1884 Book: Biographies and historical sketches of Wabasha County (MN)

Published 1884

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In presenting the history of the County of Wabasha to the public, the editors and publishers have had in view the preservation of certain valuable historical facts and a vast fund of information which without concentrated effort could never have been obtained, but, with the passing away of the old pioneers, the failure of memory, and the loss of public records and private diaries, would soon have been lost. This locality being comparatively new, we flatter ourselves that, with the zeal nd industry displayed by our general and local historians, we have succeeded in rescuing from the fading years almost every scrap of history worthy of preservation. Doubtless the work is, in some respects, imperfect; we do not preset it as a model literary effort, but in that which goes to make up a valuable book of references for the present reader and future historian, we assure our patrons that neither money nor pains have been spared in the accomplishment of the work. Perhaps some errors will be found. With treacherous memories, personal, political and sectarian prejudices and preferences to contend against, it would be almost a miracle if no mistakes were made. We hope that even those defects, which may be found to exist, may be made available in so far as they may provoke discussion and call attention to corrections and additions necessary to perfect history. The main part of the work has been done by Messrs. Dr. L. H. Bunnell, Dr. J. M. Cole, Hon. O. M. Lord, Prof. C. A. Morey, Gen. C. H. Berry, Hon. W. H. Hill, P. G. Hubbell, W. S. Messmer, Mrs. H. K. Arnold, Hon. S. L. Campbell, Dr. Wm. Lincoln, J. N. Murdoch, M. C. Russell, J. A. Ellis, E. Mathews, Wm. F. Bigelow, A. J. A. Pollock and Francis Talbot, and we believe that no corps of writers could have been found who could have done the subject more ample justice. We wish in an especial manner to acknowledge our obligations to Mr. Francis Talbot, who has been untiring and ever-vigilant in his efforts to make this work a credit to Wabasha county. For many years he has been gathering the facts which constitute a very large part of this work, and when they were needed or the enterprise he generously donated them to the publishers and their agents for this use.

The biographical department contains the names and private sketches of nearly every person of importance in the county. A few persons, whose sketches we would be pleased to have presented, for various reasons refused or delayed furnishing us with the desired information, and in this matter only, we feel that our work is incomplete. However, in most of such cases we have obtained, in regard to the most important persons, some items, and have woven them into the county or township sketches, so that, as we believe, we cannot be accused of negligence, partiality or prejudice.


The pages of the 1884 book are numbered 1-436 and 560-1314. In addition, my book contains a section on Lake Township in pages 1315-1336. Pages 1-436 are concerned with Winona County and pages 560-1314 with Wabasha County. I have no clue as to the reason for the interruption in pagination.

The 1884 book is named "History of Wabasha County," even though it includes the section concerning Winona County. Through 1851, this entire portion of Minnesota territory from Wabasha County down to the Iowa state line and from the Mississippi to Dakotah Territory was known as Wabasha County or Wa-pa-sha Prairie. This book was written only thirty-three years later, and the practice of referring to this entire area as Wabasha was probably still in effect.

Many of the biographies refer to the size of the farm on which the family lived.
Here is some related information:

        A section (one square mile) measures 27,878,400 square feet which equals 640 acres.
        An acre measures 43,560 square feet which is roughly 208.71 feet on a side.
        A half section (1/2) is 320 acres.
        A quarter section (1/4) is 160 acres.
        An "eighty" is an eighth of a section equal to 80 acres.


You can find the biographies for the names in the list below by clicking on the appropriate link here. For mistakes or typos, please e-mail me at [email protected].
The biography pages are huge!
Please allow plenty of time for them to load ~ thanks!

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L  
M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y

The biographies and historical sketches of Wabasha County, Minnesota, are being transcribed and posted here exactly as they appear in the 1884 book, "History of Wabasha County." As you read, you may notice a superior and demeaning attitude on the part of the writers toward the native Americans. This is extremely disturbing to me. Nevertheless, in the interest of presenting these writings accurately, I have not deleted or modified any entries. Let us remember that this book is part of the past and we live in the present. We cannot be held accountable for our ancestors' actions and attitudes, but we can live the lives we have been given with love and understanding for each other.

