Frederick County, Maryland Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick County, Maryland - Newspaper Abstracts
Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette
Middletown, Maryland
July 31, 1841


submitted by Rob Roy Ratliff

The first issue of  the Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette, 
Vol. 1, No. 1, cited by historians as Middletown’s first newspaper, was dated 
Saturday Morning, July 31, 1841. “The Public Good Our Only Aim,” was its motto, 
“Published weekly by Jacob T. (Thomas) C. (Creager) MILLER in the central part 
of Middletown, Frederick County, MD. [Joseph W. WALKER, Printer.]”  It was a 
four-page tabloid, about 12 by 16 inches, with five columns per page.

In a “Prospectus for Publishing in Middletown,” Editors MILLER and WALKER promised 
a weekly newspaper devoted to news, literature, science, poetry, agriculture and 
amusements, “open for political discussion on both sides of the question, at the 
low price of $1.25 (annually) in advance.”  In a note “To Our Readers,” signed by 
MILLER and WALKER, “The Public’s humble servants,” the editors declared that “as 
regards to politics, we are neutral” and promised with “unflinching firmness, never 
to deviate from the stand we have taken, nor to have cause to engage in political 
broil.” They affirmed their distaste for political controversy.  “We object to this 
way of making fish of one and flesh of the other; and abhor partiality.” They promised 
news and agricultural items, including current prices, for citizen and farmer.  “Our
selection shall be such as cannot fail to please . . .”

But the editors asked readers to “excuse us, if our selections in this day’s paper 
does not suit their reading appetites.”  They said it was impossible to give full 
attention to the paper’s content because of the “bustle and confusion in arranging 
our office, and such an influx of visitors, whom curiosity prompted to infest us 
with . . .”.  They also told readers that they had yet to establish an exchange 
program with other newspapers but hoped that other editors who receive their paper 
“will take the hint” and exchange papers.  (In the absence of our modern communication
systems, editors exchanged papers and liberally copied from one another, usually giving
credit to the original source.  In this vein, the paper included an unsourced item, 
"Editorial Oath" which said "Oh! Scissors!" was the most appropriate oath for an editor
when ideas were not flowing freely.  In fact, on the first page of the first issue from
which this abstract is being made, a copy of the original which is at the Maryland State
Archives, appears the message “Please send yours, occasionally,” and the words “Weekly” 
and “Intelligencer” written in pen suggesting it was en route to another editor whom Mr.
MILLER was imploring to send copies of his paper in return.)

The paper was to be taken to Frederick on the day of publication and distributed 
there and to other subscribers in Middletown and nearby, free of postage.  Potential
subscribers were invited to send their address “and the needful, if it be handy” 
post-paid.  Advertisers were asked to “favor us with their advertising patronage.” 
Mr. MILLER in a display ad said that in addition to his paper, he had “a splendid 
and well selected assortment of new Job Type” and could print handbills, cards, 
magistrate’s blanks, pamphlets, etc., “with neatness, cheapness, and dispatch.”

The editors gave their view of Middletown and the Valley:

	“As it has never been our pleasure heretofore, to remain in Middletown over 
one night, until our co-embarkation in the ‘Enterprise,’ we must confess, in justice
to the place and surrounding country, we have had the satisfaction of being pleasingly
disappointed, with this place the valley, and more particularly the inhabitants.  When 
we came here we thought it could not be a fit rendezvous for one who has ever been used
to sociable and lively company, but we are now, from actual and self-experience, compelled
to admit, of all the places in which we have ever had the pleasure to sojourn, Middletown
for us.  --  So sociable, accommodating, and pleasant set of people, it has ever been our
good fortune to meet with, and to the wishes of good health and long life, our advice is
fly to the beautiful landscape, the Catoctin Valley, where we defy the world  in the 
growth of grain, vegetation, and pretty girls.”  

(Did editor, publisher Jacob T. C. MILLER write this?  He was Burgess of Middletown and
a Justice of the Peace.  He was married and had several children born where he resided 
in the 3rd election district which included Middletown.  Is it possible that he had 
never before spent a night in Middletown?  Or, did editor, printer WALKER write this, 
using the editorial “we”?)

