This website is a work in progress and is updated as information is received. Information is from families and sources believed to be reliable but no responsibility is taken for the accuracy of the information. Additions and corrections are welcome.

You are encouraged to enjoy this information for your private use. By accessing the site and using the files, you agree not to use the information for any commercial purposes.

This project started decades ago with the collection of information on settlers who came from Prince Edward Island, Canada to settle in (mainly) the northwestern tip of Minnesota. As it grew, the original collection of information became a collaboration between cousins Marva Diamond Hanson and Dennis L. Matthews. In turn, it became the basis for the books donated to the Kittson County Historical Society and Hallock Library at that time. Much information has been added since then and, with the advent of the internet, all of the information was converted, and continues to be added, to this website.

Many of the families on this site came from England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland to the northwest corner of Minnesota by way of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Others came directly from those origins, as well as from Germany, Sweden, Norway and other European countries.

This project started decades ago with the collection of information on settlers who came from Prince Edward Island, Canada to settle in (mainly) the northwestern tip of Minnesota. As it grew, the original collection of information became a collaboration between cousins Marva Diamond Hanson and Dennis L. Matthews. In turn, it became the basis for the books donated to the Kittson County Historical Society and Hallock Library at that time. Much information has been added since then and, with the advent of the internet, all of the information was converted, and continues to be added, to this website.

The families settled in or around the rural villages of Donaldson, Hallock, Humboldt, Karlstad, Kennedy, Lake Bronson, Lancaster, Northcote, Noyes, Orleans, and St. Vincent, in Kittson County, Minnesota; the towns of Cavalier, Drayton, Pembina, in North Dakota; and the town of Emerson, in Manitoba, Canada. The general area is referred to as the

Red River Valley of the North

Information may be found by clicking on any of the names or words that are underlined in the website. New webpages will be created for families who submit information and they are many times started with bits and pieces. We hope you find the site interesting and we look forward to hearing from you.

Family Pages

Abney, Adams, Adamson, Agman, Andeen, Anderberg, Andersen, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Annett, Armstrong, Arnold, Arvesen, Ash, Augustson, Austad, Axelson

Babcock, Backstrom, Bahr, Bailey, Baker, Bakken, Balderston, Baldwin, Ball, Barron, Barry, Beaton, Beck, Becken, Bedard, Beer, Bengston, Benson, Berard, Berg, Bergh, Bergvall, Berlin, Bernath, Bernhardson, Bermstrom, Berry, Billings, Bjerstedt, Bjornberg, Blackberg, Blankowitch, Blazejewski, Blethen, Blide, Blomquist, Bloomquist, Boatz, Bockwitz, Boen, Bogestad, Bohm, Boisner, Bolin, Bond, Boraas, Borgeson, Borneman, Boroski, Bothum, Bouvette, Bowman, Boychuk, Boyle, Brander, Bremer, Brenberg, Brendal, Brink, Britten, Brodin, Bronson, Brosdahl, Brown, Bryden, Bryenton, Bullied, Burgoyne, Burns, Burris, Butler, Byquist

Callbeck, Cameron, Campbell, Campeau, Cannon, Carlson, Carriere, Carrigan, Cedergren, Cederholm, Christensen, Christopherson, Clark, Clauson, Clay, Cleem, Clinton, Clow, Cody, Coffield, Coleman, Collins, Connors, Cory, Cosley, Cowan, Craigmile, Creed, Croaker, Crossman, Crouch, Cudmore, Cummins, Cumminskey, Curtis, Cutt, Czarneski,

Dagen, Dahl, Dahlgren, Dahlman, Dahlquist, Dammarall, Daniels, Danielson, Davis, Davnie, Dayman, Daymant, Daymond, Deere, DeFrance, Deiman, Dexter, Deyman, Diamond, Dipple, Docherty, Docken, Dockin, Donneral, Dovenmuehler, Dreher, Dunbar, Dungey, Dykhuis, Dyment, Dziengel

Easter, Easton, Ecklund, Edkins, Effinger, Eggert, Eggerud, Ehrenstrom, Ehrky, Ekdahl, Ekholm, Eklund, Ekvall, Elfstrom, Emerson, Enders, Engelbrakson, Engelbrektson, Englund, Englestad, Engson, Engstrom, Enman, Enquist, Erickson, Erlandson, Essery, Estergren, Estlund