Adams, John C., M.D.
Adams, William T., M.D.
Affeld, L. & J.
Akers, Geo. W.
Alexander, Ewin
Amerland, G. H.
Amerland, Herman
Amsbry, William H.
Anderson, Abram J.
Anderson, John
Anderson, William H.
Anderson, Welcome Wallace
Anding, Fred
Angell, William D.
Appel, Lawrence William
Arendt, Philip
Arnold, Charles A.
Arnold, James
Arnold, W. J.
Asher, John

Bailey, Andrew
Bailey, George
Baldwin, Jeremiah
Baldwin, Myron Augustine
Barnes, Amos
Bartholome, Nicholas
Bartlett, J. C.
Bartron, George R.
Basey, Augustus
Baumgarten, Hon., Henry
Baustert, Matthias
Baxter, Hon., William S.
Beaty, J. J.
Beckman, John
Befort, William
Behrns, John
Belden, Ira W.
Belden, Ira W.
Bell, Samuel H.
Benson, George F.
Black, Elam page
Black, Ralph W.
Black, William Wallace
Boatman, William
Bolton, Thomas J.
Boughton, Benjamin
Boughton, Orrin E.
Boutelle, Charles Henry
Boutelle, Charles M.
Bowen, Theodore
Brandt, Philemon
Brant, Henry C.
Bricher, John
Bright, A. H.
Brooks, Dwight Frederick
Brown, Parley
Bryant, John W.
BUISSON: Joseph Sr., Joseph Jr., Henry and Cyprian
Bullock, Richard
Burchard, Rodman
Burdett, Frank A.
Burdick, F. H.
Burkhardt, Godfred & Gotleib
Burkhardt, Henry
Burman, Nels Peter
Burnham, George H.
Burnham, Capt., John W.
Bush, Jacob
Butts, James J.

Cain, James
Calhoun, Lawrence
Callohan, Michael
Campbell, S. L.
Campbell, W. H.
Card, Edward M.
Carlson, Oliver
Carpenter, George W.
Carpenter, Russell W.
Carroll, Richard C.
Carruth, O. P.
Carson, Marcus
Cassidy, Wilson W.
Casper, Anthony
Caswell, Cyrus L.
Caswell, Joseph
Chalmers, Gabriel
Chapman, Rhinaldo W.
Charley, Augustus
Chinberg, Ole
Clark, William
Clear, Justin H.
Cleaveland, William Lord
Clemens, Peter
Cliff, Addin Johnson
Cliff, Joseph
Clifford, Rev. Robert
Clifford, Robert
Colby, Charles M.
Colby, Loyal D.
Collier, F. J.
Collier, O. F.
Conrad, Frank
Conrad, Paul
Cook, Elnathan
Cook, Garret A.
Cornwell, Elijah Roscoe
Cornwell, Chauncey C.
Cornwell, F. J.
Corp, Sidney
Corwin, Daniel C.
Crane, Charles Elwood
Crane, Ira
Crary, Charles W.
Cratte, David
Cratte, Oliver
Crawford, Joseph
Cronin, David
Cutter, Isaac J.

Dady, Jerry
Dady, Michael U. (listed M. D. in the index)
Dale, Daniel
Dale, John
Dale, Levi A.
Dale, Jacob
Damoude, Richard R. (listed Damonde in the index)
Darcy, John
Davis, MD., James P.
Davis, Robert H.
Davis, William
Davison, Capt., Daniel
Dawley, Charles G.
Day, William Wallace
De Camp, Ira
De Camp, Lewis
Dean, Willard W.
Dickman, P. G.
Dickerman, Dorr
Dieterle, Herman
Dieterich, Joseph
Disney, William J.
Disney, John
Doane, Samuel H.
Doane, Robert M.
Doughty, Asa B.
Doughty, John Coleman
Doughty, Samuel
Drinkwalter, Rhoderick W.
Drury & Kirns, Chapter 35 of the 1884 book
          Owned by M. E. Drury and Peter Kirns
Drury, M. E.
Duffus, William
Dugan, E. J.
Duncan, George
Dwelle, Abner
Dwelle, Thomas L.

Early, Charles
Edholm, Axel E.
Eichenberger, Elizabeth (Mrs. Rudolph)
Emery, Caleb C.
Emery, James H.
Emery, Hon., Sloan M.
Enright, John C.
Estes, David Corbin
Evans, J. H.
Everett, George C.

