(Last Updated 09/24/2006 )
Halleck / Taos, Missouri
These records donated by Donna Osborn
July 1, 1854
Records of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Buchanan County by meeting Of the Platte Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at the Narrows, Nodaway, Missouri the following was passed. Ordered that a new congregation
Be organized at Berming, Buchanan County, Missouri. To be known by the name of Berming Congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. March 31st, 1854
At a meeting held at Berming, Buchanan County, Missouri, July 1st, 1854, the congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in accordance with the above order. The following ruling elders were elected and ordained in Berming Congregation.
Elder John Wilfuly
Elder E. M. Davidson
Elder P. P. Sampson
Clerk J. W. Davidson
July, 1854
Rev. Bro. Charles Hayes served as the first pastor.
Other pastors no exact dates were:
W. R. Smith
Y. M. Miles
H. W. Grith
Daniel Patten
John Linville,
Ben McCrary
Clarence Roah
G. Y. Goodnight
Renders efficient service in the proclaiming the word to dying men
February, 1868 to Sept 1871
Rev. Bro F. M. Miller served as pastor from Feb, 1868 to September 1871 for Berming Congregation at Halleck, Missouri
September 1871 to February 1872
Rev. Bro. J. Chivington served as pastor from September, 1871 to February, 1872 for Berming Congregation at Halleck, Missouri.
September 1872 to March 1873
Rev. Bro.
F. M. Miller served us as pastor
from September 1872 to March 1874 of Berming Congregation at Halleck, Missouri
Buchanan County
February 19th, 1872
Buchanan County Missouri
a meeting of Berming Congregation of the C. P. Church held February 19th,
1872 for the purpose of electing Elders. Whereupon,
Thomas Burns, Charles Brown and George Yates were duly elected ruling elders. By
the death of Bro. Thomas R. Balis the office of clerk became vacant where upon
G. W. Yates was elected clerk. The above elders were ordained at
7:00 p.m. Feb. 19th 1872.
Rev. F. M.
Miller, Moderator
June 5th, 1873
Report from
Special committees is favorable on the cases of Sister Cate Davidson and Bros.
Henry Rogers, Wash Pain and James
Hetes for unchristian conduct.
Report received and committee discharged.
G. W.
Yates, Clerk
August 16th, 1873
Halleck, Buchanan County, Missouri the session met at 5 o’clock p.m.
Rev. F. M. Miller with elders H. Campbell, C. Y. Brown and
G. W. Yates the meeting was opened with prayers.
On motion Elder G. W. Yates was appointed to attend the next meeting of
Platt Presbytery and Elder C. Y. Brown alternate to be held August 20th
1873 at Elkhorn, Ray County, Missouri at 7 p.m.
On motion James Hetes was
suspended for unchristian conduct. After
due consideration on motion.
P. W.
Yates, Clerk
19th, 1873
Halleck Buchanan county, Missouri, the session met at 4 o’clock p.m.
Rev. F. M. Miller with elders C. Y. Brown, H. Campbell and G. W. Yates the
meeting was opened with prayers by
Mod. A motion and second was made to suspend Bro. Wash Pain for unchristian
conduct. Motion carried.
A motion and second to suspend Sister S. C. day for unchristian conduct.
Motion carried. A motion and
second was made to9 suspend Bro. H.
Rogers for unchristian conduct. Motion
carried. After due considerations
the above decisions were made.
19th, 1872
County Missouri At a meeting of Berming Congregation of the C.P.
the purpose of electing Elders.
Whereupon, Thomas Burns, Charles Brown and George Yates were duly elected ruling elders. By the death of Bro. Thomas R. Balis the office of clerk became vacant where upon G. W. Yates was elected clerk.
The above elders were ordained
at 7:00 p.m. Feb. 19th
F. M. Miller, Moderator
20th, 1873
Buchanan County, Missouri the session met at 7 o’clock
p.m. Present Rev. F. M.
