Douglas County, Missouri

Tax Rolls

MO Gen Web, Kristi Towe and Sharon Sanders, Coordinators


1885 Personal Property Assessment Book for Douglas County.  With the nation's 1890 census
being destroyed by fire, this 1885 tax assessment book provides some information
of the heads of household in 1885.  It's available from
the Douglas County Historical and Genealogical Society.


Copyrights and Good Ethics -- This site is copyrighted to protect the many creators of the body of work contained here.  Use this information freely but tell your readers where you acquired the information.  A copyright comes into existence when a work is created. Only “original works of authorship” can be protected by copyright.  An example of this would be cemetery records – if you copy names and dates from a cemetery, that in itself might not be copyrightable, unless you have added information to it, such as compiling multiple cemeteries into one source, such as Laine Sutherland’s (et al) Gone But Not Forgotten: Cemetery Survey of the Eastern District, Douglas County , Missouri (1995).  My own transcriptions of Fairview and Oak Forest Cemetery are also copyrighted, because I added additional information not available on the headstones. For works created after 1978, copyright protection lasts for the “life of the author, plus seventy years”. For works created before 1978, the protection is good for a maximum of 95 years, with a minimum of 28 years. Note that “official government publications are not eligible for copyright in any form by anyone” – the information can be used, as it is public domain, but you cannot call it your original work. -- Kristi Towe, Coordinator

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Last updated on 06/26/2014
Copyright © 2014 Kristi Towe and Sharon Sanders