Berkshire County, Massachusetts GenWeb Project


Transcribed by Margaret Bence Davis

Source: From the Corbin Manuscript Collection in New England Historic Society.

[ I have made every effort to transcribe the following exactly as it is written, however sometimes human error prevails. Therefore I cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of the following. Anything seen in parentheses ( ) is as it is written. Anything in brackets [ ] are my own notes]

The Corbin notes state, "The following graves and stones were moved, circa 1890, from the old cemetery on North Street, on the spot where the Catholic Church (St. Joseph's) no is. There are three rows of these stones set about 6 inches apart. Only the bare facts were copied"

Correction: Mr. Corbin's facts on this subject are mistaken. The stones were moved, either from the "New Town Cemetery" which was in First Street in the area known as "The Common" (used 1830-1849), or from the "Old Burial Ground" which was located behind the Old Town Hall on Park Square (now a branch office of Berkshire bank). After the opening of the Wahconah Street Cemetery in 1850 all stones from the "New Cemetery" on First Street and the stones still remaining in the "Old Burying Ground" were removed to the Wahconah Street Cemetery. There was never a cemetery located where St. Joseph's Church stands today.

------, Ruus - Died in SAvoy Sept. 2, 1843 ae 7mo.

------, Sarah - Died in Pownal, t., Mar. 19, 1845 AE 7 mo.

------, Triphena - Died in Williamstown Dec. 21, 1845l AE 3 ds.

------, Triphosa - Died in Williamsport June 7, 1846 AE 3 wks.

(The above four names are on the same stone).

BADOR, Anthoney - Died Nov. 17, 1842 ae 38 y.

BADOR, Louisa - Died July 14, 1843 ae 3 mo.

BAILEY, Caroline G. - Wife of Marshall P. Bailey d Jan 20, 1851 AE 31 ys.

BAKER, Eunice (Goodrich( - Wife of John Baker, Junr. & dau of Lt. Gideon Goodrich d Oct 1, 1783 in 26 y.

BAKER, Eunice, Mrs

BALDWIN, Francies - Dau. of Ira C. & Sarah L. Balwin d Mar. 22, 1832 Ae 10 ms 45 ds.

BARNARD, Almira - Dau of John M. & Emily Barnard d Mar. 4, 1846 AE 16 yrs.

BARNARD, Emily - Wife of John Barnard d Sept 20, 1841 AE 41.

BARNARD, Emily - Dau of John & Emily Barnard d Mar. 12, 1836 AE 17 mos.

BARNUM, Caleb, Rev. - Born June 30, 1737 d Aug. 26, 1776 (S.A.R. marker).

BATCHELDER, Horace Hall - Son of John P. & Lucy Batchelder d Dec. 8, 1823 ae 6 ms 22 ds.

BENTLEY, Cyrus - Son of Caleb & Nancy Bently d Apr. 23, 1814 in 21st yr.

BENTLEY, James H. - Dkied Feb. 10, 1843 AE 37 ys.

BENTLEY, James Henry, Jr. - Son of James H. & Lucy Bentley d Feb 22, 1837 AE 1 yr 7 mo.

BENTLY, Royal - Died Mar. 28, 1818 Ae 35 ys.

BIDWELL, Emaline -Died June 20, 1818 ae 5 y. Sophia Noble d Apr. 12, 1819 in 3d yr. Daus of John Laura Bidwell.

BIDWELL, Sophia Noble - See Emaline, above.

BOLTON, Nelson - Son of Gamaliel & Sarah Boldton d Oct. 6, 1818 in 16 yr.

BRATTLE, Edith, Mrs. - Relict of Deacon James Brattle d Oct. 6, 1803 in 44 yr.

BRATTLE, James, Dea. - Died May 8, 1803 in 52 yr. (S.A.R. marker).

BRATTLE, John - Died Dec. 15, 1832 in 82 y.

BROOKS, Jabez - Died Jan. 16, 1817 in 74th yr. Phebe his wife d July 20, 1840 in 89 yr.

BROOKS, Lester - Died Sept. 15, 1839 ae 51.

BROOKS, Lois, Mrs. - Wife of Lester Brooks d Oct. 23, 1838 AE 48.

BROOKS, Melinda - Wife of Samuel Brooks d Aug 9, 1826 in 37 year.

BROOKS, Phebe - See Jabez, above.

BROWN, John - Died Apr. 19, 1799 in 22d yr.

BRUCE, Robbert - Son of George & Laury Bruce d May 23, 1841 ae 2 y.

BRYANT, Susan M. (Lyman) - Wife of Orren Bryant & dau of Mr. Jjohn C. Lyman d Oct. 24, 1833 AE 22 yr.

