Nicollet County

What's New

The following list details what is new on this website. To find the newest additions to the site, check here first, each time you visit! Thank you for visiting us and we are hoping you will tell others about this site. New items will be as they are made available.

January 19, 2015
Added War of 1812 Pensions to the Military section, added under History, Forts on the Minnesota Frontier

November 5, 2014
A database of Nicollet County Births from 1812 — 1940 was added. At this time it is just a partial database and new entries will be added weekly until it is complete. Check this page for new additions frequently!

October 31, 2014
New forms were added for Adding Links, reporting Bad Links, adding Obituaries, Queries and Surnames

October 30, 2014
The website was redesigned and reorganized, all links were checked and bad ,inks removed or replaced.

October 26, 2014
Laverne Tornow became the new County Coordinator.