Cottonwood Cemetery, Washtenaw Co., MI
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Ths cemetery is located on a farm that is west of the Webster Church on the corner of Webster Church and Farrell road. This farm was first owned in 1926 by a Mr. Kaiser. These stones are enclosed with stones and a fence around them. A John Williams made his home here in April 8, 1828, he died in one of the fields on this farm.

Williams, John Jul 7, 1782--Aug 5, 1843 61 yr 29 d

Williams, Lydia Hughlitt Sept 28, 1777--Sept 17, 1849

Williams, Jane Butler mother of John Aug 14, 1841

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      This data, like each new piece of information, must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence & it is always best to consult original primary material for verification.

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