Metis 1770 - 1772


1770 - 1772

The Metis trading center is shifting from La Pointe to Sandy Lake

The Canadian Pedlar's are taking the best furs from the H.B.C.


(I)-Etienne Ardouin married Marie Joseph Lapointe (Ojibwa) likely a country wedding out of British Fort Detroit (Michigan), most likely on Lake Superior.

George Atkinson b-1770 Metis married Margaret b-1780 likely North West.

Joseph Azure b-1770 North West Terrorties married Lisette b-1775

Louison Belanger b-1770 Canada married Josephte Daze Metis b-1775 likely North West.

Dougal Cameron b-1770 married Marie Lesperance Indian b-1770 likely North West.

Joseph Caplette b-1770 Canada married Angelique Guibouche Metis b-1780 likely North West.

Etienne Campion born Montreal died about 1790 and in the 1770's is trading out of La Baye (Green Bay, Wisconsin), Prairie du Chien and the Mississippi.

Charles Chesne, Metis, birth 1770, died May 12, 1776 British Detroit (Michigan) son Antoine Chesne and Marie Sauteuse (Ojibwa)

(IV)-Alexis Cuillerier dit Beaubien son (III)-Antoine Cuillerier dit Beaubien born 1697 and (II)-Marie Angelique Girard born 1690; married 1770 (British Fort Detroit(Michigan)? (IV)-Marie Louise Reaume born 1750 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) daughter (III)- Pierre Reaume dit Thamur (Themus) (1709-1766) and Suzanne Hubert Lacroix b-1709; 1st married 1770 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Alexis Cuillerier Beaubien and 2nd marriage 1791 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Jean Baptiste Guillet Tourandeau.

Jean Baptiste DuBois born 1770 North West, census 1835 Red River.

Joseph Flammand b-1770 married Cree Indian woman b-1772 likely North West.

Rose Gakitchigamikwe (Lake Superior Woman) born 1770 likely Lake Superior died September 8, 1848 La Pointe, Wisconsin.

Duncan Graham or Hohayteedah (1770/72-1847 married Wayagoenagee daughter Claude Pierre Pecaudy, sieur de Contrecoeur (1706-1775) and Dakota woman.

Green Bay, birth, (III)-Perrich Grignon, Metis, died 1840, son (II)-Pierre Grignon (1740-1795) and Menominee/Winnebago: married 1823 Mary.

(I)-Joseph Howard b-1797 is trading out of Michilimackinac and Grand Portage during the 1770's.

Paul Hubert dit Lacroix is hiring voyagers for Michilimackinac and Pays d'en Haut.

Sophia (Letendre?) (Indiam?), b-1770 Red River living with family possible mother Louis (Louison) Letendre dit Batoche, Metis b-1801 Red River, a hunter, married Marie Julie Hallett, Metis b-1801 Red River. 1850 census. (Louison b-1805 N.W.T. & Marie b-1810 daughter Henery Hallet b-1772 & 1st Indian, 2nd Catherine Dungas, Metis b-1780) Genealogy First Metis Nation.

John Kippling Metis b-1770 married Nancy Indian b-1772 North West Territories.

Andrew Kippling Metis b-1770 North West Territories married Marguerite Mowat Indian b-1772 most likely North West.

Louis Jolliet aka Joliet (1645­1700) is established at Green Bay, and is trading the Wisconsin River.

Maria Mowissimindimoie (Weeps Often Old Woman) born 1770 likely Lake Superior died February 26, 1850 La Pointe Wisconsin

Nicolas Marchesseau b-1730's partnered with James Grant out of Green Bay.

Jean Baptiste Nolin (1742-1826) married (III)-Marie Angelique Couvret (Metis) daughter (II)-Joseph Couvret born 1695 and Marie Charlotte Demeurant (Ojibwa) of Sault Ste Marie. Nolin is in the employ of Haut working out of the Sault.

Joseph Ouellette b-1770 married Angelique Indian b-1773 most likely North West.

Nicolas Perriot is established at Green Bay, and is trading the Wisconsin River.

Charles Patterson d-1788 is trading and wintering out of Michilimackinac.

Joseph Paul b-1770 married Louise Cree b-1772 most likely North West.

Francois Richard b-1770 married Marguerite Indian b-1788 most likely North West.

Joseph Robidoux b-1722 Longueuil, Quebec died St. Louis September 13, 1771 son Joseph Robidoux and Marie Anne Foneneau moved to St. Louis, Missouri.

John Sayer, born 1750 likely Montreal, began his trading activity.

Birth, likely Georgia, Sequoya alias George Guess (Gist), Metis, (1770-1843) son of an English trader and a Cherokee Metis mother.

Buffalohead (Pierre or Paul) St. Germain, a Metis guide, is working the Athabasca Region this decade.

(I)-James Sutherland (1751-1797) of Orkney arrived at the Prince of Wales's Fort, indentured for five years. He also worked Churchill River as a tailor. He was an engaged for five years until 1775 at the Prince of Wales's Fort, Churchill River. In 1775 he was recalled to London because he demanded more money.

