. Clair County Courier.
Feb. 17, 24, March 3, 10.