In an editorial comment, the editors lamented the lack of prosecution of an increasing
number of robbers and forgers. “When our forefathers waded through blood and carnage, 
it was not to support the scalping vagabonds, nor shield from justice the law-breaking
miscreants, that they suffered so much privation and sacrifice to obtain this temple of
Liberty.  It was for the joy, comfort and happiness of honest men, who intended to make
it their pride, their pinnacle, and their future honest habitation.”

“After a dry spell of near four weeks,” the editors welcomed a “delightful shower” 
as “a glorious prospect for our growing corn.”  They also reported on a visit to the 
farm of H. R. SMELTZER, near Middletown.  They declared that they were "never more 
pleased with the appearance of grain than we were with the various kinds of wheat" 
displayed.  They described the wheat and its yields declaring that "the farming 
community have been greatly benefited by the unremitting exertions" of Mr. SMELTZER 
who offered to send seed to farmers who made "application to him", or to the editors
by letter "post paid."  "A sample of  the above wheat can be seen at this office," 
the editors advised.  Coincidentally (?), three prominent advertisements from Henry 
R. SMELTZER appeared:  one offering several hundred bushels of prime blue stem wheat
seeds at his Bloomfield Farm, two miles south of Middletown, another for 8-day and 
30-hour brass clocks and one describing a pure blood stallion named "Dayton" for sale 
or exchange; he said he bought the horse from "Colonel ALLEN of Kentucky" and brought 
it to Maryland. 

Under a heading "Miscellaneous," the major story on the front page was "Thomas Jefferson
and the Tavern-Keeper."  It described how the unaccompanied Vice President Jefferson
arrived on horseback from Philadelphia and stopped at a tavern in Baltimore to ask for
a room.  Scotchman BOYDEN, the tavern keeper, looked at the disheveled, muddy-clothed 
man and told him there was no room.  As Jefferson rode off, a man entered and asked for
the "gentleman" who had entered a few minutes before.  When the tavern keeper learned 
who he had turned away, he was distraught and dispatched those in his tavern to chase 
after him to invite him to return and promised the best room.  When they caught up with
Jefferson, he said he had engaged room at another inn.  "Tell Mr. BOYDEN I appreciate 
his kind intentions; but if he had no room for the muddy farmer, he shall have no room
for me."    

There was no attribution for the source of the Jefferson story or the other major
front-page item, a piece of "literature" describing the travails of a widow in Scotland
who lost a son when he was impressed by the British and was mortally wounded in battle.
There was poetry from Alexander's Weekly Messenger, an item from the N. Y. Tribune about
a family from Ohio returning to Connecticut after the death of their father, and other 
news and humorous items including one labeled "Violation of Fireside Rights" reporting 
that a Swiss Canton had passed a law prohibiting all persons under 25 years of age from
smoking tobacco.   

Other newspapers cited as sources included Clipper, Lebanon Gazette, Mountain Shepherd's
Manual, Providence Herald and others.  Some selections were general news or farming tips
as well as humorous items.  One story, attributed to a recent London paper, described the
significance of on which finger a man or woman wears rings.  There were recipes for plum
cake and corn muffins and remedies for rheumatism (tie a strip of gum elastic around the
affected joints).  Baltimore and Frederick market prices for farm produce and animals were

A major column on "Congress News" featuring a drawing of the Capitol (with its uncompleted
dome) was attributed to the Baltimore Sun.  The correspondent described how about 50 
members of the House tried to "squeeze in petitions, resolutions, etc., but without 
effect.--The scene was laughable. . . ."  Mr. UNDERWOOD offered a bill to repair the 
Potomac Bridge but was hooted down.  The correspondent wrote:  "I wish the whole pack of 
legislators were on the broken bridge, and that a squadron of cavalry were on their heels.
Before the election every thing was to be done for the District."  An account of activities
in the Senate featured the passage of a National Bank Bill by a vote of 25 to 24, giving 
the names of those voting Yea or Nay.  The Senate also favored a telegraph system, a model
of which had been installed in its chambers.  The Sun correspondent, acknowledging how the 
telegraph system would speed up communications, declared:  "So now we shall have no 
difficulty in ascertaining, in a twinkling, (if) President TYLER vetoes the bank bill or 
carries it home in his pocket." 