BURGEL, Ann - Wife of Joseph Burgel? d March ? 1805 in 37? yr.

BURRILL, Mary Jane - Dau of John & Mary Burrill d June 15, 1845 AE 15 ys.

BURRILL, Sarah Ann - Dau of John & Mary Burrill d May 28 1838 AE 14 mo.

BUSH, Eli - Died May 22, 1803 in 39 yr.

BUSH, Infant , see Sarah, below.

BUSH, Sarah, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Peregrine W. Bush d Apr. 16, 1814 AE 24 ys. Also her infant aged 19 ds.

BUTLER, Adelia - Dau of Bersha Butler d Sept 11, 1839 AE 23 ys. Dear Amelia has left us.

BUTLER, Maria L. - Wife of Ivory C. Butler d Dec. 14, 1843 AE 23 yrs.

CARSON, Frances E. - Died Mar. 28, 1820 ae 11 mos.

CASS, Betsey A. - Wife of Daniel Cass d Sept 23, 1851 Aged 27 ys 6 mos.

CASS, Clarence - Son of D. & B. A. Cass d Dec. 7, 1851 Ae 3 mo.

CHAFFEE, Nancy M. - Wife of Lathrop V. Chaffee d Dec. 12, 1844 Aged 21 years.


CHAMBERLIN, Abigail, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Elisha Chamberlin d Sept. 2, 1794 in 20 year.

CHAPMAN, Marths, Mrs. - Consort of Mr. Alcorel (Alcowt?) Chapman d Mar. 5, 1843 AE 47 ys.

CHAPMAN, Caroline - Wife of Timothy Chapmen d Nov. 22, 1843 AE 30 yrs. & 3 mos.

CHILDS, Sophia - Dau of Dr. Timothy & Mrs. Rachel Chiles d July 27, 1787 ae 1 yr 8 mo.

CHURCHILL, Celynda (Robbins) - Wife of Bradford Churchill and dau of Silvester & Rebeccah Robbins, d Apr. 30, 1819 in the 29th yr of age.

CLARK, George - Died May 10, 1838 ae 4 y 6 mo.

CLARK, Infant Daughter - See Rhoda, below.

CLARK, Naony - Wife of Joseph Clark d Mar. 5, 1775 in 28th yr.

CLARK, Rhoda - Wife of Thomas Clark d Jan. 4, 1799 in 32 yr & her infant daughter d June 1, 1798 ae 2 wks.

CLOGHER, Luke - Died Aug. 24, 1850 AE 59.

COLEMAN, Mabrose S. - Son of Ambrose B. & Mary J. Coleman d July 12, 1848 ae 6 wks 3 dys.

COLEMAN, Elsie E. - See Mary O. below.

COLEMAN, Mary O. - Died July 14, 1853 ae 4 y. Elsie E. d July 18, 1853 ae 1 yr 5 mo. Children of Ambose B. & Mary J. Coleman.

CONE, Elizabeth - Dau of Doct. Joseph O. L. Cone & Mrs. Mary his wife d Sept 9, 1791l ae 15 mo 15 d.

COOK, Mary Jane - Adoped dau of John & Mary Cook d Sept. 5, 1841 ae 5 y.

CROCKER, Helen Maria - Only child of John R. & Harriet A. Crocker d Dec. 28, 18230 ae 15 mos.

CROFOOT, Daniel, Deacon - Died Aug. 27, 1832 AE 57 ys.

CROWFOOT, Jerusha - Dau of Stephen & Marha Crowfoot d Aug. 7, `1773 ae 1 y.

CROWFOOT, Stephen, Dea. - Died Mar. 12, 1772 in 77th yr.

DALE, Green - Died Apr. 15, 1810 in 24th yr.

DEWEY, Leander - Son of Lonson N. & Nancy Dewey d July 20, 1842 AE 14 mos 20 dy.

DICKINSON, Jonalthan - Of Amerst, d at Pittsfield Sept. 7, 1798 in 62 yrs.

DORN, Alexander - Died Jan. 12. 1823? in 35th yr.

DORN, Jacob Loyillard - Son of Alexander & Lydia Dorn d Apr. 7. 1823 ae 9 mos.

DUNHAM, Frances Mary - Died Sept. 20, 1841 ae 5 y 6 mo. Oznii died Apr. 13, 181- ae 6 m. Children of H. C. & Laura Dunham.

DUNHAM, Oznii - See Frances Mary, above.

EASTON, Eunice, Mrs. - The amiable & bnevolent Consort of Col. James Easton d Apr. 14, 1887 ae 45.

