Canton Queries

Please feel free to post a short query for your surname in Canton, however,
if your lines are not in this town, please do not enter a query here.

How to post a Query:

  1. On the subject line please enter Canton Query.
  2. On the first line of your message, please enter the date, your e-mail address, and your full name.
  3. Please limit your request to 1 or 2 surnames for each Query.
  4. Enter your query as you want it to appear.
  5. Don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time and effort.

I will try to post each message within a day or two.
Enter your query now: Craig E. Bryant

Canton Queries.

October 7th 2006

I am trying to find information on the parents Harriet S. Jones, 7/01/1893, born in Canton, who married Ray Glenwood Ricker, 1889 in Portland. I believe their names to be Wilbur Chandler Jones, b. 1867, and Mary Eliza Stowell. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick Sawyer

November 9th 2007

We are looking for any information on the John Stevens (b.29 Apr 1914 )Family of Canton Point, ME as well as John Crawford Parlin (b. 20 Mar 1863) and wife Alice. Bryan & Ally (Stevens) Pike

Last Updated: November 9, 2007
This site maintained by Craig Bryant, using