A prominent larger-type item announced candidates for public office.  For Governor: 
Francis THOMAS and Wm. Cost JOHNSON.  For the House of Representatives:  Whig Nominations,
Nominations John H. SIMMONS, John W. GEYER, James SCHLEY, Daniel S. BISER, Cornelius 

In an item under "Frederick Advertisements," repeat candidates for the office of  
"sheriffalty" solicited votes:  Erra DADISMAN and George RICE, Oct. 9, 1839 (?) and Chas. 
WORTHINGTON of  J., Nov. 20, 1839 (?).  In a separate ad with a July 31 date, Adam CUSTARD 
pledged, if elected, "to discharge the duties of the office with promptness and humanity."   

"Sudden Death.  --  Mr. Jacob B. HALLER, of Jefferson, in this County, died suddenly on 
Sunday the 20th instant, at the Hotel of Mr. John YOUNG in Hagerstown.  --  The Herald of 
Freedom says:  Mr. Haller, while at the supper table apparently in good health, was 
stricken by apoplexy, and died in a few minutes after."

An "Obituary" section reported:  “DIED – 

- On Tuesday the 6th instant, at his residence, near Middletown, Mr. Jacob 
   KELLER in the 65th year of his age.

- On Monday the 19th instant, Mr. Daniel RINGER, of Middletown Valley, aged 
   48 years 11 months and 6 days.

- On Sunday last the 25th instant, Martha Ellen, infant daughter of Jesse and Ann
   Catherine HERBERT.

- On the 12th instant, Mrs. PETERS, widow of the late Michael PETERS."

Under the heading "Hymenial," (sic.,  marriage): "MARRIED.  –
- On Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. WACHTER, Mr. Solomon LIGHTER, to Miss Elizabeth LONG,
all of Middletown Valley."   

An "Ordinance for Taxing Dogs" announced a tax of 25 cents on all dogs and 75 cents on 
"sluts" over three months old owned by Middletown residents and ordered the town constable 
to make a list by August 26 of all owners, the number of animals they owned and the tax 
collected.  It was attested by Daniel C. HERRING, Clerk and signed by Jacob T. C. MILLER,

Thomas WEBSTER "Living on the Baltimore and Frederick-town Turnpike road, about 5 miles 
west of Frederick-town, near the Turnpike Gate" came before Frederick County Justice of
the Peace Jacob T. C. MILLER on July 31 to report a stray horse was trespassing on his 
property.  He described the sorrel mare and advised that the owner "is required to prove 
property, pay charges, and take her away."
"TAXES! TAXES!!" headlined an announcement by County collector John SIFFORD that "it is 
out of his power to extend indulgence" beyond August to taxpayers yet to meet their 1840
tax obligations.  He warned that he will then publish the names of all those in arrears 
and the amount they owe.  "Persons wishing to avoid such exposure will find the subscriber
at his office opposite the South front of the Court House" in Frederick.

"Attention!!"  In an ad accompanied by a drawing of a colonial-type solider in full dress
uniform with a long rifle, the Catoctin Rangers were notified to attend a parade in 
Middletown at 1 o'clock P. M. on the 2nd Saturday in August "in full uniform, with arms 
and accountrements in good order.  By order of the Capt. J. YOUNG, O S." 

"Attention Firemen!!!" A drawing of  a water hand pump accompanied a notice to all taxable
Middletown householders within 60 days to "furnish themselves with two leather fire 
buckets" sufficient to hold two gallons of water, by order of the Burgess and 
Commissioners, per Clerk Daniel C. HERRING.
The United Brethren of Christ announced a "Camp Meeting for the Frederick Circuit, on 
the land of Enos DOUB, three miles Northwest of Middletown near the old Hagerstown road, 
commencing on the 6th of August."  They extended an invitation to "all denominations 
friendly to such meetings."

Hy. SCHLEY, Clerk, announced that the Levy Court of Frederick County would meet in 
Frederick on 16 August.  The Magistrate's Court for Election District 3 in Frederick 
County was adjourned until 28 August.  The editors added a note that they would be 
pleased to know when the Magistrate's Courts in Frederick County are held, adding "we 
will publish them gratis." 

Other Middletown advertisers included:

Elijah COOK, Middle Creek, seven miles north of Middletown, "lately returned from 
Baltimore with a splendid selection of Choice Goods," invited the public to his 
country store to see calicoes "of the most splendid and fashionable prints" at low 
cost.  "The Ladies, to whom he has ever been of particularly attentive, are requested 
to call and see his splendid assortment."