EASTON, James, Col. - Died May 26, 1796 AE 68 (S.A.R. marker).

EASTON, Sylva, Mrs. - Died Oct. 16, 1780.

EASTON, Sylva (Williams) - Consort of Mr. James Easton, Jr. youngest dau of Co. Wm Williams d Oct. 15 1785 AE 91

ELLIS, Elijah - Died July 15, 1804 in 21 yr.

ELLIS, John - Died Mar. 6, 1803 in 68 yr.

ENSIGN, Electa W. - Wife of Maj. Thomas Ensign d June 11, 1854 AE 62.

ENSIGH, Elijah, Capt. - Dled Mar. 4, 1810 AE 53 ys. (S.A.R. Marker).

ENSIGN, Jacob - Died Jan. 17, 1813 AE 89. Erected by Elijah Ensign (S.A.R. marker).

ENSIGN, Jacob, Jr. - Died Oct 10, 1791 in 47 y. Three amiable daughters: Polly aged 5 ys & 7mos, Poly, 2nd aged 2 ys & 6 mos, Parmelia aged 9 mo & 4 da.

ENSIGN, Infant daughter - See Perez Graves, below.

ENSIGN, Parmelia - ee Jacob, Jr. above.

ENSIGN, Perez Graves - Died Aug. 29, 1802 AE 17 mo & 4 ds. Infant daughter b Feb 12, 1800, d same day Children of Elijah & Phebe Ensign.

ENSIGN, Polly - See Jacob, Jr. above

ENSIGN, Polly, 2nd - See Jacob Jr., above.

ENSIGN, Sarah - Wife of Mr. Jacob Ensign d Aug. 5, 1788 aged 62 yrs.

ENSIGN, Thomas, Major - Died Mar. 29, 1842 AE 52 yrs.

ESTES, George H. - See James M. below.

ESTES, James M. - Died April 6, 1847 ae 13 ys. George H. d Apr. 8, 1847 ae 3 yr. Sons of Abijah & Emily E Estes.

FAIRFIELD, Elijah - Son of Joseph & Elizabeth Fairfield, d Nov. 10, 1825 (age buried in rock).

FAIRFIELD, Elizabeth, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Joseph Fairfield, Jr. d May 12, 1826 AE 86 yrs.

FIELDS, Catharine - Wife of James Fields d Jan. 18, 1852 ae 65 ys.

FOSTER, Ira - Died Dec. 5, 1834 AE 46.

FOSTER, Lucy - Wife of Ira Foster d May 22, 1848 AE 55 yr.

FRANCIS, Abigail - See Josiah, below.

FRANCIS, Anna, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. John Francis d Sept 19, 1801 ae 41.

FRANCIS, Charline - Dau of Mr. John & Mrs. Anna Francis d Sept. 20, 1802 ae 1 yr 17 d.

FRANCIS, John, Rev. - Died Sept. 21, 1811 in 55 yr. He was oredained to the Mininstry in the Baptist profession June, 1806 and til his death continued a faithful servant of the Lord. I am the resurrection and the life. (S.A.R. marker).

FRANCIS, John, Jr. - Died 17 Sept. 1815 ae 19 ys.

FRANCIS, Josiah - Died Mar. 2, 1814 in 79th yr. Abigail Francis his wife d May 13, 1814 in 76th yr.

FRANCIS, Oren G, - Son of Chas. & Roxanna Francis d Aug. 23, 1826 ae 1 y 7 mo.

FULLER, Demmis - Consort of the late Maj. Daniel Fuller d Apr. 17, 1823 in 33 year.

FULTON, Anne Goodrich Austen - See John below.

FULTON, John - Born Aug. 19, 1746 died Aug. 27, 1805. A soldier of the Revoluition. Anne Goodrich Austin Fulton his wife born 1754 (S.A.R. marker) Erected by his great grandson William Edward Fuller. [note the name changes from Fulton to Fuller??]

GABRIEL, Charlott A. - Died Feb. 2, 1857 ae 4 y 3 ms. Ella E, d Mar. 4, 1857 ae 1 y 3 m, dau of Wm. & Jeusha Gabirel.

GABRIEL, Ella E., - See Charlotte A. above.

GABRIEL, Herbert - Son of Wm. & Jerush Gabriel d Aug. 1858 ae 20 yr.

GABRIEL, Mary Ann - Died Aug. 9, 1842 ae 34.

GAGER, John A. - Died Oct. 11, 1831 AE 25. A native of Franklin, Ct.

GEAR, Hexekiah - Died Aug. 4, 1822 AE 61.

