Bible Records

Jackson County Bible Records


This Bible was given to JCGS at an unknown date. Record pages say: Father: Clay Cates, Brothers, Keeth Virgil (and) Janis Virgil. Mother: Catherine Cates, Father: Ronald E. Virgil, Mother: Catherine Virgil and Father: Clay Cates; Mother Catherine Cates. Deaths: Keith Virgil 5 mounts (sic) old when died October 22, 1939, date today 1958. Ronald Edwin Virgil, September 10, Sunday 1950, date today 1958. The name Joyce Virgle (note spelling variation) is embossed on the front cover of the Bible, which is a King James version of The Holy Bible published by the World Publishing Company, Cleveland and New York, no date.


This page was last updated August 2, 2006.