Henry HERRING, Philip H. THOMAS, James COOK and Michael BECKENBAUGH, saddle and 
harness makers.

Joseph POWER, chair maker, house painter and glazier.

Adam LORENTZ, Jacob LORENTZ, John W. HERBERT and William WHEELER, fashionable boot 
and shoe manufacturers.

Mrs. BAKER, millinery and fancy goods including bonnets, ribbons, artificial flowers, 
"Mohair and Pic Nic Gloves and Mitts," veils, net, parasols and shoes. She continues 
to repair old bonnets, and make dress hats "at the shortest notice."

S. G. HARBAUGH, parasols just received from Philadelphia, "cheap."  In other ads: 
"HATS"--Black Russia, Brush, Rabbit Fur, "an assortment of Black Fur and Silk HATS" 
and "CARPETING"--"4-4 Ingrain . . . very heavy yard wide." 

Jacob and Barbara NEFF, "Cheap Goods," a variety of dry goods, groceries and Queensware;
"if you do not buy, it will be your own fault."

Henry G. BRENDELL, dry goods and articles found in a village store.

Larkin S. COOK, Myersville Country Store, cloths, shawls, ginghams, muslins, linnens 
(sic), parasols, umbrellas, calicoes, hats, shoes, groceries, Queensware.  "Mr. COOK 
is quite an enterprising and accommodating man, and as polite as a French Dancing master."

Jonas SMITH, Middletown Valley, country store goods.

Mrs. POFFENBARGER, Myersville, assortment of goods.

John and D. C. HERRING, dry goods, groceries, hardware, liquors, boots, shoes, hats.

Frederick, Frederick-Town advertisers included:

G. J. FISCHER, "September 3," "Isaac LYON'S Carminative Horse Powders" to restore 
horses and cattle.  Testimonies by Wm R. KING, May 16 and Philip HITESHEW, Oct. 15, 1836.

PALMER & CARMACK, "City Shoe Store" also hats, leather trunks and valiesses (sic) 
"our own manufacture."  "A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again."   

QUYNN & GOMBER, iron and hardware, Commercial Row, Patrick-street.

Robert JOHNSTON, drugs, medicines, dye stuffs, paints, etc. at "Sign of the Golden Bottle."

C. SCHRIVER & Co., groceries, bacon, flour, liqurs (sic).

Wm. C. SMALLWOOD, dry goods, Market-street.

A. H. HUNT, bacon, flour, groceries, Market-street.

A. K. MANTZ, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, corner of Market and Patrick streets, 
"Sign of Galens Head."

Hugh McALEER, teas, wines, groceries, bacon, flour, Commercial Row, Patrick-street.

A. B. HANSON, teas, wines, groceries, bacon, flour, Commercial Row, Patrick-street.

Basil NORRIS, wines, groceries, bacon, flour, opposite DORSEY's City Hotel.

John A. MANNTZ, tobacco, segars (sic), snuff, Bend, Patrick-street.

D. H. SCHLEIGH, Washington Coffee House, Court-street, No. 1, Summit Level.

D. HITESHEW, Wagoner's and Drover's Stand, "Sign of the Bell," lately kept by John F. 
MILLER in West Bentz-town.  "His House, Yard, and Bar, has been lately fitted up; Bar 
filled with the choicest Liquors, his Table with the best the Market can afford and his
Stable and Yard with the most accommodating Ostlers (stablemen) . . ."

Two other newspapers solicited subscribers.  The United States an expanded weekly, the 
former Weekly Ledger, published by SWAIN, ABELL & SIMMONS, Philadelphia, "The very 
cheapest and best , another weekly mammoth family newspaper" at two dollars per year 
versus the three dollars charged by the similar papers published in New York and Boston.
It promised literature, tales, sketches, biography, natural history, poetry, fine arts,
reviews, agriculture, science, anecdotes, news from both the Eastern and Western
Hemispheres, original essays on finance and political economy "and editorial articles 
on every topic of interest and importance to the people of the United States.  In
discussing questions, political partisanship will be avoided, but the truth shall never
be withheld, nor remain unspoken, for fear of offending any party."  