GEAR, Sarah - Dau of Hexekiah & Sarah Gear d Aug. 18, 1832 AE 36.

GOODMAN, Elizur - Son of Titus & Sally Goodman d Oct. 4, 1810 ae 5 y 5 m.

GOODRICH, Lucy - Consort of Capt. Charles Goodrich d Sept. 3, 1769 ae 42.

GRAVES, Elijah - Son of Lieut. Moses & Mrs. Martha Graves d Sept. 7, 1765 Aetatis suae 20th.

GRAVES, Polly - Died Dec. 15, 1788 AE 14 ys 7 mo 7 ds.

GREEN, Phebe Maria - Dau of Richard & Loes Green d Mar. 17, 1841 ae 18 m 23 d.

GRISWOLD, Harriet - Dau of Simeon Griswold Esqu. & Ann Griswold d Sept. 22, 1813 AE 19 yrs. Sophia Griswold d. Nov. 10, 1790 AE 13 mos.

GRISWOLD, Sophia - See Harrieot, above.

HALE, Cynthia, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Ashbell Hale d Decl 29, 1791 AE 32. Also 3 infants, 2 sons & a daughter one aged 25 days, one 8 days & one 4 days. When you my friends are passing by / And this informs you where I lie / Remember you e're long must have / Like me a mansion in the grave. Sleep my dear babies and take your rest / God call'd you home Because twas best.

HALE, Esther, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Joseph Hale d Apr. 21, 1795 in 32 yr. Her infant child buried with her..

HALE, Infant - See Loring, below.

HALE, Infant child - See Esther above.

HALE, Infant sone and daughter - See Cynthia, above.

HALE, Loring - Son of Joseph & Esther Hale d Feb. 28, 1788 ae 2 y, also an infant ae 5 dy.

HARTFORD, Rose - See Samuel, below.

HARTFORD, Samuel (a slave) - This monument (to) the avails of the steady industry and careful economy of Samuel Hartford and Aunt Rose his Faithful wife was raised to their memory by his Administrator. They were born in slavery and became free by their honest earnings.

HAY, Anne I. - Wife of Capt. Benj'n May d May 20, 1826 AE 26 y.

HAYDEN, Catherine A. - Died Feb. 28, 1846 AE 18.

HAYS, Joseph? McGill - Son of Wm. & Betsey Hays d Sept. 1804 ae 4 y 8 mos.


HAZARD, Enoch - Died Oct. 24, 1813 in 25 yr.

HIRST, Albert - Born July 16, 1843 died Oct. 9, 1843. Mark Hirst Born Sept. 1, 1844 Died Sept. 16, 1844. Frederick Hirst Born Dec 8, 1846 Died July 29, 1847. Children of John W. & Harriet Hirst.

HIRST, Frederick - See Albert, above.

HIRST, Harriet - Wife of John W. Hirst d June 16, 1848 in 40 yr.

HIRST, James & Job - infant sons of John W. & Harriet Hirst d in Sept. 1838 & 9. Wm. Hirst d Oct. 13, 1842 AE 7 mo.

HIRST, Job - See James, above.

HIRST, John W. - Died Oct. 7, 1852 AE 59 yrs.

HIRST, Mark - See Albert, above.

HIRST, William - See James, above.

HITCHCOCK, Electa, Miss - Dau of Oliver & Elizabeth Hitchcock d May 4, 1915 ae 15 y.

HOGAN, David C. - Son of Edward C & Eunice Hogan d Apr13, 1838 ae 1 y.

HOLCOMB, Eliza T. - Died Oct. 6, 1829 AE 29 ys.

HOLDER, Charles - A native of Gloucestershire, England d June 28, 1840 Aged 67.

HOLDER, Charles H. - Son of John & Betsey Holder d Feb. 27, 1845 AE 9 ys.

HOLT, Lydia S. - Wife of Edmund Holt died April 25, 1847 AE 52 yrs.

HOXIE, Nancy Wells - Dau of Cyrus & Asenath Hozie d Jan 19, 1842 AE 3 ys 8 ms.

HUBBARD, Daniel, Capt. - Died Dec. 18, 1777 in 64 yr. Also Mrs. Naomy Hubbard his relict died Jan. 29, 1800 in 82 yr. They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided. (S.A.R. marker).

HUBBARD, James, Dea. - Died Sept. 16, 1813 AE 70. and Martha his wife d Oct. 8, 1812 AE 72 (S.A.R. marker).

HUBBARD, Martha - See James, Dea., above.

HUBBARD. Noamy - See Daniel, Capt., above.