Farrar, George
Favrow, Joseph E.
Feller, Ezra
Feller, Hon., William H.
Ferris, F.
Felton, A. Y., Plainview Creamery, Chap. 36 of the 1884 book
          (listed as "A. J." in the index)
Fifield, Ira A.
Finch, Clarence E.
Finchi, J. B.
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, Lorin J.
Florer, Bruce
Ford, E. L.
Ford, Joseph
Ford, Orville D.
Foreman, William
Forrest, Charles
Foss, Robert Henry
Foster, Hon., Alonzo P.
Foster, Scott A.
Fowler, Andrew J.
Fowler, Edward P. C.
Fox, Ansel T.
Fox, Aaron
Franklin, George B.
Freiheit, Ferdinand
Freiheit, Louis
French, Jacob M.
Fricke, Julius
Frye, Henry

Gage, John
Gardiner, John
Gardam, Rev., William
Gates, Stephen K.
Gaylord, Albert K.
Gaylord, S. H.
Gearey, Henry R.
Gengnagle, Jacob
Gibbs, Oliver
Gibson, Peter
Giem, William
Gill, Elizabeth, (Mrs. William)
Gillett, Harrison
Gilman, Henry W.
Ginthner, L.
Goodenough, John R.
Graham, Duncan
Grannis, George H.
Gray, Alexander
Gray, James
Gray, Robert R.
Greer, Allen J.
Gregoire, John B.
Gregg, L. M.
Grove, Martin A.
Guernsey, Alonzo T.
Guptil, Eli B.

Haessig, Jacob
Hahn, Hon., William John
Hall, Chester
Hall, George W.
Hall, Hon., George R.
Hall, Hugh
Hall, Peter
Hall, Robert
Hall, Samuel
Hallaway, Henry
Hammons, Joseph
Hample Ferdinand
Hample, Joseph
Hancock, George Freeman
Hardy, William L.
Harrison, James M.
Hart, Michael
Hassinger, James C.
Hazlett, Rev., Silas
Heath, Alpheus Winslow
Heath, Henry Clay
Hebbeln, George
Helt, William A.
Henry, James
Herman, C. E.
Hibner, George
Hinckley, Charles E.
Hirschy, S. & Son, Chapter 35 of the 1884 book
Hirschy, Samuel
Hobbs, William H.
Hopkins, Edward Franklin
Hopkins, William Henry
Hornbogen, Charles
Horner, Rev., John Wesley
Hostetter, Manasses S.
Howe, George
Howard, Laconius M.
Howat, James
Howat, John
Hubbard, Clarence A.
Humphrey, Ira J.
Humphrey, Marcus A.
Huntoon, Otis
Hyde, John E.

Ingalls, D. H.
Ingalls, William H.
Ingraham, Marcus Morton
Ingram, Kennedy & Gill, Chapter 34 of the 1884 book

Jackson, William S.
Jacobs, William J.
Jacoby, M.
Janti, William
Jellison & Son, T. S., Chapter 38 of the 1884 book
Jenks, Thomas Talman
Jerry, Francis
Jewell & Schmidt, Chapter 36 of the 1884 book
Jewell, H. B.
Jewell, Dr. P. A.
Johns, Martin
Johnson, Andrew K.
Johnson, S. J.
Johnson, William A.
Judd, George Washington

Kemp, Michael O.
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, M.
Kepler, S. S.
Killiam, Rev. Thomas B.
Kimble, James L.
Kinsella,Jr., Matthew
Kinney, Alvin
Kinney, Lucius
Kinney, Wesley
Kirns, Peter
Knapp, Hon., Francis W.
Konnig, Clements
Kopp, Jacob
Kuehn, Lucas

Lakey, J. H.
Landon & Burchard, Chapter 36 of the 1884 book
Landon, Charles O.
Lange, Fritz (listed "Lunge" in the index)
Langer, Fred
La Rue, Charles
La Rue, George S.
Laurence, J. G., Wabasha Mill Co.
Lawrence, Benjamin
Lawson, Herman
Lee, Van Ransalaer
Leininger, Benjamin F.
Leininger, J.
Lenhart, Lewis Y.
Lewis, John H.
Ley, Joseph
Lifrige, Nicholas
Lincoln, MD, W. L.
Link, John
Lont, Elijah
Lont, MD, Ostrom Stephen
Loucks, Fred C.
Low, MD., Q. A.
Lowe, Charles Carroll
Luger Furniture Company, Chapter 36 of the 1884 book