The Baltimore Saturday Visiter (sic) was described as a "cheap and attractive Literary
Family Newspaper" with more than 40 writers "embracing some of the brightest names in 
the country, beside European correspondents, fill its columns.  "JONES, SHERWOOD & CO, 
No. 212 North Gay Street, Baltimore, offered it at $3 per year.  In both cases postmasters
were promised extra copies if they sent in, with the money required, specific numbers 
of subscriptions.  Special rates were offered to clubs which might use the paper as a 
basis for discussions at their meetings. 

(Author's Notes re the Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette which 
subsequently became the Catoctin Enterprise:  Maryland State Archives holds three 
issues of this newspaper; the Library of Congress only the first issue.  Both say 
the paper was published until "1847?"--the question mark denoting lack of certainty 
as to when publication ceased.  By  17 Sep 1842, Vol. 2, No. 8, if not before,  
Publisher MILLER had shortened the paper's name to Catoctin Enterprise and increased 
its size to about 12 by 19 inches. George C. RHODERICK, JR. [The Early History of 
Middletown, Maryland,  pp. 28, 29] says "It was in 1841 that Jacob T. C. MILLER began 
publication of a paper in Middletown known as the 'Catoctin Enterprise.'"  T. J. C. 
WILLIAMS [History of Frederick County, Maryland, Vol. 1, p. 323] reports "This paper 
was begun in 1839 [sic] by Jacob T. C. MILLER who called it the Catoctin Enterprise."  
WILLIAMS describes Middletown's "enterprizing [sic] and excellent newspaper, the Valley 
Register" as the successor to MILLER'S paper.  

(An article in  Middletown's The Valley Register ["Happenings Which Were Recorded By 
First Local Paper," 20 Jul 1934] says the Register evolved from the Catoctin Whig 
which was established in 1844 and which led to the collapse soon afterwards of 
"Middletown's first newspaper. . . Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette . . .
published weekly by Jacob  T. C. MILLER . . . No definite information is in hand 
concerning the demise of this paper, but it is entirely probable that Mr. MILLER 
discontinued his Democratic publication some six or seven years after it had been 
started [i.e. 1847 or 1848] when the Catoctin Whig, a heated political organ of its 
day, began to gain prestige due to the rise of its party to local power."  The author 
of the article asked "our aged readers" to supply any information on the location 
of the Catoctin Enterprise in Middletown or that "will throw more light upon the 
obscure facts concerning the relations between these two early Middletown newspapers."  

(This 1934 article reported that in subsequent issues Mr. MILLER's paper named George 
GROUARD, who was establishing a night school in Middletown to teach the "common branches 
of an English Education . . . Murray's Grammer, Reading, Writing, Arethmetic [sic] and 
Geography" and also "Stenography, or Shorthand Writing" and "the rudiments of Latin and 
of Elocution," as "authorized agent" for all "printing establishment" business of the
paper.  The article suggests that he was a replacement for Joseph W. WALKER, the original
co-editor and printer who left a few weeks after the publication began.  However, WALKER 
returned several months later as editor although Mr. MILLER remained "editor and 
proprietor" and the actual printing was done by A. H. REINEHART.  "Outside representatives"
were appointed to handle subscriptions, advertising and job printing orders, including 
John A. MAGRUDER, Hagerstown; Jonathan KELLER, Esq., Boonsboro; Frederick K. KRAUTH, 
Frederick; Maj. John KELLER, Burkettsville; and Dr. Jacob COBLENTZ, Dayton, Ohio.  The 
paper's office address was given in one of its later issues as "on Granite Square, Paris
Row, No. 2, nearly opposite the Galt House" in Middletown.

(Other news items quoted from early issues of Middletown's first newspaper, as reported 
in this 1934 article include:
- "The marriage of  Mr. Peter SHAFER, of George, to Miss Elizabeth Ellen, daughter
   of Mr. Geo. ABRECHT, by the Rev. J. C. BUCHER, all of this Valley.

- Market reports from Baltimore, Georgetown (now Washingtoin), Hagerstown, Frederick 
  and Williamsport, quoting wheat at $1.15 a bushel at Frederick.

- A call for a meeting of the 'Middletown Debating Club' to meet at the Academy 
  Building at 'early candle light,' signed by 'Joseph W. WALKER, Secretary.'