HUBBARD, Patty - Dau of Deac. James & Martha Hubbard d Nov. 25, 1799 in 22 yr.

HUBBARD, Paul - Died May 14, 1784 AE 25 yrs. (S.A.R. marker).

HUBBARD, Paul, Son of Mr. Paul & Mrs. Easther Hubbard d Feb. 24, 1780 ae 5dys.

HUBBY, Hannah, Mrs. - Wife of Johnathan Hubby d Oct. 3, 1807 AE 67.

HUBBY, Hardy - Son of the late Jonalthan Hubby d Sept. 8, 1808 in 38 yr.

HUBBY, Jonathon - Died Aug. 24, 1795 in 56 yr. (S.A.R. marker).

HUNGERFORD, Dulcenia M. - Wife of Eli B. Hungerford d Mar. 27, 1846 AE 39 ys.

INGHAM, Henry A. - Died May 21, 1833 AE 18 ys.

IVES, Merit - A student in the Berkshire Medical Institution d Oct. 8, 1825 ae 25 yrs.

JACKSON, Avery - Died Sept. 26, 1818 ae 37 y. Marilla Jackson d Sept 8, 1818 ae 43 y.

JACKSON, Marilla - See Avery, above.

JEFFORDS, Susanna, Mrs. - Wife of Amasa Jeffords d Dec. 1, 1810 in 35th yr.

KEELER, Eliaa - Died Sept. 25, 1814 in 45 yr.

KEELER, Laurana - Dau of Elias & Elizabeth Keeler d nov. 4, 1814 ae 20 y & 10 ds.

KERSHAW, James - Son of George & Carolone Kershaw d June 28, 1844 AE 3 mo 8 ds.

KITTREDGE, Mehattabell = consort of William Kittridge d Aug. 2, 1828 in 69 yr.

KITTRIDGE, William, Dr. - Died June 23, 1913 in 51st yr.

LARNED, Simon, Col, - Died at his residence in this town on the 9th of Nov. 1817 aged 63 years.

(S.A.R. marker).

LEWIS, William Henry - Son of Geo. & Margaret Lewis died Oct. 1, 1839 ae 2 yr.

LITTLE, Mable, Widow - The mother of Woodbridge Little, Exq. d Aug. 4, 1801 in 86 yr.

LITTLE, Parthenia, Mrs. - Erected by Woodbridge Little, Esq. to perpetuate the remembrance of Mrs. Parthenia Little his beloved consort who died April the 25th 1806 Aged 61 years. Dear Spirit the Sculptlured stone can never tell thy worth.

LITTLE, Woodbridge, Esq. - Died June 21, 1813 ae 72 y. Mr. Little left no issue. He gave liberally to the Poor relations & Friends. To the support of Public Worshiop and missionarly Exertions. Those eduvated at Williams College by his charity will through future ages celbrate his Christian Benevolence. He whoe wealth is spent in works from which many derive some taste of Comfort in the world of woe, holds no mean Rank in public Estimation. (S.A.R. marker).

LIVERMORE, Henry - Died No. 14, 1841 AE 44 ys.

LIVERMORE, Lucy - Died Sept. 19, 1793 AE 50 ys.

LOOK, Charles W. - Son of Ely & Betsey Look d June 6, 1838 ae 6 y.

LOTHROP, Elizabeth, Mrs. - Wife of Solomon Lothrop d Apr. 19, 1774 ae 24 y - mos 3 dys.

MAYNARD, Eli, Junr. - Son of Mr. Eli & Mrs. Merab Maynard d Aug. 25, 1812 AE 9 mos.

MAYNARD, Nancy - Dau of Mr. Eli & Mrs. Marab Maynard d Sept 23, 1812 in 17 yr.

McSCUYLER, David - Died Oct. 31, 1769 ae 23 y 4 mo 9 dy.

MEAD, Polly - Dau of Epraim & Polly Mead d July 1, 1786 ae 31 mo.

MERRY, Hannah - Wife of Alvert Merry died Nov. 2, 1837 AE 38 yrs. Timothy R. Son of Albert & Hannah Merry d May 7, 1838 Aged 17 mos.

MERRY, Timothy R. - See Hannah, above.

MONTAGUE, Experience, Mrs. - Wife of Allen Monaglue d Mar. 12, 1839 ae 44.

MONTAGUE, Harriet - Wife of Charles Montague d Mar. 15, 1848 ae 30 yrs.

MONTAGUE, James - Son of Allen &Experience Montague d Sept. 10, 1824 ae 5 y 10 m.

MONTAGUE, Lucy - Dau of Seth & Sybil Montague d Aug. 3, 1837 ae 49 yr.