(I)-William Tomison in the field (1760-1811), an Orkney of Hudson Bay Company, persuaded- with difficulty- four canoes to accompany him into trade.

Many Metis moved across the Mississippi River to St. Louis, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain to avoid the tyrannical rule of the British on the east side of the Mississippi River that was British controlled Territory.

During this decade there were a number of French Metis born in the Chouteau employ for the Osage trade. Some of the children were raised at St. Louis, others in Osage villages.

The Hudson Bay reckoned that the gun, hatchet and twine had now become necessities to the Northern Ojibwa.

(III)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte Sr. (1723-1803), the Metis of Sault Ste Marie and Alexander Henry (1739-1824) of New Jersey, in partnership, tapped the wealthy region west of Lake Superior, changing their winter quarters to Grande Portage. This is considered the year that Grande Portage is officially established.

Some believe the Ojibwa migrated West of Lake Superior starting about this time, being driven by the fur trade. Other evidence suggests the Ojibwa have been in the North West, likely for thousands of years. The evidence suggests that the Ojibwa, Metis and Coureurs des Bois traders are driven ahead of the current batch of French traders to protect their own trade position. They are driven, not out of need, but for the pure pleasure of the trade. Some suggest the Ojibwa and Metis fur trade center moved from La Pointe to Sandy Lake about this time.

Fifteen Hudson Bay Company officers to date have taken country women but would never refer to them as their wives. (II)-Moses Norton, a Metis and a bigamist and murderer who commanded Churchill, is claimed by (I)-Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) to have had five or six of the finest Indian girls. He claimed Moses poisoned two of his women because he though them unfaithful, and that he was not above poisoning those natives who refused him their wives or daughters. (II)-Moses Norton, a Metis and a bigamist and murderer, used every means in his power to prevent any European from having intercourse with the women of the country, as he wished to keep every woman in the country to himself. The London office had warned the Chief Factor (II)-Moses Norton, a Metis and a bigamist and murderer, to conduct his trade in the best manner, so as not to give the Indians any disgust. (I)-Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) also accused the Chief Factor of being part Cree but some historians think this an error. David Thompson, however, also claims that (II)-Moses Norton, a Metis and a bigamist and murderer, governor of Prince of Wale's Fort, is an Indian who was born at the Prince of Wales's Fort but who had spent nine years in Britain. Thompson also claimed that Norton entered into all the abominable vices of his countrymen. He kept, for his own use, five or six girls of the finest Indian girls. He used every means in his power to prevent any European from having intercourse with the women of the country. He showed more respect for one of the Indians favorite dogs than he did for his first officer.

(I)-Joseph Frobisher (1740-1810) and (I)-Benjamin Frobisher (1742-1787) founded Lake Fort on the Red River, a post intended to provide dried buffalo meat and furs. Shortly there after Thomas Corry built a fort on the shores of Cedar Lake, near old Fort Bourbon.

(I)-Benjamin Frobisher (1742-1787), and his brothers (I)-Joseph Frobisher (1740-1810), (I)-Thomas Frobisher (1744-1788) and Richard Dobie d-1805 explored beyond Fort Bourbon at the mouth of the Saskatchewan River.

The first French settlers are believed to be at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.

From 1757 to 1770 1,000 Canadian exiled Acadians deported to New England made their way to Louisiana, New Spain out of an estimated 7,000. Some made their way back to Nova Scotia.

January 4: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (V)-Anonyme Campeau child (IV)-Alexis Campeay (1737-1782) and (V)-Madeline Dumays (1745-1795).

January 8: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (II)-Jean Baptiste Mathieu Dufour born September 8, 1743 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), son (I)-Pierre Dufour dit Bonvivant born 1714 and (III)-Marie Charlotte Gloria (1721-1766); married January 8, 1770 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (II)-Catherine Durand born September 29, 1753 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (I)-Pierre Durand dit Montmirel (1706-1792) and (II)-Catherine Guignon.

January 24: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (V)-Anonyme Duprat child (IV)-Jean Baptiste Duprat born 1735 and (III)-Agnes Tremblay born 1749.

February: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Noel Deshetres, born January 1770.

February 13: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, Louise Dumay daughter Ambroise Dumay, merchant voyager and Marie Joseph Emard.

February 24: Detroit, birth, (V)-Francois Lauzon son (IV)-Jacques Lauzon b-1737 and (II)-Marie Anne Casse.

February 26: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (II)-Alexis Descomps son (I)-Pierre Descomps; married (V)-Marie Francoise Robert born 1752 daughter (IV)-Antoine Robert.

March 5: Boston Crispus Attucks, a Metis sailor, is the first person killed in the so called Boston massacre. Crispus was of the mixed blood of an African and an Indian woman. Eight British soldiers and one officer were defending their own lives. They were surrounded by a howling mob of more than a hundred civilians who hurled chunks of ice and rocks. A jury of Massachusetts men agreed it was self-defense and were acquitted. John Adams, a staunchly anti-British lawyer, successfully defended the nine men- of which two received suspended sentences.

March 13: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marie Jeanne Chauvin daughter (II)-Noel Chauvin born 1732 and (III)-Jeanne Meloche born 1742.