Farbo, Farley, Ferguson, Fertig, Fick, Field, Finney, Fish, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flint, Florance, Flugstad, Folland, Forbes, Forfang, Forsell, Forsyth, Foss, Fossell, Foster, Fowler, Frank, Franks, Fraser, Frederick, Frederickson, Fridberg, Fritz, Furass

Gamble, Gardiner, Gast, Gatheridge, Giffen, Gill, Gillie, Gjuul, Glad, Glidden, Golby, Goldstrand, Gooselaw, Gorski, Gorsuch, Graham, Grahn, Grahnquist, Gran, Grandquist, Grandstrand, Griffin, Griffith, Grube, Grzadzieleski, Gudmundson, Gullander, Gunnarson, Gustafson

Hagen, Halbert, Hall, Hallberg, Hallgren, Halverson, Halvorson, Hammerstrom, Hams, Hansen, Hanson, Hardy, Hare, Harlow, Harper, Hart, Hatherly, Haubrich, Haugen, Haugstad, Hawk, Hawkyard, Hayden, Haynes, Held, Hemmes, Hemmingson, Hendrickson, Henrickson, Hennum, Hermanson, Heron, Herseth, Hiers, Hilde, Hill, Hodne, Hoglin, Hokanson, Hollingshead, Holm, Holmes, Holmgren, Holmquist, Holt, Homstad, Hord, Horne, Hostrup, Houser, Hugg, Hugill, Hunt, Hunter, Hurd, Hutchins

Ingebrigtsen, Ingeman, Inglis, Irving, Isaacson, Isakson, Israelson

Jackson, Jacobson, James, Jansen, Jaszczak, Jauhola, Jenkins, Jensen, Jerome, Jevning, Johannesen, Johanson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jonsson, Jorgensen, Juhl, Jury, Jurvelin

Kasprowicz Keeley, Kelly, Kempf, Kiene, Kinshella, Kiriluk, Kitt, Kittson, Kjellberg, Klegstad, Klein, Knowlton, Knutson, Koland, Kolden, Konzen, Koop, Kostrzewski, Kothe, Kraska, Krogstad, Kroulik, Krumholz, Kruse, Kukowski, Kurowski, Kushinski

Ladner, Lager, Lambert, Landberg, Lander, Landreville, Lang, Langen, Lapp, Laroque, Larson, Larter, Laudal, Laude, Lausness, Lawson, Layhon, Lee, Leen, LeMasurier, Lerdahl, Levenhagen, Lewis, Lija, Lilliquist, Lind, Lindahl, Lindberg, Lindblom, Lindegard, Lindell, Linder, Lindgren, Lindholm, Lindquist, Lindstrom, Lipinski, Locken, Lockerby, Loer, Lofgren, Lofstrom, Lommen, Long, Lovejoy, Lowe, Lucas, Lund, Lundberg, Lundell, Lundgren, Lutz, Lyberg, Lysford

MacArthur, MacFarlane, MacIntosh, Mackay, MacLeod, MacNeill, Madsen, Magnuson, Malm, Maloney, Martenson, Martinson, Masloski, Matheson, Mathews, Matthew, Matthews, Mattson, Maurstad, Maxwell, McAdam, McAlduff, McCabe, McCollum, McEwen, McGregor, McIlraith, McKee, McKibbin, McKinley, McLean, McLees, McMillan, McNeill, McNutt, McVean, Meader, Medd, Meek, Melin, Merck, Messer, Metherall, Meyer, Mickelson, Mikety, Miller, Mingo, Minsky, Mobbs, Moberg, Moe, Moen, Monette, Monson, Moore, Moris, Moritz, Morrison, Mortenson, Muir, Mumey, Munro, Murray,

Nay, Nealis, Nelson, Ness, Netteberg, Netterlund, Nisbet, Nolte, Norberg, Nordin, Nordine, Nordling, Nordquist, Nordstrom, Norland, Norman, Norum, Nyberg, Nyhus, Nyren

Oasheim, Oberg, Ogorek, Ohmann, Oien, Oistad, Olen, Oliver, Olsen, Olson, Olsonawski, Olsonoski, Olzanowski, Otto, Overend,

