Last Will and Testament of Thomas Murry, Sr.

Thomas Murry, Sr.

State of Missouri 
County of Cole County Court in vacation
This day personally came Thomas Murry administrator of Thomas Murry Sr. deceased and made oath that thus are to the best of his knowledge the following heirs of the said deceased (to wit) Elizabeth Murry widow of said deceased, and following children (to wit) Isaac Murry residing in Arkansas Territory, Polly Smith, Grand daughter of said deceased living in Campbell County State of Tennessee, Jabash Murry, Joshua Murry, Jonathon Murry, Thomas Murry, James Murry, Richard Ledgerwood Murry, Shadrach Murry, Christopher Murry, Absolum Murry, Martha Hunter, and Anna McKinny.
    Sworn to and
The State of Missouri Before me this 3rd day of September 1834
Jaron Harrison Clerk  Thos. Murray

Submitted by: Debra Anderson

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