March 22: Mackinac, birth, (IV)-Bernard Dumouchel, Metis, baptized, July 9, 1775, Mackinac, son, (III)- Louis Pascal (Paschal) Dumouchel b-1725, and Francoise Sauvagesse.

April 3: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Charles Chauvin son (II)-Charles Chauvin (1702-1772) and (II)-Marie Anne Casse born 1710; .married January 27, 1794 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Marie Joseph Dube.

April 20: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (V)-Anonyme Greffard child (IV)-Laurent Greffard b-1745 and (III)-Marie Anne Casse.

May 16: British Fort Detroit, death (IV)-Antoine Nicolas Lauzon born June 10, 1727 Montreal married February 22, 1759 Fort Detroit, New France (III)-Angelique Chevalier b-1733

May 16: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Francois DeMarsac son (III)-Francois DeMarsac sieur de L'Homme Trou and (IV)-Marie Charlotte Bourassa; married February 14, 1791 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (V)-Cecile Saucier born 1773 daughter (IV)-Joseph Saucier.

May 24: A Spanish settlement is established at Monterey Bay.

May 27: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, Marguerite Catin daughter Antoine Catin died before 1791 and was married about 1767 to Marie Anne Martin living south west of La Cote.

June: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Henri Drouillar, born March 1770.

June 3: The Monterey Settlement included 50 men:

2 - priests

1 - surgeon

13 - fages and catalonian volunteers

5 - sailors

6 - soldiers

2 - mechanics

5 - muleteers

13 - Indians from lower California

Five died by September 20


June 16: Makinac, marriage Charles Sanguinet of British Fort Detroit (Michigan), married Makinac (IV)-Veronique Cardin (Cardinal) daughter (III)-Francois Louis Cardin (Cardinal).

June 18: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Marriage, (IV)-Jean Baptiste Binet born 1739 son (III)-Raphael Binet; married (IV)-Marie Madeleine Lacoste born 1755 daughter (III)-Francois Lacoste.

June 18: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Jean Baptiste Chiquot born June 20, 1749 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) lieutenant de Milice son (III)-Zacharie Chiquot (1708-1775) and (III)-Marie Angelique Godfroy (1720-1791); married (IV)-Angelique Poupart born 1753 daughter (III)-Joseph Godefroy.

June 27: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Marie Irene Bufet daughter (I)-Louis Bufet, a merchant, and Therese DeMarsac.

July 1: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (IV)-Anonyme Campeau child (III)-Charles Campeau (1715-1785) and Marie Charlotte Montray et Julliet La Cote

July 4: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Jean Baptiste Campeau son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Campeau born 1743 and (V)-Genevieve Godet born 1751.

July 4: (I)-Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) records that the Indians called the Rocky Mountains the Stony (Stoney) Mountains.

July 9: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Antonie Mesny son (II)-Antoine Mesny and Jeanne Seguin Laderoute, married to (II)-Catherine Brillant dit Lapierre Metis born April 28, 1753 Sault Ste Marie, baptised July 15, 1753 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Brillant dit Lapierre and Francoise Itagisse Chretienne Sauteuse (Ojibwa). Source Tanguay.

July 10: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Angelique Langlois, born December 1768.

July 16: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Elisabeth Courtois daughter (IV)-Charles Denis Courtois dit Marin born 1744 and (III)-Catherine St Cosme born


August 13: Hector T. Cramahe acting governor Canada to September 18, 1774.

August 27: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Jean Baptiste Larue dit Bayonne to (III)-Elisabeth Bineau b-1754 daughter (II)-Louis Bineau.

September 4: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Cecile Huyet daughter (II)-Pierre Huyet et Huguet-Huiette-Ponceley-Champagne born 1737 and (IV)-Marie Reine Trempley born 1744.

September 8: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Angelique Marguerite Chabert daughter (II)-Daniel Chabert (1716-1771) and (III)-Marguerite Rocbert de la Morandiere (1730-1773)

September 27: Michilimackinac, baptism, Female Sanquinet, born 1748 daughter Charles Sanquinet and Veronique Cardin.

September 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Nicolas Campeau son (IV)-Jacques Campeau born 1735 and (II)-Catherine Menard born 1739.

October 8: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Jean Baptiste Casse born 1742, died January 27, 1777 to (IV)-Therese Boyer born October 16, 1755 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) daughter (III)-Ignace Boyer (1721-1784) and (IV)-Angelique Pepin dit Descardonnets. Therese 2nd marriage February 11, 1779 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Francois Dagneau Dequinde of British Fort Detroit (Michigan).

October 29: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Angelique Couture, daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Couture born 1735 and (IV)-Marie Campeau born 1742.

November 12: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Alexis Arcouet born 1736 son (II)-Pierre Arcouet, married British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (V)-Marguerite Laforest born August 25, 1753 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (IV)-Guillaume Laforest b-1725 and (IV)-Marie Marguerite Tremblay (1725-1768).

November 15: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Marie Aune Le May, born 1748.

November 18: Kaskaskias, Illinois, birth Joseph Desruisseaux son Paul Trottier Bellecour b-1736 Batiscan, and Marie St Gemme Beauvais.

