

Oxford County


Death Records

Aaron Swan son of William Swan died February 10th, 1819

Lazerus Rand died March 28th, 1816

Charles Churchill died November 27th, 1817

William Frost Day died October 16th, 1818

Nancy Day died December 16th, 1818

Frederick Packard son of Stephen Packard died February 28th, 1828

Patty Packard daughter of Stephen Packard died April 2nd, 1828

Hannah Morton Churchill daughter of Josiah and Rachel Churchill died January 13th, 1825

Lucetta Emma daughter of William Jr. and Hannah Swan died December 10th, 1827

<4 records not readable>

Richard Lurvey Davis son of Benjamin and Ruhamah C. Davis died May 23rd, 1832

Artemas Spofford Whitman son of Harrison and Delphini Whitman died May 12th, 1838

Henry Bowker son of Edmund and Mary A. Bowker died February 26th, 1838

Lorenda Cole daughter of Jonathan and Abigail Cole died December 12th, 1837

Lucy Chase wife of Merrill Chase died December 6th, 1841

Lucy Ann Ellis daughter of Eleaser and Lucy Ann Ellis died September 4th, 1836

Lucy Merrill Chase daughter of Alden and Lucy Chase died October 11th, 1846

Henry H. Packard son of Stephen and Eleanor Packard died October 10th 1848

Charles Henry Packard son of Henry H. Abigail Packard died December 28th, 1845

Chauncy Whitman Bowker son of Edmund and Mary Ann Bowker died November 1st, 1849

Mary Chase Fickett daughter of Simon and Ruth Fickett died November 25th, 1847

Merrill Chase died at Paris January 17th, 1860



More Death Records

Note: These transcriptions are how they are found in the Woodstock Town Records - not alphabetized or in the exact order of death.

Transcribed By Lucinda Bowker Brown 

Feel free to email me with question or corrections.

[email protected]

Source: Death Records from Woodstock Town Office

Last Update: 11/08/2003