MONTAGUE, Seth - Who suffered 7 yrs in defece of his Country, died Nov. 15, 1830 aet 75. (S.A.R. marker).

MONTAGUE, Sybil, Mrs. - Wife of Seth Montague d Feb. 20, 1836 ae 80 y.

MOODY, Charlotte - Wife of Elijah Moody d Feb 28, 1853 aged 81

MOODY, Elijah - Died June 27, 1848 AE 84 ys.

MOODY, Lucy T. - Wife of Cotton Moody d Aub. 16, 1839 ae 38.

MORGAN, Margaret, Mrs. - Wife of Ens'n Thomas Mortan d July 23, 1772 in 48th yr.

NEWELL, Benjamin - Died Aug. 4, 1825 in 46th yr.

NEWELL, Lucy, Widow - Died Dec. 21, 1816 in 78th yr.

NEWTON, Bezaleal - Died Dec. 16, 1839 SE 71 yrs.

NEWTON, Harry - Son of Bezalael & Patty Newton AE 25 ys.

NEWTON, Nancy - Dau of Bezalael Newton & Patty Newton d Nov. 7, 1846 AE 12 ys 1 mo.

NEWTON, Patty - Wifee of Bezalael Newton d Aug. 27, 1846 AE 76 ys.

NICOLS, Selden - Son of Ely & Sally Nicols d Apr. 9, 1807 aE 85 yrs.

NOBLE, Aaron - Died 2 July 1844 ae 76 y.

NOBLE, Naomi - Wife of Aaron Noble d Mar. 10, 1857 AE 85 yrs.

OSBORN, Hannah - See Vivus, Dea., below.

OSBORN, Vivus, Dea., - Died Nov. 8, 1830 ae 53 y. His wife Mrs. Hannah Osborn d Dec, 21, 1830 ae

53 y.

PARTRIDGE, Martha, Mrs.

PARTRIDGE, Martha (Graves) - Consort to Deacon John Partridge & daughter to Lieut. Moses Graves. She died Sept 2, 1785 aged 41 years 5 mon & 20 days.

PAYN, Rhoda - Wife of M. Payn d Jan. 22, 1849 AE 37.

PEARCE, Bettey - Beloved wife of George Pearce d Aug. 161846 AE 48 years. A native of Somersetshire, England.

PECK, Daniel - Son of Benjamin & Sarah Peck d Jan. 7, 1791 ae 14 mos.

PERKINS, Seth, Dr. - Aon of James & Margaret Perkins of Lyme in ye STAre of Connecticut d Feb. 2, 1777 in 23rd y.

PHELPS, Benjamin - died Aug. 14, 1828 AE AE 66. (S.A.R. marker).

PHELPS, William, Ensign - Died Dec. 20, 1773 in 43rd y.

PHELPS, Sarah, Mrs. - Wife of Nathaniel Phelps d July 2, 1773 in 62 yr.

POMEROY, George - Died June 2, 1811 ae 15 yr & 10 mo.

POMEROY, Seth - Died Mar. 18, 1822 ae 40.

POTTER, Charlotte - Wife of Morris Potter d Jan. l7, 1849 ae 72 y 6 ms.

PURVIS, John - Died in this town July 17, 1811 AE 54. Mr. Purvis was born in Ross, in the County of Northumbarland in England. This monument covers the remains of an English Merchant, much respected by all who knew him for his manly virtues & honest worth.

RICE, Merrick, Esq. - Councellor at Lae Late of Harvard in the County of Worcester, State of Massachusetts who died suddenly in this town August 26 AD 1819 Aged Fifty five years.

ROBBINS, James - Died May 27, 1799 in 30 yr.

ROBERTS, Polly - Dau of Edward Roberts d Mar. 13, 1807 in 16 yr.

ROBY, Elizabeth - Wife of Franklin H. Rovy & d dau of J. W.& H. Hirst d Feb. 22, 1852 AE 19 yrs.

ROWE, Barlow - Died Feb. 24, 1849 AE 72.

SACKETT, Solomon - Died May 11, 1814 in 52 yr.

SEDGWICK, Catherine - Died July 7, 1834 only child of Franklin B. & Mary Ann.

SELLAR, Robert - Died May 4, 1821 in 25th yr.

SELVEY, Asa - See Miriam, below.

SELVEY, Jeremiah - After a lomg lifeof piety and usefulnes d Mar. 9, 1807 ae 78 y.

SELVEY, Miriam -Wife of Jeremiah Selvey d Oct 14, 1799 in 69th yr. Silvanus /Selvey d Apr. 18, 1783 in 26th yr. Asa Selvey d Aug. 15, 1792 in 31st yr.