November 26: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (V)-Anonyme Chiquot child (IV)-Jean Baptiste Chiquot born 1749 and (IV)-Angelique Godefroy born 1753.

December 29: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Archange Aide-Crequy born this year daughter (III)Jean Baptiste and Marie Madeleine Gatignon Duchesne see 1763.


Only 1 person claimed to be born at the Red River des Metis Settlement this year.

Kaskaskia, Illinois, birth Jean Baptiste Levasseur died December 10, 1778 Kaskaskia, Illinois, son Stanislas Levasseur b-1732 married 1756 Quebec Francois Del'oeil.

Jean Baptiste de St. Lussion is sent to explore the northwest lands as far as possible. He went beyond Sault Ste Marie where he claimed what he thought were Ottawa lands for France. Another party ventured north claiming all lands from the St. Lawrence to the Northern Bay (Hudson Bay), returning with many furs.

Augustus Belanger born 1771 likely Lake Superior married July 24, 1836 La Pointe, Wisconsin Josepha Wabani born 1780 likely La Pointe, Wisconsin

Alexis Bercier b-1771 Canada 1st married Josephte Saulteaux Indian b-1783, 2nd marriage Margaret Metis b-1779.

Jean Cardinal (1729-1780) married 1771, British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Marie Sauvagesse a Omaha slave (panis MaHa).

Etienne Comtois b-1771 Canada married Marie Collin Metis b-1800 likely North West.

Thomas Corry wintered Cedar Lake, interrupting a great part of the York trade.

British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Prisque Cote born 1730 son Joseph Cote and Marie Jeanne Roussin to Marie Magdelene Lefebvre, their children born British Fort Detroit (Michigan) starting in 1772 so marriage assumed also British Fort Detroit (Michigan).

Laurent Ducharme born 1723 Montreal son Louis Ducharme and Marie Picard, is hiring voyagers from 1754 to 1771 for Michilimackinac, then in 1772 he is hiring for La Baye (Green Bay) and Mil8aqui (Millouaque).

Humphrey Favel born 1771 North West, census 1831 Red River.

(III)-Joseph Grignon son (II)- Pierre Grignon (1709-1736?) and (III)- Josephe Marguerite Chevalier born 1723; married Marie Josephe Turcotte.

(I)-Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) and his band of Chipewyan, led by Matonabbee who had seven wives, massacred a band of Eskimo (Inuit) at Bloody Falls about 15 km above the mouth of the Coppermine River. This area has been in use since 1,300 B.C. by the natives. He is also recorded at Athabasca Lake in north eastern Alberta and north western Saskatchewan.

Point Labadie on the Missouri River, Missouri near Willow Island was named after a French trader who winter her this year.

Francois Lacouture b-1777 married Josephte Indian b-1780 most likely North West.

Michel Masson married to Marie Fronsac sauvagesse, no location Tanguy

(I)-John Park b-1771 Scotland married Margaret Metis b-1786 North West Territories.

Pawquachequay b-1771, living 1870 census Fountain, Michigan.

Louis Reaume hired Alexis and Amable Reaume, Jean Baptiste Porlier and Joseph Landrie for 1771/72 season for Pays d'en Haut.

(I)-George Robertson b-1771 Scotland 1st married Nancy Indian b-1809 North West Territories, 2nd marriage Jane Johnson b-1815 most likely North West.

Jenet Sone b-1771 Michigan, living 1850 census Sault Ste. Marie, Wisconsin.

Edward Umfreville is working for the Hudson Bay Company at York Factory and this year is made 2nd in command at Fort Severn..

Antoine Vandal b-1771 Red River Settlement married Angelique Indian b-1780 North West Territories.

Thomas Vincent b-1771 married Jean Metis b-1776 most likely North West.

(I)-Peter Whitford b-1771 England married Sarah Indian b-1776 North West Territories.

Alexis Mathison born 1771 North West, census 1831 Red River.

The Hudson Bay Company was doing poorly as the French are stripping off the best furs and only rejected furs are being traded to the English. Many believed that if action against the French were not immediate, the Hudson Bay Company would be lost.

Thomas Cory of Montreal did so well with his Saskatchewan River trade that within two trading seasons he could retire.

January 6: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Etienne Ardouin Metis son (I)Etienne Ardouin and Marie Joseph Lapointe (Ojibwa).

January 13: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (II)-Philippe Belanger born 1746 son (I)-Pierre Belanger married (II)-Elisabeth Vallee daughter Jean Baptiste Vallee. One son Philippe Belanger died October 1771 in British Fort Detroit (Michigan).

January 21: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Marie Louise Chene, born June 3, 1764.

January 24: Death of Pawpitch daughter of Captain of the Goose Hunters and wife of Humphrey Martens died this day. Martens grieved for his poor Metis child, now motherless.

January 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Simon Meloche to (IV)-Angelique Boyer daughter (III)-Pierre Boyer (1707-1765) and Marie Anne Louise Pepin.

January 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Therese Chauvin daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Chauvin born 1740 and (IV)-Therese Segun born 1752; married May 9, 1791 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Louis Billiau.

March 5: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Marie Isabelle Chapoton daughter (II)-Jean Baptiste Chapoton born 1721 and (III)-Felicite Cesire born 1737.

