Pulaski County, Missouri
Compiled by Jeff Mitchell
Year by year summaries of obituaries in alphabetical order taken from Pulaski County weekly newspapers and one daily newspaper for the years 1953 on. The two or three letter abbreviation in parenthesis after the obituary date indicate which newspaper it came from: PCD-Pulaski County Democrat; DXP-The Dixon Pilot/Pulaski County Pilot; RM-The Richland Mirror; CN-Crocker News; DG-The Daily Guide.
In addition to the name, there may be one or more of the following: b.-date and place of birth; d.-date and place of death; m.-date(s) of marriage(s) and spouse(s); c.-number of children; s/o-son of; d/o-daughter of; h/o-husband of; v.-veteran; BRO-number of brothers; SIS-number of sisters; LBN-listed by name of children and siblings if more than one. For veterans, wars are abbreviated as follows: SAW-Spanish-American War; WW1, WW2-World Wars One and Two; KOR-Korea; VNAM-Viet Nam. The standard two-letter postal abbreviation for states was used in locations of birth or death. Also, Co-county and FLW-Fort Leonard Wood.
I have tried to be as accurate as possible in the spelling of names. I used the spelling as it was given in the obituary. In some cases the name was spelled more than one way in the same obituary. In such cases I used the more usual spelling.
Obituary summaries for the years 1902 through 1952 are given in a book published by the Pulaski County Geneological Society.