Page, Pantzer, Pastuck, Patzer, Paulson, Pearson, Pede, Pederson, Pemberton, Perry, Persson, Petersburg, Petersen, Peterson, Petterson, Phillips, Pollack, Pollock, Poole, Pready, Prosser

Quade, Quibell, Quiner,

Rafferty, Ramsay, Rasmussen, Reddin, Reed, Reese, Reinhold, Renville, Rice, Richardson, Rickenberg, Ristad, Rivington, Roberts, Robertson, Rodd, Rolczynski, Ronnander, Rosberg, Rosenthal, Ross, Roy, Rud, Rue, Rundquist, Rupp, Rust, Rustad, Ryan, Rydberg, Ryden, Rynning,

Sahlin, Sandahl, Sandberg, Sanner, Satterlund, Saverien, Schmidt, Schmiedeberg, Schmit, Schroder, Schwenzfeier, Scott, Sedenquist, Seed, Sele, Selkirk, Seng, Sentner, Shablow, Shaleen, Shaw, Short, Silliker, Silnes, Simmons, Sjoberg, Sjodin, Sjoholm, Sjostrand, Sjovall, Sjulson, Skappel, Skarp, Skatrud, Skinner, Skog, Skogen, Skold, Smith, Smolak, Smolok, Sobolik, Soderberg, Soderfelt, Sorenson, Sorn, Spangrud, Spence, Spilde, Stamnes, Stanislawski, Stark, Steen, Steien, Stein, Stenquist, Stensland, Stewart, Stiles, Stone, Storien, Strandell, Stratte, Streed, Strege, Strobridge, Stromberg, Stromgren, Stubson, Suffel, Sugden, Sundberg, Sundblad, Sundem, Suneson, Suppes, Sutherland, Svedin, Sveum, Swan, Swanson, Swenson, Sylvester, Swiontek, Sylskar, Sylvester,

Teien, Thompson, Thomson, Thorburn, Thoreen, Thoresen, Toreson, Townshend, Tranberg, Treleaven, Tri, Trolin, Truedson, Tuff, Tureson, Turn, Turner, Turnwall, Tvede, Twamley, Tykeson,

Undeberg, Uppman

Vagle, Vang, Verness, Vickerson, Vik, Vilen, Visness, Vroom

Walker, Wallenberg, Waller, Walstedt, Walters, Walukievicz, Walz, Ward, Ware, Warnes, Wass, Weberg, Webster, Wedin, Weeks, Wells, Wennersten, Wennerstrand, Westberg, Westerberg, Westerson, Westersten, Westling, White, Whitlock, Wickie, Wicklund, Widerstrand, Widstrand, Wiese, Wikholm, Wiklund, Wilkie, Willadson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winge, Winter, Winters, Wise, Wistrand, Wixten, Wold, Wolf, Wollin, Wood, Woodbury,

Yeo, Yonke, Younggren,

Zakrison, Zaleski, Zarling, Zelewski, Ziegler

Additional links:

Dakota Territory

Essays: Humboldt School Historical

Essays: Kittson County Historical Society

Essays: Miscellaneous Essays or Articles

Halma - Lake Bronson American Legion Gold Stars

Humboldt Area Families - Around the turn of the 19th century

Humboldt School Building Becomes a Thing of the Past

Kittson County History - back to 6500 B.C.

Kittson County Veterans

Metis History of Red River 1500 - 1899

Northern Light Lodge History (Fort Pembina, Fort Garry, Winnipeg)

Passenger Lists and Ships

Prince Edward Island, Canada, Lot 31 to RRV, Tenant League, etc.

Prince Edward Island History

Red River Valley & PEI Cemeteries

Red River Valley Century Farms

Red River Valley Communities

Red River Valley Dates

Red River Valley Graduating Classes

Red River Valley Historical Areas & Museums

Red River Valley Memories

Red River Valley Newspaper Articles

Selkirk Information

Weather of the North

Please send additions, corrections, or information for new family pages to:

Trish Short Lewis
18820 - 170th Ave NW
Thief River Falls, MN 56701

Voice: 615.513.5870

Email: [email protected]