March 15: Michilimackinac, birth, Male Le Fantasie, son Francois Morisse Le Fantasie and Marianne Cardin, boy baptised by uncle Joseph Ainse.

April 15: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Amable Latour son Pierre Latour married (III)-Jeanne Suzanne Casse died August 24, 1771 daughter (II)-Noel Casse and (II)-Suzanne Esteve; epouse August 13, 1765 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Pierre Parent. Amable 2nd marriage January 20, 1777 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (III)-Agnus Mesney b-1758 daughter (II)-Antoine Mesny.

April 9: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Joseph Cesire born July 29, 1740 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), son (II)-Jean Cesire (1698-1767) and (II)-Marguerite Charlotte Girard (born 1703); married April 9, 1771 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Marie Irenne Trotier daughter Francois Trotier.

April 9: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Marie Angelique Descomps daughter (II)-Pierre Descomps dit Labadie aka Fillau (1776) born 1742 and (II)-Therese Gaillard dit Lionais born 1746.

April 16: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Louis Bourdeau son (III)-Joseph Bourdeau dit L'Lle-Ronde, habitant de la Cote Nord-est, born 1730, died 1793 married 1760 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (III)-Marie Louise Clermont et Dvbord born 1645 daughter Louis Clermont.

April 25: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Pierre Duprat son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Duprat born 1735 and (III)-Agnes Tremblay born 1749.

May: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Catherine Drouillar, born 1746.

May 12: Captain Turnbull of Mackinac noted that (III)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte Sr. (1723-1803), who lives at the old Fort of St. Mary's, is still their Principal Protector with regard to the Indians. Col. Guy Johnson wrote later this same year that Cadot and Maisonville are the two most faithful men amongst the French.

May 30: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Archange Campeau daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Campeau born 1737 and Catherine Boyer

June 3: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Isidore Bienvenu son (II)-Alexis Bienvenu and (IV)-Marie Anne Campeau born 1745, see parent marriage 1763.

June 6: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Louis Greffard son (IV)-Louis Greffard and (III)-Marguerite Casse.

July 5: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), death, (II)-Daniel Chabert (1716-1771) son (I)-Thomas Chabert lieutenant d'infanterie in the service du Roi de France, married January 19, 1751 Montreal (III)-Margueritte Rocbert de la Morandiere born 1730 died January 21, 1773 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), daughter (II)-Etienne la Morandiere. The family was located in British Fort Detroit (Michigan), likely from the mid 1760's.

July 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Firmin Laundry dit Charlot born February 14, 1735 St Francis I.O. son (III)-Charles Landry (1690-1770) and (III)-Marie Madeleine LeGrapt d-1760; married Marguerite Siouse died May 24, 1773 British Fort Detroit (Michigan).

July 22: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Jean Baptiste L'Allemand (drowned), born 1746.

August 4: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Alexis Campeau son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Campeau born 1743 and (V)-Genevieve Godet born 1751; married September 28, 1795 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Agathe Chesne.

August 12: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Louis Renault to (III)-Marie Anne Casse daughter (II)-Jacques Casse and (IV)-Catherine Jean Vien died 1779.

August 14: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Joseph Godet, born August 5, 1771.

August 19: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Alexis Descomps son (II)-Alexis Descomps and (V)-Marie Francoise Robert born 1752.

August 23: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, Anonyme Catin child Antoine Catin died before 1791 and was married about 1767 to Marie Anne Martin living south west of La Cote.

August 24: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Jacques Andre, born October 28, 1770.

September: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Angelique Buissonnet, born 1757.

September: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Catherine Grenon, born 1758.

September 9: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Jean Marie Dube born 1738 St. Roch, living Grandmarais, British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son (II)-Simon Dube born 1700 and Marguerite Gaudin; married (IV)-Marie Joseph Seguin born 1754 daughter (III)-Joseph Seguin.

September 19: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), death, (IV)-Joseph Marie Campeau born March 29, 1749 son (III)-Jean Baptiste Campeau (711-1783) and (III)-Catherine Perthus (1718-1763).

September 23: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Louis Vessiere to (II)-Catherine daughter (I)-Claude Esprit, a merchant died (drown) June 12, 1750 and (II)-Angelique Bienvenue born 1721.

October 4: British Fort Detroit (Michigan) region, birth, Francois Trottier, died November 8, 1772 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son Francois Xavier Trottier Bellecour born 1743 and Marie Anne Madeleine Delusignan Dezemard (1741-1816).

October 15: (V)-Charlotte Hamelin Metis baptised August 19, 1787 Michillimackinac daughter (IV)-Louis Charles Hamelin Metis born 1737 Michillimackinac son (III)-Charles Hamelin and his slave woman Marie Athanase a Sauteux woman ( 1708- 1738) and Marie Joseph LeSable of the Sauteuse (Ojibwa) Nation born 1737 Michillimackinac.

October 19: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Etienne Brebant, born 1721.

October 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Toussaint Campeau son (IV)-Jacques Campeau born 1735 and (II)-Catherine Menard born 1739.

