Murray County Minnesota Genealogy


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Murray County, Minnesota

Research Resources

Murray County Naturalization Records
  • Index A-C
  • Index D-G
  • Index H-J
  • Index K-M
  • Index N-Q
  • Index R-S
  • Index T-XYZ

  • 1898 Murray County Land Index A-F
  • 1898 Murray County Land Index G-L
  • 1898 Murray County Land Index M-R
  • 1898 Murray County Land Index S-Z
  • National Archives Database

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    Murray County, located in the southwest corner of Minnesota, is a part of what was called "The Coteau de Prairies" (an upland prairie). On 23 May 1857, a bill was passed creating the twenty township county of Murray, giving it the same boundaries it now has. Cottonwood County is bordered on the east, Lyon County and Redwood County on the north, Nobles County and Rock County on the south, and Pipestone County on the west. Murray County has a land area of 432,313 acres, and, in 1990, the population was 9,660. The communities located in Murray County are Avoca, Iona, Chandler, Currie, Dovray, Fulda, Lake Wilson, Lime Creek, Hadley, Slayton, and Wirock.

    Murray County was named in honor of William Pitt Murray, who was a member of the legislature and a member of the committee of counties. The first meeting of the County Commissioners was on 17 June 1872. The selection of the county seat was a clouded issue. The conflict was not settled until 11 July 1889, when Slayton was elected county seat with a majority of 12 over the votes required by law.

    Minnesota GenWeb Project
    In April 1996, a group of genealogist organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a singe entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected information, links and databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. This led to the USGenWeb Project of which the MNGenWeb Project was launched on July, 1996. The Murray County MNGenWeb Project site is part of the MNGenWeb Project and the USGenWeb Project.

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    THE USGenWeb Project is what these pages are about. There is a `For Profit' organization that incorporated the name `USGenWeb', then this cooporation made demands on the real USGenWeb organization.
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