- Advertisements calling attention to the opening of new stores, one in Myersville, 
  by Henry G. BRENDLE, and another in Boonsboro, by Dennis SNOOK.

- A call to the citizens of Middletown to meet at 'early candle light' at the 'house 
  of Mr. S. D. RIDDLEMOSER, for the purpose of organizing a fire company,' published
  by 'order of the Burgess,' and signed by 'Dan'l HERRING, Clerk.'

- An advertisement of the 'Barleywood Female Seminary,' near Petersville, with the 
  'Rev. R. H. PHILLIPS as Principle, Miss C. P. HAVEN as Preceptress and Miss Margaret
   THOMPSON as Teacher of Music.'

- Two other advertisements signed by 'S. G. HARBAUGH,' one offering a full line of 
  stoves for sale and the other for 'several hundred bushels of Flax Seed, for which 
  he will pay [sic] one dollar per bushel.'

- Notice by 'James STEVENS' that he has opened the 'Temperance Hotel and Restorateur' 
  [sic] in Middletown and 'will in future refrain from the sale of any and every thing 
   in the shape of Liquor.'  His stock in trade is declared to 'consist in part as 
   follows: Lemonade, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Pecans, Palm Nuts, Rock Candy, Dates,
   Prunes, Figs, Bunch Rasins, Lemons, Oranges, Liquorice, Currants, Pastry, Tobacco,
   Segars [sic], etc.'

("The Enterprise, unlike the Whig  which followed it, did not begin as a political 
paper.  Very little news of a political character appeared in its columns, in unique 
distinction to most of the newspapers of its own day, as political bickerings seem to 
have been the only news judged worthy of publication by most of the American newspapers 
of the early eighteen hundreds . . . ignoring this seemingly insatiate desire for 
partisan political news, the publisher of this, Middletown's first newspaper, departed 
from the custom of the day and gave to his people a genuine 'newspaper' which would 
more nearly give credit to papers of today. . . .'The Public Good Our Only Aim,' he
proclaimed in a banner line beneath his first page heading and it is apparent from the
character and appearance of surviving issues of this historic publication that Mr. Jacob 
T. C. MILLER, for long one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Middletown's
early existence, was giving his constituents a newspaper which, notwithstanding its
limitations and deficiencies as measured in the light of present-day country journalism,
was far ahead of its times."

("It was only in his later issues, from 1844 to 1847, those heated days which saw the 
birth of the Catoctin Whig, that Mr. MILLER's paper departed from its newsy policy and
became an out-and-out political sheet, sponsoring the tenets of the so-called Democratic
faith.  Opponents of the Democrats, the 'Whigs,' soon had Mr. MILLER's party on the 
defense locally and the bitterness of feeling existing between the two political camps
was reflected in their two local newspapers, as is evidenced by the following vicious
attack which appeared in the Catoctin Enterprise  of August 23, 1845:

   'The Editors of the 'Tom Thum' spoon yclep'd [sic, named] the Catoctin Whig seems
to think that 'War Horse's' defeat at the Convention which met in Hagerstown depended 
upon some remarks they had made a few weeks since,. . . . Oh! vain and presumptuous
mortals.  --  Do they not know that their stale sheet is only read by a few, and they 
all 'red-mouthed Coons,' or what did they say, or what could they say, that would even 
move a hair on his head.'

("Sometime after that bitter effusion, the Enterprise  passed out of being, leaving the
entire local field to its mortal enemy, the Catoctin Whig, which later saw the wisdom of
surrendering its voluble efforts in behalf of political agitaion [sic] and gradually, as
The Valley Register, became the thorough journal of local news dissemination which it is
      -- "Happenings Which Were Recorded By First Local Paper": Items of Interest Taken 
from 'Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette' Printed in 1841,'The Valley
Register', Middletown, Frederick County, MD, 20 Jul 1934. 

(Jacob  Thomas  Creager  MILLER, founding publisher and editor of Middletown's first 
newspaper, is this writer's Great Great Grandfather.)

      Submitted by -
608 Warfield Drive, Rockville MD, 20850-1922
Email: [email protected]
April 2004

News Abstracts at

website by Dorinda Davis Shepley
Last revised: October 5, 2006