The information on this page is for your assistance in the free research of genealogy. Do not copy nor reproduce electronically without the consent of Mark & Carla mail to March 1, 2000 Any questions about the material on this page should be directed to Mark and Carla at the address. ************************************************** THE CREDIT FOR THE LIST OF NAMES BELOW IS GIVEN TO Minnie Caleta Toney Spurlock Thomas Mrs Thomas, had the foresight to keep them for us. ************************************************** Source of the list of names below was from - A small red leather bound notebook was found in the truck of Minnies Caleta Toney Sparlock Thomas. It belonged to her second husband Charley Thomas. The names included in this list are those which Charley wrote in it his book. The ( ) are the items each person was needing. Charley had a distinctive handwriting style. His I's and J's are very similar. Please, feel free to help me correct any names you find which are not correct, because of my error in reading from the pages. Our Spurlock, Toney, Hays and Associated Family Charley Thomas Sales Book ---------------- Page One Qulin 1-2-42 Henry Huggins, Joe Harsan, Jack Sims, Arlie Right, Pete Maddox, Dick Folks, Frank Reed, Norren Nored, J.C. Nored, Marley Smith, E. P. Madix, 0. W. Pauers, Forest Lee, J. W. Duler, E C. Hallandsnorth, Ira Kates, J. A. Johns, J. K. Parkes. Page Two Danold Hawthorne (M.), M. F. Wheeler, J. T. Stevens (OS)., Cecil Madox, Ralph Brown, Master Dawns, E. Lacy, John Greer, W. H. Mann, I L. Parkes, 1-2-42 Mrs. Bill Strand, W. M. Huggins, Alvi Hayse, Pat Patterson, Tam. Campbell Grace Battan, Oden Coats. Page Three Claud Frills, Pete Thorton, J. Y. Tuley J.G. Litzler, Ed. Handcack, RW. Lee, Harry Boyd, Gea.Lambert, R.H. Green. Page Four 2-12-42 Elya Norman, T.W. Weatherly, John Gains, Criss Hayse, John Hadge, C. 0. Pressan, Arvle Spencer, Lea Bay, Harve Armor, H. G. Flowers, Jim Linwell, As. Overfield. J. A. Randals, L. Humpphery, Ollis Dukes, Jess Elders, J.D. McKnight, L. Irvin (cook S), L. A. Moore, Carl Ellis. Page Five Route 3 Sam Jaines, Perry Anderson, Ollie Allen, AC. BlankingShip, Edward Elledge, Wilma Cauness, , D. Smith, Harry Brackman, C. Simson, Joe Wilson, W. J. Dunning. Page Six Noah Michell, Pearl Reeder, M. B. Mitchell A. Tombs, Verlin Sullins, PauI Barker, Gea,, Coonse, Charince Cordwell Route 1 Gea Alford, Bessie Davis, Jack Whiting, J. Hardin, M. Sines, Mary Scrcagins, John Webb, S. D. Vensan, M. 0. Alford. Page Seven Clarence Mantgomery, Alfred Summers, Roy Hedqes, Earl. Williams Earl Ward, Lafe. Tyree, Alfred Fields, Elmer Acre, E. H. 0verall, J. H. Curry, J. F. Moran, Lestes Brawn, Ialm Bland, Archie Smith, Wisley Cannell Arna Boterrace, Bill Duke, Vein Merrit, Earl Merit, James Linville Page Eight Sam Landrum, W. J.. Warren, Luther Branch, Roy