SHEARER, Joseph L. - See Loney M.m below.

SHEARER, Loney M. - Died Feb 4, 1838 AE 12 yrs. Joseph L. d Feb. 26, 1838 AE 3 yrs. Children of Daniel Sarah Shearer.

SHEARER. Joseph - Died Sept. 18, 1838 AE 82

SHOEMAKER, Eve - A coloured woman d at her residence in Pittsfield Sept. 30, 1813 ae abt. 70. Distinguished for her sobriety, industry & economy.

SMITH, Charles H. - Son of J. W. & Harriet Smith d Mar. 21, 1817 ae 6 y 2 m. Eber their son d Apr. 26, 1817 ae 2 y 6 m.

SMITH, Eber - See Charles H., above.

SPRAGUE, Elias - Died Oct. 2, 1832 ae 57.

SPRAGUE, Susan Maria - Wife of William P. Sprague d Aug. 9, 1852 AE 23 yrs.

SPRAGUE, Sylvia - Dau of Elias & Mary Sprague d July 19, 1838 AE 25.

STANTON, Lodowick - Died Apr. 30, 1810 AE 21.

STANTON, Lodowich - Died Mar. 15, 1829 AE 81.

STANTON, Robert - Son of Lodowich & Thankful Stlanten d Dec. 6, 1808 AE 22.

STANTON, Thankful - Wife of Locowick Stanton d July 29, 1824 AE 73.

STILES, Zebediah - Mr. Zebediah Stiles & Mr. Experince Stiles imigrated from Westfield with some of the first settlers to this town AD 1752. Braving tlhe savage beasts of the forest and men more savage far than these. Mrs. Stiles died June 9th, 1814 AEt 81. Mr. Stiles died June 15th, 1814 AEt 90. An honest man the noblest work of God. A virtuous Woman is a crown to her husband. (S.A.R. marker)

STODDARD - Children of Israel Stoddard, Esq.

STODDARD, Israel, Esq.

STODDARD, Sylvester F. - Died Aug. 8, 1847 ae 12 y.

STRONG, Olive Tremaine, Mrs. - Consort of Wj. Strong & dau dau of Nathaniel & Olive Tremain d Feb. 27, 1815 AE 27 ys.

TAYLOR, Cynthia - Died Sept. 22, 1775 ae 18 mos. Cynthia ye 2nd d Sept. 13, 1779 ae 23 mos. Daus of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Hannah Taylor.

TAYLOR, Cynthia, 2nd - See Cynthia, above.

TAYLOR, Thomas, Junr. - Died May 22, 1793 in 12th yr.

THOMPSON, Mary - Dau of thoms D. & Abigail Thompson d Dec. 19. 1829 in 6th yr.

TIPLADY, Thomas - Son of Thoms & Ann Tiplady d July 23, 1858 AE 39.

TREADWELL, Kexiah M. - Wife of William Treadwell d Ja. 23, 1858 AE 39.

TREMAIN, Chloe - Dau of Nathaniel & Olive Tremain d Aug. 22, 1836 AE 43 ys.

TREMAIN, Isaac - Son of Milo & Sophia Tremain d Dec. 19, 1836 AE 3 y 13 ds.

TREMAIN, Milo - Died Dec. 22, 1836 AE 29 ys.

TREMAIN, Nathaniel - Died Dec. 29, 1844 AE 87 ys.

TREMAIN, Olive - Wife of Nath'l Tremain d Sept. 29, 1833 AE 71 ys.

WARD, --nj---- Wife of Amos Ward d May 24, 1830 AE 36 yrs.

WELLER, Chauncey - Died Sept. 27, 1809 AE 25.

WELLER, Chauncy - Son of Daniel & Dimmis Weller d Aug. 8, 1820 in 19 yr.

WELLER, Clarissa - See Sarah, below.

WELLER, Daniel, Capt. - Died Mar. 16, 1808 ae 67 ys. (S.A.R. marker).

WELLER, Daniel, Maj. - Died Apr 21, 1810 in 44 yr. (S.A.R. marker).

WELLER, Lois, Mrs. - Consort of Capt. Daniel Weller d Nov. 16, 1806 in 64 yr.

WELLER, Nancy - Died Aug. 20, 1804 in 11 yr. Rhoda died Sept. 2, 1804 in 6 yr. 2 children of Mr. Enoch & Mrs. Rhoda Weller.

WELLER, Rhoda - See Nancy, above.

