Shirley Dunaway Vachon Wed Oct 23
20:34:43 1996
Looking for information on Robert L.W. Dunaway who Married Mary Belle Tucker
in Hickory County in 1876. The eventually had 5 offsprings. Launa Jane, Miaura Arch,
Geneviev Viola, Margarette Francis and Ira Lee. Born from 1881-1889. Robert had 2 other
brothers William and Ellis\E.J. Dunaway. Robert was a Free Will Baptist Circuit preacher.
This family was in these counties: Dallas, Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Newton, and
Thanks for your help, Andrew N. Dunaway ([email protected])
Roxann Gess-Smith Sat Nov 23 23:48:14
GESS/GASS/GIST, Capt. Wm. H., b. 1798 in Ohio. Married Sarah (Sally) HULEN
of Estill Co., Ky. in 1817. Capt. Gess removed himself and family from Ky. between 1825
and 1831, in order to help fight the Indian Wars of Mo. All but two of their children were
born in Howard Co., Mo. They are as follows: Lucinda Gess m. Thomas Barnes WISDOM, Emily
Gess m. Joseph LEWIS of Randolph Co., Francis Gess m. Thomas NYE (NIGH) in Audrain Co.,
Geo. Wm. Gess m. Catherine Cladora GREASON in Lathrop, Mo., Margaret Gess
(spouse unk.), John H. Gess m. Anna Hargrave in Clinton
Co., Susan m. James SUMMERS (?) in Clinton Co., Thomas Benton Gess m.
Anna M. CREWS in Stewartville, Mo. Thanking you in advance for giving my
family your consideration. Roxann Gess-Smith of Salem, Oregon
Linda Wilson Thu Dec 26 22:12:53 1996
looking for any connections to a John WILSON b.1818 in Jefferson Co. Old
family bible has WILSON spelled with 2 LL's. John WILSON married Rozetta BAILEY
whose father was Henry BAILEY, they were married in St. Louis in 1837 Moved to Clark Co.
in 1846 the first three of their children were born in Jefferson Co the rest after moving
to Clark Co. Any information appreciated.
Donna Kraska Fri Jan 17 20:18:51 1997
William Harrison Buckridge married Sarah Francis Townsend
in Plattsburg, Mo. Need date where to send for copy of certifcate.
Donna Kraska Sun Jan 26 19:47:58 1997
Seeking information on Buckridge family from Clinton County. Most lived
near Plattsburg and surrounding communities. Earliest settler James Buckridge, immigrated
about 1710. General question are records available locally for these areas? I'm in
Michigan and have not found many. Thanks to whoever the kind soul is that will answer me.
Nancy C. Adkins Mon Jan 27 15:31:13
Searching for any descendants of FRANK MURDOCK who was living on a farm
in Taney Co. MO. in May 1888. FRANK MURDOCK was a son of DRAKE S.MURDOCK AND MAHALA S.
(STORY) MURDOCK. FRANK was born in Lawrence Co. OH. I would appreciate hearing from anyone
with information. I will gladly share information. Thanks!
John Lybarger Sat Feb 1 10:53:25 1997
I am seeking information from any descendant of Lybarger, Lyberger, Lybyer,
or any ather spelling variation. I am producing a book which will list known descendants
of twelve generations. My current database has 2783 different surnames and over 12000
persons of which over 6700 are Lybarger descendants. My web page is at
Carla Ritchie Sat Feb 1 14:03:40
Looking for people from Monroe County, I'm trying to find out about my family last name Redding
and Turner. My Grandfather's name was Frank Redding and my Grandmother's
name was Mable Turner. I'm interested in any information anyone might have on my
Thank You, Carla (Redding) Ritchie ([email protected])
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