Law, L. W. Chaffin, M. E. Warren, Artis Gambles, Andrew Whitmer, Larance Dobbs, Ges Wicks, Geo Davidson, Geo Burse, W. H. Gipson, Cecil Pain, Howard. Sanderson, Walter Edwards, Barnie Elfers, F. R. Batten, Seath Harldsan, Claude Dav'is, Eugene Shiffard. Page Nine Wilford Brawn (CS), F. Macam, C. J. Harvill Ralph Berry, Gree Swain J. B. , J. J. Huff, John Canaver, T. 0. Smith, R Harley, W.M. Newely, Elbert Davis, W. C. Chilton, Chas. Dover, Josa Pearl, Geo. Smee, R. A. Heath, Mrs. Burt Adams. Page Ten H. Strand, Lacy Nations, Jessie Burden, Percy A. Lee, Henry James, James Arnold, L. Smith, Clude Dickey, Florce Thompson (wash), Ira White, John Wagester (J. Bal, W. V. Glover, L. T. Glover, T. L. Craffard, L. R Mill5, Clide Hedges. Page Eleven Rorie Steward, Manroe Shelvy, Geo. Roldel, Alas Lavis, 0. T. Campbell Layd Zall, Elbert Ashnarth. Mar.17 Ray McKniqht, Lea Ramberger, Bill Bane, Vess Pierce, M. Burke, J.. A. Frinch, L. T. Fanville, Evert Craig, G. S. Isbell (cabinet), C. H. Yeley. Page Twelve 2 - 9 - 42 H. L Blandford, C. 0. Resans, Virgil Faster, J. L. Black. Pux 1 Co. Bill. McGuire, Bill Gray, Ben, Heacacks, Henry Hobbs, Fred Hardy, Hanry Comb, Norman Crank, Jal Alen, Mc. Lreen, Floyd Fawler, W. J. Hobbs, Clarence Maningly, Jal. Burce, Ceicle Crain, Hazle Hobbs, Man Camble. Page Thirteen 1-1-42 Broseley ML. Lang, M. Brawn, C. I Arvell., A. Senders, Leo Chilton, Burt Baker, Mercy Lang, Clide Hedges, R. L. Glover, J. W. Brandt, Clint Pawers, Ladie Baker, Imagine Shackford, Annie Nelson, I. F Mink, Floyd Vancil, Henry Williams, E A Chaffin (cook S). Page Fourteen 12-31-41 A. C. Ashley, W. Ramsey, F Allen, Geo. Wilks (CS), Carnlins Allen(CS), C. Bears, Rascae Woatan, Clarence Marler (OS), Ida Higginbotham, Mrs. Carrey(H.S.), C.O. Presan, Geo,. Ray,Harve Armor, Audy Cester (CS). Page Fifteen Dec. 30 Ray Hedger, James Hedger, Hubert Harvill, Arthur James, Green Malhead, H. Garner, W. Dunn, Truman Doyle, C. Cambell C. C. Brazier, B. Pierce, Ed Kilridge, David Jains, Ceicle King (rug and c), Ernest Lanier, James Petigo, Clide Mc Nese, Earnest Rice, Lanie Hightower, Arel Milty, Prince Osborn. Page Sixteen Will Price, C. E. Kirk, Haward Duffy, L. C. Kirk (Broseley), L. E. Guirs, A. Wallace, A. W. Snider, A. M. Brandt, Carty Grant, Cara. Pierce (C.S.), Hughie Snider. Page Seventeen John Letrel. (CS), Claude East (wood), Ray Straud, Henry Williams, Henry Knight (HS), J. J. Johnson, Arthur Swain (CS), R Smock, J. T. Moody(HS), W. D. Toney, Frank Marler. Page Eighteen James Carrald (Cook S), James Campbell. (HS), A. W. Earl, Fred Luskey (HS), Fred Garden, Bob Medlin, James Rainey, Marvin Lunels (HS), Bud Shackleford, Caro Stevens, Hersel Batten. Page Nineteen A. E. Pickerd (HS) Claude Davis, F. R Batten, Cecil Maddal (S), Elmer Thomas (table) R.C. Tams (HS), E. Sutton (2 rug), W. B. Medlin, W.M. Davis (rug) Verqa