WELLER, Sarah - Died Feb. 14, 1777 in 7 yr. Clarissa d Jan 12, 1777 in 4 yr. Daus of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Louis Weller.

WEST, Sarah - Wife of Mr. Samuel West d Mar. 7, 1784 AE 44 ys.

WESTON, Anna - Wife of Mr. Jonathan Weston d Jan. 6, 1805 AE 46 (or 76?) yrs. Jonathan Weston d Jan. 1786 AE 5 yrs. Laura Weston d Mar. 23, 1798 AE 3 yrs. Ira Weston d Aprl 4, 1798 AE 6 yrs.

WESTON, Ira - See Anna, above.

WESTON, Jonathon - See Anna, above.

WESTON, Jonathon - Died Sept. 17, 1829 in 85 yr. (S.A.R. marker).

WESTON, Laura - See Anna, above.

WHEELER, Ann M. - Dau of Thomas C. & Mary J. Wheeler d June 19, 1838 ae 1 yr 8 mo.

WHITE, Abigail, Miss - Dau of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Abigail White d May 11, 1803 in 17 yr.

WHITE, Abigail, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Ebenezer White d Aug. 31, 1827 in 83 yr.

WHITE, Abigail - Died Feb. 29, 1806 ae 6 mo. William H. d Sept. 19, 1811 ae 2 y 8 mo. Son & Dau of Enoch & Sarah White.

WHITE, Ebenezer - Died May 15, 1794 aged 50.

WHITE, Frederick - Died Apr. 7, 1818 ae 9 mo 6 dy. William T. d Jan. 5, 1822 ae 19 mos 5 dys. Children of Enoch & Sarah White.

WHITE, James P. - See Lucretia Ann, below

WHITE, Jeremy C. - Son of Enoc & Ruby White d Aug. 8, 1835 ae 6 mo 17 dy.

WHITE, Lucretia Ann - Wife of James P. White d Aug. 25, 1835 AE 24. James P. Wlhie d at N. York Dec. 9, 1841 AE 30. Erected by his father.

WHITE, Polly - Died Oct. 39, 1846 AE 6 yrs.

WHITE, Polly - Dau of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. ABigail White d July 8, 1779 AE 1 yr 11 mo.

WHITE, William H. - See Abigail, above.

WHITE, William T., - See Frederick, above.

WHITING, Harriet J. - Infant dau of Jonas & Harriet Whiting d Apr. 1 1838 ae 4 wks.

WHITNEY, Hepsibeth, Mrs. - Wife of Mr. Asa Whitney d Nov. 16, 1815 AE 63 ys.

WHITNEY, Joshua Clark - Son of Joshua & Eunice Whitney d May 14, 1800 ae 8 mo 16 dy.

WHITNEY, Lorain - Child of Noah A. & Olive Shitney d Sept. 30 1798 ar 13 mos 11 d.

WICKS, Thomas - Died at Ashfield Feb. 25, 1841 AE 23 yrs.

WILLCOX, Roxanna - Dau of Stilman & Roxanna Willcox d Sept. 19, 1801 ae 2 y 2 mo.

WILLIAMS, Bildad - Died Apr. 27, 1851 AE 60 ys 4 mo 12 ds.

WILLIAMS, Hannah, Madam - Second Consort of the Honl M. Williams, Esq. and first wife of Joseph Shearer, ESq. (long poem) Mrs. Shearrer was born Sept. 20, 1730 died May 21, 1821 ae 91.

WILLIAMS, Juliana - Wife of Bildad Williams d June 28, 1846 AE 65 ys 5 mo. 6 ds.

WILLIAMS, Lydia - Wife of Cato Williams d Apr. 29, 1847 AE 82 ys.

WILSON, Jonathan, Jr. - Died Feb. 26, 1808 AE 18 ys.

WINDSLOW, Frederick - See Mary E., bleow.

WINDSLOW, Mary E. - Died Apr. 6, 1842 AE 11 ys. Frederick died Jan. 21, 1842 AE 18 ms. Children of Isaiah & Eliza Windslow.

WOLCOTT, George H. - Son of Tertius & Sarah Wolcott d FEb. 24, 1831 ae 16 mos.

WRIGHT, Elizabeth, Mrs. - See Josiah, Dea., below.

WRIGHT, Josiah, Dea. - Died Apr. 16, 1806 in 78th yr. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright his wife d Sept. 25, 1775 in 53 yr. (S.A.R. marker).

WRIGHT, Saloma, Miss - Dau of Deacon Josiah & Theofotia Wright d Mar. 21, 18--.

YOUNG, Mary - Wife of Alaexander Young d Feb. 2, 1852 ae 45 yrs.

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