Humboldt Methodist Church

Humboldt Methodist Church

Seventy-Five Years of Service


Darryl Ash


Over 75 years ago, a man came into what is now Humboldton a mission. This mission was to establish a place for the people of thearea to worship. This man was Reverend Goldie.

The people of the area liked Reverend Goldie. He talkedwith the people, who were thankful for the many things that had come tothem.

Reverend Goldie liked the people too. This is why he rodeon horse-back from Emerson, Manitoba to hold prayer meetings with the peopleof the area. These prayer meetings were probably the first church activitiesin the area.

Since the people did not have a regular church to meetin they met in private homes. On Monday you could see people riding or walkingto the church meeting no matter what kind of day it was.

In the year 1884 a new schoolhouse was built and the peoplehad a place to worship.

In 1893 Reverend J. G. Moore came to the area, to assurethe community the church for which they had waited so long. So in 1898 thenew church was built.

The people donated their time and anyone who could workhelped to build it. It was built about a mile and a half north of Humboldton Highway 75. The land that the church was built on was donated by JamesDiamond.

After the church was built the people had a dedicationceremony. The date of the ceremony was set for December 18, 1898. At theservice Presiding Elder Kilingel and the President Elder of the Duluth Conference,Reverend Robert Forbes gave the dedication sermon. The dedication servicealso continued that night.

Before this time Humboldt had been a part of the Pembinaconference. But through the efforts of Reverend Forbes it was changed tothe Minnesota Conference.

The people of the church wanted to move the church intothe village of Humboldt. Many of the members from town wanted this becausethey did not have the means to get to church. So in 1901 a firm called Harrisonand Contractors moved the church into the village.

In 1908 Reverend Benjamin Collins came to Humboldt. Thisis a memorable event because it marked the paying of a $225 debt when thechurch was moved to Humboldt.

A little after World War I Reverend Robertson came to Humboldt.He encouraged the building of the present parsonage in Humboldt. But itwas not until Reverend Ingrams arrived that it was used. After this theparsonage at St. Vincent, Minnesota was sold making the Humboldt parsonagethe home of the St. Vincent and Humboldt pastors.

In 1925 and 1926 Reverend Hart encouraged building a churchhall. But this church hall was not completed until 12 years later.

In 1934 the Reverend Wagner and Reverend Engelbretsen tookcharge of the Humboldt and St. Vincent churches where they remained for13 years. During this time many improvements were made. The Women's Societyof Christian Service of both of the churches took charge in residing, rewiring,repainting, and reshingling the church. The interior floors were also sandedand the walls were replastered. These women also cut down all the weedsaround the churches and planted flowers and vines. A great improvement wasmade by the installation of a new oil-burning furnace

In 1940 the church hall was completed. This was done throughthe gift of $500 from Mrs. Congdon, of Duluth, Minnesota.

The Harvest festival was started and made an annual eventaround 1940. Every year donations were made to worthy causes from a offeringtaken. Recently this offering reached over $3,000.

A Sunday School was also organized. It holds classes foryoung people. Every year a Christmas program is held. There is also a Biblestudy group held for adults every Sunday.

Many memorials were made to the church by private families.But in about 1956 a memorial fund was set up by many families. This memorialfund was used to buy an organ for the church.

Sometimes after this Reverend Hanson came to the church.He instituted a split in the Humboldt and St. Vincent churches. He took39 people with him and made a separate church in St. Vincent. After thesplit Rev. Hile came to the Humboldt church. While he was here enrollmentflourished and many people joined one Sunday. Also the church grew financially.

While Reverend Collins was here there was a complete remodelingof the church. Reverend Collins was very good with young people and theyouth group flourished. He stayed at the Humboldt church for six years.

About this time the Pembina, Humboldt and Joliette, NorthDakota Methodist churches decided to have the same minister. They builta new parsonage at Pembina for this one minister. Reverend Ritter was thefirst to live in this parsonage.

Recently Reverend Kallweit was the minister for 7 years.He was also popular with the young people. During Reverend Kallweit's staythe church bought new hymnals. There were also many other improvements made.

At the present time the Humboldt church is under the chargeof Reverend Edwin Werner. He and his wife have involved several new ideas.

One of the things brought about by them was a Christmascantata in 1970 and 1971 named "His Star" and "In the Fullnessof Time". Also in 1971 a new furnace was installed and new choir robeswere bought.

There are many, many other men who have served the churchfaithfully. Both ministers and church members have helped through the years.

In 1973 the Humboldt church will be celebrating its 75year anniversary. This summer a complete church history will be writtenup showing the churches progress through the years.

After almost 75 years of service the Humboldt United MethodistChurch is strong in membership and in finances. This church has grown froma small church in the prairie to the present. Thanks to a brave man whohad a mission to do.

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Isley, Warren, Mrs. Interview January 13, 1972

50th Anniversary Humboldt Methodist Church (Booklet:)

The original essay was reproduced for this webpage by Danand Bette Dawn Twamley