Mack, James Riley
Maire, Theodore
Majerus, Nicholas J.
Marshall, Andrew
Marshall, Joseph W.
Martin & Greer
Martin, Henry
Martin, John A.
Martin, James M.
Martin, James P.
Mateer, Thomas
Mathews, Augustus W.
Mathews, Lewis B.
Maxwell, G.
Maxwell, Roland Frazier
McArthur, W. S.
McBride, John
McCarty, Gen., Seth L.
McCarthy, Patrick
McCrackin, William
McDonald, John
McDonough, Patrick
McDonough, Patrick
McDonough, Miles
McDonough, Thomas
McGovern, J. T.
McInnery, Patrick M.
McKinney, William
McKenzie, D. M.
McMillin, James M.
McMillin, William Harvey
McNallan, Walter
Meachum, Hon., Frank L.
Megers, John
Megers, John N.
Megroth, Thomas Heath
Merchants Hotel, Chapter 34 of the 1884 book
Messer, Hezekiah F.
Metzgar, Daniel
Meyer, Joseph, Chapter 35 of the 1884 book
Miller, John Bradley
Milligan, MD, F. H.
Moon, Rev., Nelson
Morey, Charles Anson
Morey, Royal
Mullen, Capt., J. H.
Munger, Orlo B.
Munro, James
Murdock, John N.
Murray, Edward B.
Murray, Rev., Patrick B.
Murray, William R.
Musty, Peter
Myer, Joseph
Myers, A. J.

Nash, Edward
Nelson, Oliver
Norton, A. B. W. (1st of 2 biographies)
Norton, Amzi Brainard Watis (2nd of 2 biographies)

O'Brien, John
O'Brien, Richard
Odink, M. A.
Ordway, Alonza (not listed in the index)
Ordway, Elijah, page 1338 (not listed in the index)
Oswald, H.

Paradis, Ed. A.
Parkinson, William
Patton, Dr., E. A.
Patton, George
Patton, George Randolph
Pehl, Charles A.
Pencille, Orrin
Pepin Brewery, Chapter 36 of the 1884 book
Perkins, Elisha
Perkins, William E.
Philley, David L.
Phillips, Geo. D.
Picket, Benjamin
Pierce, Anson
Piers, W. S.
Polson, Emric
Porter, Elijah
Pope, Hon., John F.
Powers, Lawrence
Preble, Turner J.
Price, Geo. W.
Pryor, Leonard
Puetz, Peter

Quigley, Cornelius F.
Quigley, Michael
Quigley, Michael H.
Quigley, Philip

Radebaugh, Namon C.
Radebaugh, Samuel
Rahilly, Hon., P. H. (1st of 2 biographies)
Rahilly, Hon., Patrick Henry (2nd of 2 biographies)
Ray, Rev., John W.
Raymond, Enos B.
Read, Charles R.
Reding, Peter
Reiland, John
Reusch, William E.
Richards, F. S.
Richardson, James G.
Richardson, John Q. (not listed in the index)
Richardson, Joseph
Robbins, Joseph Parker
Robinson, John H.
Robinson, Samuel
Roff, Henry
Rogers, C. F.
Rogers, James F.
Rollins, Edgar T.
Rose, John F. and William J.
Rose, Justus G.
Rueckert, Frederick W.
Russell, Mr. Morris C.
Ryan, Patrick Francis