November 18: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Catherine Constant daughter (I)-Gabriel Constant and Marie Hery dit Duplanti.

November 18: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Jacques Parant to (IV)-Marie Catherine Cuillerier born August 6, 1743 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Cuillerier born 1709 and (III)-Marie Anne Barrois born 1726.

November 23: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Madeleine Campeau daughter(IV)-Alexis Campeay (1737-1782) and (V)-Madeline Dumays (1745-1795).

November 27: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Joseph Dube daughter (IV)-Jean Marie Dube born 1738 and (IV)-Marie Joseph Seguin born 1754.

December 14: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Antoine Landry died September 7, 1772 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son (IV)-Firmin Landry dit Charlot b-1735 and Marguerite Siouse d-1773 (see parents marriage 1771).

December 15: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Francois Janis, born 1710.

December 28: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Marie Angelique Periau dit Va De Bon Coeur, born October 1771.


Jean Baptiste Patoulet estimated the Metis population to be 300 to 400, but Jacques Duchesneau, in 1680, estimated that 800 Coureurs des Bois are off in the wilderness.

Counting those in the wilderness and those in and around settlements, the population likely easily runs between 1,000 to 2,000 people. Duchesneau admits: I have been unable to ascertain the exact number because everyone associated with them covers up for them. It is noteworthy that these people are illegally trading and considered to be pirates. They could be arrested, publicly wipped and their possessions confiscated.

Michel Bellehumeur b-1772 Canada 1st married Laremw Lagemonier b-1792 Europe, 2nd marriage Marguerite Grant Metis b-1775 likely North West.

Maurice Blondeau hires Louis Houle for Grand Portage.

Jean Baptiste Brunet dit L'etang (Letang or Lestang) is at Grand Portage for Maurice Blondeau.

Jean Baptiste Bruyere b-1772 Canada married Francoise Serpent Indian b-1791 likely North West.

John Baptiste Casley b-1772 Canada, living 1850 census Sault Ste. Marie, Wisconsin,

British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, Prieque Cote son Prisque Cote b-1730 and Marie Magdelene Lefebvre.

Jean Baptiste Marie Ducharme (1723/24-1807) is hiring voyagers for Illinois, financed by Jacques Bernard.

Montereal, birth (II)-Lawrence Ermatinger (b-1772) son (I)-Lawrence (Laurenz) Edward Ermatinger (1736-1789) and Jemima Oakes; Lawrence had three sons (III)-Charles Oakes, (III)-Edward born 1797 and (III)-Francois born 1798.

(I)-Joseph Frobisher (1740-1810) built a trading post on Cumberland Lake.

James Gaddy b-1772 married Mary Metis b-1775 likely North West.

Chief factor Garbutt died this year at the Moose Factory trading post.

Henry Hallet b-1744 1st married Indian woman b-1775, 2nd marriage Catherine Dungas Metis b-1780 most likely North West.

(I)-Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) concluded that the cold must have been increasing as the remains of large trees, well beyond the northern limits, are evident in the Stony Region.

John Hughes, a servant at York Factory, served the Hudson Bay from 1724 to 1772 but had no savings to show for this remarkable span of employment.

Louison Jolicoeur b-1772 Canada married Susette Indian b-1775 most likely North West.

Roderick McKenzie b-1772 1st married Sarah Sutherland Metis b-1777 most likely North West, 2nd marriage Angelique Metis b-1784 most likely North West..

Andre Millet b-1772 married Madeleine Ducharme Metis b-1801 most likely North West.

Lake Superior area, birth Theresia Odichkiwegijigokwe (Odishkwagejigokwe or Algonguian, Young Adult woman) died March 10, 1852 LaPointe, Wisconsin.

Charles Patterson (d-1788) continues trading and wintering out of Michilimackinac.

Jean Baptiste Rivard b-1772 married Therese Belanger Metis b-1778 most likely North West.

Jean Baptiste Roussin b-1772 married Josephte Indian b-1775 most likely North West.

St. Louis, Missouri, (I)-Benito Vasquez (1738-1810), a Spaniard, resigned from the military to enter the fur trade.

Isaac Todd (1742-1819) is associated with Richard McNeal, George McBeath, Thomas Walker, Thomas Corry, John Askin and Maurice Blondeau in the Great Lakes area.

Thomas Corry wrote that the Hudson Bay Company's Chief Factor (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist at York Factory, and Wabanassew, an important Chief, would not be visiting Hudson Bay since the Chief preferred to accompany Corry to Grande Portage and drink copious amounts of alcohol. This is likely boasting to off set his loss of John Cole and Bove, a French Canadian who deserted Thomas Corry for the Hudson Bay Company after robbing Corry.

Ten canoes departed Montreal for Francois Le Blanc (born 1712) also known as (Franceway, Saswee and Shish), voyager of Michillimahnac, who is in the Northwest.

(IV)-Joseph Barthelemi Blondeau (1743-1790) of Michillimahnac, with forty canoes, began working the North West Territories. This year he is reported on the Red Deer River. William Bruce, an independent, is also on the river having fled Basquia, Mississippi after killing an Indian.

