Lafayette Genealogical Society December 2007 Meeting Minutes

Volume 2008 Issue 1

17 January 2008 Meeting

The January 2008 meeting of the Lafayette Genealogical Society was held in the meeting room of the Main Branch of the Lafayette Public Library on January 17, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. President Earl Gates called the meeting to order. A moment of silence was observed and the Pledge of Allegiance was given. President Gates presented to the membership the budget for 2008. A discussion followed and it was moved that $150.00 be included for the genealogy conference to be held in October 2008. The motion was seconded and approved by the membership. An account of the Christmas Banquet and the November minutes will be posted online. The Treasurer�s Report for the period ending December 2007 is as follows:

Beginning Balance (November 2007) $ 3,159.79


               Postage/Box Rent                                           92.00

               Supplies                                                        149.20

               Books                                                             55.00

               Banquet/Publication                                      724.16


               Membership Dues                                         157.00

               Book Sales                                                      12.00

               Publication                                                     161.00       

               Banquet                                                          360.00

          Ending Balance (December 2007)                  $2,829.43

Member Brenda Fuselier spoke on Catholic Church Records with the aid of a power point presentation developed by Earl Gates. Discussions and a question and answer period followed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Fuselier