Safford, John L.
Sandford, George D.
Sandford, Jas. H.
Schad, John
Schermuly, John
Schilling, Peter
Schmidt, John
Schmidt, Henry
Schmidt, J. C.
Schmidt, John
Schmidt, John C.
Schmidt, Julius (not listed in the index)
Schram, M.
Schwirtz, John (listed "Schmitz" in the index)
Selover, Alexander
Selover, Henry (not listed in the index)
Selover, Peter
Seeley, Ira O.
Seeley, F. W.
Seymour, S. Oakey
Shaw, Francis W.
Sheldon, Joel B.
Shields, Patrick
Sibley, Charles H.
Sibley, John J.
Sinclair, Colin
Sigler, Adam V.
Simons, Henry
Skillman, Evander
Slocum, Fitz Gerald
Smith, Abbot E.
Smith, Herbert L.
Smith, H. N.
Smith, Henry S.
Smith, Milton D.
Smith, Nelson B.
Smith, Ora N.
Smith, Silas Gerome
Smyth, Charles W.
Southworth, A. D.
Springer, John
Stauff, MD, Carl Christian
Stauff, Charles J.
Stearns, Ernest
Stearns, R. E.
Stearns, Thomas P.
Stevens, Henry Albert
Stocker, Henry Davis
Stout, Elijah
Stout, George C.
Stowell, Albert D.
Stowell, Francis A.
Stowman, Agustus W.
Stratton, George
Strickland, Edward
Strickland, Richard
Struble, Stephen
Stuetzel, Frank
Sullivan, Florence
Sumner, H. S.
Sylvester, George W.

Taber, Dr., M. E.
Taft, Andrew J.
Talbot, Francis
Tefft, MD, N. S.
Tenney, G. W.
Tenney, Jacob
Tenney & Evans, Chapter 35 of the 1884 book
Tibbitts, Abner
Terrell, Henry K.
Thompson, Thomas A.
Thorp, Lymon E.
Titterington, James (not listed in the index)
Townsend, L.
Tracy, Lawrence
Trobec, Rev., James
Troutman, Ludwig (business not listed in the index)
Troutman, Ludwig Jr.
Tryon, Charles F.

Umbreit, Christian
Underwood, Joseph Merritt

Van Buren, Andrew D.
Van Vleit, Major, L. S.
Vilas, MD, C. D.

Wabasha Foundry and Machine-Shop, Chapter 37 of the 1884 book
Wadleigh, T. J.
Wagner, John P.
Wahler, Frederick B.
Walker, David
Walker, J. S.
Walton, W. S.
Warring, William H.
Waskey, Alexander
Waskey, William
Waste, MD, J. P.
Wear, John
Webster, William Sydney
Wedge, Hon., Henry D.
Wehrenberg, John Henry
Weimar, John M.
Wells, Frank A.
Whaley, Uriah
White, Charles O.
White, Robert
White, Roswell Newton
Whitmore, H. J.
Whitmore, L. H.
Wilcox, H. C.
Wilcox, Ozias
Wildes, Andrew J.
Wildes, Ephraim
Willson, H. P.
Wilson, George
Winters, F. W.
Wise, Charles
Witte, William
Wood, Thomas
Woodruff, Henry C.
Wording, Hon., William Edward
Wright, Rufus C.
Wright, William C.

York, E. M.
Yotta, Jacob
Young, C. F. & Bro., Chapter 35 of the 1884 book
Young, Louis
Young, J. E.
Youngs, Jesse

(Not Included in Book's Main Index)
pages 1315 - 1336
See also the Lake Township Chapter linked below.

Annond, William
Baker, Benjamin Franklin
Beck, Peter
Boutelle, Dr., David K.
Brown, Thomas
Bryant, Curtis
Carroll, Arthur J.
Clifford, Vilroy E.
Crawford, Rev. Oliver Perry
Crawshaw, Charles
Douglas, Hugh
Edwards, William H.
Follett, Marville M.
Garrard, L. H., M.D.
Haines, Joshua B.
Heerman, Edward E.
Helgerson, Andrew A.
Hendricks, Coleman S.
Hendricks, Marquis L.
Lindholm, Rev. Sven August
Lutz, William R.
Lyon, Hon. William H.
Martin, William
Metcalf, Caleb H.
Metcalf, Lucian Monroe
Norton, John Bacon
Pletke, Christian H.
Post, Garrison D.
Reifkogel, John W.
Richmond, George C.
Rollins, Irvin W.
Rollins, Orvis V.
Roundy, Capt. Pearl
Scott, Alexander
Shurtleff, Rev. James M.
Smith, Oscar
Sparrell, John Henry
Stout, James C.
Taylor, William J.
Wilson, William
Winter, Benjamin
Wood, David J.
Wood, Matthias
Woodward, William Dennison



This section of the book (400+ pages) has its own website at
History of Winona County, Minnesota