Peter Pangman (1744-1819), the German- others say Dutch, and his partner Joseph Fulton wintered at Fort Dauphin. In the spring they visited York Factory, hopeful of finding a shorter route to ship their furs to Europe. Ferdinand Jacoes, Chief Factor, seized their furs and ordered them off Hudson Bay Company Lands. He said that he gave them some trade goods to compensate for their loss.

York Factory has a complement of 34 men.

(IV)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte (1759-1818) is in Montreal, shortly (1773) to be enrolled in the Sulpician College of St. Raphael. He was an honor student from 1776 to1780.

The family boarded with the parents of Maurice Blondeau.

The 1771-1772 trading season for the Hudson Bay was poorly, even an offer of higher prices failed to attract the better quality furs. (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist at York, wrote that the Indians are poorly gooded and that what furs they have brought are the refuse of the Canadian Peddlers. Even Wappenessew, who had been trading with the Bay, is now trading with Thomas Corry on Lake Winnipeg. (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist, wrote London in August, saying that unless inland posts are established, the Company's western trade will be ruined by the Canadians. He said Isaac Batt (d-1791) and the Canadian Louis Primeau were suddenly deserted by their fleet of 160 canoes. The Indians, once they heard that Canadians were at Cedar Lake with brandy and trade goods, wheeled off to go thither. (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist, strongly suggested they build a post at The Pas, stocked with ammunition, Brazil tobacco and brandy. He suggested a shift in policy closer to the Canadians. Duncan McGillivray had written that the lure of Rum is their first inducement to industry.

Matthew Cocking (d-1799), a bigamist of the Hudson Bay, observed the post of one Mr. James Finlay from Montreal near Nipawin, Saskatchewan. Nipawin is an ancient Native meeting place. Nipawin is a day's journey below the tumbled down ruins of La Corne's Fort. Matthew then contacted the Gros Ventre (Big Bellies) who saw no need to trade with the English and visited the Sarcee for trade, went beyond the Saskatchewan and returned having failed to secure new trade. To make things worse Charles Paterson (d-1788) of the Michilimackinac Company out of Montreal hired Isaac Batt (d-1791), Cocking's servant, under a three year contract. Isaac Batt (d-1791) was now a gentleman and no longer a servant. (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist and master of Fort York, complained that the French Canadians are prime men, conditioned to the kind of hardship and fatigue under which Hudson Bay men would sink. The Canadian who cannot carry one hundred and sixty pounds for one and a half league loses his wages. (I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist in service to H.B.C. since 1749, made an urgent appeal to the London Director's duties as men and Christians to let him take his half breed daughter back to his native land. He even offered to send 1,000 pounds in trust to the company to ensure no burden. The answer, naturally, is no. Most Metis children of the Hudson Bay Company, during this century, are abandoned to savagery. He, however, would later take his daughter to London. How he explained this to his wife in Britain is not noted.

(I)-Andrew Graham (1733-1815), a bigamist, in anticipation of approval to establish inland posts, sent John Cole (a deserter and thief of the Thomas Corry party) inland to acquire two or three canoes. He also hired a Canadian acquaintance at enhanced wages. The Canadian is likely Bove. Matthew Cocking, a bigamist who died 1799, is also sent out by the Hudson Bay Company to determine precise locations of possible future post sites and to encourage the Indians to come down in trade. He tried to encourage the Archithinue People to bypass the Assiniboine and Cree middlemen and to come down to York Factory, but they refused. They told Cocking it was too far and that they would starve.

Le Doyen Beaulieu, the Metis, is born the son of Francois Beaulieu and a Montagnais mother and spent most of his life around Lesser Slave Lake. His Father journeyed to the Pacific in 1793 with (I)-Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820). Many Metis, Coureurs des Bois and Hivernant Voyagers showed Mackenzie the way to the Pacific.

January 7: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Toussaint Grenon born October 18, 1732 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), died 1774 Poste de Vincennes, Knox, Indiana, son (II)-Pierre Grenon (1677-1763) and (III)-Marie Genevieve Lienard dit Boisjoly (1692-1745) (Appelee Louise Joly au marriage du Toussaint); marriage to (IV)-Charlotte Campeau born November 22, 1757 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (III)-Charles Campeau (1715-1785) and Marie Charlotte Montray et Julliet La Cote.

January 7: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Francois Gamelin, Lieutenant de milice son (III)-Laurent Eust Gamelin negociant died March 11, 1774 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), and (III)-Marie Joseph Dudevoir et Bonvouloir dit Lachene born 1721 daughter (II)-Claude Dudevoir; 1st. marriage Therese Cabassier born 1752 died May 26, 1777 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), daughter (III)-Joseph Cabassier, 2nd marriage Joachine Faucher.

January 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, (V)-Marie Angelique Chiquot died September 4, 1772 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Chiquot born 1749 and (IV)-Angelique Godefroy born 1753.

January 20: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Charles Campeau born October 4, 1746, voyager, son (III)-Antoine Campeau (1702-1759) married (II)-Marie Louise Borde dit St. Surin (ou Cambek en 1777) born December 19, 1755 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (I)-Jean Borde.