Bennet, J. B. Penningtont, G. W. Ray, Frank Rabards (S), Lee Bunting, Ulys Vancil (R), H. F. Gulledge (HS). Page Twenty John Osborn, Ross Danica (H Stove), W. Latt, Buford Espey, Frank Cato, Cecil Kenedy(Dresser), E. C. Pendergrass (Wants trade cook stove), Annil Nelson, Jack Chanie (cabn), Chester Lindsay (cabn), W. F. Kiger (stove), E. Tams, Tam Gabmore (H Stove), Frank Cade, Tom. Gray, Norman Baker (Stove), James Arnold, C. L. Crabb. Page TwentyOne August 10, 1941 Qulin R W. Diamond, Lester Maningly, K. C. Diamond (Oil Stove), C. Fnglehart (Fargus), R. Hendix, W. m. Pankey, C. E. Tate (Stove), Gladys Lylly (chair), W. J. Short, R. M. Mafett, L. Miltan (H. Stove), I. D. Self (washinq m), F. F. Fauler (Fagus), H. Maunce, S.W. Doyle, Floyd Vancil (Qulin H Stove). Page Twenty Two Ray Hedqer, Elmer Brilingham. W/ H. McCain (Stove), W. Burchard, W. M. Manehan, B. E. Morgan, C. T. Wheetley, 0. Brothers, T. C. Shaw (Stove)., James Horris (Heater), Ray Hedger, Haward Sanderson, R E. Gulledge (Stove), T. W. Sheehy (B), Sam Golden (Batching Outfit), A. E. Medlin (Heater), Annie Nelson Page Twenty Three Lanis Arnold (Heating S.), Bill White, Mc Reeves (Heater), F. E. Daily (H Stove), R. Moody, Joe Spurlock, Walter Woadard Sept. 8, 41 J. C Beaty, (Fisk), Rayman Marler Ralph Brown (Stove Bed), Loyd Warren (Bed), Chas. Satan (Chairs B.), W. L. Bruce, R. L. Boldridge (Stove), A. A. Stabang (Stove). Page Twenty Four Albert Sinden (Stove), S. A. Camel (Qulin Cook Stove), Leo Chilton (Cook S), Burt Baker (Heating Stove), Hanry Albersan (Oil Stove), Mary Lang (Broseley), Chide Hedger, R L. Glover (Stove), F.M. Bruice, Clint Pawers, Ralph Wilran (Heater), Ladie Baker (Second Hand S.), Imaqene Shacklefad, Anna Nelson, J. F. Mink (Broseley Cook Stove). Page Twenty Five A. L. Freenman (Fisk Stove) M. S White (2 Heaters), Leo Hayse (Broseley wants S. machine)* Hazel. Hayes Leo's wife says he wanted. to make a saw of the gears from the machine 8-2O-41 David . Luell. (P. B. Stove), 0. A.Baldridge (Broseley), RG. Osborn, Delmar Tamer (Stove), H. E. Bergman (Stove), J. A. Page, M. A. Trip, J. H. Osborn, Bill. Gron. Page Twenty Six W. M. Price (Fisk R. F. D.), Ed. Willis (Walking at Present), Jake Coaper (Fisk), T. M. Davis (Fisk), Sam Landrum (Fisk), A.C. Penrod. (Fisk), John Weathers (RF.D. Fisk), W. F. Kelley, E.G. Gilliham., 0. J. Jahns (Fisk), Geo. Weathers (Fisk), Jake Furckscin (Bed. and. Springs), Lee Stucker, M. M. Manday (Fisk), W. F. Hall., JaL Ennis (Fisk), Leess Sparkman, Geo.. Allen (Broseley wo stove). Page Twenty Seven 8- 19 -41 Annie James, (Oil Stove and. Dresser), Mrs. Louis Everts (Washing Machine Sept. 1), T. D. Humphrey, James Craffard. (wants cook stove Sept 15), Mrs. Chas Fveretts (oil S Sept 13 and. other F), E. E. Fain (m need. at store supplies), D. T. Cattrett (Fisk MO in need. of Heater Sept 15.).