Miller with elders H. Campbell, C. Brown and G. W. Yates.
Prayers by moderator.
It being the time set for investigation of Sister S. C. Day for unchristian conduct.
Names of the witness on the part of the church.
Mrs. Rogers, Miss Crum, Mrs. Mary Howel, Mr. Thomas Renfro, Mr. Ben Baker, Mr. H. Rogers, Mr. R. H. Faucett, Mr. Ruben Bryant, Mr Thomas McBride, Garman Cauley, Mr. Wm. Cauley, Mr. Sam Harper, Mr. James and Mr. McPain. On the part of the defense Mr. James Finney, David Hall, Henry Foster, Mw. Howel, Clake Myers, R. B. Thomas, Mr. Ruben Bryant, H. Harper and B. M. Flemming all being ready commenced investigation.
R. H.
Faucett being the first witness called says he knows nothing only rumor.
Samuel Haper third witness knows nothing.
4th witness Wm. Cauley knows nothing derogatory to her character . 5th witness Garmon Cauley says he saw a man go to Mrs. Days house and leave with a lady in the direction of Wm. Crows house don’t say it was Mrs. Day, don’t know the man , happened last fall was a year past.
6th witness Thomas McBride not present.
7th witness R. Bryant don’t know anything wrong of her. Knowed her before being grown and never knew any wrong of her.
8th witness H. Rogers knows nothing
witness B. Y. Baker knows nothing at all
10th witness Thomas Renfro knows of his own knowledge that she has been guilty immoral conduct. Cross examined. Immoral conduct took place almost anytime he would require. 1
1th witness Mrs. Howel knows nothing saw Mrs. Day and Mr. Renfro come downstairs together
12th witness Miss Crum don’t know anything only that Mrs. Rogers told her
13th witness Mrs. Rogers don’t know that she knows anything only imprudence in action
14th witness Warren McPain went near there with a young man present saw the young man go to the house and leave there with a lady to the best of his knowledge was Mrs. Day he went to a house a short distance if removing awhile and the woman returned the young man was Thomas Renfro on cross examination states he never saw anything wrong with her about her house
On the part of defense 15th witness R. B. Thomas knows nothing of his own knowledge
16th witness desposition of David Hall, Halleck, Missouri November 9th, 1873. This day appeared before me B. M. Flemming a Justice of the Peace within the township of Crawford and County of Buchanan. David Hall and after being sworn in due form of law says I having sworn that some person as persons have circulated some slanderous reports about Mrs. Day in regard to her moral conduct and amoung other things mixed my name with said slanderous reports I have been acquainted with Mrs. Day some six or seven years. Mrs. Day has been doing my washing for abut six years as for as said report have been mixed up with my name I pronounce them utterly false I have always believe Mrs. Day to be a prudent and modest lady I know nothing to her discreet in morals or anything else sworn to and subscribe David Hall before me the 9th day of November, 1873. B. M. Flemming, Justice of the Peace
17th witness H. Harper lived by her for fifteen years always considered her to be a lady
8th witness B. M. Flemming knowed her for a number of years always sustained a good character until these reports came up that is now under investigation
witness H. Foster don’t know anything about her of my own knowledge
R.H.Faucett, Clerk
was closed and was read to the witnesses and was correct except Warren McPain on
cross examination ordered corrected by Mr. McPain but not corrected by acting
Dicision withheld till the morning of the 21st closed by prayer.
On the morning of the 21st decision rendered confirmed the decision of the session Oct 19th, 1873 on motion session adjourned G. W. Yates, Clerk
February 27, 1875
Rev. M.
Huges commenced his services as pastor of Berming Congregation April, 1874 to
April, 1875
25, 1875
Rev F. M. Miller commenced his services as pastor of Berming Church on the fourth Sabbath in April 1875 to continue one year from date.
Rev. Bro. F. M. Miller served us as pastor from September 1872 to March 1874 of Berming Congregation at Halleck, Missouri Buchanan County