February 3: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, Rene Tivierge to (IV)-Brigitte Campeau born 1754, died November 18, 1772 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), daughter (III)-Charles Campeau (1715-1785) and either (IV)-Marie Catherine St. Aubin dit Casse or Marie Charlotte Montray et Julliet La Cote.

February 7: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Pierre Cloutier, born July 4, 1771.

February 20: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Laurent Parent, born January23, 1772.

February 29: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Pierre Chauvin son (II)-Noel Chauvin born 1732 and (III)-Jeanne Meloche born 1742.

February 29: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Gabriel Chesne son (III)-Charles Chesne born 1732 and (II)-Marie Joseph Descomps dit Labadie born 1737; married January 7, 1793 Genevieve Campeau.

March 5: Detroit, birth/death, (V)-Pierre Lauzon, died March 8, 1772 Detroit, son (IV)-Jacques Lauzon b-1737 and (II)-Marie Anne Casse.

March 23: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Isabelle Larue daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Larue dit Bayonne and (III)-Elisabeth Bineau b-1754.

April 20: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Cecile Duprat daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Duprat born 1735 and (III)-Agnes Tremblay born 1749.

April 23: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Joseph Couture died April 9, 1773 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Couture born 1735 and (IV)-Marie Campeau born 1742.

May 10: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Guillaume Amable Laforest died November 16, 1772 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son (IV)-Guillaume Laforest b-1725 and (III)-Genevieve Amable Fauvel b-1741 veuve Gabriel Charpentier.

June 21: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), marriage, John Askin to Archange Barthel

June 26: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Louis Chauvin son (II)-Charles Chauvin (1702-1772) and (II)-Marie Anne Casse born 1710.

July 9: Mackinac, birth, (IV)-Jean Dumouchel, Metis, baptized, July 9, 1775, Mackinac, son, (III)- Louis Pascal (Paschal) Dumouchel b-1725, and Francoise Sauvagesse.

July 15: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth (IV)-Marie Jeanne Casse died March 1, 1775 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Casse (1742-1777 and (IV)-Therese Boyer born 1755.

July 23: Currie the Pedlar is at Cedar Lake.

July 26: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Therese Aide-Crequy born this year daughter (III)Jean Baptiste and Marie Madeleine Gatignon Duchesne see 1763.

August 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth/death, Anonyme Catin child Antoine Catin died before 1791 and was married about 1767 to Marie Anne Martin living south west of La Cote.

April 24: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (III)-Louis Cosme et St. Cosme son (II)-Pierre Laurent Cosme et St. Cosme born 1721 and (III)-Catherine Barrois (1727-1790).

August 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Archange Jeannes daughter (III)-Robert Jeannes et Jeanne b-1730, died April 3, 1793 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), and (IV)-Catherine Reaume b-1740; married February 16, 1791 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Francois Belan.

August 27: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Franxcois Drouillar; (witness Pierre Janerai and Nicolas Petit), born November 5, 1767.

September 5: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Louis Saint Come; (witness Pierre Janerai and Dominique Godet), born August 1, 1772.

September 8: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Louise Courtois daughter (IV)-Charles Denis Courtois dit Marin born 1744 and (III)-Catherine St Cosme born 1749.

September 24: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Marie Anne Pilette, born 1747.

September 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), death, (III)-Charlotte Gonzague dit Pigeon born 1771 daughter (II)-Hyacinthe de Gonzague and (III)-Marie Anne Pilet born 1748 daughter (II)-Jean Baptiste Pilet.

October 6: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marguerite Arcouet daughter (III)Alexis Arcouet born 1736 and Marguerite Laforest see 1770.

October 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Isabelle Campeau daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Campeau born 1737 and Catherine Boyer; married January 13, 1794 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Jean Baptiste Chauvin.

October 17: Assumption de la Pointe de Montreal du Detroit (Essex, Ontario), death, Marieanne Binau, born 1747.

October 19: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, Catherine Cardinal, Metis, daughter Jean Cardinal (1729-1780) and Marie Sauvagesse a Omaha slave (Panis MaHa).

October 31: Catherine Gautier alias L'Arboise married British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Pierre Becquet.

Free traders established the first fort on Cumberland Lake, and the North West Company established Fort Pasquia. The Hudson Bay Company would establish Cumberland House in 1774.

November 8: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Jacques Campeau died March 24, 1773 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Campeau born 1743 and (V)-Genevieve Godet born 1751.

November 2: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Charles Chauvin son (III)-Jean Baptiste Chauvin born 1740 and (IV)-Therese Segun born 1752.

November 17: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (V)-Catherine Gamelin daughter (IV)-Francois Gamelin died 1774 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), and Therese Cabassier born 1752 died May 26, 1777 British Fort Detroit (Michigan): married February 16, 1795 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (V)-Simon Campeau born 1769 son (IV)-Simon Campeau..

November 22: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), death, (III)-Toussaint Cavelier born September 15, 1736 son (II)-Jean Baptiste Cavelier born 1695 and (III)-Madeleine Charlotte Pigeon who died of wounds after her rescue from the savages at Saudoske.

December 28: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Theotiste Constant son (I)-Gabriel Constant and Marie Hery dit Duplanti.